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Health and Social Care

University: University of Boston

  • Unit No: 15
  • Level: Ph.D./Doctorate
  • Pages: 19 / Words 4681
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 59017

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Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss priniciples of health and social care.
  • Define Model of Kubler-Ross.
  • Discuss about the Advantages of person centric approach

Answer :


The principles and values of good practices in health and social care (HSC) organizations are more essential to deliver the quality services to the community. The various principles help the care service providers to deliver the valuable services to the services users within minimum time. These are also assisting the HSC organizations to determine the individual need of the patient and meet them in effective manner (Alhatmi, 2011).

The present study has related to principles of health and social care. The following study will explain the various aspects of HSC principles and good practices such as ways to implement the principles of support in health and social care practices, impact of different legislations, policies, regulations, code of practices on organization activities and then contribution of individual health care practitioners and other social care workers in development and implementation of health and social care organizational policy (Jackson and, 2011).

To better understand the importance of good practices and principles in health and social care, SCIE (Social care institute for excellence) this is a leading social care improvement organization in London, UK. It is also work with the other HSC organizations of UK in partnership. The following care provider furnishes the quality of care and supportive services to adults and kids.

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Principles of support are applied to ensure that individual are cared for in health and social care practices

SCIE organization provides the care services to children and adults on the individual bases. In this regard, there are various principles of health and social care which can give the surety to the social group that the individual is getting the proper care in the care home. The principles of support are explaining in below.

Privacy and dignity: It is important for SCIE to maintain the dignity and privacy of every patient. In this principle, a HSC organization should give the privacy to individual service users as well as provide them opportunities such as how to spent the day, what to eat and dress, when to sleep etc (Walshe and Kieran, 2003). If an adult has dependent on the SCIE staff members for extra care then it does not mean that his dignity or privacy is harmed.

Independence: In SCIE organization, sometimes social worker has refused the patient to perform works which cannot be done without anyone help and the changes of accidents or hazards may increase. Under this principle, it is needed to give some independence to the patients for those tasks that can be performed without any help. It develop the moral in the individual and help in living the independence life with the time (Goetzel and, 2008).

Diversity and individuality: SCIE organization has provided the care services to adult and children and in this context, it is needed to know individual likes and dislikes. With the help of this principle, the care home will able to provide the quality care services to the patients. Along with this, it is also important for know their religions, culture, ethics, values and beliefs (Vaughan and Morrow, 2009). By doing this, it will raise the mutual understanding between the individual care users and SCIE social workers.

Procedure for protecting clients, patients and colleagues from harm

At the time of providing the care services to adults and kids, SCIE has sometime face many situations which have increased the conditions of harm for clients, patients and colleagues. In this respect, the procedure for preventing from harm to identified people is as follows.

Measuring the risk: In the first step, the different types of risk has assessed by SCIE which can be categorized into financial, psychological, emotional and physical risk. In this assessment, the reasons of increase the risk and potential chances of harm also are mentioned in documentation process (Röthlin, 2013).

Decide who might be harmed and how: The people who can be harm from the determined risk are staff members, patients and clients. Along with this, it is also necessary to know how these people get harmed from the identified risk.

Assessment of risks and determine the safeguards: In this step, the evaluation process of each risk has performed and arranged them according to the priorities and their impact (Braithwaite, Iedema and Jorm, 2007). After this, some precautions methods for reduce the harm from the risk also be explored and listed in front of every hazard. This help in balanced the risk level in the opposite of control measures.

Documentation of the outcomes: Under this step, a complete document has prepared by SCIE workers which includes the list of the risk, their possible impacts and the precautions to overcome their impact. Along with this, the prepared document has distributed to the social care workers and client as well as posted within the organisation (Rasheed, 2013).

Advantages of person centric approach with the users of health and social care services

Person-centric approach is used to provide the quality care services to the services users. It also help the health care professional and other social workers of care organization to determine the essential needs of the respective person so that the care services can be modified or develop according to it. Person-centre care is just not related to provide the necessary information to the customers, but also considered their family situation, lifestyle, and desires on the individual bases (Gowen, McFadden and Tallon, 2006). With the help of this, the changes in the services can be made and explore the best ways to provide the care services to the users. This approach includes the various aspects during providing the care such as giving the respect to the values of service users; know their expected needs and preferences ensure the security and comfort of client etc (Bernard, 2013).

This approach has used by SCIE for develop new care services for adults and kids. It gives advantages to both services provider and service users. In the respect of social care worker of SCIE, they are able to explore the individual needs of the patients and according to it they are getting the success to provide meaningful care services (Heginbotham, 2012). It also help in develop the mutual understanding between the social workers and service users as well as understand each other culture, beliefs and opinions very well. On the other hand, the clients and patients of SCIE also get the benefits from person- centric approach such as able to express the views and perceptions regarding the services, get the freedom to suggest some new points to improve existing care services, able to live independent life etc (Glasby, 2012).

Ethical dilemmas and conflicts rise at the time of providing the services to the users

Most of the time, the care workers of SCIE have face the various situations that are very unsupportive for them. It is needed for the social workers to follow the care home policies and regulations but in the critical situation, it has not possible to apply them in the right manner (Fisher, 2005). This state creates the ethical dilemmas for the care workers and it also raises the conflicts between the services providers and users. This has put the negative impact on health and social care services of SCIE and it's difficult to deliver the quality services to the patients.

For example, in the case of providing the care services to an adult, he has a right to take his own decisions. Many times, he has refused to take the medicines and other care services time to time (Clark, 2011). It is care worker responsibilities to give him medicines time to time and giving him extra care so that it is easy to make him normal person. But in the other side, the social worker of SCIE has also follow the dislike and like of the patient. Therefore, it is an ethical dilemma for him because the case worker does not force the service user to take medicine as well never neglect own responsibilities. Along with this, if any uncertain situation happen with the patient than the care worker will be responsible for it (Keeling and, 2013). Therefore, it is a critical and most difficult situation for social care workers at the time of providing the care services to the adults and kids.

Implementation of policies, legislation, regulations and codes of practice in health and social care

The policies, legislations, regulations and code of practices currently followed in SCIE workplace are as follows.

Policies: The present policies of SCIE are valuing people and quality protects. Under quality protects policy, SCIE has provided the financial support to those adults who wants start their new life. In addition to this, in valuing approach, the social organization has provided the special care to those kids who are facing the various types of disabilities. The reason of adopting these policies are to avail the opportunities to the adults and kids so that they can live meaningful life (Quality Protects research program, 2015).

Legislations: The current legislation which SCIE has already adopted is Care Standard Act, 2000. Under this act, the social care organization has given the assurance to the client and other services users about the quality of care services. This act helps in maintain the quality as well as deliver the effective adult and kids care services (Rescare, 2012).

Regulations: Care Homes (Wales) Regulation, 2002 and Care Home Regulation, 2000 both are currently used by SCIE because the organization has responsible for offering care services. Under this act, if the SCIE provide the care services at home of client then organization will be responsible for all uncertain situations which will happen with the patient.

Code of practices: Code of practices for employee and employer, both are different and followed by SCIE at the workplace. Under the code of practices for social care workers are determine and protect the rights of the patients, promote their independence, protect them from any kind of hazards etc (Code of practices for Social Care Workers, 2010). The code of practices for employer of SCIE are clearly explain the roles and responsibilities to the care workers, arrange the trainings sessions for them, give the opportunities of growth, develop new skills and give the strengths to their core competencies (Code of practices for employers of Social Care Workers, 2010).

Development of policies and procedures for health and social care organizations in accordance with national and policy requirements

According to the nature of the care services, the policies and procedures are needed to be developed. The national policies are having the wider scope as compare to the local policies of health and social care. But in the certain situations, the local policies are more helpful to handle the critical cases. For getting the more effective and appropriate results, it is important to analyze the local health care policies in the respect of the national policies so that their implementation can be done in right manner (Lu and, 2010).

For instance, SCIE is presently providing the care services to adult and kids. But in the certain situation, the social care workers are not able to provide the effective care services to the adults. After the analysis, it has found that the policies which are following by the organization are national and not supporting the local policies (Preston-Shoot and Kline, 2012). Therefore, in this situation, it is needed to develop the policies according to the national. At the time of developing the local polices, the assessments of the present policies are needed. In this context, values and opinions of the service users have to be considered. The legislations, code of practices etc for the social workers of SCIE as well as customers has to be review (Emerson and, 2012). The mutual understanding between the service provider and community also has to be developed in more effective manner. By doing this, the local health care policies will easily developed.

Evaluation of impact of policy, legislation, regulation, and codes of practice on policies and practices on organizational policy and practices

The major impact of policy, legislation, regulation and code of practices on policies and practices on SCIE organization policy and practices are change in current practices and development needs (Earls and Myers, 2010). For example, the quality protects practice has followed in SCIE workplace. In this policy, the care organization had provided the financial supports to the adults. In this context, the care home has to determine the new ways to raise the funds and manage it according to it. This brings the change in current practices of fund raising of organization.

In addition to this, the new contact with the investor will be made and also give the opportunities to the social care workers to develop the good relationship with the various health and social care organizations inside and outside the UK (Lloyd and Marjorie, 2010). On the other hand, the negative impact of change in practices is it will be hard for care worker of SCIE to adopt the new practices and there is chance to resist the new modifications. The organization will invest the huge amount of money for giving the training to the staff about the new practices.

Change in development needs is a second impact of SCIE policies and practices. For instance, organization has adopted the various and different code of conducts for both social workers and employer. The staff members are bound to follow them at the workplace and not share any kind of information of patient outside the care home. In this respect, the SCIE has to develop a system which can secure the data of client. The positive impact is the social workers will not share the information for personal benefits. The negative impact is it will leads to increase the dependency of departments on each other (Liveng, 2010).

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Theories which underpin health and social care practices

There are various theories that underpin health and social care practices. Following theories stated are as follows:

Development theory:

In an order to deal with the aspects of individual growth, development theory refers to change in the appearance of human being in height, weight, bone size etc. It is also about new skills and abilities development in the behaviour of person. To understand the concept of this theory, let's take an example. Harry is child who is 8 years and resides at SCIE. Since last two months, he spills milk regularly from the cup on the ground. Whenever, he was supported by care workers, he got angry and shouts at him badly. This is a kind of behaviour which shows his growth and development (Brand, 2012).

Model of Kubler-Ross:

According to this theory, managing loss and changes are included. They are inclusive of denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. For better understanding of this theory, various stages can be studied. In the first stage, new changes are understood. In the second stage, person realizes anger and act accordingly. In the third stage, changes are put off as per situation. Fourth stage implies to pressure changes in the life of human being (Ndetei and Gatonga, 2011). Lastly, in the stage of acceptance, it becomes acceptable for a human being to get in the defied changes.

Impact of social processes on service users of health and social care

The impact of social processes on service users of health and social care are essential to consider. The approach of social process refers to group of people who comes together for a purpose of interaction. In context to the present report where SCIE is taken, it is vital to study the behaviour and manner in which people out there interact with each other (Reeves and, 2011). The type of services which are received by patients are categorised as socially interaction. However, the implication can be negative as well that may cause impact to the treatment and service quality. There are various instances such as patients with mental ill health who are taken care by the carer who did not listens to him and uses abuses words. This my take shape of negative impact being undertaking social processes (McKeown and, 2011).

In similar fashion, there is another example which is observed at SCIE where act of discrimination is observed. Carers were providing treatment to the patients but are taking them o discrimination ground such as caste, colour, creed etc. Since, they are getting proper care from their side but are facing issues such as fear of anger and depression. There are also evidences where physical disabled person is facing the health issues which are additional (McSherry and Pearce, 2011). For example, when the patient suffering from disability got infection, the carer may not tackle the same and may leave the person in isolation. This is a example where the patient is treated negatively and it develop the negative image on service users of SCIE.

Effectiveness of inter-professional working

The significance of inter-professional working refers to working in partnership or collaboration of health care professionals. The central idea behind the same is to promote the understanding of the doctors and trained professional in respect of developing the care providing services of the patients (Scott and Spouse, 2013). The motive is to assess the experience of the patients who are previously treated ad thereby develop and promote their learning and growth. The successful outcome of such learning process is obtained by the working of doctors who work together and share experience. The resultant outcome of the same leads to better care, services and facility for the service users and patients.

In respect to the SCIE, the social care workers who are part of organization play their roles and responsibilities to work socially with their co workers. The extents to which they perform their duties are essence of mutual understanding. It delivers the high working quality of the care home services and treatments (Morgan, 2013). Hence, it is vital to understand that past experience of the line manager working at SCIE, the social workers develops the ability of learning the different things. This is to perform for the care of the patients properly. The core that lies in working inter professionally at care homes such as SCIE, training plays very significant role. The training is a resultant outcome of inter professional working in a team. This is achieved with the ability of working with skills and abilities (Alhatmi, 2011). This is made by providing the training to the team, develop the ability to manage the emergency situation, improvements skills to impart strength to the core competencies and enhance the team performance.

Role, responsibilities, accountabilities and duties in the context of working within and outside the health and social care workplace

I have performed many roles and responsibilities while working as a staff member of SCIE which are as follows.

Quality assurance: During providing the care services to the adult and kids within and outside SCIE, it is my responsibilities to look and ensure the quality of the care services. These services are varying with the nature, characteristics and needs of the service users. I have guided my team members and take their suggestions to handle the patients as well as how to maintain the quality of care services (Röthlin, 2013).

Maintaining and upgrading knowledge and skills: As a social care worker of SCIE, it is my duty to assess the performance of my team member. In addition to this, I am also responsible for determine their training and development needed so that their knowledge and skill can be upgrade with the time (Vaughan and Morrow, 2009).

Support network and professional registration: Working in SCIE organization, I have worked with various other health-care organizations and National groups. This task help me to know about the new legislations, policies etc of UK government in the respect of care services. It also assists me to know about the new methods of training for social care workers so that the quality of the services as well as consistency can be improved (Gowen, McFadden and Tallon, 2006).

Evaluation of own contribution to the development and implementation of health and social care organizational policy

The various roles are playing by me in the development and implementation of SCIE organization policy. Working within and outside the care home, the social workers are always facing the mental and physical stress (Walshe and Kieran, 2003). At this level, it is important to find the different ways to manage the stress in more appropriate manner so that their efficiency can be improved. In this situation, I have to develop some stress management strategies for the workplace. In addition to this, I have to analyze the various reasons of increasing the stress level which can affect their performance. The gathered information helps me to examine the different stress level and the possible impact of it on the health of social care organisation (Braithwaite, Iedema and Jorm, 2007). After this, I have to send my suggestions to the top management of SCIE regarding stress management and the policies. Therefore, by doing such type of efforts, I can give my contribution in developing and implementation of health and social care policies at the workplace. Another example can be used to understand my contribution in development of policies in SCIE. For delivering the quality services to the users, I have to give some suggestions in the meeting such as set the quality standards and maintained it. The management of quality of care services is a difficult task. The proper process of delivery of quality services guides the other social workers to give the appropriate care to individual patients (Preston-Shoot and Kline, 2012).

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Make recommendations to develop own contributions to meeting good practice requirements

Recommendations are presented to reflect the own contributions to meeting good practice requirements. Being showing my working experience at SCIE, I used Kolb Reflective Cycle. With the help of this model, different learning styles have been met. In the first stage, new situations have been used to study at workplace (Goetzel and, 2008). When I realized that things are needed to know about the situation that is prevailing at workplace, the next stage has been observed. Here, by following the abstract concept, the working to assess the impact of social and other influences at the workplace is applied. In the last stage, I found several alternatives in an order to resolve and tackle the various workplace situations. However, the working of this cycle is noticed to be continuous in nature (Earls and Myers, 2010). In respect of SCIE, where I worked, the significance lies in developing the quality in providing care and treatment. After analysing the prevailing conditions at SCIE, I resolve the issues and take corrective actions. These actions helped me in understudying the situation of workplace and take measures to work accordingly. Hence, by these types of contributions, I will able to meet the requirements of good code of conduct in caring and providing treatment to patients (Lu and, 2010).


In the nutshell it can be concluded that the effective and good health and social care practices assist the HSC organizations to deliver the quality care services at the users end. By adopting the various principles of supports, SCIE has ensured that the individual person got the care. The different risk management system, the changes of harm from the different risk has minimized. In addition to this, the social process also affects the accessibility of the users to care services. By determining the individual needs and preferences of services users, it has more easy to provide better health care services of the patients.


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  • Bernard, C., 2013. Achieving age equality in health and social care. Working with Older People.
  • Braithwaite, J., Iedema, R. A. and Jorm, C., 2007. Trust, communication, theory of mind and the social brain hypothesis: Deep explanations for what goes wrong in health care. Journal of Health Organization and Management.
  • Brand, D., 2012. Social and health care integration: (1) The individual dimension. Journal of Integrated Care.
  • Clark, M., 2011. Mental health care clusters and payment by results: considerations for social inclusion and recovery. Mental Health and Social Inclusion.
  • Earls, J. and Myers, T., 2010. Fascial Release for Structural Balance. North Atlantic Books.
  • Emerson, E. and, 2012. Improving health and lives: The Learning Disabilities Public Health Observatory. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities.
  • Fisher, A., 2005. Health and Social Care. Heinemann.
  • Glasby, J., 2012. Understanding Health and Social Care. The Policy Press.
  • Goetzel, Z. R. and, 2008. Employer integration of health promotion and health protection programs. International Journal of Workplace Health Management.
  • Gowen, R. C., McFadden, C. K. and Tallon, J. W., 2006. On the centrality of strategic human resource management for healthcare quality results and competitive advantage.  Journal of Management Development.
  • Heginbotham, C., 2012. Values-Based Commissioning of Health and Social Care. Cambridge University Press.
  • Jackson and, 2011. Workplace Learning In Health And Social Care: A Student'S Guide: A Student's Guide. McGraw-Hill International.
  • Keeling and, 2013. How To Write Well: A Guide For Health And Social Care Students: A Guide for Health and Social Care Students. McGraw-Hill International.
  • Liveng, A., 2010. Learning and recognition in health and care work: an inter-subjective perspective. Journal of Workplace Learning.
  • Lloyd and Marjorie., 2010. A Practical Guide To Care Planning In Health And Social Care. McGraw-Hill International.
  • Lu, C., and, 2010.  Public financing of health in developing countries: A cross-national systematic analysis. The Lancet.
  • McKeown, M., and, 2011. Service User and Carer Involvement in Education for Health and Social Care: Promoting Partnership for Health. John Wiley & Sons.
  • McSherry R. and Pearce, P., 2011. Clinical Governance: A Guide to Implementation for Healthcare Professionals. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Morgan, G., 2013. Integration of health and social care - what can Wales learn … and contribute? Quality in Ageing and Older Adults.
  • Ndetei, D .M. and Gatonga, P., 2011. Improving access to mental health care in Kenya. Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care.
  • Preston-Shoot, M. and Kline, R., 2012. Professional Accountability in Social Care and Health: Challenging unacceptable practice and its management. Learning Matters.
  • Rasheed, E., 2013. BTEC First Health and Social Care Level 2 Assessment Guide: Unit 8 Individual Rights in Health and Social Care. Hachette UK.
  • Reeves and, 2011. Interprofessional Teamwork for Health and Social Care. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Röthlin ,F., 2013. Managerial strategies to reorient hospitals towards health promotion: Lessons from organisational theory. Journal of Health Organization and Management.
  • Scott, L. and Spouse, J., 2013. Practice Based Learning in Nursing, Health and Social Care: Mentorship, Facilitation and Supervision. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Vaughan, J. and Morrow, R., 2009. Manual of epidemiology for district health management. World Health Organization.
  • Walshe and Kieran, 2003. Regulating Healthcare: A Prescription for Improvement?. McGraw-Hill International.

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