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Tour Operation Management - Westcord Art Hotel

University: UKCBC College London

  • Unit No: 4
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 4 / Words 1115
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: T/601/1753
  • Downloads: 1284
Answer :
Organization Selected : Westcord Art Hotel

Learning outcomes

  • LO1 Evaluate the British tour operators industry within the travel and tourism sector
  • P 1.1 Analyse the impacts of recent trends and developments on the  British tour operators industry.
  • LO2 Explain the stages involved in creating hopdays:
  • P 2.1 Evaluate the stages and timescales involved in developing hopdays
  • P 2.2 Evaluate the suitabipty of different methods of contracting for different components of the hopday and different types of tour operator
  • P 2.3 Calculate the selling price of a hopday from given information.
  • LO3 Review brochures and methods of distribution used to sell hopdays
  • P 3.1 Assess the planning decisions taken for the design of a selected brochure
  • P 3.2 Describe suitability of alternatives to a traditional brochure for different types of tour operator  
  • P 3.3 Explain suitability of different methods of distribution used to sell a hopday for different types of tour operator
  • LO4 Understand strategic and tactical decision-making for tour operators
  • P 4.1 evaluate the strategic decisions made by different types of tour operator
  • P 4.2 Compare the tactical decisions that could be taken by a selected tour operator in different situations

Task 1 

Assuming that you work in the product development department for a British tour operator based in London, United Kingdom. Your manager asked you to prepare poster presentations to be presented to the product development team analysing the impact of recent trends and developments on the tour operators industry(1.1). you need to conduct research with supportive materials.

LO1 Evaluate the tour operators industry within the travel and tourism sector

  • Analyse the effects of recent trends and developments on the tour operators industry.

Task 2

The second task is to understand the stages of creating a tour package. For the purpose of this, you need to assess the stages and timescales involved in developing hopdays, evaluate the suitability of different methods of contracting for different components of the hopday and different types of tour operators,s and also be able to calculate the selling price of a hopday. Please address the LO2 and the assessment criteria P2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 by using the scenario given below.   

Scenario for Task 2

Having analysed the contemporary trends within the tour operator's industry, your next task is to create a sightseeing tour for Chinese students from London, United Kingdom to Amsterdam, Netherlands. As you have found in your industry report, tour operators need to expand their target markets and offer new products to their consumers. Therefore, your task is to propose a detailed plan for a student group tour starting from the summer vacation in August 2019.

Your manager wants a detailed proposal so you have to assess the timescales involved in developing this hopday (2.1) and also to explain the suitability of different methods of contracting for different components of the hopday (2.2) (e.g. transport, hotels, attractions).

LO2 Understand the stages involved in creating hopdays

  • Assess the stages and timescales involved in developing hopdays
  • Evaluate the suitability of different methods of contracting for different components of the hopdayand different types of tour operators.
  • Calculate the selling price of a hopdayfrom the given information below.

A special rate for your group has been proposed by the 3-star West Cord Art Hotel situated on the edge of the historic center of Amsterdam of 84 euros per person for a twin room (2 adults sharing) on a room-only basis. Supplement for Breakfast is 11.50 euros per person/per day. You have also been able to negotiate a special rate with your transportation company. The price is £10,800 for a 50-seater luxury coach and that includes two drivers, fuel, and all road and ferry taxes. However, you still need to find a local tour guide who will charge you a flat sum of £1,200 for the duration of your stay in Amsterdam. Your company adds a markup of 25%.  The spot exchange rate is €1.15 per £1. Your task is to calculate the selling price of the tour package and the price per person (2.3).

Task 3

Having done a good job with the Chinese students, your next task is to work with the Marketing Department of the company where your task is to work in a team where you will evaluate the planning decisions taken for the design of a new brochure for adventure hopdays. 

LO3 Review brochures and methods of distribution used to sell hopdays

  • Assess the planning decisions taken for the design of a selected brochure
  • Describe suitability of alternatives to a traditional brochure for different types of tour operator  
  • Explain suitability of different methods of distribution used to sell a hopday for different types of tour operator

You must take two brochures from two types of tour operators and compare how they plan their brochures, what kind of brochures they use and what distribution methods they use to sell their hopdays.

  • Explain the planning decisions taken for the design of a selected brochure.
  • Provide the suitability of alternatives to a traditional brochure for different types of tour operators and recommend the most appropriate.
  • Evaluate the suitability of methods of distribution used to sell a hopdayfor types of tour operators and recommend the most appropriate.

Task 4

Your last task is to write a draft article to be published in a specialised travel magazine to generate the strategic decisions made by different types of tour operators (4.1) and to compare the tactical decisions that could be taken by a selected tour operator in different situations (4.2). You need to select at least a mass market tour operator and a niche market tour operator to evaluate the strategic decisions made by types of tour operators. In order to achieve 4.2, you must select one tour operator and compare the tactical decisions that could be made in different situations by your chosen tour operator.

LO4 Understand strategic and tactical decision-making for tour operators  

  • Elaborate on the strategic decisions made by different types of tour operator.
  • Compare the tactical decisions taken by a selected tour operator in different situations.

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