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Strategic Supply Chain Management and Logistics

University: Brunel University London

  • Unit No: 5
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 29 / Words 7331
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
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This sample will let you know about

  • Discuss supply chain management and business functions in an organisation.
  • Discuss About importance of supply chain management
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Organization Selected : N/A



This report has given a brief description of the supply chain of Emirates (airline) and where the supply chain of this company needs improvement, where they are lacking and what strategies is required which will help the company to improve and expand their operations. The importance of supply chain has been highlighted in this report. It states that in order to meet the demand and predict the right measures the company will need to manage the supply chain with the help of effective measures.


Supply chain management is an overarching concept that links together multiple operations of a company to achieve competitive advantage. While logistics refers to the movement, storage, and flow of goods, services and information within its overall process of supply chain. Emirates is a state-owned airline based in Garhoud, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This airline is a subsidiary of The Emirates Group, which is owned by the government of Dubai's Investment Corporation of Dubai. It is the largest company of airline dealing in Middle East who facilitates around 3,600 flights per week from the international airport of Dubai. They have expanded their services in 150 cities that is in 80 countries. This report describes the importance of effective supply chain management for airline industry and its role in achievement of business objectives, link between supply chain, drivers for achieving supply chain, effectiveness of strategy and system of information technology used in the supply chain, role of logistics in the company, improvement of logistics and overcoming the barriers while implementing the strategy.

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1.1 Importance of effective supply chain management in achieving organizational objectives

Supply chain is a network between the suppliers and the company so that the products can reach to the final buyer or the company in time without any issue.

Organizational objectives-

Objective of the company is to deliver the highest quality of service among their competitors and the industry of aviation in order to reach the goal of providing satisfaction to the consumers with the help of using innovative methods. 

Boost customer service-

Customers expect the delivery of products in the right quantity and quality so that they can be assorted in a correct manner. They expect that the product must be delivered to them by the company at the right location. Apart from this company must never miss the deadline of the delivery of product so that they can maintain the level of customer satisfaction. After that they expect that the company must provide them with the facility of proper after sales support so that the products they have bought can meet the standard of quality check in a timely manner (Mangan and Lalwani, 2016). Airline industry has to greet people at the time of checking in and thank them at the time of checking out to choose their company. Apart from that they need to keep a check Example of assignment over the things which are required by the people during the flight which is concerned with hospitality.

Reduction in Cost of Operating-

Supply chain helps the company to deliver those products in  Assignment help time which are expensive so that they can avoid the cost of holding the inventory in store which is sometimes longer than their expectations. It also helps the people and companies who deal in manufacturing. The supply chain of management helps the companies such as Emirates to deliver the materials which are required to make the flight successful. Any shutdown can cost the company around $10,000 per minute. If the flight is delayed due to not reaching of resources  on time then the company will have to incur huge losses. It helps to decrease the cost of supply chain by meeting the expected goals of the company. It helps the company to become more efficient in handling their operations (Schönsleben, 2018). For instance food which is required during the flight and the resources to prepare the meal other than that requirements for the safety of people so that airline can provide the people with measures in case of emergency.

Improves the position of the company related to financial aspects-

It helps the company to increase the level of profit as it reduces the cost of supply chain. For instance people eat on flights so if the cost of the supply chain for that factor is decreased just by 1 per cent then it will save the company a lot of money in the long run. Emirates value their managers of supply chain as it helps to reduce the factor of fixed assets and the vehicles used for transporting in the chain of supply. For instance if the company has 10 warehouses the experts and managers of supply chain will help them to reduce it to 5 by redesigning it so that they can meet the demand and increase the overall profit of the company. It helps companies such as Emirates to increase the flow of cash by selling more of their services (Grant, Trautrims and Wong, 2017). Supply chain helps the industry to save and reduce the cost of enabling the operations. It is a major factor as the success of the company depends on it.

In order to maintain the balance between demand and supply Emirates needs to plan and coordinate with the sales force, segment the base of customers and maintain some stock for safety.

Demand is increasing on a global level, people before taking travelling from airlines are expecting better quality of services in low prices. For instance, there are many airlines who provides their services at low cost but Emirates is a premium class airline which targets only premium class customers. Other people also want to try the experience of airlines at reasonable prices but the development and the services offered charges a high amount. This is where supply chain of management helps the company to reduce the prices of products with increase in overall profits, as this would help in enhancing customer relationship by reducing operational cost. The role of global supply chain management compromises with following functions in aviation industry.


Every company needs to acquire the raw materials such as fuel, batteries, goods related with mechanical use for the proper service of flight. All of this is done with maintaining the coordination of suppliers and ensure the company that the materials bought by them will be reached to them on time.


This department of the company is concerned with the planning and forecasting of demand. Before making the purchase orders which are required by the company they need to anticipate and analyse the requirement according to the distance of travel and the seats booked in the flight so that nothing extra is ordered which would lead to waste for the company. If the goods ordered are more than company will have to handle the load of excess cost of inventory and if the order made by them is small in quantity then they will not be able to meet the demand of customers which will be a loss for the company. This is the reason why this tool is an effective measure for the company (Das and Nayak, 2017).

Management of Resources-

Every company such as Emirates has to deal with the factor of technology, labour, time and raw materials as all of them are required. Therefore, management of Emirates airline  mainly concerns on ensuring that all the processes must conduct appropriately.. It includes decision for allocation of resources, at the right place and right time so that the cost of services can be reduced as well as can be used optimally. 

1.3 key drivers for achieving an integrated supply chain strategy in an organization

Supply chain helps the industry of aviation to manage the level of inventory, helps in decreasing the prices which regards to maintenance, maintain the record of accuracy of inventory and deliver quality service. 


This driver states that in order to meet the demand of customers, management of Emirates airlines need to concern on its production process first. The Procurement and Operations Department require to forecast the demand of customers and facilitate higher quality services to meet. For this process, Emirates has developed“Emirates Engineering' for maintaining the quality assurance. Along with this, it also restructures the procurement, operations as well as logistics aspects to improve production. Companies need to enable and add more flights so that they can increase their level of capacity and use the technique which is suitable according to their needs and demand. Company can do the production in plants which are small so that they can meet the requirements of customers who are important to them (Sindi and Roe, 2017).


Products are stored by the company which are required during the flight at a fixed location so that they can make them available whenever it is needed by the customers during the flight. Products such as spare parts, batteries, fuels, equipment which are required for safety such as life jacket and meals which are required during the flight. It will help the company to save the time and money as in case of emergency it takes a lot of money. In order to increase the level of efficiency company needs to stop putting the things which requires time to sell or are not frequent in sales as compared to other. It will help the company to save cost and get the benefit of economies of scale (Hsu, Tan and Mohamad Zailani, 2016).


This area is concerned with emphasizing on those where a company is close to their base of customers. For the companies such as Emirates it is difficult as they serve in many countries which requires a lot of location to target and gain access to (Koufteros and, 2018).


Emirate deals in this industry as Emirates SkyCargo uses their goods deliver through the mode of airline so that they can enable their distribution fast and never miss the deadline in market. Companies such as FedEx provides this kind of services by using the medium of airline so that they can meet and fulfill the demand of consumers. Use of this medium is done to deliver large quantity as it is an expensive source and it can be more efficient if the company divides their center of distribution.


This aspect is concerned with collecting the appropriate information about demand of targeted customers which helps Emirates to use its resources effectively, by maintaining a balance between demand and supply. It is applied by the companies such as Emirates to increase the performance of other drivers which are useful to the company. If the company has collected the data which is accurate and reliable then they will be able to get positive feedback and response which will help them to know more and develop more of their services (Fredendall and Hill, 2016). They provide real time information in data through which operations are performed so if there is any change in data or information then accordingly operations are modified.

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2.1 Effectiveness of strategies used by an organisation to maintain supplier relationships

Emirates airline mainly aims to become the leader within aviation industry at worldwide level, therefore, it requires to develop an effective SCM framework to exceed expectations of customers by maintaining the relationship with suppliers, in following manner-

CRM will help the company to increase and enhance their relationship with customers so that they can be economically valuable.


In order to maintain the relationship with suppliers Assignment help USA, Emirates communicates with them on a regular basis. Communication leads to develop transparency between suppliers and business process and by this process management of respective airline can build trust between each other and understand the situation so that this aspect never breaks. Management of Emirates also concern to respect the culture as well as avoid anything which may affect relationship with suppliers (Coyle and, 2016).

Solid Agreement-

Before coming into an agreement Emirates ensured that their suppliers agrees with their terms and conditions and then come into an agreement. It will help to reduce any conflict or issues regarding specific matters in the future. Also, this will help them to maintain the relationship between each other calmly.

Relationship Program for Suppliers-

To form the structure with suppliers Emirates takes help of strategies which are suitable and effective. Apart from that they never treat their buyers in a wrong manner by using the control of power over them. Company measures the goal and calculate in what time they can be achieved so that they can attain the goals in timely manner (Sweeney, Grant  and Mangan, 2018).

Management of performance-

This aspect is concerned with looking over the performance of the company. To keep this performance program as a success involvement of the highest level is needed. Lower level of the company is involved in those operations which are tactical and requires coordination with suppliers so that they can manage the flow of operations in a successful manner. Higher level of management of company meets in a quarter to set the analysis of strategy. It will help the company to evolve their management in the long run.


Training educates the management of the company so that they can learn about the benefits of using the resources optimally. Programs of SRM which operates on large scale requires management to deal with the employees and operates them so that they can use the tools successfully and execute the program. They also need to anticipate at different level so that they can evolve them in their respective fields (Copacino, 2019).

2.2 Information technology to create strategies

MIS will integrate all the data information of suppliers which will enable them to know about the remaining stock and track details of raw materials. They will also be able to communicate effectively with one another.

Automation of exchange of information between the supplier and the company-

If the company enables the exchange of information between each other than it will allow them to have more time on the upcoming opportunities so that they can achieve more success in market. Strategic supplier relationship can be enabled with the help of technology. If the information shared and collected is right, then suppliers can help the company to become more profitable. In order to use the factors of technology the company needs to analyze the requirement and then conduct analysis for gap on the basis of data availability. The processes which are right and is required to collect the data in an automotive manner will also help Emirates to clean the data which is extra or put under new department or sources. Company visualize the data with the help of technology so that they can get free from the department which are concerned with conducting the activities of management for suppliers (Christopher, Mena and van Hoek, 2018).

People and Technology-

The success of strategic relationship between the company and the supplier is based on the quality of interaction between human. If the organization learns to adapt the factors of technology then they will be able to gain advantage over others in the market.

Enabling strategic suppliers-

Information Technology can help the company to formulate those strategies which will help them to predict the overcoming factors such as demand. When Emirates observe that the demand is less it affects the level of confidence of company. For instance, Emirates have divided the sector for business class and economy class in the plane so that they can categorize the customers and cope up with the demand with sharing the right amount of information with suppliers. Smoother the process of sharing more it will be able to work as a independent function. It will help the company to look after the various methods of prediction and its analysis so that they can move forward and achieve growth in operations (Wang and, 2016).

2.3 systems to maintain an organization's relationship with its suppliers

Block Chain Supply Chain-

This system helps the company to keep the track of products. This method is considered as less corruptible and as compared to others it is the best method as an alternative. Block chain system helps the company in ways such as-


Companies such as Emirates who operate on a large scale consists a lot of factors and elements in their chain. It creates difficulty in tracking information about every material. In this method tracking becomes easy for the company as it includes dealing with sensors and tags of RFID. It also helps to detect frauds in the whole chain of supply (Christopher, 2016).

Cost Reduction-

This system helps to reduce the cost of supply chain. The focus of this system is to remove the cost which turns out to be extra but it still gives the company the guarantee of security. This method does not involve middlemen, intermediaries which prevents the company from getting duplicate products, saves money and reduce the chances of meeting with cases of frauds. It helps to increase the efficiency of work.

Establishing Trust-

In order to maintain the flow of supply chain trust is needed to be maintained between the supplier and the company. For instance, when the suppliers send the materials to company a level of trust needs to be present so that without checking the company can rely on them. The nature of the system of block chain allows the company to maintain this level of trust over their suppliers (Brindley, 2017).

Block chain system helps Emirates to access the data from many locations and from anywhere. The security provided by this system is of high quality. Apart from that this system is considered most because it allows the access to data between some parties who have the authorization to do that. This system has the capacity to link different types of ledgers and points of data so that they can maintain the integrity of data and system. Other than these factors, it helps to look after factors such as improvement in management for inventory, reduction in prices of courier, reduce the time spent in paperwork.

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3.1 Information Technology Integration Of Different Parts Of Supply Chain

Impact of technology is great in industry because it helps in improving and enhancing operational activities of companies more flexible and efficient. Technology has reduced labour cost in Emirates which is making firm have a lot of benefits since objectives of company are being met easily. Time consuming processes have been cut short and error prone processes in organization are being easily detected and solved from time to time by using data collection technologies. Warehousing and Transportation can be controlled by use of technology in organization. Data collection is provided by technology which will help organization to reduce over purchase of resources if material is already available in inventory. The industry will know the inventory which is already present in the inventory so over loads will not be purchased by the company (Alzoubi and, 2020).

Demand planning has to be done so that fulfilment of supply is possible in organization. Inventory of company is easier since data is collected from time to time which will help organization to make decisions carefully. In Emirates the inventory is classified into services of classes. Transparency in business is a very important factor which Emirates are trying to provide to customers and employees of firm. Employees need to know changes which are taking place in business so that they can deal with changes and accept them. Emirate focuses on all employees which is a very important factor which technology helps organization to make most from supplies which Emirates are having. Delivery which is being done in business can be tracked and decisions can be made accordingly so that company can produce finished goods.

Sourcing and procurement is there in companies so that functioning can take place better and that will improve company to have smoother functioning without errors. Communication with suppliers is better and that will make Emirates be able to reach their objectives very quickly. Emirate has expanded itself but aim of company is to cover as many countries as possible therefore supplier chain has to be tracked and data collection in organization is a very important factor for Emirates. Labour cost is increasing because of new government policies therefore technological changes will help firm to generate a lot of revenue for themselves. Human errors in data collection and tracking of supply chain is going to be lesser. There will be more discipline in firm and technology will help organization to function better. Control over supply chain of business is better and that will help Emirate to have right decisions for functioning in market.

3.2 Information Technology has Contributed to Management of Supply Chain

Technology also helps company to have a better inventory management in organization which is a very important factor. Tracking and delivery is another format which has been added to company because of technology so that customers. Relationship with suppliers and management of organization will get better so that changes can be made easier and betterment of company can take place (Fredendall and Hill, 2016). There is a visible transparency in organization because of technology which has been added in firm for processing of supply chain. There is a growth in productivity in Emirates which is a great improvement in firm over time. Inventory of Emirates is under command of firm which is making time-consuming and easier functioning of supply chain. There are properly technologies which are being used in Emirates then there is cost reduction because supplies to existing available products will not be required. Lesser cost will be used for supply chain and that is a great profit for Emirates. Control over production is present because of technological changes which are taking place in Emirates. There will be engaged suppliers relationship in the airlines which is going to be used in the industry. Technology will help in smoother ride of management which will be better for airlines to have a competitive advantage. Technology also gets clarity and control over the working of the industry which will be very helpful. Great productivity will benefit everyone in the business and the company will be able to make more revenue. Technologies which are being used in airlines are onboard connectivity, robotic assistants, smart ground transportation, block-chain, biometrics, improved cybersecurity, etc.

Style of management will also change according to technology which is coming in firm. Quality of supply chain can be managed by employees when material is coming in company so that best of quality products can reach customers. Information can be sent from time to time so that all employees are up to date which will make functioning of organization better and that is a very important factor for Emirates so that they can continue to have a good revenue for themselves. Paper work of management of Emirates has reduced and that is making company have a lot of profit. Management will be able to make decisions even better than before which will make efficiency of Emirates even better than before. Coordination in organization will get improved and achieving goals of firm will be easily made.

Awareness in supply chain through technology will get better and company will know what changes and what decisions have to be made which will benefit firm. Management can maintain a healthy environment which is clean and friendly for workers because of information of technology which has added in Emirates. Expensive infrastructure will not be required for facilities because labour costing will reduce. Technology has made it so easy for employees to keep a check on supply chain that management can keep a check on it from anywhere in world and control from management side will be present always. Email is the best way management will be able to communicate in organization or functioning.

3.3 Effectiveness of Information Technology in Managing Supply Chain

Bar code scanning is one of most used technological change which Emirates are using for faster working and data collection for organization. This process has reduced the paper work with minimization of errors. Inventory can be checked only if material is in storage, picked up, dispatch and inspection timing can be reduced of supply chain of Emirates (Schönsleben, 2018). RFT's in company also help to have competitive advantage which is making what it is today. Information about product coming in business can be found out because of this technological change which has taken place. Tracking products or supply chain is very important so that management can make decisions according to that which will be setting objectives for employees in company.

Technology has made it so easier for making communication with customers, suppliers, investors and others, for an organization. Inventory does play a great role in any organization therefore it is very important for Emirates to keep a technological check on it so that functioning can take place better. Return of goods can also take place because technology has made it so flexible for management to do that so that quality of products are not compromised. Communication which is easily being done by people are a great advantage for Emirates because that is making company have a competitive advantage which will help company to have a future growth which will be very beneficial. Supply chain is huge in Emirates and specially when organization wants to expand itself in industry (Swink and, 2017).

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4.1 Role of Logistics in Supply Chain Management in an Organization

Reduce Cost and Improve Efficiency

Roles of logistics make functioning of Emirates more efficient and effective because they will be able to give justification to the customers needs and demands will be met. Planning is most important factor which will help company to get a better functioning by lowering cost and increasing productivity. New markets have to be penetrated into so that the company will be able to capture more customers in the organization.. Roles of logistics will have a smoother operations in Emirates which is a very important factor for business. Scaling of supply chain can be done by logistics and distribution can be done globally after this factor.

Customer Satisfaction

When company would know customers demands, needs and preferences firm will find it easier and more decisive to make decision accordingly. Customers need finished products to reach to them on time and faster therefore company will have to find ways which will make this factor get better so that organization can benefit from it. Emirates know that what customers are expecting from its services and to fulfill that need this firm has established a professional logistic team in organization, whose main role is to ensure a good on supply chain.

Create Business Value

Reaching customers does not mean that customers are only looking for quality or quantity, but they look forward for availability of products in market. Creating value for customers in an organization is a very important factor therefore products which are being produced must reach customers from time to time. There has to be professionalism in business so that they can create a value for company in market. Professionalism attracts more customers in market and that will make improvement in organization so that changes can be got which will make a better brand value. The distribution which is done by class in Emirates is making the customers more satisfied and that will help the industry to have a competitive advantage for a longer growth of the company.

Key to Success with Supply Chain

Supply chain deals with networks like warehousing, delivery, shipment, production, etc. These factors influence Emirates on a large scale so that they can make changes when and where required. Sales and profits can be tracked easily and that will make company make decisions accordingly (Why Logistics is Fundamental to Supply Chain Success, 2019). Proper logistics can help a company have a competitive advantage since the functioning of the organization will be smoother. Attracting more customers who are ready to invest in organization and poor logistics management can lead to losing customers and company will not be able to make revenues which they did before. Emirate has a good logistic team which is making organization have a positive public image.

4.2 Procurement Practices

Establish alliances with Key Supplier

There has to be an agreement between both parties which are having an exchange of products and there has to be a clarity in procurement processes. There has to be an effective communication because it refers key to success since relationship supplier and company share are of a long term. To strengthen and manage relationship between buyer and supplier, it is essential to develop two-way communication. Problems which may affect the supplier relationship management in the future, can be solved effectively and efficiently by implementing best practices like ‘alliance management'.

Engage in Collaborative Strategic sourcing

According to tradition responsibilities of strategies lie with procurement unit but it is not so in present. Strategies have to be made now with collaboration between all factors of business so that outcomes is better (Coyle and, 2016). It is always better for Emirates to have this factor so that a result which will be more beneficial or more ideas can come in strategy can come out. Feedback's and views are taken of everyone in meeting so that right sourcing supplier can be selected. It is due to this procurement there is a steady supply of products and it is cost effective in market which will make business gain a lot of profit. Procurement unit aware evolving organization needs which need to be fulfilled since they will be able to provide best to customers of organization. Right technologies should be added in the organization so that the organization can function better and make the changes in the organization as expected. There should be engaged collaborative strategic sourcing of supply chain of the management. The decision-making in the industry will be better and the results will be very beneficial as well. The focus should be on total ownership and not the price so that the break even point of the organization can be achieved. There should be addition of contracts under the supply chain function so that there is an efficient saving cost and other factors which can be considered.

Appropriate Policies and Procedures by focusing on total cost of ownership

Policies and procedures have to be set so that there is a better functioning of company. There are certain sequence which follow therefore there has to be structure in business. Even if procedures are set and are put to place but still there must be reviews which must be taken so that functioning can take place better which will help organization to get a better functioning for themselves. Business must review procedures so that they can figure out if they are still relevant, and they are not creating troubles in supply chain of business. Emirate has a very simple and easy to followed and implemented in business. There is a risk in process when there is a theft, fraud and other issues and there procedures are required so that business will not have to face a lot of loss. The training and maintenance of the organization will be better and that will make the cost's ion transportation improve and Emirates will make a lot of profit because of that factor.

4.3 Improvement of logistics and procurement practices

Adopting automation

Technology has made functioning of Emirates very simple and easier. Paper work and errors in working has reduced which is why company is being able to make a lot of benefit in  market (Sweeney, Grant and Mangan, 2018). There are no extra material which is being got in organization which will make functioning of company effected. Pressure on employees are lesser which will make organization function better and faster objectives and aims will be met. Data collection is a very important factor in emirates and that will help company in future for its growth in market. Better decisions can be taken out in situations so that there is a growth in company. Time tracking will be better so that there is improvement which Emirates can make for functioning of firm. The goods which are dispatched by the suppliers can be tracked and that will make the industry have a lot of benefit from that factor as they will be able to keep a check on it. The functioning is going to be robotic which will bring structure in the business in the functioning of the organization (Key Success Factors For Effective Logistics Practices, 2018).

Value relations

 Employees will have a better working within organization because logistics will be able to keep a track on the functioning of the organization. Employees are considered as the most essential resources that are mainly responsible for business growth. Therefore, whether a person employs as a delivery guy or a warehouse manager, it is essential for them to be professional in respective field. Organizing training will help to update skills and knowledge of employees with logistics and procurement practices. It is very important that relationship between Emirates and customers or suppliers is very strong and Emirates has managed to do that very well therefore company is being able to be where it is today. The skills which are required in the employees are very good therefore the company is being able to do what they are doing today. It is very important for Emirates to have the right skills and management of the relationship within the organization so that the functioning in the organization can take place properly.

Efficient Transportation System

Transportation is supposed to take place better so that company will be able to reach out to customers from time to time which will be very helpful for organization. Transportation can be tracked and that will make company have a better functioning and more customers in company because they will be able to reach out customers on time and will be able to fulfil needs and demands of them. There must be safer and faster routes which need to be found so that transportation can take place in market. Cost effective packaging of products and comfortable factors which airlines should be providing to customers is a must. This will attract more customers in company which will be very beneficial (Copacino, 2019).

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5.1 Strategy to improve an organization's supply chain

There are many ways in which Emirates can improve their supply chain-

Automatic Planning-

Monitoring on the inventory on a continuous basis takes too much time of the company. Companies use the system of enterprise resource planning and link it with the management of supply chain so that it can facilitate them with purchasing automatically. It states that the software can help the company to automatically buy the orders when the need for inventory arises. This is considered as a critical aspect as it is necessary to maintain the level of inventory. This aspect will help the employees of the company to focus on more concerned areas.


If the enterprise resource planning of the company is standardized then they will be able to save more money and time as the software will lead to increase in efficiency. Apart from this it will also help the company to increase the accuracy in work, reduce conflict by enabling proper communication and appreciate the effort of team which will increase the teamwork in company (Shibin and, 2016).

Increase Transparency-

Many problems arise in the management of supply chain such as mistakes, fraud and waste. It affects the chain of supply on a temporary basis as it can be solved by taking the help of system of ERP. The major problem of inventory is keeping the physical count of the stock. Employees of the company always make mistakes in keeping the correct count as errors are always there which is a loss for the company.

Gain the insight of data-

Making decisions for the management of supply chain requires information which is accurate and updated with time. This helps the company to facilitate with the insights which are valuable to the company so that company can add strength into the process of supply chain. The software of ERP gives permission to the suppliers and the management to gain access to inventory instantly so that they can take corrective measures if there are any errors in the inventory. The software also looks after the production and purchases of data so that they can overcome the situations which are critical in the purpose of making decisions.

These strategies will help the company to bring changes in supply chain so that they can improve their measures and provide better service to their customers.

5.2 supply chain improvement strategy will benefit overall business performance in an organization

Training of supply chain leads to reduction in cost-

If Emirates works on improving the supply chain of the company then they will be able to reduce the prices of their services. Company must enroll a program for their employees of training and development which will help to decrease the cost of storage, management of inventory and transportation of goods. Training must include the aspect of removing those things or processes which adds no value to the company (Bouchery and, 2016). Some areas which must be looked are the money spent on storage and transportation, predicting the wrong quantity of requirement. If employees learn to cope up and improve on these factors then the supply chain of the company will have more chances to gain success in the market.

Ensure satisfaction of customers through training in supply chain-

Satisfying the consumers is the most necessary job and providing them with better experience every time increase the chances of success. While considering the design of supply chain Emirates must keep one thing in mind that is to satisfy the needs of consumers. Company must provide them with training and make them learn the importance of maintaining the relationship with customers. There are many issues in managing the chain of supply which stops the company from giving the customers a better experience. Employees of the company must learn to respond to customers in an appropriate manner, deal with the shortage of stock, how to market the product or service in less time otherwise it will affect the supply chain as well as the profitability of the company. If the training provided to the employees covers all of these aspects then they will be able to design a more successful chain of supply (Ayers and Odegaard, 2017).

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5.3 Overcoming the barriers while implementing the supply chain improvement strategy

Benefit only for one company-

Benefit must be there for both the parties in any form such as financial etc. for instance companies such as Emirates who operate on a large scale has implemented the system of RFID it is a radio frequency identification and it is a form of wireless communication which is used to identify an object or an animal. So that they can achieve success and give some benefits to the suppliers and vendors. This process is known as imposed collaboration. In this strategy the company can make the decision to whether or not share the collection of data through RFID so that they can plan the demand according to the analysis of the market. This system helps to benefit both the suppliers and the company. There are more forms of this collaboration such as replenishment on continuous basis, management of inventory for the vendor, planning according to the forecasting or collaborative replenishment. They need to transform the culture of the company so that they can integrate and link the control over management.

Short Term Focus-

If the management of the company has made plans according to the short term so that they it will create difficulty for the company to manage their operations in the long run. In the situation of short term investment it may not affect but in the case of large investment made by the company it can affect the flow of cash. Emirate needs to analyze the cost of distribution on the basis of short term goals. Company needs to analyze the goals which are of shorter interval and evaluate their results so that they can check out whether the investment had the capacity to reach the goal.

Incompatible Technology-

Emirates deals with multiple now of suppliers in various areas as it is a international company which requires the level of technology and flexibility to cope up with this challenge as it is not difficult to operate with too many suppliers.Worry not Get Management Assignment Help


From the above study it can be concluded that Emirates is having a planned process which they follow for the smooth functioning the organization is having in the present. There is a lot of improvement in the company because as the company got more experience in t this field they kept improving and that made the company have a better functioning for themselves. Emirate has improved and changed over years, and they have used their experience from time to time. Supply chain is a very important factor in Emirates which has been discussed in the entire report and the improvements the company has made in the functioning of the organization. Technological changes has also got various changes in the organization and the objectives have started being met faster for the better functioning of the organization.

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