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Impact of Changing Lifestyle on the Health of the People

University: Regent College London

  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 7 / Words 1863
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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  • Downloads: 1160
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss about the Epidemiology of infectious and non-infectious disease.
  • Discuss about the current priorities and approaches with disease
Answer :


Public Health can be considered as something which plays a crucial role forward economy and health of the country (Modi, Palmer and Armstrong, 2014). In present report,  role of different Agencies has been 3 dimension and which helps in reducing different diseases from the overall Nation. Apart from this, report will further argues about the impact of changing lifestyle on the health of the people and the effectiveness of the strategies that have been implemented by the social health care system for protecting the society.

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1.1 Role of different agencies in identifying health of level and different diseases in communities

Many organizations provide services for health and social care in UK and to the whole world. There are three organizations that are discussed below which provides health care services. World, Health organization, National Health Service and General Medical Council. The aim of above three organisations is providing services of health care to the people. They may have different specific objectives, but the main goal of the organisations is same (Braveman and Gottlieb, 2014).

Apart from this, it is being found that World Health Organisation does not provide direct services to the citizens, but aids the private organisations that are working for the same purpose. They serve the health organizations on the country basis. They specially provide services to the health care systems that are at introductory stage or the organisations that are not performing well in this sector. They become more active at the time of calamities, natural disasters etc. WHO try their best in generating the worldwide investigation system in order to identify the level of the heath and diseases persisting in the community. On the other hand,  it has also been analysed that there sample number of of business firms which includes the research laboratories and health centres from nation, local and provincial level and forms a network in order to work effectively. UK community health centre services is one of laboratories that contributes for this cause of investigating the levels of health and diseases (Atrash and Carpentier, 2012).

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Apart from this there are some other our business organisations are also present in United Kingdom that helps in identifying level of health and disease in communities is General Medical Council. This  agency mainly protects patient  with the help of delivering training to employees as per the needs and requirements. They do the same by setting standards for the doctors and the services provided by them. They believe in providing the best services to the patients.  Another one of biggest organisation which was found in United Kingdom  which can also be considered as a Council i.e. National Health Services is the biggest single player in the field. NHS provides its services free of cost to the citizens of the country at the service point. NHS commissioning is another process that deals with providing effective services that meet the needs of the population. NHS is a patient led organisation as they provide the list of services to the patients and the final decision is made by consulting the  NHS collaborates with WHO in its activities of identifying the levels of health and diseases (National Health Service, 2018). If you are worried about nursing assignment help from experts.

1.2 Epidemiology of infectious and non-infectious disease

The study of disease transmission is the investigation of incidence, circulation and occurrence of the illnesses in the network. It manages every one of the components related with circumstances and end results of the sickness. The examination should be possible on non-irresistible and also irresistible ailments. In present setting,  Diseases like:  food  borne disease (FBD), Microbes transmitted: salmonella, E. Coli and some more (Bowleg, 2012).

Vulnerable groups: People with all ages and both the genders are defenceless against FBD's. In UK, the groups that is most helpless against sustenance borne ailments is kids. Powerlessness for nourishment borne infections additionally relies upon the safe arrangement of a person. Individuals with harmed safe framework are more powerless against the pathogen attacks.

Epidemiology of obesity

Incidence rates: The rate of increase in obese cases is at alarming stage in UK. In men, the percentage increased from 0.2% to 1.8% from 1993 to 2010. In women, the hike in percentage is more that is, from 1.4% to 3.6% in the same years as above.

Causes: many reasons can lead to increase in weight or accumulation fat in the body. Some of the causes are, Imbalanced diet, Genetic defects, Damage to hypothalamus, Intake of drugs, Change in lifestyle.

Obesity is  is being considered as a main problem where situation where accumulation of fat takes place in the body to such extent that it becomes the reason of many health problems. Study shows that 20% of adult population is suffering from HIV in England by 2014 and they stay undiagnosed and this percentage is rising day by day (Betancourt and et. al., 2016).

1.3 Effectiveness of different approaches to control the incidence of disease in communities

It is been analysed that there are ample number of approaches which is being made by government, private hospitals and Healthcare providers so that to control the incidence of disease in communities (Kohl 3rd and et. al., 2012). It has been found that most of the approaches majorly help in prior targeting of the  at  of diseases that are at the verge of causing ill effects to the society. Below are some of the approaches that aid the control of diseases in communities:

Screening: Screening is another strategy that can be used to control the diseases in the communities. Screening refers to prior medical testing for the disease without observing the symptoms of that disease. This prior testing helps in identification of occurrence of disease in an individual so that he can be treated before attainment of that disease. Screening can be done in two ways. Universal screening refers to screening of a particular group from the population. Another type of screening is case finding that refers to screening of the individuals who are assumed diseased (Brett and et. al., 2014).

Immunisation: this is being considered as a technique which mainly he helps an individual or patient is the technique by which an individual can be made immune of certain infections. It can be done by vaccination. Vaccine of a particular disease made an individual resistant to that disease.


2.1 Research to determine current priorities and approaches to the provision of services for people with disease

It is being analysed that there are many chronic diseases like HIV as England (London) consists with almost half of the population who is suffering from this disease. Therefore, it is vital for the government and agency to prevent whole nation from this chronic disease with the priority (Sallis and et. al., 2012). On the other hand, it is also required for government to focus on developing a number of strategies so that diseases can be reduced to zero that are being considered as mass killers.

From above give image, it is being computed that HIV/Aids is carrying the most deadliest and infectious disease which is majorly increasing on a regular basis. Some of policies in present context are given below:

Primary prevention: Primary prevention refers to the foremost preventive measures that have been used to prevent the population from the disease by educating them about HIV and other diseases  (Popescu and Predescu, 2016).

Secondary prevention: If a woman is being found infected with HIV virus, it is required for her to be treated well so that other people do get infected because of it. NHS mainly introduced a health care program of testing the blood of every pregnant woman.

Tertiary prevention: This is being considered as last step of prevention which directly aims on the patient who are already suffering from chronic diseases. In UK, NHS has made efforts towards palliative care in the case of HIV and cancer.

2.2 Explain the relationship between the prevalence of disease and requirements of services to support individuals within the health and social care service provision

In present context, it is being analysed that relationship among prevalence of disease and requirements of service might easily help sufferers from getting cured from diseases which is being shared by them. On the other hand, Prevalence of disease helps in gaining relevant data related to people which majorly faced illness from total number of individuals who have been studied. With the help of this, proper plan can be made related to service which is needed to be given related to issues (Wood and et. al., 2014). Thus, this can be considered as a relation among prevalence of disease and which can deliver right information to practitioners to make vaccines for diseases like HIV and other chronic diseases.

2.3 Impact of current lifestyle choices on future needs for health and social care services

In United Kingdom, it is being found that there are two main health problems that are found to be severe and chronic are HIV and Obesity and these are being considered as major issues which was faced by most of people and affected their lifestyle.

HIV: Main cause of this contagious diseases is having multiple sex without protection (Condom). Data shows that every year around 4.9% rate gets increases. Here, using protection and disposing it correctly might help people of London to reduce this rate and can impact positively on their lifestyle as well.

Obesity: The main cause of being obese is the eating habits of the people. Wrong eating habits lead to accumulation of fat in the body that result in obesity. Data identifies that premature adult death rates can be reduced to 8%, if people maintain their weight. Survey suggests that the percentage of obese people increased by 13% in men and 10% in women from 1993 to 2010. This data gives the reason to worry and may impact upon people's lifestyle (Minkler, 2012)  (Garner and et. al., 2012).


From above mentioned report, it is being concluded that epidemiology of illness can help in gaining right knowledge or data related to the disease. This can help in making right changes as per the requirements in existing vaccines or it helps in developing new vaccine for the disease. Away with this, health care units are also needs to come up with the preventive measures of such diseases so that high number of patients can be cured with an ease.

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