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Customer Experience Management Strategies

University: Harrods of London

  • Unit No: 12
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3143
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 890
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss Customer experience strategies.
  • Explain different factors that include customer engagement.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Burger King

Customer experience is the product of an interaction between an organization and a customer over the duration of their relationship. Burger King is an American multinational hamburger fast food restaurant founded by James Mclamore and David Edgerton in the year 1954. This report highlights value and importance of understanding the customer need and wants. After that the report highlights different factor which drive customer engagement. After that report highlights the customer experience map and relevancy of customer touch point. In the end the report highlights the effective customer service strategies.

Value and Importance of understanding the needs, wants and preferences of target customer groups

Targeting a market, generally means selecting the customer base which can be targetted by company to sell product of company in the market. All the organization generally used to look at need, wants and preference of the customer and organization ability to satisfy the same  wants in the market. On the basis of all the consideration organization used to select the targeted customer base of company (Lemon and Verhoef, 2016). So it is very necessary for Burger King to ascertain the need and want of customer in market. Some of importance of knowing customer needs and wants are as follow:

Shaping organizational offering: Knowing needs and wants of targeted customer in the market, helps Burger king in shaping the different offering of organization in such a way that  organization is able to attract targeted customer more effectively. As by knowing what is require by customer in market, Burger king used to develop the product which can satisfy the need of customer in market. Also, at times uses the keywords related to the needs and wants to promote the same in the market.  Order assignment help from our experts!

Competitive Advantage: As Burger king used to dealt in heavily competitive market, It sometime get difficult for organization to maintain customer base of a company (Homburg, Jozić and Kuehnl, 2017). Knowing need and wants of customer eventually help the Burger king in defending competition offered by different organization by developing the product which is needed by targeted customer.

Pass on warm message: Knowing need and wants of customer, eventually help the company in offering different type of choices to the customer to satisfy the same. This used to pass on good and warm message to the customer that organization used to care about their needs and wants. This help the company in building good bond with customer and positively impact goodwill of company. 

Satisfying wants of customer: As Burger king used to dealt at global market, the main objective of company to satisfy the need of customer by developing the good quality of product to them. This also help the organization in satisfying social value of society, as Burger king is improving the quality of life of consumer in the market by offering good quality of product to satisfy their need.

Different factors that drive and influence customer engagement

Customer engagement is a process or a business communication connection between customer and an organization. Their are many factor which used to drive customer engagement in Burger king. Some of the factor are as follows:

Communication: It is one of the biggest factor which used to drive customer engagement in an organization. This factor used to drive the organization to be in touch with the customer on regular basis (Kandampully, Zhang and Jaakkola, 2018). Burger king generally uses email and SMS as the tool to be in touch with the different customer in the market. They used to send different message to keep all the customer updated with different policy and offer of organization.

Customer feedback: It is the another factor which used to drive customer engagement in  organization, in this factor organization looks to take a feedback of customer about the services which is offered by them. On the basis of feedback organization used to implement different changes in their offering. Burger King also used to place a suggestion box at every store so that every employee can pass on their feedback.

customer engagement factors, determining their effect upon customer on-boarding strategies

Customer onboard related to all the activities which looks at  introducing a new customer to offering of organization. Customer onboard strategy involves step by step tutorial, guidance and support regarding the same. Customer engagement factor generally used to have a great sort of impact on the customer on-boarding strategies. Some of impact are as follows:

Understand your customer: This is the first step of customer on-boarding strategy in which organization used understand the customer and needs & Wants of their in the market. Build your relationship factor of customer used to play a very crucial role in same. As this factor used to drive Burger king to be in regular touch with the customer, this eventually help the company in understanding the customer in better ways (Stein and Ramaseshan, 2016).

Make all communication clear: This is one of the step of customer on-boarding strategy which clears that, organization should maintain good and clear communication with the customer  so that they feel free to explore their desire. Communication is one of the customer engagement factor which used to drive the organization to be clear. For example: Burger king used to specify all the ingredient used to making the burger at their menu displaying screen.

Evaluation of a broad range of different target customer groups' needs

Burger king generally used to target all group of customer to sell the product of company in market. Customer in age group of 15 to 40 years are specially targeted by Burger king, the reason behind same is that this group of customer used to have good demand of fast food consumption. Driving force for this group of customer are as follows:

Product line: This is biggest factor which used to drive the customer engagement in an organization. As in the recent it has been seen that the organization which used to offer the good number of choices to customer is able to maintain or build good customer engagement in organization (Jain, Aagja and Bagdare, 2017). Burger king also used to offer the good product line for same reason.

Discount: It is another factor which used to drive customer engagement for this customer base. As all the customer always try to have a good quality of product at a reasonable price. As a result Burger king also used to offer festive and seasonable discount to their regular customer. Struggling with your dissertation, get Finance Dissertation Topics from our experts!

Burger king also used to target customer of developing nation by expanding their business in that nation as well. Force which generally used to drive this customer base are as follows:

Quality of product: This is biggest reason which used to drive customer of this group, as consumer of developing nation always look to consume a good quality of product to satisfy need  of customer in market. 

Customer touch-points

Research is the stage where all the customer used to look for the different restaurant which can be used by them to satisfy their needs and wants. All the customer generally loves to have all the updated information of the organization. Touch point at this stage is the attractive poster which is designed by organization.

Preparation is the stage where customer decides which restaurant is the best out of all the option available in front of customer. Touch point at this stage is the benefit which is offer by all the restaurant as customer used to compare the benefit of more than one restaurant.

Visit is the stage where customer used to visit the restaurant. At this stage the touch point for the customer is the ambiance and the door service provided by restaurant (Melero, Sese and Verhoef, 2016).

Enjoying service is the stage where customer used to enjoy the different offering which is offered by burger king. Touch point at this stage is the quality and taste of the product offered to the customer.

Feedback is the stage where customer used to provide the feedback about the visit in the restaurant. Touch point at this stage is the process through which feedback of customer is being here by the restaurant.

Exit is the stage at which customer used to leave the restaurant after availing the different services. After sales service are touch point for customer in customer experience stage.

Sharing is the stage where all the customer used to share the pic of their visit at restaurant on different social media platform. Brand value and goodwill are touch point for customer at this stage.   

Customer touch points to influence customer experience

Research: At this stage Burger king has to make sure that they are updating the different offers and offering of the organization in the market on regular basis so that customer find it easy to find the information of company.

Preparation: At this stage Burger king has to make sure that they used to offer good sort of extra service as well to the customer in the market and also offers good product line to customer to satisfy their need in the market.

Visit: Burger King at this stage has to make sure that they build good ambience at the store so that the eye of customer can be attracted very successfully.

Service: At this stage the organization has to make sure that they used to offer good product line to attract the eye of customer toward the different product of company in the organization (Bilgihan, Kandampully and Zhang, 2016).

Feedback: Burger king has to make sure that they used to hear the feedback of customer in the market and implicant the same in their offering.

Exit:  it is the stage where organization has to make sure that they used to offer good after sales service to the customer such as customer communication, discount.

Sharing: As Burger king is already having good market value and goodwill, they have to make sure that they used to maintain the same in future as well.

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Examine how Digital Technology is employed in managing the customer experience

Digital technology are electronics tools, systems, devices and resources that generate, store or process data. This technology is also used by all the organization throughout the world to carry out different operation of business effectively in an organization. Organization dealing in service industry also uses different digital technology tool to improve customer service in an organization. The reason behind the same is that it used to help the organization in improving the efficiency of different activity of organization (Gilboa, Seger-Guttmann and Mimran, 2019). Some of the way through which digital technology is used in improving customer experience in an organization are as follows:

Online ordering of food: Digital technology has helped the organization in offering the service to the customer in the market, so that they can order food online, no need to visit any store. This has helped the organization in enhancing the level of comfort and experience of customer in market.

Customer relationship management: It is another way through which digital technology has improved customer relationship in an organization. CRM is a technology for managing company relationship with customer and may be potential customer as well. Burger king also uses CRM to manage the customer relationship in the market. CRM of Burger King used to collect all the information regarding the customer and feedback of all the customer. Also it provides the help of maintaining the relationship with the customer by the way of providing them online assistance regarding the different query which is faced by them (Schanz and De Lille, 2017).

Digital technologies are employed in managing the customer experience

Customer relationship management has seen a good sort of changes in recent past, to improve efficiency of different business activity. This changes has helped the business in retaining and maintaining the customer relation for the good period of time.

Changes in CRM has helped the business in reducing the amount of time which company in past  used to invest for the purpose of searching acquired customer in an organization. The reason behind the same is that CRM used to contain each and every bit of information regarding customer, which has helped the company in improving the efficiency of different activity in an organization.

 Some Changes in CRM of organization has also helped Burger King in Synchronizing the target customer in better ways. As CRM used to group the different customer together automatically on the basis of the information collected by the organization. 

Advantages and disadvantages of CRM systems

CRM used to bring both negative as well as positive benefit for an organization. As CRM used to help the company in reducing the cost of company as all the thing which is require to maintain customer relationship is being done at right time. At the same time it has been also found that CRM sometime used to increases the chances of duplicacy of work in an organization (Venkatesan, 2017).

CRM helps the Burger king in increases the access to their competitor information and targetted customer, which eventually help the company in making greater decision in an organization. On the other hand it has been also seen in past that usage of CRM without proper guidance sometime used to create a issue of impacting the efficiency of business activity.

Customer Service strategies

Burger King uses the variety of customer service strategy to maintain and retain good sort of customer relationship in the market. Some of the strategy used by burger king are as follows:

On-site customer Service: It is different type of customer service which is offered by Burger king in their store to maintain and understand the customer in better way in an organization.  Some of the service are providing different suggestion to employee or helping them with the different solution to the query which is faced by them (Customer Service Startegy. 2017). 

Phone customer service: It is type of service in which organization used to provide different service to employee with the help of the telephonic conversation. Organization generally used to take order of customer on telephonic. Also customer care of organization used to hear the different query of customer on phone as well.

Social media customer service: This is another customer service strategy which is used by organization in which organization used to engage with different sort of customer with the help of different social media platform.

How customer service strategies create and develop the customer experience

Customer service strategy used to play a very crucial role in satisfying the need of customer also in an organization. The reason behind the same is that it help the organization in offering better number of option which can be used by customer to reach the organization. This eventually help the company in touching more number of customer who are having some sort of need and wants to satisfy (Hu, 2016).

Another importance which is brought by customer service strategy is that it help the organization in hearing the concern of company in better way and understanding the real need and wants of this customer. On the basis of same organization used to develop the product which can satisfy the need of customer more efficiently.

Using good sort of customer service strategy also help the organization in getting better knowledge about the need of customer in the market, as with the help of this strategy organization is able to satisfy query of all the employee in more proficient way. This help the organization in passing on the positive message to all the customer that the organization also used to take care about their opinion in their offering.

Review of the application of given customer service strategies

Looking at the customer service strategy which is used by Burger king it has been find out that, Burger king uses on-site customer service and phone customer service to attract the eye of customer. As burger king used to provide through knowledge of all the offering of the organization to customer on their visit to restaurant. Also Burger king used to take the order of the customer with the help of telephonic conversation with the customer in the market (Bascur, Rusu and Quiñones, 2018).

Delivery of customer service strategies

Burger king used to deliver the customer service strategy with the help of employees of an organization. This employees of an organization used to get onboard training regarding the different way through which this strategy will be implement. Get Assignment Examples.Talk to our Experts!

Communication with the customer by the way of different digital media technology or with the help of feedback provided by them is the another way through which this strategies are implemented in Burger king.


After going through the above report it has been summarized that there are many benefit of understanding customer need as it used to help the company in building customer base and product line. After that the report summarized that communication and feedback are few driver of customer engagement. After that the report summarized customer map and different customer touch point in it. After that the report summarized that digital technology also used to help the company in improving customer experience. After that the report summarized that there are many different type of customer service strategy which is used by Burger king to meet the different need of customer. 

Also read- Managing Customer Experience Role

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