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Work Based Experience

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  • Unit No: 12
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 17 / Words 4157
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 6136

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
Question :

Some of the questions in the assessment are as follows:

  • Research as well as evaluation of appropriate business which provides better experience in industry.
  • Prioritising tasks as well as responsibilities which are included under work experience.
  • Analysis of advantages which are gained from proposed activities for both Hilton hotel as well learner.
  • Preparing the revised plan based on initial proposal.
Answer :


Paid as well as non-paid internship opportunities which are taken by a candidate from an enterprise in order to improve level of skills and make future bright is considered as work-based experience (WBE). Several types of WBE opportunities are available to the interested candidates which are like internship, summer services, project completion, volunteer tasks, part-time jobs etc. In this any kind of permanent job and service not included, here only y jobs are temporarily done by the people. At the current study, Hilton Hotel business entity is chosen in which I am going to take experience on the profile of HR executive. The company involves in the hospitality sector and reason of selection of firm is that, I am pursuing my study in HR field and want to make my career in hospitality sector. The study shows justification about the organization which is chosen as well as negotiation and constraints of the work experience. In the second part, particular requirements and specific needs of placement along with work experience plan are provided. Third part of the study describes about experience which is taken and identified and revised plan which is prepared after considering initial schedule. At the last explanation regarding to progress is given after comparing with initial or original proposal.


1.1 Research as well as evaluation of appropriate business which provides better experience in industry

In the corporate world there are several kinds of businesses operate in different industries which are like manufacturing, retail, service, hospitality, oil and gas, travel and tourism etc. I have researched on basically three kinds of sectors like retail, hospitality and travel and tourism where companies are such as Tesco, Hilton hotel and Thomas cook respectively. In the Tesco I have found that, it comes under the financial crisis and due to lower profitability position it not able to make expenses on the candidates who are going to take WBE (Russ and, 2013). When talking about the Thomas Cook then through research or evaluation it can be assessed that management of the firm is not effectual. Moreover, very less number of trainings program are arranged by it. At the last, after analysing on Hilton hotel it can be found that, it adopts several numbers of fruitful training plans which lead to enhance skills of employees. In addition to this, effectual motivations, rewards and appreciations also provided to workforce which helps me in order to make experience letter highly effective. Get help with Open book exam now from our expert writers!

On the basis of above conducting research it can be said that, Hilton Hotel Company seems better for taking experience. Due to such evaluation company of hospitality sector is selected by me through which I able to make my future bright. Several criteria's like training and development (T&D), rewards, appreciation, motivation etc. are better of the chosen firm as compare to the other researched entities. Apart from this, Hilton hotel has presence in the global market and offering services across the world (Shipman, 2016). Being a global enterprise, it helps to me in order to understand about the international market as well as can know that how to manage workforce when firm operates at world level. Hence, due to such all the factors and causes I have chosen the Hilton hotel for taking WBE as an internship.

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1.2 Negotiating with tasks as well as supervisor of academic in order to get work experience

When a candidate going to apply for any kind of job like part-time, full-time, permanent, internship etc. then always check out terms and conditions of the company. Moreover, there is a document which is signed among both candidate and company while entering into workplace is called formal written document (Siassakos and, 2013). At the current scenario for giving proposal to take internship training, I use the formal written document method for the position of HR executive. In this I negotiate on the concept of salary or wages, time schedule of the work, working hours, facilities given by entity, communication methods etc. The current WBE offering opportunity of paid working and due to which the at the time of entertaining in job I negotiate about the salary part. Apart from this, working hours are also negotiated that as per the industry standards it must be 8-9 hours every working day. About the relaxation hours, working environment as well as different kinds of facilities are also reviewed and negotiated with the HR manage of Hilton hotel. Loyalty and works which comes under the HR executive designation are also entered in communication with the supervisor like HR manager. Within every business organisation there are some extra and additional benefits are always given to the employees which are also taken into account by me while communicating regarding training in Hilton hotel.

1.3 Providing business constraints while conducting tasks within Hilton Hotel

When I am going to carry out my internship program for taking work-based experience in the selected company then there are several kinds of obstacles and constraints come into consideration. Because of this I am not able to take effectual kind of training which lead to impact on the experience. Different kinds of business restraint which take place within working environment are relating to the health and safety, quality process, training, time of supervising, workload in the firm, problem of staffing etc. Along with this, when cost of raw materials improve the price of final products increase up to the higher level (Tietze and Musson, 2010). Ultimately profitability affects by which I cannot get appropriate and adequate amount of salary on proper time. At the time of talking about workload within Hilton hotel then it can be said that it lead to hamper effective training providing. Due to workload the HR manager and training providers not able to give fruitful programs up to the employees and me. In case, better raining and development programs are not arranged in proper manner then it not supports to improve my skills as well talents. Moreover, in the future I cannot grow towards my carrier which is most effective constraints. Apart from this, being a global entity, HR managers of the Hilton hotel have very engaged schedule which is also one of the biggest problem. The reason is that, they not able to monitor me properly for completion of those tasks and works which are given to me while taking WBE within the hotel.


2.1 Prioritising tasks as well as responsibilities which are included under work experience

In each and every company when an employee provides duties and services to the company then different kinds of roles and tasks are necessary to be done. Along with tasks, various types of responsibilities are provided to the employee while giving services on the designation of HR executive. Being the trainee in Hilton hotel at the position of HR executive different tasks and responsibilities of my are given as below:

  • To recruit and select the proper as well as qualified employee at the workplace at the proper time.
  • Another responsibility is regarding to encourage employees in order to enhance their efficiency and productivity of the Hilton hotel.
  • Furthermore, other work and liability of my being the HR executive is to improving skills and talents of individuals working in hotel through training and development programs.

In order to give priority to the work I will use effective kind of evaluation methods that which one is the most required and profitable for Hilton hotel. For instance, in order to know need of training and development I will undertake 360 degree performance appraisal method which supports to make them skilled. Within workplace for recruiting and selecting the candidates, initially I required more time for scanning their curriculum vitae and taking interview which is almost 2 days. The reason is that, in the interview session three rounds are used which continue up to 2 days. In order to give proper and effective information about the work and encouragement I need time period of 8 hours. At the last, when I am going to arrange training programs and give them tips for enhancing skills then 2 hours each day up to almost 13-15 days will be required.

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2.2 Preparing a schedule or plan for work experience

Schedule of works and tasks

Time frame (in weeks)

Input which expected by the supervisor of Hilton hotel from the cited tasks

Recruitment And Selection Task

  • At the initially Hilton hotel will give advertisement regarding to job vacancy through various media channels.
  • After that, potential candidates will approach up to the cited company and send CV using online or offline methods (Valentine, Nembhard and Edmondson, 2015).
  • Further, HR manager will go for scanning process and take interview.
  • When manager founds that interested candidate is able then recruit or select within entity.

In order to analyse CV of the candidates, take interviews and hire them within Hilton hotel I will require time of almost 6 weeks.

The reason which is selected by Hilton hotel supervisor behind selecting the right candidate is that, to run the firm smoothly and become productive. Within workplace when qualified employees are then it able to become highly productive as well as profitable.

Encourage to The Workforce

  • Very first phase of it will be regarding to the information of workers where HR managers founds those employees who are not satisfied with Hilton hotel.
  • Later, different available methods and tools are reviewed which support to encourage employees and increase their satisfaction level.
  • At the last, HR manage will select any one of two effectual methods and apply on workforce in order to encourage as well as retain them.

For the cited tasks and activities provided the HR manager required time of 4 weeks or approximate one month.

Behind encouraging to the employees very basic expectation and demand of HR manager is to enhance sales as well as profitability condition of Hilton hotel. Profit generation capacity of cited firm is depends on the employees and due to which it encourages the candidates (Corno and Anderman, 2015).Worried for Assignment writing service UK? Take help from our experts!

Providing Effectual Training And Development Programs

  • At the very first, HR manager of Hilton hotel will evaluate performance of the employees and assess requirement of trainings.
  • Further, programs and sessions for arranging the training and development will be conducted.
  • At the fruitful training will be given which lead to increase the skills and talents along with efficiency within workplace of hotel.

Time period which will be required to train employees and increase their talents is 5 weeks or more than one month.

The HR manager forecasts as well as estimates from T&D that its employee become more talented, skilled and qualified. When such all the factors enhance in workforce then efficiency of them improves which is sign of become healthier within hospitality industry across the globe (Crawford and Lepine, 2013). Along with this, aims, purposes and objectives of Hilton hotel also achieved within time frame.

2.3 Analysis of advantages which are gained from proposed activities for both Hilton hotel as well learner

The above provided and prepared tasks and activities are highly supportive for both the like trainee and Hilton hotel. The learner able to get better training from the hotel which helps to increase skills, efficiency, qualifications and talent. When such all the things are improved in candidate up to the better extent then able to make his further carrier bright and taken work-based experience (Work based experience. 2015). Along with this, management of hotel able to generate more sales and profit because I provide it different duties and services on the position of HR executive. During training session and internship loop falls which are founded by me about hotel are also explained up to the HR manager which is beneficial for them to take further steps. In addition to this, above activities lead to make the employees efficient and talented which is beneficial for Hilton hotel in order to enhance productivity and financial performance both.


3.1 Fulfilling particular needs and requirements of placement conforming relating to the codes of practice

For each and every business entity it is highly necessary to adopt all the legal rules and regulation under which various code of practices are involved. At the time of placing candidates within hotel the HR manager is compulsory to use very basic code of practice which is regrading to the gender. This policy is considered as discrimination act where manager should not differentiate among employees by taking base to the gender. This thing will lead to create negative image of entity in the eyes of employees, society and corporate world. Apart from this, criteria and requirement of qualification must be set by HR manager for different job profiles which supports to reduce conflicts among employees within workplace (Dragoni and, 2011). In addition to this, proper procedure of recruitment must be prepared under which interviews are conducted as per the qualifications of potential candidates. This thing will reduce various kinds of problems from the working environment. At the time of taking training of HR executive in Hilton hotel I felt that it adopts discrimination act in proper ways by which any kind of conflicts are not arisen.

3.2 Producing systematic records of tasks which undertaken in Hilton Hotel

At the time of taking training I have maintained my daily work sheet which helps me for recording those works and tasks which are performed by me. For this, I have use written document and computer based work both by which I have not any kind of fear to loss my data. At the very first and initial day I found about the company and its process of recruiting as well as selecting right candidate. After that as days spent in Hilton hotel I record about the training methods which are adopted by it. This information will help me in the future when I will enter in other organisation or become entrepreneur. Furthermore, those methods which are undertaken by Hilton hotel in order to motivate employees like reward system, appreciation, incentives, allowances, compensation etc. are recorded. Due to this, I am able to know that which one is the most effective tool by which employee will retain within workplace for long time. Moreover, I clearly mention and specify in my work sheet and diary regarding to the recruitment and selection procedure because of initial work of HR manager. In addition to this, performance appraisal tools which implemented by the hotel are also recorded in my diary. It helps in my carrier to assess performance and efficiency of employees in highly proper and adequate ways.

3.3 Preparing the revised plan based on initial proposal

Tasks which are scheduled and undertaken by HR manager

Time frame (in weeks)

Recruiting And Selecting Candidates

  • Advertising regarding to job using specific one or two methods like newspapers and social media sites.
  • After giving CV by candidates, interview programs will be conducted for making final decisions.
  • At the end, appropriate and right candidate will be selected in Hilton hotel.

It will take 4 weeks after revised in order to recruit and select employees.

Encouraging The Employees of Hotel

  • Identifying employees who are not having adequate satisfaction level.
  • Assessing accountable factors through which satisfaction level is not meet.
  • Review all the methods and select anyone like motivations or rewards to encourage them.

For encouraging workforce of Hilton hotel the HR manager will take only 2 weeks instead of 4 weeks.

Provide Training and Development

  • Analysing employee performance and efficiency using 360 degree appraisal method for identifying employees to provide training.
  • Use Training Need Analysis (TNA) technique.
  • Conduct and held T&D programs by HR manager.
  • Make the employees skilled as well as talented.

After reviewing the above prepared plan it can be said that for completion of T&D programs 3 weeks will be needed.

3.4 Providing suggestions in order to improve as well as review work-based experience with the suitable supervisor

In the current era the company like Hilton hotel arranging training as well as development programs for enhancing skills of employees. Due to this, I am able to become talented in the present condition as compare to previous original position. At the time of taking work-based experience in Hilton hotel entity it has been found that training programs must be more effective and use along with the better techniques (Evans and Wilson, 2016). It can be suggested to Hilton hotel that it needs to review existing techniques which are adopted in context to training and development section. After this, it needs to provide training to the trainees and interns in accordance to their preferred mode like visual aids, oral presentations etc. This strategy will be highly supportive because the trainees will take interest and support them to increase their level of skills and talents. Along with this, the HR manager of Hilton hotel should use TNA (Training need analysis) method which helps to determine those employees who required the training.


4.1 Monitoring the progress against to the proposal given at initial

The process under which activities and tasks performed by an employee are reviewed and monitored which supports to meet with goals properly is known as monitoring. Moreover, with the help of this process I am able to know that from the initial position how many changes are occurred and up to which I progress in my further carriers. The progresses are such as follows:

  • At the initial level, I not having knowledge regarding to recruiting and selecting right candidates but through internship in Hilton hotel I am able to know about the respective procedure. By this I can recruit as well as hire the right candidate at proper time along with required qualifications (Youth in Action! - Participating in Internships and Work-Based Experiences. 2015).
  • In the proposal I cannot complete any task on the proper time but after working in global firm like Hilton hotel as of now I able to meet deadlines of the work given to me.Looking for paper help UK? Get help from our experts now!
  • I am not that much aware about the effectiveness of T&D programs within firm but when I entering in the Hilton hotel for taking WBE then I determine that through such system of rulesindividuals able to increase their skills. Moreover, it supports to the hotel in order to become more productive as well as healthier in terms of financials.

4.2 Evaluating as well as reviewing quality of the own work performance

In order to assess quality and standards which are performed by me, there are several kinds of methods and processes adopted. In order to meet and achieve standards of the industry I have used my time management skills which are learned during experience. If the time frame which is given is not managed by me then I cannot complete the works and activities on or before deadline. In the original proposal I have written that I cannot make solution of complex and typical situations. But as of now, I can resolve the typical conditions and make appropriate business decisions in order to achieve the objectives. Those acts and tasks which are performed by me are highly effective which lead to enhance my skills at the workplace. On these all the task, supervisor and HR manager of Hilton hotel comments that I have learning attitude and never refuse to complete new tasks. Along with this, it has been said by the HR manager that I adopt new challenges which are comes at the working environment and affect hotel negatively.

4.3 Analysis of learnings which taken place at the time of taking work experience

At the time of taking training as well as doing work within the Hilton hotel organisation I have faced several kinds of problems and constraints. Due to this my performance in the company reduces and I am not able to perform well in the workplace. I have faced issues regarding to manage the given time frame by which I cannot meet with the deadlines. In order to reduce such all kinds of problems as well as obstacles I use different methods. When methods are adopted then I able to get better work-based experience which is supportive for me to make my future bright. By taking help of new and potential process I am able to know effective recruitment and selection of right candidates. Apart from this, I gain experience regarding to the time management which is helpful for meeting with the deadlines and enhance my performance. I able to get experience in relation to the interpersonal skills as well as qualities of the employees by which individuals can interact with new candidates effectively. By doing teamwork in Hilton hotel goals and objectives of it are easily achieved which is the most fruitful experience (Bailey, 2014). Hence, such all the skills and techniques are known by me which support to take effectual WBE to make my carrier bright.

4.4 Recommendations regarding to enhance the work experience

I have analysed that effective kind of experience taken by me through internship in Hilton hotel but due to some lacks cannot get fruitful WBE. Hence, in order to improve my work-based experience I need to attend professional seminars as well as camps which provide training and information regarding to improving leadership skills as I am weak in this. Moreover, for complete all the provided works before the deadlines I should review all the activities which are make at the time of meet with the goals and objectives. Along with this, I require to take advices and suggestions from the experts of human resource field. Through this kind of strategy I will be highly able to take administrative assistant and make my carrier highly bright. Moreover, the gap which remains among previous experience will be fulfilled by using those strategies and methods which are recommended.


From the above report of work-based experience it can be summarised that, Hilton hotel is one of the best company in order to start internship and take WBE as compare to other researched firms like Thomas cook and Tesco Plc. Negotiation as well as business constraints both are those concepts which always arise at the workplace and faced by the employees. It can be said that, with the help of WBE I am able to increase my several kinds of skills and qualities which supports to me for making my carrier bright. It can be analysed that, in the HR framework recruitment and selection, encourage workers as well as training and development are having very basic and important place. Moreover, it can be concluded that by doing internship within Hilton hotel I able to know and learn several things related to HR concepts.

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