This sample will let you know about:
- Discuss factors that influences customer engagement.
- Define customer experience management.
Customers are the main stakeholder of the organizations because they play significant role in organization promotion. Therefore customers are first priority for the organization. Each organization focuses on customers requirements and their expectation which gives value to their money by meeting their objectives. Even hospitality sectors always focus on customers demands and offers additional services to customers for enhancing their experience by consuming services of the organization. Restaurant also focuses on their customers taste and food varieties so that they retain with organization prolong time. Even organization manages customers experience through customer experience management which is specially organized to manage experience of the customers. There is an example of Cosmo world buffet restaurant which has main goal to fulfil customer's needs and offers different services so that their experiences enhance. This report cover values and significance of the understanding the needs and opinions of the target customers group for service sector industry.
The values and importance of the target customer groups for the service sector industry
Customer plays vital role in organization because they help company to enhance brand power in global market, and they lead sustainability in business by purchasing services on regular basis (Scherpen, Draghici and Niemann, 2018). Various service sectors gives values to customer's preference and their choices by understanding their different needs along with expectation. Restaurant managers analyses types of customers and understands their choices regarding services, taste and facilities. Order assignment help from our experts!
Importance of understanding customer needs-
- To get customer taste, organizations analyses market which helps to understand target customers demands because target customers can lead economical profitability in company by purchasing their services.
- To analyses customers taste, service sector managers apply techniques to focuse different type of customers in the market. Therefore, organization applies customer segmentation strategy which helps to get types of customers, their needs and preference from the services sector industry.
- Different segments of customers' helps organization that what services or product can give the value of their money and what type additional service can influences their experience.
- The main reason to understand target customer's choice to builds good relationship with them so that, they retain with the organization prolong time.
- Cosmo world buffet restaurant, Romford has main purpose to focus targeted customers so that enables to get their needs, wants and preferences. By focusing on customers' organization wants to maintain good relation with them. Organization offers varieties of services such as hospitality, restaurant etc. services to customers, so that target customer doesn't have to face problem.
- Generally, customer prefers that restaurant or hospitality services which gives values of their money and enhance their experiences.
- Currently, organization targets only potential customers and improves their services so that customer's attract and prefer to purchase services.
- Potential customer's demands and their preferences are very crucial for the hospitality sector because they enhance economical scale by purchasing services.
- Organization applies market segment strategy and categorizes different target customers in term of gender, age, income, occupation, education and ethnicity so that enable to understand customers' needs and expectation in the market.
- Through the demand and preferences, organization understands customer behaviour and attitudes towards hospitality.
- Customer attitude and behaviour assists organization to establish brand loyalty and trust.
- To give value targeted customers, organization includes customer care manager who helps company to resolve customer's issues regarding services or products. Even customer care manager helps organization to maintain relationship by sharing knowledge about customer taste.
- The main goal to focus target customers that supports to lead sustainability in the organization by retaining them with the company prolong time. Therefore, they are valuable for the organization,
Various factors which executes and influences customer engagement for the different target group within organization
Engagement factorsThere are various factors which help organization to understand customers needs and wants, which establishes relationship with customers. Communication is also an important factor which affect organization. For example if hospitality sector provides communication services to customer as result they comes in trust.
Various opportunities for customer engagement
There are various strategies for the customer engagement which is applied by the Cosmo buffet restaurant, Romford for building brand loyalty in the customers. Strategies are-
Customer experience: Organization focuses on customers' needs and requirements which helps to get customer behaviour and attitudes towards product and their services. Based on the understanding, organization offers additional services to targeted customers that enhances their experiences (Surridge, and, 2016). To influence customer experience is the main strategy of the organization because it leads customer trust on the company.
Humanize brand: Cosmo buffet restaurant, Romford is the most popular stylish, modern chain dining room along with Asian cooking stations which is established in UK. It is a famous restaurant which offers worldwide services to customers. Organization has goal to influence brand value of the restaurant by offering standard quality services to customers. Therefore, organization offers opportunities to customer for sharing their experience about food and their services. Even organization encourages them for givng new idea or suggestion which can improve organization services. Thus, organization enhances customer engagement and improves brands value.
Use social media: Organization uses social media to communicate with employees therefore, it is profitable strategy for the restaurant. Through the media organization communicates each employee personally regarding issues and inquiry. Based on the problem, resolves them within time which makes happy customers and builds effective relationship with them. Organization offers email facilities to targeted customers where customer can ask about issues. Cosmo buffet restaurant offers online booking services to customers where customer can book online. Thus, organization engages customers in organization and enhance brand value. Struggling with your dissertation, get dissertation writing services from our experts!
On-boarding and post boarding techniques
On boarding strategies
It refers to introduce organization products and services to new customers and assists them to understand how can they take benefit and how can they enhance their experiences. Thus, organization draws a positive position in customer mind for the company (San-MartÃn, Jiménez and Puente, 2019). Cosmo buffet restaurant manager applies strategies to attract targeted audience in the market.
Understand customer preferences: Organization analyses types of customers which are based on the age, gender, income and occupation. Such kind customer segmentation assists organization to understand their expectation from restaurant. Cosmo buffet is the most popular restaurant which offers wide variety products so that each customer gets values by getting desirable food in good taste.
Build parameter of the on-boarding cycle: Restaurant applies on-boarding cycle parameter for influencing brand value over the predetermined time. Through the parameter focuses three type of customer's i.e. first time customer, committed customer and potential customer. Thus, organization surveys each type customer group and engages them with the company.
Post-boarding strategies
Customer retention is the sign of the post-boarding strategies. To establish good relation with customers prolong time. Organization offers customer care services to target customers.
Effective way of post-sale engagement: Those customers who have taken services of the Cosmo buffet restaurant, they are offered membership card by the organization. it is sign customer relationship. Membership card is the strategy of the organization to make them tempt to buy services again (Benzarti and Mili, 2017). Through the card, organization offers discount services or cash back service to customers if they purchase services again. It is a effective way to sale services and retains potential for the several times
Customer care services: Even organization offers customer care services to targeted customer who have consumed the services of organization. Where manager keeps communicate them occasionally and introduces about offers and additional services so that customer attracts and make plan to visit the place again. Beside of this it also supports group of customer by resolving their issues. Thus, organization establishes good relation with them.
Various factor which drive and enhance customer engagement
Compelling offers: It is important factor which influences customer engagement with the company. Cosmo buffet restaurant gives values to their different types of customer by offering discount on food. Even organization gives standard quality services to customers so that they attract and gives value to brand.
Competitive prices: Organization applies competitive price strategy that keeps effective price. it is dependent on the products type, so that each type employee enables to buy products and services. The main goal to cover each type of customers and enhances their engagement by offering feedback facilities.
Customer experience map
Customer Journey Mapping: It is an effective way to create, record, strategy and evaluates communication which customer keeps with company. Cosmo buffet restaurant, Romford prepares customer experience map so that able to understand brand position and customer engagement with the company.
Define objectives: Organization possess Asian cooking stations and global banquet in England. Organization has goal to focus targeted customers and improves their experience by offering expected services (Lemon and Verhoef, 2016). The main objective of the organization is to improve customer satisfaction by reducing their complaints about late services.
Gather information: Manager of the restaurant gathers various types information about customers. For example customers contact number, occupation, birthday date, likes & dislikes, experiences after consuming services, complaints, expectation etc. collects by the organization so that make them engaged with organization prolong time.
Identify customer†Touch pointâ€: Touch point refers social activity of customers which includes online searches, telephone calls, blogs, support desk, online chat box services, conferences etc. which is identified by the organization. It allows effective communication and informs about additional services to customers. Organization keeps brilliant customer services team who handles such kind customer and tempt them to buy services again.
Key stages of customer experience: To improve general customer experience Cosmo buffet Romford focuses on pre boarding, on-boarding and post boarding customers so that able to understand their needs, wants and their expectation (Coble, 2018). Organization offers feedback and rating services to customers so that customers shares their real experience about product and service and also gives rating to organization. Even organization also involves customer experience for late delivery of products. In which customer can share their bad experience about product delivery and takes late delivery or no response during calls. Thus organization maintains customer experience and develops their product services.
Start mapping: To prepare customer experience map organization includes touch points, aims and objectives, operational performance graph and weaknesses of the organization. In map, cosmos buffet, Romford also includes stages of customer's journey which has described in the map below-
Validate results: To validate map organization allows group of customer and various department to give their feedback. Based on the feedback manager can observe accuracy of the experience map.
Analyses Map: To analyses Map success manager of the organization always focuses on customer complaint which can reduce customer trust on organization. Manager gathers all issues and enlisted them for resolving them over the time (Exter, 2018). Even organization also resolve online services relevant customer problem and resolve them.
Treat Map as living document: To maintain effectiveness of the map, organization review and update map regular basis by touching and removing touch points. It leads standard quality in organizational services.
Identifying touch points
Customer's touch points helps organization to make business opportunities so that enable to offer best services and improves brand position in global market. Touch points are the social activation which helps organization to reach potential customers and takes them in contact with company's brand pre-boarding, on-boarding and post-boarding (Sutrisno, Wulandari and Sodik, 2016). Customers touch points are rating & reviews, visit websites, contact customer services etc. customer's touch-points helps organization to lead advancement in the experience. Even these touchpoints leads business opportunity for the organization such as-
Rating & reviews: It is a main touchpoint for the organization because it helps to understand customer behaviour and their response regarding organization products services. Even rating leads brand position and reviews helps organization to understand customer experience. Both touch points creates business opportunity for the Cosmo buffet restaurant because organization can influence brand value by social activity and target group of customer by giving answer of the question on reviews.
Visit websites: Customer always visits those sites which has high rating and along with good reviews. Organization can offer subscribe services to customers so that they can subscribe and can ask questions about products and their services. It is most important touch point which cosmos buffet restaurant can use for influencing customer experience. Thus, it creates opportunities to reach potential customers.
Contact customer services: It is also a crucial touchpoint for the customers where they take information about food and issues relevant to their services. Cosmo buffet restaurant applies this strategy for approaching potential customers (Nerby, 2016). Where organization provides contact number to customer and allows them for consulting their quarries regarding product, services and safety issues. Through the strategy, company access on customer interest's and their behaviours which improves their loyalty on company. Get Assignment Examples.Talk to our Experts!
Ads and online : Currently, it is also plays significant role in customer touch point which draws brand position in customer mind. Through the ads and online video advertisement, customer measures brand popularity (Gacanin and Wagner, 2019). It is good opportunity for the organization because they can update post-boarding customers about advance services. Cosmo buffet restaurant can attract new customer through online advertisement and ads. Company also can claim about their standard quality foods and services through the online video advertisement which leads effectiveness in customer about brand power.
Impact of digital tool's on customer relationship management (CRM)
Customer relationship management (CRM system):
It is a type of technology which helps to manage customers relationship with the company and lead communication with potential and targeted customers. The main aim of the system to improve organization relationship. It assists business to keep sustainable contact with customers which generates high profit in company. There are various types of CRM system which is utilized by the organization for maintain relationship with targeted customers. Types are-
Operational CRMs: customer relationship system helps organization to focus on selling behaviour of employees and ratio of customer satisfaction. Operational CRM system supports organization for managing marketing, purchasing and customer service operation on regular basis. Through the system, manager of the restaurant can contact customer through the emails and approaches potential group of customers (Maklan, Antonetti and Whitty, 2017). CRM system provides automation services which allows customers to gather information about company by the mail that improves experience of customers. It has drawback because automation leads confusion for the manager during offering multi email campaign.
Analytical CRMs: This system creates easiness for the organization to arrange group of customers acquisition and their retention. This technique is fruitful for the organization because manager can analyse selling ratio of services. Another function of the system to informs about customer retention where manager holds customers satisfy by meeting their objectives. Even system supports manager to track customer interaction on social media and different information which can develop standard form. It has drawbacks because it requires expert who can utilize the system for analysing customer activity.
Collaborative CRMs: It is streamline communication system which helps company to build sustainable relationship with group of customers and targeted customers. It requires more attention of the company on the customers reviews which is big disadvantage of the system.
Online customer experiences
Organization selects digital marketing channel for interacting current and potential customers. The main reason of the digital marketing is that UK promotes digital platform and customers prefer digital services rather than offline services. Therefore, Cosmo chooses digital marketing for attracting customers from the brand. To influences brand power, organization adapts online display advertisement which updates customers about restaurant. Digital platform requires high maintenance regular basis which is a drawback of the channel.
Social media: It is also one of the most popular media which is utilized by the organization for influencing awareness about product varieties and their services. It is effective tool for communication because it helps organization to stay connected with each type of customers. Through the social media organization aware customers about discounts offers and other services. As same it also requires high maintenance to stay active on social media.
Customer service strategies
Optimizing agent training: It is important strategy of the organization because it helps maintain customer relationship with customers. For example if manager or employees of the organization offers good services to customers, as result customer gets happy and sets good image about organization services. Thus organization can improve employees services by introducing training classes which leads effectiveness in employee service.
Optimize quality assurance: it s another strategy which helps restaurant to create loyal image in customer mind about product (Jain, Aagja and Bagdare, 2017). Organization focuses on food taste and their varieties so that customer attracts and like to purchase services gain from the restaurant. Restaurant recruit eligible employees who can check whole operation timely and resolve issues if it occurs during operation. Even manager analyses employees performance at workplace. The main goal of thesw operations to maintain high quality services at workplace.
Improve call centre: organization offers call services to customers so that customers can interact with manager and can book tables and banquet. Organization keeps expert employees who give response well-formed on call. To improve call centre, organization uses various techniques that improves calling facilities during talking.
Customer experience management
It is the collection of the procedures which organization uses for tracking, reviewing and designing communication between customers and organizations by the parameter of customer experience map (Kandampully, Zhang and Jaakkola, 2018). The main goal of the CEM to maintain sustainable relationship by the customer's perspective and customer loyalty on the brand. Management helps organization by understanding needs of customers and organize customer centric strategy by enlisting all feedbacks. Organization takes helps of CEM for influencing customer experience. Restaurant uses touchpoint to contact with customers on regular basis.
Identification and Designing the brand experience: For improving the consumer experience the management of Cosmo Buffet Restaurant identify and design the brand experience. This involves improving the consumer experience by implementing various aspects such as product reviews, experience review and other satisfactory measures. This will guide the management towards the possible development in the services to meet and cope up the expectations of consumer,s.
Assessing Market Need: For improving the consumer experience to assess the needs and demands of the consumer's play the crucial role (Zolkiewski and, 2017). By assessing the market need the management will be able to upgrade the current products and also it will guide the management for launching the new products that can effectively fulfil the needs of the consumer's.
Experience Mapping: Experience mapping is a process that involve ratting the products and also to take feedback from the customer's about the product satisfaction. Experience mapping will enable the management to improve the consumer experience by improving the product quality.
- Organization can improve customer experience by implementing the various services such as cal centre and other related services.
- Based on the ratting various developments can be taken to improve the product quality and services.
- The management can utilize digital channels for the marketing campaign which leads effectiveness in team.
This report concludes about the needs, wants and preferences of the target consumer. Various factors drive the consumer experience has also concluded in this report. Customer experience map has also concluded in this report. Various customer touch point has also concluded in this report. This report can be summarized digital technology which is employees in managing the customer experience within the services sector. Customer experience management has been summarized in the report. Customer services strategies has been concluded in the report. Customer experience management can be concluded in the report. management has been summarized in the report. Customer services strategies has been concluded in the report. Customer experience management can be concluded in the report.
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