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Case Study Report and Presentation

University: Imperial College London

  • Unit No: 18
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 6 / Words 1592
  • Paper Type: Case Study
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 864
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss Management skills and abilities.
  • Explain the role of management.
Answer :
Organization Selected : N/A

Organisational politics is a major cause of employee dissatisfaction. There are various cases within companies where employees working in the company feel dissatisfied. It is important for all companies to make their employees feel happier and satisfied while working together. In the following report, a case is discussed in which there are two main characters naming Barry and Raphael. Both of them are working in small growing company.  The co worker of Barry naming Raphael was promoted to different department. After some time boss of Barry left and Raphael was transferred to the previous department and there he became the boss (Dávila,  & Atkinson, (2019)). According to Barry this was not a fair decision as he has also done a lot for the company and as per his point of view, promotion must be given to him too. Praises of Raphael were not shared  with the higher ups. This disappointed Barry. This is clearly a case of organisational politics and injustice.

Barry realised that his hard work is not recognised by the company and he is upset. Raphael is given credit for all good work done by him. This case is an example of impression management. This is created when someone has taken positive credit of accomplishment of other individual's work. In this case study, Raphael is taking credit of work done by Barry in all these years. Raphael only tried to influence the perception of his image. It is the responsibility of organisation that it focus on work of different employees working in his company. All organisations must promote and give rewards to hard working employees and workers. This will help in praising good employees and attaining objectives within less time frame. Leaders must use their power in an effective manner so that they can create a positive atmosphere among employees and they do not feel discriminated.

Theoritical Overview

Organisational power is defined as the way by which leaders manage different activities and tasks provided to them. There are different type of power that leaders can use within the organisation (Eberwein,  Fengler,  & Karmasin,  (2019)). The various type of power used within the company are legitimate power, rewards power, coercive power, expert power and referent power. These different kind of powers are described below -

Legitimate power - This is defined as formal power and authority legitimately granted to the high authorities. This type of power is assigned for  outlining the responsibilities of managers. Subordinates have believes that manager has the right for directing employee behaviour otherwise employees will face retribution.

Reward Power -  Reward power is defined as ability of managers and leaders to provide appropriate rewards like promotion, money, privileges,  status, etc. to employees in order to make them work effectively.

Coercive Power - This type of power depends upon fear. The coercive power is used for making the employees work with the fear of not losing anything. External threats are a source of coercive power. 

Expert Power -  According to this power, influence of manager is dependent on the knowledge of person and leaders have more experience and knowledge regarding any business concept.  Employees work effectively for working in appropriate manner.

Referent Power -  The referent power depends upon less powerful identification of person with the leader or manager. There are some sources of referent power such as personality personification, shared identity, shared culture, etc.. This is a type of power which an alert manager uses when employees perceive this power.

Above mentioned are different kinds of power used by the managers for handling various business situations. There is responsibility with managers to control the different problems that occur at workplace. For solving the issue presented in the case, Barry must use his power in positive manner and make senior authorities realise that what decisions they can take to solve his issue. Every employee must feel involved and engaged within the company and this can be done by promoting and rewarding. Order assignment help from our experts!


It is clearly fine that Barry must complain about his treatment so that he can share his problems. Barry can talk to the senior head of the company. He must tell about the treatment he is given to seniors and head executives (Gibson,  & Groom,  (2019)). Raphael has taken credit for the work done by Barry. There is no justice for people who take credit of any other individual's work. Barry must start a conversation with head of the company. He will help in solving his problem regarding discrimination. Barry must refer his problem to an individual who possess coercive and legitimate power for helping him. The solution for this problem is that Barry must tell his issue to the head of the company. It is very important to analyse and identify the various type of power present within the company. Within the organisation, it is essential to use power effectively. The power used within this company are discussed below -

Legitimacy -  This is defined as having a position  which is associated with rank or status. The head of  company has the power to take decisions regarding different business situations. In the present scenario, it is concluded that Barry can talk to head of company and make some effective decisions.  

Rational Persuasion -  This power is with someone who who is an expert in particular field (Green, (2019)). This type of power depends on logic and evidence of influencing others. In the present case, Barry must talk to specialist i.e.  company's head.

Inspirational Appeal - The inspirational appeal is used when an individual develops enthusiasm for an issue by hitting on what is valuable. There are some people in the company who keep saying that you will get promotion if you do good work.

It is said that those individuals who prone to complain or whine tend to have less power within an organisation. Whining is defined as the way of compalining about something that cannot be changed by us. No, being a whiner will not lead to diminished power and influence. A whiner is always seen about complaining and grumbling about something (Lam, & Xu,  (2019)). It is not at all good for Barry to become a whiner as it will affect the overall reputation and image of that person in front of different people.  According to me, individuals who are complaining regarding any situation in office then they are tagged as emotional people. Barry should complain about the mis happenings that take place with him but he should tell all this to head of the company by using a positive approach.  Each and every story has two sides and they both must be analysed before reaching to any kind of decision. Barry can avoid to become a whiner by involving into different solutions (Nawaz,  Syed, & Dharejo, (2019)). He can focus on other things and solutions will come easy. Barry can work on improving factors that influence political behaviour. Struggling with your dissertation, get Business Dissertation Topics from our experts!

Do you think Barry should look for another job? Why or why not?

According to me, Barry should not look for another job. There are different ways by which there can be improvement of work situation so he must try to solve this situation first and not run from this problem. In this situation, persuasion and coalition  is the most effective power tactics that can be used. It is very important that Barry reaches his boss in a positive manner. He should avoid to appear as a “whiner”.  Running away from problems is not a good solution. Barry must know what can be the solution for dealing with this problem. There are various options with Barry to solve this problem (Olusegun,  (2019)). One of the solutions  is to talk to leader (Head of the company) with a positive attitude. He must know how can he control his feelings towards not being valued within the company. Right words spoken at right time can hit for getting desired results. Get Assignment Examples.Talk to our Experts!


From the above discussion, it is concluded that it is essential to use power within organisation effectively. In the above case Barry was having problem as he was not promoted and rewarded for his work. But as there are always two sides of every story. The new position of Raphael can be an advantage to the group of team members if he is having an effective management skills and abilities. According to a fact of a management article it is stated that people are more responsive to bosses who look as if they get more from them from the organisation. It is also said that managers have an advantage because it is easy for them to attain more and encourage employees for their ability.

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