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Different Types of Communication Models and Systems

University: UK College of Business and Computing

  • Unit No: 5
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 10 / Words 2463
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: D/508/9669
  • Downloads: 1044
Question :

This assessment covers questions which are mentioned below:

  • Models of communication
  • Types of communication systems
  • Communication methods and technology in business
  • How to make communication effective
Answer :


Communication is important aspect which is need to be profound in organisation for attaining sustainability. To make the communication process more better required to adopt effective communication channels. This will enables the top management of organisation is to effectively disburse the roles and responsibilities to different departments and employees to accomplish their goals within given framework of time. To make the communication process more clear is essential aspect as it provides the opportunity to deliver the message in same sense (Al-Mahrooqi, 2012).

In the present report explain about, different types of communication models and systems which are used with the organisation, various type of communication methods and technologies used in businesses and determination of barriers of communication and their removal to make the communication process more effective. Also, description about oral communication and preparation of CV, E-mail and formal letter.


1. Communication model and systems used in business

Communication is refers as the process which includes transferring of information from one place to another. It is one of the medium which is mainly used regarding sharing of the idea, views and feelings which depicts the behaviour of an individual. In context of business, it is important process which is mainly used in disbursement of duties among the employees which they have to perform within the organisation. A good communication is necessary build within the organisation to make effective working relationships with their different stakeholders. This will enables to work in team which is more efficient and profitable in future period of time.

Models of communication

It is refers as the process based on concept which defined about human communication which they prefer while they share their ideas and views. It is basically referred as the process of sending and receiving message from one part to another. The person who shares the information is known as sender the individual who received called receiver. Different types of models which are helpful in transamination of information are defined below:

Shannon's Model:

It is one of the original model which provides the information regarding functioning of ratio and telephone technologies. This model of communication consists three different aspects which includes sender, channel and receiver. For ex., in telephone communication, sender is the person who speaks, channel is itself telephone and receiver is the person on other side who is getting the message delivered by sender. The structure of this model based on different elements such as information source to generates message, transmitter which encodes the messages into signals, channel which accepts the signals for transmission of information and receiver which originally gets the message in real sense (Bramhall, 2014).

David Berlo:

it is observed that in 1960 the model of communication which is provided by Shannon and Weaver's known as linear model is expanded by David Berlo and created the new model of communication which is known as SMCR. This will depicts as Sender-Message-Channel-Receiver model which has segmented the important aspects into different and clear parts.

Types of communication systems

There are many type of communication systems are prevail in which contributes in the process of making flow of information more smooth between two parties. It is the duty of management of organisation is to adopt best type of method which suited more to their organisation's nature and size. These different type of communication methods are defined below:

Optical communication systems:

The process of communication is depends upon light as per the characteristics of this system. This will includes efforts taken by the transmitter regarding conversion of information into optical signals which are finally reached towards the point of recipient. After that this message is decoded by recipient and respond accordingly. Under this model of communication light travel through the medium of optical fibre.

Radio communication systems:

Under this mode of communication information is transmitted with the aid of radio. This system includes two important aspects transmitter and receiver which attached with antenna through which information is disbursed from one to another. Transmitter produces signal with the help of antenna which are carried forward with the help of radio carrier wave and receiver get the signal with the helps of such antenna.

Video conferencing:

One of the effective medium of communication which includes the process transferring of information and message through use of digital platforms. It is mainly used within the multinational organisation to conduct the meeting of officials located in different cities. This will makes the process of transferring information more effective and time saving. It enables the organisation to take informed decisions and accomplish their desired objectives.

Duplex communication system:

Under this system two equipments are used regarding to communicate with each other which can flow in both directions. This will includes the process where message is transmit by sender as signal and accepted by receiver and provides their valuable feedback in return. Here, both person listen each other and share their views and ideas. It is important to develop with the organisation for the purpose of building good teams and creation of healthy relationship between employer and employee. Get the best Teaching Assistance Level 2 Coursework Help in the UK By Ph.D. Writers.

Diversified range of process which is used to communicate with stakeholders

The manager of organisation has the responsibility regarding determination of best practice of communication which helps to provide the timely information to different stakeholders to attain their views and reactions. The major stakeholders which are present within the organisation includes employees, customers, government, investors etc. Different kind of range are defined below:

Meeting: This way of communication majorly used to communicate with employees and business clients. This will helps to effectively provides the roles and responsibilities to employees and disbursement of business objectives to clients.

Conference calls: It includes communication between the group of people through using medium of telephone where group of people communicate with each other.

E-mail: This kind of process of disbursing information is used mainly while communicating investors and government authorities (Chen, 2011).

Lunch meeting: It is considered as informal way of communication which includes the process of sharing ideas and views which helps to create effective bond with each other. This will important in the process of creation of positive environment within the organisation.

2. Communication methods and technology in business

Communication methods

There are many types of methods are used regarding communication within the organisation defined below:

Written communication: It is the type of communication where message send in written form. For ex., E-mail, text messages and SMS.

Verbal communication: This will includes disbursement of messages between two persons by using speech.

Non verbal communication: It includes sharing of information between two people on the basis of wordless cues. This includes use of visual cues such as body languages etc.

Visual communication: This will includes conveyance of ideas and information in such form that can be seen. Here, information is transmitted with the help of symbol and imageries (Conrad and Newberry, 2012 ).

Advantages and disadvantages of formal communication


  • This will enables the organisation to fix the responsibility different personnels within the organisation
  • Helps in development and maintenance of authority relationship within the organisation
  • All the communication which is made has hard proof


  • It is time consuming process to convey message through formal communication mode
  • Required large amount of cost to setup effective formal communication system

Advantages and Disadvantages of informal communication


  • It facilitates fast communication within the organisation
  • This will helps the manager of organisation is to build good relation with employees


  • Due to not having proper channel of communication distorted information is spread in organisation
  • Not helps in maintenance of secrecy of important information
  • The information which is disbursed with the help of this method is usually incomplete in nature

Use of technology in different types of communication

  • Internet: After emergence of internet there are many new communication methods evolved which provides their effort to make the communication more easy in business environment. For ex., Social media, E-mail etc.
  • Mobile devices: Mobile devices brings ease in communication process which allows both the parties to send and receiver messages from anywhere and at any time.

3. Making of communication effective

Principles of effective communication

To make the communication process more effective need to follow the general principles which are essential to attain best results in future. Some general principles of communication which are required to keep in mind by organisational authorities are defined below:

  • Clarity: All the messages which are delivered are required to clear in nature.
  • Simplicity: All the information which are provided by the top management within the organisation is required to simple in nature and easy to interpret. It means simple language and words are used which not provides more than one meaning.
  • Brevity: The information which is provided required to be short or concise in nature. Only such information is included which is need to convey as message.
  • Accuracy: This will provides that all the information and facts which are provided required to be accurate, true and reliable in nature. This will provides the opportunity regarding redressal of issues in appropriate manner (Cotton and Falvey, 2012).
  • Attentiveness: This will provides about receiver that need to be attentive in nature to get the message in real sense. This will results in removal of situation of confusion.

Barriers of effective communication

There are many barriers which arise in the process of communication which restricts the sender is to diver the message and receiver to get it in real sense. Such different type of barriers are defined below:

  • Emotional barriers effects the capability regarding expression of emotional in effective manner
  • Lack of attention and interest of receiver
  • Differences which are arises between the viewpoint and perception
  • Presence of physical disabilities such as hearing issues and speech trouble
  • Presence of differences in language
  • Presence of cultural differences


1. Oral communication

Oral communication:

It refers as the process where information and ideas are expressed with the help of words speak from mouth. It is a type of informal communication which can be normally used by the individuals while having conversation with each other. In the present report, it is used to provide response to irritate customer which not getting the delivery of product within period of time (Kurtz, Draper and Silverman, 2016).

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Interviewer (Customer): Still product is not received by me, Please provide clarification

CSE (My response): Please provide me details of order to check the status and sorry for the inconvenience happened to you.

Interviewer (Customer): My order no is 568855 please check the status and provide me solution.

CSE (My response): Sir, I checked your details the reason behind the non delivery of your product is misinterpretation of you address. I assure you this time the delivery should be provided within the period of 2 days without any charges.

Interviewer (Customer): Thank you for your response


1 E-mail

Email message:

Subject: Non delivering of product

Dear Mr.

I am James your customer, ordered a phone which is yet not delivered to me. My order no is 5595865 and the time period of delivery is yesterday which is passed away. Please check the details and provides timely delivery of product.




Name - Martin

Phone no. - 2358715580

E-mail id - Martin@yahoo.com

2. Qualification

CONCLUSIONIt has been concluded from the above report that communication is integral part of organisation which need to be optimum to gather success in future actions. There are many models which helps in making communication better and application of technologies provides opportunity to provide information to stakeholder effectively.

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It has been concluded from the above report that communication is integral part of organisation which need to be optimum to gather success in future actions. There are many models which helps in making communication better and application of technologies provides opportunity to provide information to stakeholder effectively.

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