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Impact of Health and Social Care

University: UK College of Business

  • Unit No: 4
  • Level: Diploma
  • Pages: 7 / Words 1822
  • Paper Type: Essay
  • Course Code:
  • Downloads: 13348

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
  2. Main Body
Question :

This sample will let you know about:-

  • Define Health and social care.
  • Define about the various risk element in Health and social care.
Answer :


Healthcare and social services offer various solutions to address people's needs within the organization. This report focuses on an essay centered around Marry and her illness, as discussed by Salgado, Denkert, and Perez (2015). Marry experiences emotional, cognitive, and behavioral challenges that are intertwined with her personal life. Additionally, factors such as risk and protective elements significantly influence her current circumstances.

Main Body

In the present case Marry is suffers from crucial disease which create impact on her personal life (Burandt, Grünert and Geist, 2016). In this way, following are such elements in which response of Marry can be assess towards her disease:

Emotional response

Emotional response is refers through specific learned behaviour which include procedure to understand the problem of people. In the present case study, due to suffer such crucial disease, Marry face problem to deals with for growing their children. This is because, from last some months, her husband is not live with her. In addition to this, at the time of her delivery no one member from her family is with for caring Marry and their children. In this aspect, she is facing issue to take care for herself and children (Burandt, Grünert and Geist, 2016). It creates problem to deal in her life. It creates distress to Marry for enhance her understanding in term of delivering intervention durst. It also reduces understanding power of people to make sure that effectiveness can be occur at workplace. With the help of proper functioning, care providers can motivates her for enhance emotions and psycho logistics pretreatment. It assists to prepare range of problems that face by Marry in her life. Thus, patients can be prepare for solves emotional challenges. Thus, she can reduce range of problems which includes anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder and many other issue which can be often in emotional challenges (Burandt, Grünert and Geist, 2016).

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Cognitive response

In the present case, Marry is not knows about anyone in front of her so that it create problem to make relation to the diagnosis. In this aspect, her experience is taken to deal with situation of people. With the help of proper treatment, she can work on their children. Further, thinking capacity of Marry is reduce due to suffering of cancer (Francis, Regan and Martino, 2015). Now she unable to feed their children due to breast cancer. Hence, it creates issue which need to be solve for enhance empirical factual knowledge. When she knows that she is suffers to cancer, it creates negative impact on her life to enhance their productivity. With the help of emotionally challenges, components can be also included which need to be ascertain for development and performances measurement  (Francis, Regan and Martino, 2015). Marry is unable to meet with her siblings and husband so that it creates problem which she is facing in life. In respect to take care in proper way. Reaction of Marry has been change due to suffer problem. Thus, it will create problem to make sure that guidance for her can be made through maintains her outcomes and performances which is related to influence by different factors. It includes unethical incidents which should be focus for ascertains outcomes and performances. With the help of proper aspect, guidance is required which follows for determines specific strategy that assist to solve her issue within the environment. In this way, she can provide proper treatment towards herself which is very important to manage their personal life decisions (Burandt, Grünert and Geist, 2016). Get Assignment Examples ? Talk to our Experts!

Behavioural response

In addition to this, behavioural response also create issue in Marry diagnosis. In this aspect, she has responsibility to take proper care of their children which determines in positive aspect. With the help of providing proper health services, she can work on growing their children (Loi, Michiels and Piccart, 2014). In this aspect, results is created with developing outcomes and her performances through she can provide feed her children. Due to children coming in 8th month, Marry cannot take behavioural response to provide her effective and proper care. In this aspect, it is very important to make effective results and performances for analysis issue which is related to the behavioural responses. With combining such elements, it has been sure that people are influences through determining connection with people. In this aspect, behaviour of Marry has been changed due to facing problem in her life (Salgado, Denkert and Perez, 2015). In this aspect, it is very important to negative impact need to be reduce that create problem to deals with different elements. In this aspect, dimension also created which would be analysis the performances and measurement.

In addition to this, there are also such risk elements occur which creates problem to provide proper care to self and children (Tutt, Ellis and Dowsett, 2015). In case of Mary, it creates various risk element in her life which are as follows:

Physical activity level

In respect to deal in daily life, Marry has problem to take care for hear. This is because, it creates problem to make their personal decision delay due to worry and tension. In addition to this, Marry is not living with any her sibling and husband so that it create problem to solve her issue in effective manner. In physical activity level consist with reducing performances in day to day life. In this aspect, risk need to be assess which frame for ascertain the effective results. With the help of proper activity, physical outcomes are frames for determines effective results (Burandt, Grünert and Geist, 2016).

Body weight

In this type of cancer, Marry suffers due to loss of hear weight that create weakness in her life. This is because, it creates problem to deal with daily results and performances. With the help of proper care she can enhance her understanding and outcomes level. In this way, she is getting proper performances towards her children. In addition to this, loose body weight also need to carry for undertake results and performances with developing outcomes. In this aspect, it is very important to solve diagnosed with breast cancer which enhance risk (Donker, van Tienhoven and Bouma, 2014).

Feed to her children

Breast cancer also create problem to feed children so that Marry unable to provide proper care to her twins. This is because, her children are very small and due to coming in 8th month she is unable to provide proper care regarding growing. Further, problem is also needs to take for enhance performances. In this way, children are not growing effectively so that it creates problem to provide proper feed at workplace to children. In this aspect, every person has responsibility to make sure that children are not feeding by Marry. This is because, it creates negative impact on the person to provides proper care and maintains in personal life. Thus, it is need to be solved for children (Francis, Regan and Martino, 2015).

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Financial risk

In order to reduce the problems, Marry is also unable to spend finance because she is not living with her husband. In respect to meet with proper functioning, she is unable to work. This is because, her children are small and she is also suffered from Breast cancer. It creates problem to arrange finance. From some times she is also not contact with her any sibling physically. She can contact with them only on Skype. Hence, it creates risk to provide proper treatment to her and children as well. Due to these problems, she is also facing some other issue like providing food and other important things, etc. Marry is unable to carry her treatment and children as well because it is not easily solved for ascertain outcomes and performances (Gnant, Mlineritsch and Balic, 2015).

Proper care to them

Due to facing issue in breast cancer, Marry is also unable to deals with proper carrying of people. Thus, it creates problem to solve this issue in effective manner. In respect to meet with effective results, it is important to developing solution for solves breast cancer. In this way, Marry cannot take any treatment without finance. When Marry has not enough money, she is unable to determines her proper care for enhance their outcomes and performances. With the help of treatment, she can live happily (Burstein, Temin and Stearns, 2014). In this aspect, Marry can easily solves their issue which need to be ascertain for enhance understanding.Take help Ghost Writer Now!


From the above report, it has been concluded that breast cancer is very crucial disease which create problem to dealing in person life. This is because, it creates many other problems which need to be solved for enhance understand and proper care of children. In this aspect, there are various issues which need to be solved by Marry to enhance her productivity. With the help of connection of people, there are such factors which create issue to dealing with outcomes, furthermore, risk element also considering which also generate problem to solve the diseases such as financial, feed to babies and many more elements.

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  • Burandt, E., Grünert, M. & Geist, S. (2016). Cyclin D1 gene amplification is highly homogeneous in breast cancer. Breast Cancer. 23(1). 111-119.
  • Burstein, H. J., Temin, S. & Stearns, V. (2014). Adjuvant endocrine therapy for women with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer: American Society of Clinical Oncology clinical practice guideline focused update. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 32(21). 2255-2269.
  • Donker, M., van Tienhoven, G. & Bouma, W. H. (2014). Radiotherapy or surgery of the axilla after a positive sentinel node in breast cancer (EORTC 10981-22023 AMAROS): a randomised, multicentre, open-label, phase 3 non-inferiority trial. The Lancet Oncology. 15(12). 1303-1310.
  • Francis, P. A., Regan, M. M. & Martino, S. (2015). Adjuvant ovarian suppression in premenopausal breast cancer. New England Journal of Medicine. 372(5). 436-446.
  • Gnant, M., Mlineritsch, B. & Balic, M. (2015). Zoledronic acid combined with adjuvant endocrine therapy of tamoxifen versus anastrozol plus ovarian function suppression in premenopausal early breast cancer: final analysis of the Austrian Breast and Colorectal Cancer Study Group Trial 12. Annals of Oncology. 26(2). 313-320.
  • Loi, S., Michiels, S. & Piccart, M. J. (2014). Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes are prognostic in triple negative breast cancer and predictive for trastuzumab benefit in early breast cancer: results from the FinHER trial. Annals of oncology. 25(8). 1544-1550.
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