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A/601/1740 Pearson BTEC (HND) Leading Change Unit 1 UK CBC College Level 4

University: Blackburn College

  • Unit No: 5
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 16 / Words 3943
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: A/601/1740
  • Downloads: 5932
Question :

This sample tells about:

  • Impact of changes in organisations startegy and operation
  • Various changes in organisations impact
  • Leadership activity towards change
Answer :
Organization Selected : Aslan and Reigeluth


Change is a procedure which is fundamental for each organization with a specific end goal to develop and grow in competitive market. Surroundings of business is dynamic and it exceptionally impact the operation and activities of firm. Therefore, companies need to embrace changes on constant basis keeping in mind the end goal can be attain in an effective and efficient manner (Aslan and Reigeluth, 2013). This helps with achieving targets and destinations in successful way. Change is essential for associations for investigating openings and fulfilling needs of clients. Without changes business lose its competency and neglect to satisfy necessities of their steadfast client base. The chosen entities for this report is Axis and Conrad Electronics that are both UK based electronic company. The report covers various measures undertake by business in order to reduce the negative impact of change, barriers of change and its impact of organizational activities and different leadership approaches.

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Impact of change on organization's strategy and operation

Organizational change refers to the procedure identified with looking into and adjusting business procedures and administration structures. In it, firms experiencing a change or undergo transformation. It happens when techniques of business or real areas of organization are adjusted. It is the procedure went for helping workforce to comprehend, submit, receive and grasp changes in existing business environment. Recognition and position of workers straightforwardly impact the primary concern (Clarke and Persaud, 2011). Threatening judgments identified with taken choices can spread rapidly all through the association as workforce talk. It adversely impacts the assurance and influences efficiency. In spite of the fact that it can be trying to adjust observations, these progressions can be accomplishing through ingenuity. Managers of little ventures ought to effectively take activities to change the convictions of confused representatives with the goal that workforce comprehend the purposes for association's activities.

Positive impact of change:

  • Increase in confidence level of workers
  • Provide competitive edge to firm over its rivals
  • Provide development and supportability to firm.
  • Creates dynamic environment inside association.

Negative impact of change:

  • Lack of support
  • Employee opposition.
  • Results in high costs.
  • Inability to deal with change may let down confidence of representatives.

Types of Organizational change:

Organization wide change: It is a large scale change that impact the general organization structure. This tends to involve rebuilding, resizing of any shape or cooperation. It is essentially a stage to change nature of association (Doppelt, 2017).

Transformation change: It is vital for associations to consistently look at its hidden systems. A firm ought to be in contact with surroundings around them. It includes understanding social atmospheres, social patterns, educated up on headways identified with innovation.

Personnel change: It happens when firm experiences mass cutbacks or enlisting. This obliges a move in hierarchical procedures and culture.

Unplanned change: Amid st arranged procedures and unlimited information investigation, a firm can experience different impromptu changes. Now and then, uncommon at that point arranged one. These progressions may have presented in impromptu path because of modifications in statistic organization.

Change in Axis Electronics:

The company experience strategical and innovative changes. In existing aggressive market, the procedures of organization spotlights to focus on the clients of each wage portion. They are not focusing on premium part but rather now, they modify procedure and accentuate on this portion of clients. They additionally center and move towards extension of business in unmistakable parts of the world. They open their outlets in those nations which are creating as they know about sloppy market potential.

As far as mechanical changes, organization has faith in making utilization of high innovation hardware keeping in mind the end goal to make espresso. It is a critical piece of activities of association. Right now, firm spotlight on refreshing its advanced stage. Selection of this innovation isn't considered in long haul design of the firm prior. Be that as it may, now, as a result of quick changes in innovation, advanced stage is utilized by them for advancing their products and brand name.

Change in Conrad Electronics:

As of late, on account of Brexit, extraordinary changes are made which impact the methodologies, tasks, and development of Conrad. One other factor that powers the endeavor to make modifications in working in addition in national living compensation. The organization is known for its extension but since of leaving the European association the matter of Conrad is profoundly affected and uphold them to change their technique (Fullan, 2014). Different laws and directions should be trailed by the organization in the forthcoming time. If you need cheap assignment help from experts that can help you score good grades and impress your professor easily, then we are your one-stop solution.

Different legitimate inconveniences are looked at by them in opening stores in other European nations because of Brexit. They outline techniques and strategies that significantly center around extension internationally. These systems help them in adapting up to changes and advancing their items in advertising. An increment in the least wages likewise impacts the working of the business. It impacts in a negative way and influences the productivity of the endeavor.

Comparison of two organizations


Axis Electronics

Conrad Electronics

Marketing strategies

Different communication channels are used by company to carry out the promotion of its services. Email marketing which is a primary way to connect with customers is use by company. This is known as one of the effective strategy of marketing as this provide an opportunity to connect with target customers with in an effective manner.

Relationship marketing strategy is utilize by Conrad strategy, in this company focus to create and develop good relations with suppliers and its customers. This is one of the most effective strategy of marketing as this help in sustain customers for long time period and support in maintain its market share.

Pricing strategies

Company use value based pricing strategy in order to get their satisfaction. Under this pricing strategy company determine the price of its products and services by examine the perceived value. It helps company in serve more number of customers which leads to increase the profits of organization.

On the other hand, Conrad electronics use competitive pricing, in which organization set the prices of its products based on the prices by its competitor for similar goods and services. One of the main feature of this pricing strategy is that it help in sustain in market for long run but at the same time negatively impact on its profits due to high competition in market.

Evaluate the impact of various drivers of change on organizational behaviour

Change drivers put immense effect on conduct and behaviour of individual as well as groups. It additionally impacts the choices of pioneers or directors (Fyke and Buzzanell, 2013). These progressions may be impacted in negative or positive way. Some significant drivers of progress that influence administration and conduct of people are characterize as takes after:

Customer led drivers: Customers are critical for each business association as they profoundly contribute in its development and achievement. They are the person who have basic influence in expanding benefit of big business. There is an immediate connection between client inclinations and benefits of organization. Along these lines, it is fundamental for the manager of Axis and Conrad electronic to consider this factor with a specific end goal to decide client inclinations create reasonable methodologies appropriately.

Technology led drivers: Technology is an imperative factor that must be considered by the leaders of each company. It is the component which helps with giving upper hand to the firm finished its rivals. Innovative changes impact working and activities of organization. Any change in innovation likewise impact choices of pioneers. Use of most recent and enhanced innovation gives preferences to both the organizations. It encourages them in controlling great quality items and administrations to its buyers. Keeping in mind the end goal to guarantee better results, this change driver is fundamentally being trailed by the directors of Axis and Conrad electronics.

Competitors led drivers: They impacts on incomes of the business undertaking. In focused market, numerous contenders are existing that impact offers of Axis and Conrad electronics. Managers needs to keep in see their rivals as their systems impact working and activities of big business. In this way, it is important for the chairmen to outline systems by keeping in see their rivals with a specific end goal to beat them and lead the market.

Capital led drivers: Investors are considered as an important part of business as they impact association's execution. As much as the financial specialists, as much the execution will make strides. Capital is extremely vital asset as without it business can't run. Adequate measure of assets is required for smooth activities of business so; it is fundamental for the administration to think about this change driver and keep up enough subsidizes so as to get achievement in the market and enhance execution standard.

Government led drivers: These incorporates different laws and directions that effects on exercises of business. Companies need to follow all approaches and laws that are made by government and plan their techniques and strategies as per that (Gupta, 2011). This helps the organization in effectively adapt up to changes and works effectively in the market.

Competitors led drivers: They impacts on incomes of the business undertaking. In focused market, numerous contenders are existing that impact offers of Axis and Conrad electronics. Managers needs to keep in see their rivals as their systems impact working and activities of big business. In this way, it is important for the chairmen to outline systems by keeping in see their rivals with a specific end goal to beat them and lead the market.

Capital led drivers: Investors are considered as an important part of business as they impact association's execution. As much as the financial specialists, as much the execution will make strides. Capital is extremely vital asset as without it business can't run. Adequate measure of assets is required for smooth activities of business so; it is fundamental for the administration to think about this change driver and keep up enough subsidizes so as to get achievement in the market and enhance execution standard (Hrebiniak, 2013).

Government led drivers: These incorporates different laws and directions that effects on exercises of business. Companies need to follow all approaches and laws that are made by government and plan their techniques and strategies as per that. This helps the organization in effectively adapt up to changes and works effectively in the market.

Some others drivers of that also possess an impact on overall functioning and operation of a company are discussed below:

Assets or Resources: with a specific end goal to guarantee appropriate working, it is fundamental for the business worry to have enough assets. It helps Axis and Conrad electronics in legitimate working of business. Cost of tasks can be decreasing if assets are ideally used.

Capabilities: Capabilities of an association can be characterized by its labor or manpower. They are the significant quality of firm. Competent workforce helps in acquiring advancement the organization. This will improve execution and in addition benefit of the firm. Advancement is advanced by the capacity of firm to make openings.

In addition to that, there are few instruments and systems are useful in evaluating those components.
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PEST Analysis is one of that that helps the directors in deciding the effect of different factors on working of association. In comprise of:

Political: These incorporates approaches, charge rates, exchange confinements, political steadiness, taxes and so on which impacts on activities of business. Primary needs to think about these factors as these helps with giving more rights to workers and association.

Economical: It incorporates loan fees, financial development, collapse, swelling, and so forth. These elements influence tasks of firm and choices of pioneers.

Social: Age dispersion, social angles, populace development rate, vocation mentalities and so forth are incorporated into it. High patterns in these elements impact requests for referred firm and the manner by which firm works (Keppel and et. al., 2012).

Technological: It includes different mechanical viewpoints, for example, automation, rate of progress in innovation, innovative work action and so on. These helps Axis electronics in recognizing hindrances to passage, and effects on outsourcing choices. Other than this, mechanical movements would impact quality, costs and prompt advancement.

Measures undertake to minimize the impact of change on organizational behavior

Embracing and overseeing change isn't a simple undertaking for any company. It is hard to deal with these modifications and limit its negative effect as these are some of the time destructive for firm. These progressions can be controlled by chairmen by utilizing or actualizing different models and speculations (Malenfant, 2010). Utilization of these helps the supervisors in taking reasonable activities keeping in mind the end goal to drop down unfriendly impact of progress. A few speculations and in addition models are characterized as takes after:

Continuous Improvement Model: Administrators of Axis and Conrad electronics are connected this model with a specific end goal to make upgrades in business forms and additionally its activities on constant premise. Use of this model helps supervisors in diminishing negative impact of modifications and in accomplishing objectives and focuses of the business venture. It underlines on improving nature of products and let down waste. The model comprises of a 4 stage cycle which directors should guarantee to follow with a specific end goal to execute it in effective way.

PDCA cycle: This cycle encourages in improving overall and in addition execution of the association. The 4 stages that are vital for the firm to be taken after are as per the following:

Plan: It is the first stage of this cycle in which manager determine opportunities and plan for change or making modifications inside association.

Do: It is second step in which changes are executed by managers at small level. These progressions are presented just for trial basis.

Check: Managers utilize information in order to identify whether results of alteration are able to meet pre-defined business goals and objectives.

Act: If the consequence of change is effective then modifications are actualized by manager are more on extensive scale and consistently evaluate the results yet in the event that progressions didn't work, they start the cycle once more.

Explain different barriers of change and how they influence decision making of leader

Force Field Analysis: It is a system that encourages manager in perceiving those variables that are the real reason for change (Mukherjee and et. al., 2012). This approach sets up a harmony between the variables that drive change and the parts the oppose change. It encompasses 5 stages that are discussed below:

Stage 1: Proposal for change

In this, mangers set goals and perceive reason for change.

Stage 2: Determine change forces

There are a few powers that are exists in the surroundings of organizations. These are outer and inside. Supervisors consider these powers in this progression.

Stage 3: Identify drive against change

In this progression, supervisors perceive those components that oppose firm to execute modifications.

Stage 4: Assign sources

In this, these powers are evaluated under 1 to 5 scale and that factor is distinguished that put tremendous effect on association's execution (Parsons and Cornett, 2011).

Stage 5: Analyze and apply

In this, investigation is done by chief and those powers are evaluated that effects on working of business.

Boundaries to change and its effect on pioneer's choices:

Government: Changes in government laws and arrangements influences the working and activities of organization. It goes about as an enormous obstruction for organization in receiving change. These directions affect in roundabout way and impact choices of pioneers.

Complexity of Organization: It is additionally an obstruction in embracing change as because of complexities in hierarchical structure and capacities, workforce can't adjust with changes and go about as hindrance in executing change.

Lack of effective communication: Improper correspondence prompts mistaken assumptions inside working environment and representatives can't get finish data that are being imparted to them. Because of that progressions are not viably executed and impact choices of pioneers.

Different style of leadership towards a change initiative

In workplace different kinds of leadership style exist that advances inspiration among representatives and accomplish business objective in a viable manner. The objective and culture of the business ventures distinguishes which initiative style is fitting for them and their workforce (Suchman, Sluyter and Williamson, 2011). A portion of the association offer various initiative style inside their workplace, depend upon the need of an assignment to accomplish and different departmental needs.

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Following are some common sort of leadership style:-

Laissez-Faire Leader: In this administration style, pioneers enable faculty to take choice. Despite the fact that pioneer is as yet in charge of the choice that will made by their staff individuals. Such kind of authority is regularly utilized when laborers can look at the circumstance and recognize what is required to be done and how we will do it. This is reasonable where pioneers totally put stock in their representatives and their choice (Frank, 2015).

Autocrat Leader: In this kind of initiative style, pioneers are the person who take all choice regardless of minor or major without the assent of colleague. Under this, directors force their power and will on representatives and power them to fill in according to their bearing as it were. Additionally, none of the laborer can challenge the choice made by pioneer.

Participative Leader: They are the person who takes each and every choice with the shared assent of all laborers. This advance solid workplace and inspiration among them. They feel esteemed and critical which eventually lead them to remain with the association for longer span. At the point when a business undertaking requires to roll out improvement inside the workplace, these pioneers help faculty with the goal that they can acknowledge the adjustment in a powerful way.

Transactional Leader: Under this, pioneers basically assess the execution of their collaborator and based on that they give reward and discipline to them for their great and awful execution. Directors with other colleagues set up pre-characterized objectives and influence staff to consent to execute according to their bearing. On the off chance that objectives are accomplishing inside the particular time span, chief gives prizes to their representatives, for example, reward, paid occasions and so on. Be that as it may, if by one means or another they can't meet the objective then administrator put them under preparing.

Transformation Leader: Under this administration style, abnormal state of correspondence happens amongst administration and workers with the goal that they both can all things considered achieve objective in a compelling and productive way. Supervisors inspire work force and enhances their effectiveness and efficiency by means of high visibility and communication.

The word "Change" can be characterized as the basic risk that for the most part keeps running in each business independent of its age, size and industry. In the present situation, where everything is changing so quickly and rapidly empowers our organizations also to adjust according to the present change with a specific end goal to increase higher upper hand in the market.. Association that handles change in a compelling way, will probably endeavor in the market when contrasted with the person who may languish over its survival as they haven't adjusted according to the change. Not just from the point of view of organizations, even the request or taste of client is likewise evolving quickly. Each business concern knows about the idea of "change management" (Suchman, Sluyter and Williamson, 2011).

Lewin's Change Management Model: It is comprising of three phases of change management which are characterized below:

Unfreeze: This arrangements with setting up the organization so they can acknowledge the way that change is basic for yielding better outcomes. Fundamentally at this stage, pioneers discover the motivation behind why current method for doing exercises or things are not coming about according to the desire. They likewise thought about the disadvantage of leaving methods.

Change: At this stage, individuals begins settling their possibility and see new ways and strategies to get things done. The entire change doesn't occur without any forethought. So as to make it fruitful, first individuals needs to distinguish how these change will go to profit them and their organization (Thomas and et. al., 2013). Correspondence and Time are the two most vital factor to changes happening effectively.

Re-Freeze: When changes will take the shape and representatives have begun grasped the inventive or better approach for working, the organization is good to go to Re-Freeze. In basic words, it implies association and their individuals have adjusted according to the change.


According to the above cases it can be presumed that with a specific end goal to increase high aggressiveness level, each business association must experience change. It isn't fundamental for organizations however it is likewise essential from an individual perspective too. It is vital for each director to comprehend the requirement for change and after that actualize it in a powerful way which at last prompts achieve business objective productively. Both outside and drivers have effect on the whole activity and working of the organization. Consequently, chiefs need to create restorative measures in order to limit or lessen the negative effect of these measures.

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