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Impact of Workplace Discrimination

University: Kensington college of business

  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 25 / Words 6228
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: R/508/0522
  • Downloads: 600
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss data collections.
  • Discuss about workplace discrimination.
  • Define Primary Data Collection.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Sainsbury

Overview of research

Discrimination is explained as proposing, treating and discriminate people on the basis of gender, race, religion, mental ability and some other factors. The workplace discrimination result in the inequalities and also the poor employee morales. Poor commitment and the high turnover that result in the negative impact on performance level of company (BaylSmith and Griffin, 2014). Sainsbury is largest chain of the supermarkets in United Kingdom. This firm was founded by John James Sainsbury in year 1869. It splits in three divisions such as Sainsbury Argos, Sainsbury Bank and Sainsbury supermarkets Ltd. Sainsbury company is facing the legal action from the female shop-floor workers which claim that they paid less as comparison to men employees at supermarket chain.


"To determine impact of the workplace discrimination on employee performance.” A study on Sainsbury.


  • To examine concept of workplace discrimination.
  • To identify causes of workplace discrimination and ways to address them.
  • To analyse impact of workplace discrimination on employee performance of Sainsbury.


  • What is workplace discrimination?
  • What are the causes of workplace discrimination and ways to address them?
  • What is the impact of workplace discrimination on employee performance of Sainsbury?

Reason for choosing project

Present research represents about the workplace discrimination on employee performance. Through conducting this research, information about the discrimination issue arise at workplace determined in an effective manner. It helps in future to performing the activities within given period of time in right direction (Chrobot-Mason, Ruderman and Nishii,  2014). Learner conduct an investigation from personal and professional context. It helps in increase the knowledge and skills of a learner in significant manner so that objectives can be attained.


Literature review is body of the text that aim is to review critical points of the current knowledge on specific area. This is comprehensive survey of the publications in particular study area to specific research line. In this, researcher collect the information by using secondary sources such as articles, journals, books and others. These all sources are helpful in give the relevant information and data within less time period (Cleveland, Vescio and Barnes-Farrell, 2013). Order assignment help from our experts! 

Literature Review

Concept of Workplace discrimination

As per opinion of Mark Cox (2020) Workplace discrimination mainly refers to discrimination which is faced by certain employees of the organisation at their workplace. This can be of various types such as age, gender, race, ethnicity, skin colour, national origin, mental or physical disability, genetic information, relationship to someone, pregnancy or parenthood. It can occur in a number of situations which can result in some workers facing harassment at workplace which can result in creation of a negative perception about the organisation. There are various rules and regulations- external as well as internal and legal laws which help to protect the employees against any kind of harassment and discrimination. Still, inspite of all this it is quite prevalent in common practice. Therefore, steps and measures need to be taken so that no worker in any company faces it. It is the responsibility and accountability of the Human Resource Department to take action in these type of matters.

Causes of workplace discrimination and ways to address them

As per opinion of Jacqueline Charles (2020) Retaliation means that the employer takes an action against the employee due to a certain reasons such as filing an employment discrimination complaint or acting as a whistle-blower. Sex Discrimination is the common forms of discrimination which is mostly faced by female workers of an organisation as they face being treated unfavourably due to their gender. Disability is also a discrimination and in this Disabled employees face different kinds of discrimination because of their disability as it is considered that they would not be able to perform certain tasks due to it. In Age Discrimination, those applicants or employees whose age is above 40 face this kind of issue. However, They are legally protected with laws which have provisions against any employer   harassing an employee due to age. 

To overcome from these issues, company needs to take some of the effective actions. Management should involve the employee in the decision making process and provide them training so that each one can work effectively without getting discriminated or arise conflict.Other than this, there are some other ways given below to prevent the workplace environment from discrimination:

Write rules- In order to prevent the workplace environment from discrimination, management should written the rules. Sainsbury should have employee handbook that defined about benefits eligibility, rules and holidays. To protect the workplace from discrimination, policies need to be developed (Combs and Milosevic, 2016).

Set Complaint Protocol- Policy of discrimination should set the protocol that staff members require to be follow if they complaint. The protocol begins with advising team manager. There is a need to manager that discrimination related complaints are to be handled so that positive working environment can be developed.

Educate- Give the inclusive and diversity training for staff members. This is necessary to all workers in Sainsbury should be aware about what arise the workplace discrimination. From this, each employee will learn something new and also prevent the workplace from any discrimination (DeSouza, Wesselmann and Ispas, 2017). Need Assignment Samples?Talk to our Experts!

Impact of workplace discrimination on employee performance of Sainsbury

According to opinion of Sarah Butler (2020) Workplace discrimination occurs at all the levels and stages within company from the employment to retrenchment and remuneration to assigning the job responsibilities. Discrimination resulting negative impact on employee as well as organisational outcomes for an instance minimum job satisfaction, decrease organisational commitment, minimum job performance, enhanced turnover and others.

Discrimination reduced the morale of employees and this also minimize employee performance. The workplace discrimination can have the devastating consequences for whole organisation and its impact on the employee performance. The aim of Sainsbury is to develop working environment where each person feels respected, values and also treated fairly. Other than this, Sainsbury is facing the legal action from the four female shop-floor employees which claim that management paid less than the men at supermarket chain (Ferfolja and Hopkins, 2013). According to retailer that higher pay for the stacking products in the warehouses is confirmed through uncomfortable situations, unsocial working hours and the additional skills included. This kind of issue reduce the morale of employees and also impact on their performance level at workplace.

Also Read- Effect of Workplace Discrimination


Research Approach

The research approach is defined as a process consisting of steps from wider assumptions to data collection, analysis, and interpretation methods. Research approaches are of two different types which given below:

Inductive approach- It helps the researchers to develop the theory based on data analysis findings. This is concerned to the emergence of new data theory. This generally concerned to qualitative research and uses specific study test-related questions (Jansen, Otten and van der Zee, 2015).

Deductive approach- It is regarding testing theory that exists already. In this, an investigator design research hypothesis on the basis of existing theories and also design research strategy to test formulated theory.

There has been deductive approach used because this assisted in testing existing theories based on perceptions of people and also depends on the qualitative method (Vickers, 2016).


Type of investigation

Research methods refers to techniques and processes that use in contextual data gathering to uncover new information or create a better understanding of the topic.

Qualitative method- This deals with phenomena that can not be quantified mathematically or statistically. In this way, data is examined in context to consistency or theoretical way, so that it can be understood in an easy manner (Nadal, Davidoff and Fujii-Doe, 2014).

Quantitative method- This is a systematic analysis by mathematical, analytical, and statistical techniques of any phenomena. This main aim of this method is to establish the appropriate mathematical models pertaining to phenomena (Nier and Gaertner, 2012).

In present investigation, quantitative method has been used because this is mainly used to quantify issue through generating the numerical data that can mainly transformed in usable statistics.

Research Philosophy

It is related to belief regarding way under which the data should be collected, examined and then used. There are positivism and interpretivism two different philosophies given below:

Positivism- On the basis of this philosophy, reality is stable and also can be mainly observed as well as explained from objective viewpoint. This consists reality manipulation with variations in independent variable to determine the regularities (Offermann and et. al., 2014).

Interpretivism-  It content that by subjective intervention and interpretation in reality that can be understood effectively.

In present investigation, positivism research philosophy  has been used because this is based on quantitative method and provide en rich information.


This is process through which an investigator choose representative subset which could mainly studied for particular topic so that specific conclusion can be draws. Two different sampling methods are probability and non probabilistic. In present investigation random sampling has been used as a part of probabilistic sampling to choose 30 respondents and these are employees because they have understanding about workplace environment. Reason behind using this method is that it gives the equal opportunities for all participants in target population (Posthuma, Wagstaff and Campion, 2012).

Data Analysis

This is procedure of examining, cleaning, transforming and also modeling data with an aim of searching the useful data and arrive at valid conclusion.  In this, outcomes obtained are to be communicated, suggesting conclusions and also supporting the decision making. In order to analyse data, there has been thematic analysis used. In this method, themes has been developed and make interpretations (Wood, Braeken and Niven, 2013).

Cost, access and Ethical Considerations

Cost is the main aspect of research and it is necessary in conducting an investigation in systematic manner or complete with in the specific time period. In research, cost is related to searching new materials, stationary cost, manpower, experimentation cost and some other things. There is a need to an investigator to allocate the cost and divide on the basis of set activities. On the other hand, researcher should have access to collect information from reliable and authentic sources so that the valid conclusion can be drawn (Rosenblat and et. al., 2017).

Ethical consideration can specified as most necessary research part. Researcher needs to   collect information from the authentic sources and also obtain the informed consent. It is a responsibility of researcher not to harm the dignity of researcher. There is a requirement to obtain the full consent from participants prior to study. Other than this, confidentiality is a main principle of ethics in researcher. In this, researcher should assure about keeping the information of chosen respondents safe or not to be disclosed without their permission (Sargeant, 2016).


Data collection

This is explained as procedure of collecting and analysing information on the interest variables in systematic manner. This enable answer to the arisen research questions and identify the outcomes properly. Different data collection methods are primary and secondary.

Primary data collection- In this method, researcher collected information by first hand or original research. The new information gathered regarding specific research area. Primary data collection methods are based on research objectives and in-depth information that being sought. There are different sources of collect information by using primary method such as observation, questionnaire, interviews and others.

Secondary data collection- It has been gathered in parts through some other person. This is inexpensive or free to obtain as well as act as strong foundation to any kind of research project. Sources to collect the secondary information are books, journals, articles, internet sources etc.

In conducting the present investigation, primary method will be used by developing questionnaire on the basis of particular subject area. Questionnaire helps in collect data from large sample size and within less time period.





Q1) How long you have been in this organisation?

a) 3 months to 6 months

b) 8 months to 12 months

c) 1 year to 3 years

Q2) Are you aware about the workplace discrimination?

a) Yes

b) No

Q3) Have you ever feel discriminated at workplace?

a) Yes

b) No

Q4) Does workplace discrimination impact on the performance of employees in Sainsbury?

a) Yes

b) No

Q5) On which basis, employees are discriminated at workplace?

a) Age

b) Gender

c) Disability

Q6) What are the different causes of arisen the discrimination at workplace?

a) Retaliation

b) Abusive relationship

c) Biasness

Q7) What is the negative impact of workplace discrimination in Sainsbury?

a) Develop interpersonal conflicts

b) Negative working environment

c) Increase absenteeism

Q8) What are various ways Sainsbury should adopt to remove the discrimination?

a) Educate all workers

b) Deal with discrimination complaints

c) Provide training

Q9) What are different legislation Sainsbury should implement at workplace to minimizing the discrimination?

a) Age Discrimination in Employment Act

b) Civil Rights Act

c) Equal Pay Act

Q10) What benefits Sainsbury can get from prevent the workplace environment from discrimination issues?

a) Develop positive working environment

b) Reduce employee turnover

c) Enhance employee performance

Q11) Recommend some ways to developed the workplace environment positive and sustain employees for long time period.

4.2 Data analysis, presentation and Discussion

Data Sheet

Q1) How long you have been in this organisation?


a) 3 months to 6 months


b) 8 months to 12 months


c) 1 year to 3 years


Q2) Are you aware about the workplace discrimination?


a) Yes


b) No


Q3) Have you ever feel discriminated at workplace?


a) Yes


b) No


Q4) Does workplace discrimination impact on the performance of employees in Sainsbury?


a) Yes


b) No


Q5) On which basis, employees are discriminated at workplace?


a) Age


b) Gender


c) Disability


Q6) What are the different causes of arisen the discrimination at workplace?


a) Retaliation


b) Abusive relationship


c) Biasness


Q7) What is the negative impact of workplace discrimination in Sainsbury?


a) Develop interpersonal conflicts


b) Negative working environment


c) Increase absenteeism


Q8) What are various ways Sainsbury should adopt to remove the discrimination?


a) Educate all workers


b) Deal with discrimination complaints


c) Provide training


Q9) What are different legislation Sainsbury should implement at workplace to minimizing the discrimination?


a) Age Discrimination in Employment Act


b) Civil Rights Act


c) Equal Pay Act


Q10) What benefits Sainsbury can get from prevent the workplace environment from discrimination issues?


a) Develop positive working environment


b) Reduce employee turnover


c) Enhance employee performance


THEME 1: You have been in organisation

Q1) How long you have been in this organisation?


a) 3 months to 6 months


b) 8 months to 12 months


c) 1 year to 3 years


Interpretation: In this, there are 5 respondents and according to them they are working in Sainsbury from 3 to 6 months. On the basis of 10 respondents that they are working in company from 8 to 12 months and they are aware about working culture. 15 respondents are working from 1 year to 3 year.

THEME 2: Aware about the workplace discrimination

Q2) Are you aware about the workplace discrimination?


a) Yes


b) No


Interpretation: It has been stated that workplace discrimination develops the negative impact on employee performance and organisational productivity. There are 25 respondents which said that they have understanding about the workplace discrimination and the arisen issue from it in company. Other than this, 5 respondents do not have understanding about it. 

THEME 3: Ever feel discriminated at workplace

Q3) Have you ever feel discriminated at workplace?


a) Yes


b) No


Interpretation: There are 5 respondents and they are agree with that they feel discriminated at the workplace and also face some issues regarding discrimination. As per their opinion that they discriminated on the basis of age because company give the importance to new employees because they come with unique and different ideas. According to them, old employees have more experience and they need not to learn something new. There are 25 respondents which said that they never feel discriminated and they work in company for long time period. Manager treat all employees equally and develop positive working environment.

THEME 4:  Workplace discrimination impact on the performance of employees

Q4) Does workplace discrimination impact on the performance of employees in Sainsbury?


a) Yes


b) No


THEME 5: Employees are discriminated at workplaceInterpretation: From stated graph, this has been stated that discrimination reduces the human capital while developing aggressive working environment. As per opinion of 22 respondents that discrimination negatively impact on the performance of employees. In this, employer or colleague workers treated the others on the basis of gender, race, disability, age and some other factors. This reduces their motivation level and develop the negative working environment. Conflict can be arise from discrimination and this reduce overall motivation of employees and also they are not able to give their high performance. 8 remaining employees are disagree with this and according to them discrimination impact on the productivity of an organisation.

Q5) On which basis, employees are discriminated at workplace?


a) Age


b) Gender


c) Disability


THEME 6: Causes of arisen the discrimination at workplaceInterpretation: It has been stated in mention graph that employees are discriminate on different basis or reasons. There are 10 respondents and according to their opinion that age is main factor and company give the importance to new employees than old because they come up with the new and unique ideas. 10 respondents said that gender is main factor of discrimination because in this, manager give more importance to male employees than female. It reduces the morale of female employees along with their performance. As per opinion of 10 respondents that disability is main factor of discrimination because in this person is treated minimum favourable than an individual without disability in similar circumstances. This kind of discrimination against the law and develop negative impact on organisational productivity.

Q6) What are the different causes of arisen the discrimination at workplace?


a) Retaliation


b) Abusive relationship


c) Biasness


THEME 7: Negative impact of workplace discriminationInterpretation: Discrimination causes the direct impact on behaviour of employees and affect the organisational productivity in an effective manner. There are 9 respondents which said that retaliation is main reason that cause discrimination. In this, manager punished employee for engaging in the protected activity legally. This consist the negative job actions for an instance demotion, firing, reduction in salary, shift in job etc. According to 8 respondents that abusive relationship among employer and employee is also a main reason of discrimination because in this employer and employee do not give respect to each other and working in their own manner. 13 respondents are agree with biasness because if manager bias among female and male employees then it arise conflict and main cause of workplace discrimination.

Q7) What is the negative impact of workplace discrimination in Sainsbury?


a) Develop interpersonal conflicts


b) Negative working environment


c) Increase absenteeism


THEME 8: Ways Sainsbury should adopt to remove the discriminationInterpretation: The workplace impact on Sainsbury in negative manner. At workplace, many of the people are aware that victim will be suffer after the experience of workplace discrimination and it impact on the other employees as well. It impacts on the employees productivity. On the basis of 15 respondents that discrimination at workplace develop the interpersonal conflict among employees and from this they feel more demotivated. Interpersonal conflict at workplace is disagreement in some manner that can be professional among two or more than two people. As per opinion of 10 respondents that discrimination developed the negative working environment as if people will be treated differently then this impact on their performance level and also organisational productivity. According to 5 respondents that workplace discrimination enhance absenteeism. From the discrimination issue, employees feel demotivated and they will not focus on attaining the specific objectives. The enhance in absenteeism can arise increase employee turnover rate in an organisation.

Q8) What are various ways Sainsbury should adopt to remove the discrimination?


a) Educate all workers


b) Deal with discrimination complaints


c) Provide training


THEME 9: Legislation Sainsbury should implement at workplace to minimizing the discriminationInterpretation: Sainsbury need to adopt the different ways to prevent workplace environment from any kind of the discrimination related issues. There are 12 respondents and as per their opinion that Sainsbury need to educate all the employees so that they can have the better understanding regarding the workplace environment and also deal with the other person in positive manner. As per opinion of 10 respondents that manager should deal with the issues regarding discrimination. From this, employees will feel that they are part of company and management take the action and try to be make the workplace better. There are remaining 8 respondents and they said that training is an effective way to give the information and better understanding about the discrimination arise at workplace. Training help[s in enhance knowledge and core competencies of employees so that they can work effectively by following all procedures and policies.

Q9) What are different legislation Sainsbury should implement at workplace to minimizing the discrimination?


a) Age Discrimination in Employment Act


b) Civil Rights Act


c) Equal Pay Act


THEME 10: Benefits from prevent the workplace environment from discrimination issuesInterpretation: There has been stated from mention graph that Sainsbury execute the legislations at the workplace for reducing discrimination. As per opinion of 10 respondents that  Age Discrimination in Employment Act protects the people more than 40 years against the age discrimination. This prohibits the discrimination as per the age in receiving the financial assistance. According to opinion of 10 respondents that Civil rights act is necessary to be executed because from this restricts manager from discriminating the employees against different discrimination basis such as age, gender, religion, disabilities etc. This helped in treat all employees equally and develop the positive working environment so that each employee can work without facing any kind of issues. According to 10 remaining respondents that Equal Pay Act helps in give the pay as per position of employees without arising any kind of discrimination.

Q10) What benefits Sainsbury can get from prevent the workplace environment from discrimination issues?


a) Develop positive working environment


b) Reduce employee turnover


c) Enhance employee performance


Interpretation: From preventing the workplace environment, Sainsbury company can get the many advantages from the discrimination related issues. There are 10 respondents and they said that develop the positive working environment at workplace is main benefit that company can get from the discrimination problem. According to 10 respondents that from reducing the discrimination, absenteeism rate of employees will be reduced and they will be sustain at workplace for long time period. Remaining 10 respondents are agree with increasing employee performance and attain specific goals within specified time period.

THEME 10: Recommend some ways to develop the workplace environment positive and sustains employees for long time period.

Interpretation: According to the 10 respondents that company needs to develop the equality policies at workplace and also provide the equal opportunities to all staff members so that they can able to work effectively. This helps in develop the positive working environment and sustain staff members for long time period in an organisation.20 remaining respondents said that company needs to take the stritct action against the person that arise the discrimination. This kind of actions will be beneficial to employees and they will focus on their work and perform the business operations or activities in significant manner.



From above mention information, this has been examined that workplace discrimination arise the issues in an organisation and this impact on employees performance. There has been discussed about the different discrimination basis like age, gender, disability and others. The literature review, secondary method has been used by considering online sources and opinions of authors. The literature review has been done on the basis of arisen research questions. Struggling with dissertation writing, get dissertation writing services from our experts!!

In order to collect the information in literature review, there have been secondary sources used such as books, journals and articles. In this, there has been discussed about the workplace discrimination and the main causes through which it arise in an organisation. Research methodology is one of the effective parts in conducting an investigation. There has been quantitative research method and positivism research philosophy used as these are helpful in give the in depth analysis in an effective manner. Information and data has been collected from secondary and primary methods. To collect data, primary method has been used by developing questionnaire and chosen 30 respondents which were employees. To analyse the collected data by questionnaire, thematic analysis has been used.


It gives the suggestions to an organisation for implement some changes and develop positive work culture for people. Company should develop the written policy that explains the rules as well as procedures about prevent the workplace environment from discrimination. Management of Sainsbury should set the complaint protocol. Discrimination policy should set the protocol that staff requires to follow if they need to lodge complaint. It is necessary that the leaders and managers of Sainsbury handle complaints of discrimination. Managers should give additional training and handle issue effectively.


Reflect on research methods used

Research methods are useful in completing an investigation in an effective manner. It provides the tools and techniques through which research objectives can be attained. In present information, I used the quantitative method because it helps in wider study about the research and enable to provide the research outcomes. I used deductive research approach because this explains the causal relationships among the variables and concepts. The other reason of using this approach is that it is based on the quantitative method. In order to collect information, I used the primary data collection method by developing questionnaire. I developed the questionnaire on the specific research area like impact of workplace discrimination on employee performance. I prepared 10 questions and my chosen respondents are employees.

Consider research methods that could have been used

In present investigation, questionnaire has been used as a research method to gather information and data. Other than this, interview could have been used as research method. In this method, there is an interaction among the interviewer and interviewee. Through using this research method, research can get the detailed and in depth information regarding specific research area.Dependability and accuracy of answers are provided through respondents can be checked through probing and observation.

Areas for further research

In present investigation, researcher conducted an investigation that makes the operation determination and also changes in a effective way. Present investigation helped me in better understanding about the workplace discrimination and its impact on employee performance. Investigator was able to develop the proper strategies for leading as well as guiding the team significantly. Researcher solve the issues by consulting from supervisors. Other than this, researcher assure to use all the ethical principles and conducting whole investigation in systematic manner. In future, this research help in while doing some other investigation and also able to deal with any issues.

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