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Verdant Leisure Ltd: Navigating Digital Marketing Challenges


  • Unit No: 4
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3503
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: R/508/0538
  • Downloads: 491

Table of Content

Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • What is Digital Marketing?
  • What is Key Digital Tools and platforms?
  • Explain Search engine optimisation.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Verdant leisure Ltd.


Digital marketing refers to the component of marketing that take advantage of online platform like mobile phones, personal computer, search engines etc. and internet technologies to advertise products and services of the organisation. Verdant leisure Ltd. Established in 1991 in Lancashire, UK. This report covers an overview of digital marketing with difference between online and offline marketing. Furthermore analyse the challenges that face by the company while switching to digital marketing. It critically evaluate the digital tools and platform that available to marketers rather than physical channels. It critically evaluate the digital marketing landscape and their impact on the marketing. It suggest the various ways to moving towards the digital marketing to grow the business globally (Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick, 2019).

An overview of digital marketing landscape and compare online and offline marketing concepts

Digital marketing landscape

It refers to the regularly progressing state of digital methods and promotion that involves search engine optimisation, pay-per click advertising, content marketing, email, video production, web development podcasting, mobile applications, influencer marketing, content marketing and online reputation management. It is used to organise the digital marketing tools and helps in growing the business. It is an essential tool that helps a company to use digital tools and prioritise when and where to spend resources. Verdant leisure use digital marketing to promote their business at international level (Kannan, 2017). Company deals in providing overnight and short-term sites for campers, trailers, tents or beer and skittles vehicles. By using digital marketing landscape manager can control and manage all the activities relating to digital marketing and it helps in attracting more and more customers at a very short period of time with minimum cost. Therefore, because of this each and every people see the company website at per their comfort and 24*7. Need Assignment Examples?Talk to our Experts!

Comparison between online and offline marketing concepts


Offline marketing concepts

Online marketing concepts


It refers to that marketing strategy in which promotion can be done via offline channels like billboards, newspaper, radio ads, television etc.

It simply means that marketing plan in which company use digital platform like social media, search engine, official webmail, content marketing and many more to promote their goods and services.


In this there is a time barrier because customer only purchase and see the outlet when it is opened. For this people visit their stores and shop(Chaffey and Smith, 2017).

There is no restrictions of time because in this company use internet marketing to sell their product offerings and customers can purchase it any time whenever they feel to shop. It use 24*7 without any hindrances.


Offline marketing concept spend lot of money to maintain the stock, payment of salaries etc. and it also expensive to promote products via offline channels like television, radio etc.

Online marketing concepts spend less money as compare to offline because in this giving ads using online channels to promote their business worldwide.

Social media influence

Offline marketing concept does not influence social media but they have followers on it. In this people can buy products by visit the stores.

It majorly influence by social media where firm can build many fans, followers of the stores by promoting it on social media. In this people directly or indirectly promote the online store and this will not only increase traffic but also maximise sales and profit margins.

Analyse key consumer trends and insights that fuelling the growth of digital marketing

Digital marketing is an essential and constantly evolving term in current environment. Marketing manager of a Verdant Leisure suggest that company use online promoting tools to advertise their business on a global level. Currently it deals on a local level that means only in UK. But now they think to expand and grow their business at international level. For this manager of a company appoint digital analyst to suggest best digital and advances tools that occur in a market place. It includes various trends that fuelling the growth of digital marketing are as follows(Taiminen and Karjaluoto, 2015).

  • Micro- moments- It refers to that device which people reflexively turn it into a device like smartphones, which help people to learn more things, adopt things, discover something, watch and buy something. They usually used when a person take decisions as per their own preferences. In Verdant Leisure, digital analyst use micro-moments method to promote their business at global level. By using this method they attract many people who are interested in gaming and lodging and excited for overnight sites such as campers or tents etc. in a very short period of time and it contains less cost.
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning- It refers to an integral part of many companies that includes in marketing. It is a form of marketing that resist this model such as machine learning and Bayesian network. In Verdant Leisure, digital analyst suggest to working with AI so that it will improve its pricing strategy, circular promotions that fulfil the customers demand and needs and it also use in analysing the stock by using this technique. Therefore, it increases the profit and growth of the company at local level as well as international level. It is very attractive to attract more customers(Patrutiu-Baltes, 2016).

Importance, opportunities and challenges of digital marketing

Digital marketing is best for generating more and better revenues and profits along with best conversion rates that is created by successful digital marketing strategies. It also create more opportunities for the Verdant Leisure that it expand and explore their business activities at global level. It is very cost effective method and facilitates great interaction with potential customers. It also increase brand reputation. The major challenge of using digital marketing by a company is to create an attractive website to attract more peoples and because of many competitors available on internet platform they majorly focus on customer satisfaction(Yasmin, Tasneem and Fatema, 2015).

Assess key digital tools and hardware available to marketers in contrast to bricks and motor and other physical channels

Key Digital Tools and platforms

Digital marketing is better than traditional marketing many ways. Online marketing is not only cost effective but also have larger coverage. The comparison of digital marketing channels channels with physical channels are given below:-

Social Media Marketing: Social media is a online platform for interacting with people posting pictures and news feed. Social media is a medium for internet marketing. Facebook and Instagram are access by more than a billion user which provide a number of prospects that can convert into customers. Marketer can compress target market segment by going through an insight of user's psycho-graphic and demographic elements. Ad campaign in this platforms are extremely cheaper than advertisement in televisions and newspaper These far more effective in communicating with customers than TV and newspapers. Marketers can post dynamic ad campaign with filtration of potential target segment. They can also avail the facility of social media analytical tools for monitoring and evaluating campaign performance.

Search Engine Optimization:It is a mechanism of placing the website of company in such a way that it can become easily to the user in search engine. It is basically the procedure of making website rank higher on a specific keywords. It in unpaid form of marketing in which SEO specialist write content of the website in such a manner that google algorithm give priority to that website. Quality of the website is also play major role in raking of the website. Highly optimized website with bad quality content faces setback in the long run.

Analytical tools: It is very easy to analysis the ad campaigns and promotional activities performance executed through internet. Unlike traditional marketing channels where no direct tool available for analysis the return on investment on a particular promotional activity digital marketing provide various tools analytical to monitor and evaluate website and social media campaign performance. Performance of websites are mainly analyse by google analytical tool which render the insight about every activity happen on a particular website such as number of viewers, viewer's attributes and conversion rate(Aswathy and Nair, 2020). Take Thesis Writing Help  from our experts!

Development of e-commerce and digital marketing platforms and channels in comparison to physical platforms

Impact of development of E-Commerce

Growth of digital marketing contribute in the growth of e-commerce. It create a framework that helps in effective marketing of the e-commerce industry. Internet penetration is credit worthy for the growth of e-commerce. There are several tools that impact the growth of e-commerce. Description of all elements that impact the e-commerce are given below:-

E-mail Marketing: It is a medium of one to one marketing. In email marketing, company send persuasive email to prospective clients their product. E-mail marketing can accelerate the number of sales. It is tool used of e-commerce industry to notify customers about upcoming sale. E-mail marketing is a medium used by e-commerce company to create awareness among those customers who visited website and submit their e-mail address for marketing subscriptions. Organisation take advantage of e-mail list by composing and sending email through various e-marketing tools mainly mailchimp. This practice marketing increases the sales of online commerce company.

Paid Search Engine: Also known as search engine marketing, the paid search engine is a platform of marketing for e-commerce. Unlike search engine optimization where marketers were not liable to pay money, marketer have to pay money for search engine marketing. This is quick method to increase the visibility of website on search engine. This approach of digital marketing also boost the sales of e-commerce firm.

Affiliate Marketing: In this channel of marketing, an affiliate promote and suggest products through blog and YouTube videos. Affiliate direct visitors to company's website through hyperlink. If visitor purchase product from respective link than the affiliate receive commission from the e-commerce company. This marketing activity accelerated the revenue of e-commerce companies. Many e-commerce companies are earning million through this form of marketing. It is also a platform for common people for earning money.

Role of sales automation in e-commerce

It is an activity of leveraging technology for completion of some repetitive task. Software are used streamlining sales activities such as e-mail reminder, inventory control, statistics calculator etc. Benefits of sales automation are filtration of potential customers, access of useful customer information, accurate pricing of products and many more. Sales automation streamlined the operations of e-commerce. It aid in approaching large number potential and customer. Hence it increases the sales (Nikunen and et. al., 2017).

Develop a digital marketing plan and strategy to build multi- channel capabilities

Digital marketing creates many challenges and opportunities for a company. UK is one of the fastest growing sector in the world. Some of the challenges that a digital marketing faces are as follows. In this company make a plan for providing luxury holidays to their customers.

  • Social media is highly affected by the new approach of Facebook that restricted business related issues that have a wide implication on marketing products.
  • SEO create a great challenge in digital marketer in a way that to stay in the top of updates(Edelman and Heller, 2015).

Some of the opportunities in digital marketing platform are as follows

  • the major opportunity in this that google makes more efforts on micro-moments because consumers are spending lots of time on there mobile phones.
  • Because of using internet of things many people connected with each other in a unpredictable way that create more possibilities for customer engagements.

Company overview

Verdant Leisure Ltd was founded in 1990 and it is a bespoke holiday park that offers self- catering lodge and caravan. Currently companies has 100 plus employees who engage in company business. This business can run in domestic nation only i.e. UK for this company can use traditional ways of marketing their business. But now manager thinks to expand and grow their business at international level and provide a customers a luxury holiday. In order to do so firm can using various digital tools like social media, search engine etc. to marketing their products and deals to their targeted customers and clients(Järvinen, 2016).


The vision of the company is providing a sustainable tourism without harming the environment. This organisation has long term objective of expanding and exploring its operations.


Verdant Leisure mission is to create and provide a perfect environment for their consumers to relax, experience a new lifestyle and enjoy precious moment of their life with their family(Chaffey and Allen, 2015).


  • The main objective of company is to maximise the sales by 10% .
  • increase its customer base by using various digital tools by 15%.
  • to increase the profits by 20%.

For this company use various digital tools to promote their business and sell their products that are as follows. In this, company has to plan a digital campaign marketing by using various tools-

Search engine optimisation- It refers to a method of enlarging the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a web page by ample of users. It provides an organic results and remove or restrict the purchase of paid placement. The major advantages of search engine optimisation is that in this a person don't need to pay for ads that means once the page is created on search engines there is no need pay extra amount for the advertisement. But it has some challenges in creating the SEO like it is slow in a way that it takes a lot of time if one has to change their domain. Digital analyst of Verdant Leisure using SEO, because in this company can bear small amount of money(Zhu and Gao, 2019).

Social media- It refers to an interactive computer - mediated technologies that enable users to develop and share content, ideas, information, career interest and many more in social networking. It a an electronic communication where people can share anything by using online communities. In context of Verdant Leisure, digital analyst thinks of using social media platform like Facebook, Instagram etc. to promote their business and enhance the growth. It is a simpler way according to current environment because many people can use social media on their free time. In this company can provide their customer a luxury holiday for this manager adopt this technique. Providing holiday luxury organisation give best opportunities to spend their time with their family members or friends(Kamal, 2016). Order assignment help from our experts! 



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Explain omni- channel marketing has evolved

Omni-channel marketing refers to a multichannel sales approach that provides a blended experience to their customers. In this type of marketing, it was introduce in the market since 2010 where customer can shop online from various source like desktop, mobile device or in a brick and motor store that is presented seamlessly. Omni-channel focus on providing the same information and messages to their customers through each and every channel. In context of Verdant Leisure, digital analyst use this channel to focus on the customer satisfaction and improve the profit margins of the company. It creates a loyal customers and increase a positive brand image of the company in front of number of customers. It is a customer-centric approach that is used by digital analysis of firm. By using omni-channel marketing company can promote their online business very successfully. This E-commerce tools helps and ensure the company can earn more revenue and share in the online market(Onyango, 2016).

Evaluate measurement techniques and performance metrics in digital marketing

After applying all the tools and methods by Verdant Leisure, now company can focus on measuring and analysing techniques and performance metrics of using digital marketing. There are various application that are explained below(Alford and Page, 2015).

Measurement techniques

  • Online sales- It is one of the most efficient technique for gauging success. Tracking and analysing the sales is easy and simple by using google analytics or any other web platform. The effectiveness and efficiency of this channel can be examine by sales and profits.
  • Online-to-store sales- In this technique people generally prefer take a knowledge of product online but purchase by visiting on stores. In this effectiveness can be measure in digital marketing or e-commerce. In this method Verdant Leisure using this application by taking feedback from the customers.

Performance techniques

  • Revenue technique - It is the first major performance technique where the success and profit of the company can be measured. In Verdant Leisure, manager can measure its profits and revenue by using this technique.
  • Traffic technique- next essential technique of measuring the performance of digital marketing tool. In this metric company can measure their traffic that enables in earning the brand image of the company(Stephen, 2016).

Set of actions to improve performance in digital marketing

Verdant Leisure is newly entered in the digital marketing area to enhance and expand their business globally and to earn more profits and revenue by using the digital marketing. For this managers can set some actions to improve the performance of online marketing that are as follows.

Firstly they assess the technology and examine the budget that is being allotted by the finance department so it will save the time and money. Secondly, it optimise the search engine optimisation and measure the content reach. At last track the social channels. In this way company can improve its performance efficiently. This will help in earning more profits and revenue(Gutierrez-Leefmans, Nava-Rogel and Trujillo-Leon, 2016).


From the above report it has been concluded that digital marketing is an important tool to promote their product offerings in front of wide range of customers according to today's environment. It helps in growing the business by increasing profits and revenue on a big platforms. Comparison table demonstrate the concept of online and offline marketing concepts and to accept an opportunists and deal with challenges. Customer trends also helps in enhancing business activities. In this digital tools are easily available to marketers in bricks and motor and other physical channels that also help in growing the business. E-commerce play a vital role in performing the activities of a company. Furthermore company can make digital marketing plan to enhance and expand their product life cycle as well as increasing goodwill. It is also use to improve performance by using digital marketing.

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