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Operations and Project Management

Table of Content

  1. Introduction


Organisation management is also known as business management and enterprise management. It refer to procedure which is related to getting peoples together at a common platform or place and encourage them to work together to achieve a predefine goal and objective. Effective organisation management help in a planning and controlling resource and labour in appropriate manner. It include various activities like organizing, planning, leading, controlling and mentoring to attain organisation goal and objective in appropriate manner (Turner, 2014). Organization taken for this assignment is XYZ company which produce, market and sell various range of home appliances. Products offered by company are fridges and freezers, gas and electric cookers, washing machines and electric friars. Now they are trying to enter large screen TV market and their minimum size of TV is 58 inches. Topics covered in this repost are review of effective operation management principles, preparation of improvement plan, develop PLC and review it.


P1 Review and critique of the implementation of operations management principles

Operational management is refer to area which is obsessed with designing of product and controlling of production process of goods and services. It also involves activities which insure that business operations and functions are conducting in a effective manner. It include various activities such as planning, organisation, controlling and supervising the production process to ensure that manufacturing of product is done in appropriate manner. XYZ company use six sigma and lean principles to evaluate marketplace and production process before launching new TV ranges. For this they are launching 58 inches television as minimum size TV of new launch television range.

Six Sigma:

It is concerned as disciplined, data driven approaches and methodology use for identifying and removing defect from any type of process or procedure. Which is related to process of any activities from manufacturing of products and services to transaction of products and services (Jacobs, Chase and Lummus, 2014). This concept include five steps which are define, measure, analysis, improve and control. XYZ company conduct six sigma analysis at their workplace which help them in collecting apprINTRODUCTION

opriate information related to process of manufacturing. Which is related manufacturing 58 inches TV in marketplace. Description of Six sigma in context of respective company is mentioned below:-

Define- In this step an organisation able to identify problems, issues or goal of project which is need to be direct or addressed. According to respected company at this stage Manager Research able to identify problems or project goal and then make strategies accordingly.

Measure- At this stage an organisation able to measure issues and process form where it can be produce. In respective stage manager of XYZ company measure process, issues and then collect information which is required.

Analysis- At this stage research manger of XYZ company evaluate data and identify whether it is relevant or not. If data is not relevant they plan strategies to identify appropriate data which is essential for conducting work in appropriate manner.

Improve- At this stage of six sigma research manger of respective company make efforts to conduct required modification in data which leads to succession of change in appropriate manner (Larson and Gray, 2015). If there is any modification required they will do it according to the requirement.

Control- It is a last step of this procedure, in it manager of respective company apply appropriate solution of problems and task in organisation to accomplish the task in effective and proper manner.

Lean Principles:

In an organisation lean principles help in framing and creating a effective and efficient workplace. Through it research manager of XYZ company able to identify able to identify issues, problem and demand of customers and employees. By this they able maintain effective workplace and able to deliver appropriate things to customers. The lean principles help research manager of respective company in launching 58 inches TV in appropriate manner. Below is explanation of major five lean principle in respect of XYZ company:-

Determine value- It refers to value of products and services for which a customer will pay for their usage (Harrison and Lock, 2017). At this manager of respective company identify what is value of product they will offer to customers in order to attract them and earn more profitability. This will help company in identify need and demand of customers and help them in deciding price of product which can be afford by their target audiences in appropriate manner.

Mapping of value stream- At second step of lean principles respective company manager design a framework or guidelines in order to achieve objective and goal in appropriate manner. Along with this, manufacture products according to customer and deliver to them at appropriate manner. In this removal of activities are done which is are useful and appropriate for attaining goal and objective in effective manner. When manager of respective company remove unwanted and useless process they able to reduce production cost and also short duration of production process.

Create flow- When all unnecessary step get remove form procedure, then other steps of process will conduct in appropriate manner without any hurdle and interruption by which process will complete in proper time without any delay (Subramanian and Ramanathan, 2012). Along with this for avoiding delay in work and for reduce wastage respective company provide training and development session to employees by which they able to work in proper manner.

Establish pull- At this step of lean principles manager of XYZ Company evaluate the stock which is required to conduct process in appropriate manner. They take care of stock level that it should not be too high and not even too low, it must be appropriate according to demand and need. Which help them in fulfilling demand of customer in effective manner.

Pursue perfection- It is related to production process which is use by respective company. It is not necessary to use traditional method, a company can modify and do innovation according to the requirement and need. By doing this XYZ Company able to accomplish their goal and objective in appropriate manner.

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P2 Prepare a continuous improvement plan based on the review and critique of operations management principles

Meaning of continuous improvement plan:-

Continuous improvement plan is refers to ongoing process which is help in improving the procedure, product or services in order to achieve goal and objective in appropriate manner (Nicholas and Steyn, 2017). Along with this, it help in continuous improvement in business strategies, outcome and also develop and maintain relationship with customers, employees and suppliers. Research manager of XYZ Company conduct analysis and design continuous improvement plan which help them in attaining goal and objective in appropriate manner. Continuous improvement plan which is develop by respective company in order to launch 58 inches television in effective manner is given below:-






Evaluate quality of product by using Total quality management

At this stage manage of respective company use total quality management technique to analysis and maintain quality of product which is going to launch in target market. This method or approaches is majorly focus on quality of products and services which is going to offer to customers.

At this manager of XYZ company evaluate and analysis actual product quality to standard quality of products. If they find any issues then they plan new strategies to solve and resolve issues (Gunasekaran and Ngai, 2012).


Conduct delivery process according to Six Sigma

This process help manager of XYZ company to conduct whole process in appropriate manner (Fleming and Koppelman, 2016). This technique is use from stating that is manufacturing of television to the end that is delivering to customers in appropriate manner.

By using this process the respective company able to manufacture television with standard quality and also able it to deliver in appropriate manner to their customers. By this they able to satisfy and fulfil need and demand of customers.


Decide cost which show value of product.

At this stage manger of respective company able to decide price of television which they are going to launch in market. Method which respective company use to decide is premium pricing in which they decide price that show value of product (Olson, 2014).

When respective company manager use premium pricing method for fixing price of product they able to create and develop value for their television at their target market.

Promotional activities

Design and develop promotional activities which help in attracting customers in huge ratio.

At this stage manager of XYZ company decide promotional method in order to attract huge portion of customers. For this can use promotional method like advertising in newspaper, television, distribute pamphlet and many others.

By using appropriate promotional activities the respective company able to attract customer in proper and huge ratio (Ramasesh and Browning, 2014).

By develop appropriate continuous improvement plan the respective company research manager able to manufacture 58 inches television in effective manner and also able to attract customers in proper ways. Along with this it help company in improving their process and product quality in continuous manner in order to fulfil need of customers in appropriate manner.


P3 Develop Project life cycle, business case, project plan, work breakdown structure and Gantt chat

As per the given situation, XYZ company decide to launch new range of large screen television and 58 inches TV is minimum size television from respective range. For this manage of respective company plan and develop strategies which help in attracting more and more customers. By conducting process in effective manner they able to collect appropriate information and data which is necessary for conducting procedure. The research manager of respective company develop and implement creative and innovative techniques in order to launch new television range product into market. For this manager adopt appropriate plan for launching 58 inches television, some major plan which is develop by manager of XYZ company is describe below:-

Project life cycle:

Project life cycle represent four step procedure which is used by almost all project manager for achieving goal and objectives in effective manner by attaining all stage of process in appropriate ways (Pemsel and Wiewiora, 2013). It provide a framework and guidelines for completing task in appropriate manner and leads to attaining succession of work. Four major stage of project life cycle is initiation, planning, execution and closure. These step of PLC help respective company manger to develop plan and strategies in effective manner and attaining objective and goal in proper manner. The evaluation of project life cycle in context of XYZ Company is mentioned below:-

Initiation-At respective stage manager of XYZ Company conduct evaluation and analysis, then identify problems, issues, opportunities and brainstorm with a workplace. That can be attain by them through solving problems, identify and grab opportunities, develop new ideas and many others. The manager of respective company use autocratic leadership theory by which they evaluate their workplace and identify issues and opportunities.

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Planning- In this particular stage manager of XYZ Company able to plan strategies in appropriate manner and convey to their staff. Due to which employers and employees able to achieve goal and objective in appropriate manner (Van, L.N and Martinez, 2012). The planning can be done ion two ways strategies planning and implementation planning. So manager of respective company develop appropriate strategies and plan which help in attaining goal and objective. For evaluating XYZ company use goal setting method.

Execution-This is second last stage of project life cycle and also know as monitoring and controlling stage. At this stage manager of respective company execute plan and strategies which they develop to attain goal an objective in order to earn profitability. They execute plan in appropriate manner in order to achieve and fulfil objective. For execution of plan and for evaluation superior XYZ company use force field method.

Closure-At this stage team or group get disperse after completion of task or a project in effective and efficient manner (Morris, 2013). Before disperse team members handover all documents related to project or task to their senior or shareholder of the respective company. For dispersion of term or group XYZ company manager use 5 stages of team development strategy.

Business case:

Business case is refers to the data which contain all necessary information related to company. Information are like about company, their mission and vision statement, company' objective, strategies to accomplish goal and many other. Business of XYZ company is given below:-

Company Overview

XYZ Company is an organisation which produce, market and sell various range of home appliances. Such as fridges and freezers, gas and electric cookers, washing machines and electric friars. Now respective company is going to launch large screen TV ranges whose minimum size television screen is 58 inches.

Vision and Mission

Vision statement of respective company is to improve and enhance lifestyle of their customers (Pemsel and Wiewiora, 2013).

Mission statement of XYZ company is to provide appropriate quality of home appliances which make their life easy.


The objective of respective company is to provide new range of large screen television to their customers which minimum size is 58 inches.


Manager of respective company make strategies and plan to attract customers in appropriate manner and produce products accordingly which satisfy customers.



Cost which is required by respective company to conduct process of manufacturing large screen television id near about £18,000- £ 20,000.


For communicating new objective of company the respective company manager conduct meeting with their employees and discussed about objective and procedure (Ramasesh, R.V and Browning, 2014). For communicating with customers they use appropriate promotional method which help in attracting customers and encourage them to purchase product.


To maintain quality of product the respective company use appropriate strategies, methods and techniques which reduce wastage and produce product in standard quality. Manager of XYZ company try to maintain standard quality of product.


This refers to activities which is related to achieving goal and objective in appropriate manner. For achieving goal respective company hire manpower according to requirement and adopt new technology which manufacture product in appropriate quality and with minimum wastage.

Work breakdown structure:

Work breakdown structure refers to the process in which work is divided into small components or parts (Fleming and Koppelman, 2016). This help a company in conducting work in more appropriate manner by fulfilling achieving goal step by step. It also provide framework to company in estimating cost of products and services in appropriate manner. Work breakdown structure create by XYZ Company is given below:-

XYZ Company

Gantt chat:

It is develop by Henry L. Gantt in year 1917, it is a horizontal bar chart which is used for managing project. It provide graphical illustration of programmes which help in planning, coordinating and conducting specific task of a project in appropriate manner (Olson, 2014). Simple Gantt chat may be design on graph paper but complex can be develop at project management application such as excel and so on. Gantt chat which is develop by respective company is given below:-

Gantt chat


P4 and critique the effectiveness of the PLC in application to the chosen project

Above mentioned theories and method is essential for attaining long scale and short scale projects. Large scale project are those which required wide amount of resources, assets, money, manpower and many other things (Morris, 2013). Requirement of resources is also depend upon project type, it is for profit or non- profit purpose. Whereas small scale projects are those which required less resource, manpower, time, money, assets and other things for completion of task or project. Superior of respective company use various theories and method for conducting project life cycle in appropriate manner. Such theories and strategies are autocratic leadership theory, forced field method, goal setting method and 5 stages of team development strategy. Manager of respective company use autocratic leadership theory to initiate the evaluation by which they identify problems and opportunities for an organisation. Goal setting method is use to plan strategies and objective in order to attain opportunities and overcome issues or problems. Whereas for execution respective company use forced field method and closure of team they use 5 stage of team development. All these methods and strategies are essential for conducting large scale and small scale project in appropriate and effective manner (Nicholas J.M and Steyn, 2017). By conducting project life cycle in appropriate manner respective company able to achieve goal and objective in appropriate manner. By the help of PLC manager of XYZ company able to launch 58 inches television in appropriate manner at target marketplace.

Like every things and factors has pros and cons product life cycle also has various advantage and disadvantage. Advantage are like by PLC respective company able to conduct planning of new large screen range television, it also help superiors in removing or avoiding barriers which may occur at different stages. By avoiding this employees of respective company able to manufacture large screen televisions range in effective and appropriate manner (Subramanian and Ramanathan, 2012). Disadvantage of project life cycle is that it is time taking and every step of project life cycle required different strategies and methods.


Form the above mentioned topics it can be evaluate and conclude that by operational and project management an organisation able to conduct their day to day activities in effective and appropriate manner. Their are various methods and principles which an organisation use to implement operational management in proper manner, such as six sigma, lean principles and many other. A company also develop continuous improvement plan which help them in improving their quality of products and process. Along with this they also develop and conduct various activities such as develop business plan and case, conduct project life cycle, design work breakdown structure and Gantt chat and many others. The project life cycle is effective for an organisation in attaining long scale and short scale project in appropriate manner.


  • Fleming, Q.W. and Koppelman, J.M., 2016, December. Earned value project management. Project Management Institute.
  • Gunasekaran, A. and Ngai, E.W., 2012. The future of operations management: an outlook and analysis.International Journal of Production Economics.135(2). pp.687-701.
  • Harrison, F. and Lock, D., 2017.Advanced project management: a structured approach. Routledge.
  • Jacobs, F.R., Chase, R.B. and Lummus, R.R., 2014.Operations and supply chain management(pp. 533-535). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
  • Larson, E.W. and Gray, C.F., 2015. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge: PMBOK (®) Guide. Project Management Institute.
  • Morris, P.W., 2013.Reconstructing project management. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Nicholas, J.M. and Steyn, H., 2017.Project management for engineering, business and technology. Routledge.
  • Olson, D., 2014.Information systems project management. Business Expert Press.
  • Pemsel, S. and Wiewiora, A., 2013. Project management office a knowledge broker in project-based organisations.International Journal of Project Management.31(1). pp.31-42.
  • Ramasesh, R.V. and Browning, T.R., 2014. A conceptual framework for tackling knowable unknown unknowns in project management.Journal of Operations Management.32(4). pp.190-204.

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