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Fostering Dignity and Respect Concept

University: Kensington College Of Business

  • Unit No: 7
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3360
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 722

Table of Content

Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss about the maintain effective communication and their interpersonal ski
  • Discuss about the methods of communication.
Answer :
Organization Selected : N/A


Dignity and respect refer a manner and a quality to interact and communicate with others which make them feel valued (Hall and, 2018). It is also considered the main element for making an effective working environment where different types of people work and feel valued. This study is going to show importance of following codes of ethics, respect and dignity in healthcare services. It will also show rights which patients have in order to improve their health.


1. Ethical concepts in the case study of Wang's and in health care


Health care delivery system refers a method as well as organized response of organization as well as society in order to solve health related problems of people. The main aim of developing healthcare delivery system is to improve health of people and make them disease free. Promoting health, prevent illness and treat disease after detecting it in an efficient manner are some important key functions of healthcare delivery system. NICE and CQC guidance support service users as well as patients to receive the best care based in the available clinical evidence (Bailit, 2017). There are several regulations and guidelines of these bodies which shows ethics, dignity and improve health of patients such as developing quality standards. It is also stated that NICE is one of the respected and trusted body only because of its independence and impartiality.

Fostering dignity and respect

Dignity and respect is one of the main element which every individual seek. Respect and value are interrelated with each other. For example: If an employer makes their employees feel valued by caring their rights and guide them in a right direction then employees show more respect towards the company and employers. So, it can be said that making a working environment with full of respect can help company in accomplishing their goals.

In the case of Mrs Wang's context, it can be said that each principle of ethics such as dignity, freedom of choice and autonomy can support her in improving their health and increasing willingness of live the life in an efficient manner. Mrs Wang is suffering from critical condition of lung cancer and her son told that to not to tell her about the actual treatment and disease because it can decrease her morale. In this regard to it can be said that with the help of dignity, her morale can be increased because respects and dignity satisfy their needs. It refers the way of treating in which patient is actually wanted to be treated. By asking her needs, providing care and respectful treatment, by communicate to her in a polite manner, her morale and health can be improved. Need example assignments, Talk to our experts! 


The main importance of showing respect to others, fostering their rights is improved their mental as well as physical health. In the context of healthcare sector, it can be said that healthcare providers as well as patients seek to be respected and valued. It helps healthcare providers in improving their self-esteem and make them more able to work efficiently. On the other hand, patients when they suffer from any critical disease then they loss their dignity when they require social care services. These services with respect and dignity help patients at their most vulnerable time (Lohne and, 2017).

Rights and importance of it

Rights refers ethical and social principles of freedom and rules about the way of performing things and according to which an individual is allowed to have or to do. In the context of patients and healthcare, the rights of patients is to get right treatment with respect and dignity at the right time (Wynn, 2019). In the context of Mrs Wang, it can be said that she has a right to know that which treatment are being given to her and from which type of disease she is suffering. As her son told to nurse to not tell her about the nature of treatment and just tell her that there is a little wrong. Mrs Wang's son were right as they were concerned but is a right of patient to know and have knowledge that which kind of treatment, she is being provided etc. With the help of dignity and respect, she can be cured.

Power to empower

After examined the health condition of patient where health professional should know better than any one else. At the time, yet it come as surprise and shock for family members when it occurs to us. The professional has been learned about the patient distress by separating the experience from their own (Lohne and, 2017). As a result, it has completely changed the attitude towards the family members. in this way, it has triggered the condition of Mr. Wang's health condition who are suffering from chronic diseases. So as professional will help for support in term of power to empower. Having to the experience life as a patient which means for breaking all type of barrier related protective. In order to build yourself as cope.

The Patient have equal right to provide health care details and support as per requirements. In some situation, it is beneficial for improving their health condition in step by step where medical professional has performed their roles to provide therapies (Gluyas, 2015). It also identifies the benefits and issues related Mrs. Wang's. They must provide the quality of services and extended the rest while request for family members to support in both mentally as well as physically.


From above discussion, it has summarized about the health and social delivery which provide the best quality of services to patient. It can be determined different regulatory bodies which always try to improve quality of healthcare services. It should be understanding about the ethical principles which require for maintaining overall health care services in proper manner. Furthermore, it can be considerations of ethical principles that provide equal right to patient. It also applied quality measurement strategy that support for patient in terms of health condition improvement. It has concluded that applicable person-centred approach and made periodic plan which useful for monitoring activities of team members. Person-centred approach is based on the thinking that medical professional using health service as partner in planning, monitoring and developing.

2. Evaluate that how professional responsible for maintain effective communication and their interpersonal skills.


An effective communication is an important concept within healthcare service sectors. it provides the benefits for engaging with patients, staff members. Communication is based on two-way process that directly affected by culture in which interaction takes place (Ting, Kwok and Lee, 2011). In context of society, the communication is promoting the human development in social changes where each patient has rights to interact with medical professional in regards of healthcare services. On the other hand, an effective communication will help for building a strong relationship with employee and patients rather than basic communication. An effective communication is important for health care service provider to protect their patients and giving the better benefits or advantages. Order assignment help from our experts! 

Four communication Pattern

There are different types of communication pattern that will discussed in proper manner. It mainly involves Downward sloppy, Upward sloppy, Horizontal & Diagonal etc.

Downward Sloppy

It is based on the formal chain command communication pattern that has established the direct coordination with subordinates (La and Wang, 2015).


  • It is increasing the efficiency and performance.
  • It provides facilities for developing strategies, plan, procedures and policies.


  • The Downward communication pattern is very time consuming.
  • There is a lack of explanation.

Upward Sloppy

It is a type of line communication which establish the interaction and convey information through seniors (Fealy, Donnell and Zaki, 2019).


  • It provides the opinion and suggestion from superiors to resolve issues.
  • Inspiring and motivating employee towards targets.


  • It has increased the fear due to inefficiency.
  • There is lack of initiative

Horizontal Sloppy

This type of Horizontal communication pattern involves for exchanging information through departments at same level within healthcare sector (Fealy, Donnell and Zaki, 2019).


  • It helps to reduce misunderstanding.
  • It is gaining the advantage of informal communication.


  • It also discourages the attitude of top management.

Diagonal Sloppy

It is based on the cross-functional communication pattern among staff member at various level of health case sector.


  • It has increased the speed, efficiency and performance, which create a positive relation.


  • Time-consuming in which may increase inefficiency.

In above discussed four different communication patterns that describe how the strength can help to offer the best communication relationship with Mrs. Wang and provide the full details about health conditions (Fealy, Donnell and Zaki, 2019). It must require when they aware about the situation and improve themselves.

Methods of communication

There are different communication methods used at workplace which providing the information about health and service to patient.

  • Written: It is based on the traditional method of communication that mainly used paper, pen, letter, electronic documents and reports. This type of process is indispensable for formal business purpose.
  • Oral: It is based on the informal communication that must be used spoken words and face to face video conferencing (Fealy, Donnell and Zaki, 2019). It is an effective method for purpose of communication to clarify speech, volume and pitch.
  • Body Language: It is based on the non-verbal communication that consists of gesture, action and other aspects of physical appearances. It is the most powerful communication for transmitting message through expression.
  • Sign and Symbol: These types of written communication that mainly including the signs or symbols which may represent the specific meaning. It is the best way to express by using unique symbol for sharing information and establish interaction coordination.

It can be analysed the advantage and challenges using of communication with Mrs. Wang. Because she is not speaking English so that it has faced the challenges for communication (Fealy, Donnell and Zaki, 2019). Afterwards, it will be used the non-verbal communication method through symbol, sign which providing information about health care services.

Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skill refers behaviours by which an individual interact with others and communicate. It can be said that it is an ability and skill by which an employee work effectively with others. In the healthcare sector it plays an important role because nurses have to communicate with different types of patients and their way of talking is the main skill which shows their effectiveness. Some soft and interpersonal skill which nurse of Royal survey NHS foundation should posses for providing effective services to MRS Wang include:

Active listening: Active listening is one of the important skill which makes a nurse able to get informations in detail manner. When an individual or nurse posses this skill then it makes a patient feel valued and also help nurses in having clear and detail informations about patients.

Empathy: It refers a skill and an ability to understand patients emotions and behaviours effectively. It helps them in treating patients more effectively because when a nurse understands actual feeling and behaviour that what is patient feeling and what they seek for then nurses try to provide them services to them accordingly. It makes patients feel valued and respected (Jeffrey, 2016).

Valuing people: Rather becoming rude, it is important for nurses to have ability to value patients and try to understand them. Patients become rude and frustrated when they suffer from any disease so, in that time, it is important for nurses to understand them and value them by providing care and respect to them.

Positivity: Positivity is one of the effective skill which is not only good for nurses it also for patients. Positive attitude and thinking of nurse can heal a patient quickly. Our thinking directly affects the way of performing our body. When a nurse has this ability then it makes a patient believe that they will be recovered or cured quickly and effectively.

There are several theories which are linked to interpersonal skill or by which a professional healthcare provider can accomplish its goals and increase its skills and knowledge. Some theories are:

Similarity and attraction framework: This theory believe that people like and get attracted to those people who posses same features and have same behaviours as like them. This theory is linked with interpersonal skill of nurses. Relation quality leads to perception of partner self similarity. Nurses can know the difference between the right and the wrong when they understand others behaviours according to this theory.

Social exchange theory by Homans: This theory believes that social behaviour is a result of exchange process by which nurse of Mrs Wang can increase its performance effectiveness and decrease cost. The main aim of nurse as per this theory is to provide excellent service to patient and in return expect effective outcomes or improvement in patients' health.

Attachment theory by Bowlby: This theory gives importance to a secure and trusting bond of 2 people like patient and nurse, mother and child on development and well-being. As per this theory, nurses are motivated to increase trust among patient in order to develop both patients' health and own performance (van Rosmalen, Van der Veer and CP van der Horst, 2020).

So, from the above it can be said that there is a strong link between theories and interpersonal skill as well as getting effective outcomes in healthcare.


In the case of Mrs Wang, it can be said that she is suffering from critical or chronic disease in which she needs to be given care and respect. For providing better service, it is important for nurse to have effective skills by which they can communicate with patients effectively. Some skills are being suggested to nurse which they should posses such as:

Confidence: Confidence is one of the effective skill which makes patient believe that their care provider will treat them in a right and proper manner. It also shows the level of knowledge of nurses to patients which increase trust in patient. When nurses have this skill then it increases their self-esteem by which they can perform their duties in more effective way. So, it can be said that by having this skill, nurse can connect with Mrs Wang more effectively and improve its performance.

Dignity: Maintaining respect and dignity is one of the important skill by which nurses can improve their communication and make patient feel respected and motivated. This skill increases willingness of patients to live and this feeling help them out in healing effectively and quickly.

Creating friendly environment: It is important for nurses to make working environment more effective and friendly. There are several types of patients who do not prefer to communicate with nurses, and they remain calm due to lack of confidence and fear of speaking. For providing effective services, it is important for nurses to have ability to make their patients comfortable by which they can know their behaviours and needs (Sivakumar and, 2018). When patient become friendly and comfortable with nurses then they are more likely to heal and cure. So, it can be recommended to nurse of Mrs Wang that they should make a friendly environment. Ask for Online coursework help from our experts!   

3. Reflective model to identify own learning, self development and practice in understanding dignity and respect

Reflective model can be defined in an effective way with the Gibbs reflective cycle which helps in increasing self learning and development about the specific topic. In the case study of Mrs Wang, it is stated that she was suffering from lung cancer. In this case, nurse provided her excellent services with using its interpersonal skill. The whole case can be defined effectively and in a detailed manner by:

Gibbs model

Description: In this step I describe the whole situation and case of Mrs Wang that she has had symptoms of breathlessness, loss of weight and cough and after diagnosis it is identified that she is suffering from a critical lung cancer. She has 2 sons who requested that Mrs Wang not be told about the type of diagnosis. In this case I tried to communicate with the patient and tried to make her comfortable (Sekarwinahyu and, 2019).

Feeling: In this context, I felt that she cannot communicate in other and English language and have fear of communicating. I tried to understand her feeling and show her respect and make her comfortable that she can share her feeling with me. I also learned and felt that ethics as well as communication plays an important role in providing effective services to patients for making them feel comfortable.

Evaluation: In this step I evaluate my performance and its effectiveness. I can say that I gave effective services to Mrs Wang as I tried to make her feel comfortable, make her feel respected. On the other hand, I also felt that I was not good in confidence as due to her sever condition, I lost hope of preventing her and it created several barriers in the path of my success. Otherwise, interpersonal skills helped me in providing better services to patient.

Analysis: In the situation and case of Mrs Wang I learned the importance of being positive and Calm in all situation. By being positive, we can solve any type of critical problem effectively. This skill does not only improve performance but also help others in improving their health and increasing willingness of doing something and living. I also learned that miscommunication and lack of communication skill can create several problems like it can decrease effectiveness of performance or sometimes can become the reason of conflicts.

Conclusion: It can be concluded that interpersonal skill play a vital role. But I believe that If I have effective communication and confidence skill than I could solve the problem more effectively. Empathy skills helped in understanding patient's behaviour which directly helped me out in providing effective services.

Action plan: In this context I can say that in the similar case of Mrs Wang, I can give better service because I analysed my own strength and weaknesses. I also learned important skill which can help a nurse in providing excellent services. By making changes in my attitude like negative to positive, I can become better healthcare provider (Waltz, 2019).

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