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NURS6055 Community Health Care Nursing

University: Wembley High Technology College

  • Unit No: 14
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3252
  • Paper Type: Dissertation
  • Course Code: NURS6055
  • Downloads: 707
Question :

This assessment will cover the following questions:

  • Discuss the role of the Community Health Nurse in overcoming the problem of vaccination among community.
  • Discuss the role and responsibilities of Community Health Nurses in educating the public about vaccination issues and explain strategies to address them.
  • How community health nurses are substituting the health systems voids for the extreme vulnerable and ignored group of people.
Answer :


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of any illness or frailty. The overall health in few communities may be compromised due to septic disorders, other environmental jeopardies, violences, poverty, accidents and injuries with individual. Community health look for addressing the essential requirements of particular group of people or the community people within the cities, towns or rural regions. They may be prescribed to chronic health circumstances and other communicable disorders but they eventually lack insurance policy or other associated resources to look for healthcare effectively (Apaydin and et. al., 2018). Community health nurses (CHN) efficiently serves the public in their own spaces to encourage and boost healthcare within the community. Community health nurses are educators and advocates and process their role of patient care efficaciously. The community health nurse or the public health nurse determines people in times of need and reaches out to people to aid their impairment. The nurses spearhead efforts to aid the conditions in assailable group of citizenry. The community health nurses are efficient in rendering the vaccination care education so that the population is protected from the Covid outbreak. They may also employ their medical expertness to particularize in an assortment of medical fields. The report entails the role of Community Health Nurse in difficulties of vaccination community (Aruru and et. al., 2021). The report also discusses the roles and responsibilities of Community Health Nurses in educating the public about the vaccination issues and explain appropriate strategies to address them.

Discuss the role of the Community Health Nurse in overcoming the problem of vaccination among community.

Community Health Nurses are the health care providers who are efficient in filling the health system gaps for underserved group of citizenry. The community health nurses are accountable for going to organisations, institutions and other businesses to offer the effective health education, health care and medical services to aid the ailment and rehabilitation. Community health nursing is a population-focused, community-rooted approaches which is majorly aimed at health promotion of an entire group of people. In addition, prevention of impairment of disorder, disability and premature death in the group of citizenry. The World Organisation's Emergency Committee had proclaimed the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) as a planetary health emergency which was grounded on the world-wide incline in the Covid-19 case report rates (Biswas and et. al., 2021). Due to the global outspread of this disease, World Health Organisation (WHO) labelled as Covid-19 as a epidemic with a high-risk planetary scale rooted on it's risk assessment on the infection situation worldwide. The worldwide inclining rate of the outbreak situation was not comparable with the accessible susceptibility of the health care system in almost all the nations. This situation potentially brought up the negative consequences for the health care providers who have to work day and night to render the population wit effective patient care and the management within the medical premises.

Community Health Nursing (CHN) activities is an incorporated segment of the Community Health Centre (CHC) course of events. Community Health Nurses are accountable for rendering nursing care to every group within the community with the very intention to encourage and boost the community's quality life in dealing with the varied difficulties which causes vulnerability to health associated difficulties and health risks (Breckenridge and et. al., 2022). Nevertheless, the requirements and neds of today's society are inclining and are also complex as the requirements to adapt to altering times. Community Health Nurses can majorly apply holistic and incorporated approach in stating to the existing challenges of the Covid outbreak. Nursing care management by accommodating to the epidemic circumstances majorly aided in minimizing the risk of exposure and associated vulnerability to the Covid-19 in the community. Apart from this, the community nurses also played additional roles of patient care by screening the potential cases globally, by recognising the patient's needs for imposing them for self-isolation and healthy monitoring of the outbreak cases.

The Covid outbreak has been a huge accomplishment, vaccination most of the world's population remains a huge issuance. The vaccination rates that was required to protect the lives of the population against the disease depended on varied factors which entailed the infectiousness of each impairment and the potencies of the vaccine (Burden and et. al., 2021). Working jointly as a society to protect one another from the dangerous pandemic is quibbling. The more population who are immunised, the less a malady will outspread. Covid-19 vaccines were approved in the late 2020 and early 2021 for population usage in the nations globally. Community nurses have a key role in declining the burden of the epidemic, role carving for prophylactic behaviours and also aiding vaccinate others. The community nurses efficiently employs the health education by providing advocating in the adaptation measures in the Covid-19 outbreak situations. The community nurses experiences and interpreting of numerous aspects of this disorders have been studied, for instance in the Covid-19 wards, isolation wards, other emergency departments and in intensive care units (Ciardi and et. al., 2021). During the outbreak of the infection, the community health nurses acquire numerous ability which entails the skills required to investigate the outbreak situations. Thus far, contempt the critical role of the community health nurses, there were limited evidences that was associated to the community health nurses during the pandemic roles during the Covid-19 epidemic. Covid-19 vaccine is an essential introduction is a unequalled landmark in the yesteryear of the vaccinations campaigns in the public health in the terms of immunization circle covered. In addition, the scale of operations involved in the vaccination campaigns. Community health nurses effectively assisted the pandemic situation by educating the population of the vaccines advantages for their future live and nurses gives the effective care which is vital for the populations health.

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Discuss the role and responsibilities of Community Health Nurses in educating the public about vaccination issues and explain strategies to address them.

Community  health nurses are efficient in filling the health system gaps for the vulnerable and undeserved populations who are inefficient in accomplishing the sound health requirements (Dada and et. al., 2022). The community nurses go to organisations and institutionss to delivert the health education effectivbely in the course of their nusring practices. Community nursing is a population-concentrated and community-grounded approach which is aimed at health promotion of a complete population. In addition, the community nirses are also efective in preventing the diseases, disabilities and other assocaited premature death due to unpredicataable ailments in a group of citizenry. Nurses in community health renders an interpretative bridge betwixt the acute setting and the community facilities and services. They efeectively aims at embracing the social model of health to assist and advocate the disparities. The nurses effectively give voice to the community people and accessing health care. In a system, health care is a complex and hard to navigate and here nurses in the community majorly are able to simplify the health associated systems, other related referral pathways and access to effective health care (Fares and et. al., 2021). Community nurses are well organised, well-structured and confident, and so they are able to cope in potentilly challenging circustances where they give thier best to iad the distresses with the public.

Health eduaction is major part in the nursing practices. Health education plays an essentila role in vaccination care of the population (Tagoe and et. al., 2021). This can majorly aid people interpret their physical and be in touch with approaches to effectively control the disorders. Nurses majorly have an apprehending knowledge and interpretation of health education efficiently. In the nursing process, nurses efficiently implements it to each individuality and the patient are required to chiefly abide by the relevant regulations and take the situational methods for varied situations. Vaccination is a welfare policy the national rulers of teh stare to ensure the healthy growth of population to avoid any sort of contarcting disorders. Community  health nurses are very significant part o fthe healthcare system which effecetively maesures the health magnitude of the population. Regular education on vaccination and effective nursing knowledge renders the treatment of the disease (Gadoth and et. al., 2020). During the Covid situation, thee community health nurses let parent and the family memebers to effectively interpret the difficulties whcih needs to be carefully paid attention to in daily work and how to better understand the needs of the patient care needs during the pandemic scenario. In the health education process of vaccination, the community health nurses majorly encourages and boosts the health care providers awareness of the disease knowldge and awareness associated with the Covide pandemic situations via professional aid and training. Qualification examinations are important to aid the popultion wwith the health education aid so that they serve health to the population and prctices their rolse effectively. The community health  nurses can give the population required health eduaction and publicity to train the people through lectures so that the people interprets the significance of the vaccination care. At the very same time, the community health nurses provides some easy and simple activities to easy interpret the knowledge in the medical premises. This inclines the population's awareness of participation in vaccination processes (Hallgren and et. al., 2021).

The community nurses guarantees the accuracy to each link in the vaccination processes for the population-focused distresses. The integral vaccination procedures plays an essential role part in encouraging and boosting population's physical health and declining the Covid infection magnitude of group of disorders and other associated high-incidence disorders. Community health nurses are effective in providing health education which reduces the allergic reactions associated with the allergic reactions and encourages the potencies of the vaccines. Post health education and publicity training, the people are significantly better going in terms of mastering the relevant knowledge associated with the vaccination process, successfully vaccinating unplanned vaccines etc. This significantly shows that the importance of health education is essential in vaccination care of the population and is also incomparable. There are several factors for instance large populations and poor sanitation which effectively have impacted the people's interpreting of disorders knowledge. The community nurses focusses mainly on the health education with nursing practices as health education is a kind of knowledge transmission which focusses on the prevention of disease knowledge with this people are more inclined towards preventive measures of the disease (Kartikasari and Arifiyanto, 2021). There are countless research outcomes on the function of health education in immunization care. For instance, during the Covid- situation, people were more vulnerable to the spreading infection and there were needs of accomplishing the vaccination globally to cure and prevent the miserable situation of the outbreak.

Health education is a scientific education which majorly focusses on the prevention and combining the effective treatment process to aid the ailment within the population. The community health nurses plays a vital role and holds an effective responsibility in vaccination care processes. The vaccination care relating health education lets the audience have a correct and apprehensive interpreting of the disease, evolves people's self-protection capabilities and also enables the people to acquire effective patient care in social life. Health education is via the apprehensive and systematic moulding of people's physical and self-evolving ideas. And so the role of community health nurses in vaccination care is vital and has to be addressed by them effectively to aid the pandemic situations and people facing difficulties with the outbreak conditions (Manning and et. al., 2021). Health education is considered as the vital nursing care plan in the vaccination processes of treatment to pandemic situations. The community nurses strengthens the health education among population to aid the treatment of the disease efficiently. Vaccination care refers to the regular health education of healthy patients that can be effectively be provided by the community health nurses. The community health nurses addresses the vital lectures to both healthy and impaired people to accomplish the health associated vital health education. The Covid situation worsened the health of the population and so health education by community nurses majorly aids the situation with the epidemic situation. Health education can aid the people to control and understand the corresponding measures to effectively control the pandemic disorders.

The community nurses are effectively accomplished with required and efficient knowledge and interpretation of health education. In the actual nursing practice process, all the people are required to take part in the vaccination care process and strictly abide by the relevant rules and regulations and take proportionate measures for various situations (Omer and et. al., 2021). Community health nurses plays a vital role in Covid-19 pandemic management in the scope of primary health care facilities to the patients as they are efficient in rendering nursing care for individuals. Nursing care management by accommodating to the pandemic situations majorly aids the community health centres in minimizing the hazard of vulnerability to the Covid-19 in the community. The nurses also plays an additional nursing care role in screening potential cases by recognising the patient's requirements for self-isolation and monitoring the outbreak case reports (Ramirez, 2021). In the contemporary study, rendering comprehensive services to the patient care by the community health nurses is required to control and prevent the spread of the Covid-19 at the health care community settings. Rendering comprehensive services and facilities by the community health nurses can be examined medical premises efficiently. The community nurses can also effectively optimise the acceptability of the Covid-19 vaccination care processes and this is very important step in avoiding and preventing the outspread of the infectious disease of the Covid pandemic within the community. The role of community health nurses emphasises more on the significant evolution in health and declining the health inequality at the community level within the population. The community health nurses effectively combat the pandemic situation by providing health care education and providing essential education and effectively imposing population in to the process of vaccination and immunization processes (Ratzan and et. al., 2021). This then aided in lowering down the population count report affected by the infection.

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From the above discussion, it is being conferred that health is a regime of absolute bodily, intellectual and gregarious well-being and not just the lack of any malady or infirmity. The gross health in some assemblage may be outlook due to purulent disorders, other environmental hazard, hostility, impoverishment, mishap and injuries with individualist. Community health countenance for addressing the necessary necessitate of special grouping of people or the assemblage people within the municipality cities, administrative district or rural area. Community Health Nurses are the health care providers who are cost-effective in concoction of the health system space for underserved abstraction of people. The community health nurses are responsible for going to organisations, custom and other business concern to offer the effectual health pedagogy, well-being care and Aesculapian services to help the disorder and rehabilitation. Community  health nurses are majorly substituting the health system voids for the extreme vulnerable and ignored group of people who are insufficuient in rendering the sound health needs. Nurses havre an interpreting knowledge and they can interpret theinformation quite effectively to teh population and  so they are competent to provide healthy life education.

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