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Organisation Behaviour of Hays Travel Limited

University: University of Bristol

  • Unit No: 4
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 19 / Words 4873
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 1638
Question :
This assessment will cover questions which is mentioned thereunder:
  • Explain Hays Travel Limited influence of power, culture and politics given in organisational context.
  • Analyse to motivate individuals for achieving team goals in Hays Travel Limited.
  • Provide effective analysation in understanding co-operate in Hays Travel Limited.
  • What concepts and also the philosophies for organisational behaviour.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Hays Travel Limited


An organisation behaviour is the study or model of human behaviour in the consideration of particular organisation. It measure the behaviour and attribute of individual and group performance along with the study of areas about work environment that specify the impact on managerial attributes where the employees productivity, communication, motivation etc (Chumg and et. al., 2016). The objective organisation behaviour is to maintain and establish the positive working environment with effective compliances that improve the skills, knowledge and traits as per the expectation by particular company

In this report, the organisation is been opted as Hays Travel Limited is an independent travel and tourism agent chain organisation. Their headquarter in Sunderland, England. Hays is the largest travel organisation where they facilitates the touring packages to the customer internationally (Kitchin, 2017). In the report the topics are commence to cover organisational cultural, power and political factor that influence in the company perspective, evaluate the motivational theory by highlighting the effective techniques to achievement of goals, to elaborating the effective team and ineffective team in company agenda and different concept of philosophy about organisation behaviour in particular business oriented situation.

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Task 1

P1. Analyse the organisation's culture, politics and power can influence individual and team behaviour performance.

The concept of organisation behaviour is utilised for human behaviour, traits and performance for making fit to the company premises. It is basic and essential part of human resource management where it helps to guide and scrutinize the attitude of individual and group of people who are actively working in organisation. As per the perspective of Hays Travels company, the evaluation factor of culture, power and politics are determined by the Hays venture to seeking for improvement and impact on these factor in employee performance and behaviour.

Organisational Culture:

It comprise about the set of values driven by the company on that employees behaviour and attitude is to be measured. The certain values contain highly effective impact on the people or workforce job and to evaluate their overall performance as per their perform deliverables through in their current job role. The organisation culture having a important model known as Handy's Model that helps to rectify the suitable culture factor for the organisation perspective.

Handy's Model: It is a type of management techniques that support to utilise for mapping the organisation culture's aspect in terms of individual as well as group performance criteria. There are four major aspect which come under Handy's Model in the context of Hays Travel company to defines their suitable culture:

  • Power Culture: In this factor of culture, overall influence of power is controlled and utilised by one person or group and assess who is reliable and capable to making effective decisions. This form of power is driven by leaders or managers in the specific company for manage the organisation activities internally and externally.
  • Task Culture: According to this culture, it forms when teams in the organisation are made to highlight the specific problem and issues to lead the task in finish mode by attain overall work objectives. (Balwant, 2018).
  • Person Culture: In this culture factor, it defines about how organisation is work or presumes along with the different traits of personalties are approached and interact with each other. .
  • Role Culture: In this factor the role of leader and managers are assigned a job role to Individual and group employees as per their competency. The role culture can be adopt to divide the work as per the capability of each workforce and provide guidance where they can achieve suitable goals for the company.

As per above discussion of Organisation culture as per Handy's Model in the context for Hays Travel Company as they follows and majorly considered the Role Culture, as the company's manager or leaders measure the skills and knowledge of individual and team employees where managers enhance the effective training for better understand and employee could generates outcomes as well as productivity.

Organisational Politics:

The form of organisation politics assess the behaviour in human interaction that involves power and authority that regulate by top mangers. This factor is also measure the operational capacity and to maintain the interest and reduce the negative impact that occurs during organisation premises. In this political factor there is a political features of Chanlat's Characteristics of political power that comprise in the form of managers for Hays Travels, to making differentiate of political behaviour or traits in three formation of categories such as Namely Personal, decisional, structure and characteristics (Miao and et. al., 2020). The impact of organisation politics in individual is to measuring the lack of decision making and in team it encourage to forming the different type of strategies that would generates the positive outcomes.

The role of Chanlat's Characteristics of political that impact on individual and team performance and behaviour are:

  • Long term influence on Political orientation: This political features is comprise about the willingness of individual and team to participate in political influence system. It could generates valuable benefits in terms of better controlling the manpower, assessing deeply knowledge about the political background.
  • Short term influence on Political orientation: According to this factor, it effect the to approaching behaviour in terms of voting to someone, as it arises the impact in individual to analysing the issues which arise at the time of facing the election. For group it creates the negative impact as every member have to agree and giving vote to the one person as in majority aspect.

All these aspect of attributes considered at the time of hiring employees individually for organisation job role as Hays Travel can also attempt for this proceeding to measuring the qualities and obsession for individual person for related with work as it can be utilise in power and political behaviour.

Mangers of Hays Travel could assort this Chanlat's Characteristics of political factor for positive or negative where positive are integrated towards better compliance working environment or in negative will generates the discrimination and job dissatisfaction which will destruct the organisation system.

Organisational Power:

The term organisational power is defined about the ability to the particular organisation structure to assort overall necessary resources which is highly considered to the resources related to the company's development purpose such as manpower, machinery, raw material etc. It regulated and control by the managers who assigned and divide the task to the significant manpower and encourage to fulfil it successfully. The organisation power is having type of French and Raven's power types in Hays Travel venture perspective are:

French and Raven are the components is comprise about the social impact that allows beliefs and attitude or behaviour for particular person which generates the outcomes with action implement of others. Following having the types of French and Raven power that elaborates through Hays Travels company perspective are:

  • Expert Power: This influence of power is about the expertise perspective whose having immense amount of knowledge to enhance optimum guidance or order to the individual and group of subordinate for particular objective accomplish purpose (Pereira, Malik and Froese, 2017).
  • Legitimate power: It is specify about to holding the power to recognise the power of leadership as it highlight that power which comes along with the appointed to a specific position inside the organisation.
  • Reward power: According to this type of power, it defines the power of manger that provided to the employees in individual or group on their performance basis to influence to their motivation level such as increment in salary, bonus etc.
  • Coercive Power: In this power factor is comes from individual one who having ability to get punish an individual or group of employee for creating unwanted errors. It is a very rigid kind of power that only derives consequences to be faced in the aspect of any situational task.

In above analysation of Organisational power and the factor of French and Raven's types of power in background of Hays Travel company, there is one power which is exists and abide by Hays venture is Expert power, which helps to influence the individual or group through provide them proper guidance related with particular work objectives through expertise manger or leaders as well as the plan of action enhance through determine the Hays Travel internal culture aspects for that it will generates the better performance and favourable outcomes (Kim, Kim and Reid, 2017).

Task 2

P2. Examine the process and content theory of motivation enables the effective goal in organisation context.


The concept of motivation is comprise about the 'motive' which means needs, wants and desire of an individual person. It influence to the people for presumes the actions where they can accomplish their objectives.

It depicts the psychological concept which include wants, desires and needs of specific person. It having two types of theories Content and Process theory where it defines to encouraging individual or team person for work oriented aspect in order to achieve goals. In below there is explanation is derives as per the Hays Company perspective:

Content theory

It depict those factors that are useful in motivating an individual in order to accomplish their needs and requirements and also put emphasis on effective motivation. In regard of this, Maslow's theory of motivation is adopted by Hays travel company in terms satisfying the needs and requirements of customers.

Maslow's theory include five factors that comprise about to satisfying the needs and desires of individual people in a company to fulfil the primary needs they follow proper steps that are as follows:

  • Physiological needs: These needs include water, food, clothing and so on as these needs should be satisfied in proper for the effective functioning of employees. In terms of hays travel company, their manager need to focus on workforce and their requirements as it helps in achieving success for company as it employees are properly satisfied then they can give their best in their job.
  • Safety needs: In terms of this, it represent safety and security needs and in terms of hays travel company, manager put emphasis on offering job satisfaction to employees as it offer them prominent rights at the time of decision making. In regard of this, they also follow friendly environment as it leads to develop effective and healthy working culture (Chang and et. al., 2016).
  • Belongingness and love: It represent the prominent belongingness, love and affection to other individuals and for this, it is important to have effective interpersonal relationship with other individuals. In terms of Hays travel company their manager put emphasis on maintaining and developing healthy relations with their employees as it tends to offer them inner satisfaction at their workplace and boost their performance (Erbasi, 2017).
  • Esteem needs: It include reputation and self esteem of an individual towards others and itself. In terms of hays travel company they give tier employees a good and effective title for the post by promoting them as it tends to offer them effective satisfaction at the company and also make sure that they achieve desired outcome.
  • Self actualisation needs: As per this need it consider self achievement, growth and peak experience. In regard of hays travel company, every member tends to understand their personal strength and also satisfy the proper needs and requirements that helps in reaching towards their potential and helps in getting desired outcome.

Process theory

It depicts the psychological procedure that leads to motivate effective activities of employees that are mentioned below:

Expectancy theory: It depicts the process which is the alternative of significant frameworks and procedure that is controlled by the individual.

  • Expectancy: This factor depicts effective efforts the leads to generate healthy performance in return. In terms of hays travel company, tends to assign effective task according to the competence and ability of employees and give proper support and helps in doing work more effectively which is useful in earning more and more profitability.
  • Instrumentality: This level depicts that employees tends to perform in more effective way that helps in achieving expected result. In terms of hays travel company, their managers tends to motivate workforce by giving them rewards and other concerning incentives and bonus. For this, employees encourage individuals for the good work that helps in accomplishing desired outcome (Salas-Vallina, Alegre and Fernandez, 2017).
  • Valence: It depicts significant factors in which individual work in achieve desired outcome. For this, managers of Hays travel company motivate employees by giving them extra payment and salary or leisure time that helps in giving them mental peace to work more effectively. Along with this, it tends to motivate them for effective work and helps in getting positive outcome.

Therefore, by considering the above discussion it is identified that both the theories are helpful for hays travel company as it is useful in prominently motivating employees in order to achieve desired goals and outcomes by prominently satisfying the needs and requirements of employees that helps in achieving growth and success (Gkorezis and Petridou, 2017).

Task 3

P3. Elaborate about the effective team would opposed in ineffective team.

Team: The word team is derives about the group of people work and join together for having target to achieve a common goal or objective. In teams each member are having different type of behaviour, attitude and traits which determine the particular team strength and weakness.

The major importance of having team in Hays Travel company:

As the presence of team in organisation is essential where it increase and promotes the individual employees performance unity and company culture. Similarly, the existence of team factor in Hays Travel organisation is plays an important role which are as follows:

  • Improves the communication of ideas: As per the team oriented concept in Hays Travel venture, it can create the better communication as effective way at the time of pursuing in particular project where each people of team shares their view point and ideas related with task allotment. As conducting of better communication as conversation between employees it also develop the coordination.
  • Better Problem Solving: This important factor that can lead to Hays travel company's team work, In a team, if members are working on specific problem, then they need to solve it through their mistakes or any past personal experience to execute and measure the optimum solutions. (Wan and Wan, 2016).

Effective team: This type of team enhance the particular employee motivation and performance where they can generates their productivity along with better coordination to successfully achieve a organisation goal.

Ineffective team: This team is comprising about the members who are having low traits of skills, knowledge and unprofessional behaviour which derives poor coordination work regulation.

Difference between Effective and Ineffective team:

Effective Team

Ineffective team

  • In effective team there is having a clarity about the goals and highly structured maintain infrastructure.
  • Appointed the proficient leader or manger which having different type of traits and skills to guide the team and make it better through motivation aspect (Svanberg and Öhman, 2016).
  • Each team member of effective team allows to share their innovation, suggestion, ideas related with task by team leader that improves the decision making and different alternative generates to execute the project goal.
  • To encouraging and appreciating the high performer member in a particular team that influence their motivation level and allows more to contribute with some extra for of skills and knowledge that improves the quality of work.
  • Ineffective team are majorly recognise for their lack of participation and in-activeness form of behaviour which shows the professionalism behaviour.
  • As there having lack of decision making procedure which they could not able to gain their optimum solution or unplanned task which generates unfavourable outcomes.
  • There is a existence of lack of decision making and also enforce to not allowing the members to share their suggestions or ideas by existing team members.
  • Their goal strategy is represents in unstructured as well as it arises the high competitiveness that will be occurs lack of coordination (Anwar and et. al., 2020).

From above differentiate between effective and infective team in context to Hays Travel Company, the effective team having opposed in ineffective team through the support of Janis group think as it is mode in which individual small cohesive group are tend to accept the view point or conclusion which highlight the perceived group. A number of member in a team is having in effective is easy to adjustable and manage rather not in ineffective team, the clarity of job role and responsibility and goal in effective team but there is lack of understanding of clarity in ineffective team as they not able to coordinate among with their members and most important part is better communication skills that exists in effective team where they are engaging efficiently with their peoples but this skills are disengaged within ineffective team members. The influence of Hays company effective team will generates the more positive impact rather than ineffective team (Bakotić, 2016).

Belbin Team Roles:

The Belbin Team role is comprise about the behavioural test that behave and contribute with others in a particular way. This Belbin theory is compressed in the form of People roles, Action oriented roles and Cerebral roles which consisting nine type of team roles.

But as per Hays Travel perspective by considering two major team roles People and Action oriented which would defines the strength and influence to the individual and group employees to improve their skills and knowledge.

People Oriented Roles:

  • Resource Investigator: It is form of natural communicators which enhance to explore new opportunities and ideas for making better connection within organisation. In perspective of Hays Travel their team resource investigator are more into measure the resources are optimum utilisation within particular team as well as new innovation scrutinize for gaining information.
  • Team work: This is form of collaborative efforts of particular team or group for influence the motivating aspect to achieve a common goal in efficient manner (Alasad, 2020). In Hays Travels, the mangers can allows better team work group by selecting the potential employees whose having extra skills and capabilities to take the task into next level.

Action Oriented Roles:

  • Implementer: According to this concept the particular team get into action by utilising the resources or forming a effective plan to take an action on it. In the Hays Travels venture the team could implies their action moves with proper strategic planning and measuring the outcomes.
  • Completer Finisher: In this team role, it is most effectively assorted and analyse the the specific task with errors and other implication to scrutinize the quality presents it in proper manner (Wan and Wan, 2016). As per the Hays Travels company consideration, to assigned a task to professional team as evaluate all the pros and cons and delivered in a particular criteria or objectives.

Tuckman's team theory:

This theory is basically determined in the manner through which a team tackles a task from the initial stage to completion the project. It undertakes four major team building challenges that structured by the allotted team.

  • Forming: It is a factor of making or assembling the team as per the task allotment in which members of team have to behave independently to attain the goodwill as well as the task objective through better coordination. In Hays travel company, the manager are formed team to creating a better relationship among with peers.
  • Storming: According to this team factor it address to suggesting valuable thoughts and ideas. To creating an environment where team member can expressed their views or innovative thoughts which enhance the importance in specific team in Hays company.
  • Norming: After completion from storming team enters in norming phase where particular members of a team need to agree with the rules and values which they operates.
  • Performing: From Norming phase team enter in Performing, in this stage particular team and their member are prepared and aware about how to commence the work objective and influence to motivate for making strategic planning to accomplish the task objectives.

As per the discussion of two Team roles of Belbin and Tuck man Theory b in the context of Hays Travel company, the presence of team importance is beneficial for integrating, exploring and coordinating in task by sharing the suggestion and views with team leaders. Apart from it, Belbin Team roles comprise its two main factors which can influence the team and individual work productivity in perspective of Hays Travel company by opting for People-oriented roles, as leader and manger can map the lack of resources to fulfill the team work objectives along with proper guidance and support by leadership skills to attain the task in a better manner and accomplish all the targets which considered for particular team objectives.

Task 4

P4. Illustrate the concept and philosophies of organisation behaviour within an organisational context as per the given business situation.

Path Goal Theory:

The path goal theory is part of leadership theory that depicts a specific leader's style, behaviour and attitude which suits or get fits in employees working environment in order to achieve a objectives. The specification about the goal is to increase the employees traits in terms of motivation, job satisfaction and other aspect where they can perform in better way and enhance their productivity in the organisation premises.

There are four major path goal types of leader behaviour explains in context of Hays Travel Venture such as:

  • Directive Leadership path: This form of leadership is generates the information to inform as per what they have expected and how to execute the specific task along with schedule and coordinate with other to complete the task.
  • Supportive Path: It consists about the leader that encourage the workers and integrate to help for provide optimum guidance and instruct in proper manner and allows to behave in friendly manner as support to employees (Bakotić, 2016). In perspective of Hays Travels, they have appointed leader who help as volunteer to measuring the issues arises in the task to improve and better relationship between leader and employees.
  • Participative Path: At the time of making any form of decision by leader, they discuss with their members about how to execute the task. It is a most influence and effective for subordinate as they devoted in their work and generate outcomes effectively. For Hays Travel, Participative path can make highly determined for expressed their view and suggestions along with leader and team member to getting more alternative and ideas to get the task completed in successful manner.
  • Achievement Path: In this factor, the leaders are set different situation based challenges where employee or group can perform in better way or contribute their exceptional skills and knowledge at their high efficiency (Alasad, 2020). Such effectiveness are encourage by the leaders for Hays Travels employees where they can improve their work productivity and provide rewards such as bonus, high incentives, promotion etc.

In above analysation of Path Goal theory for Hays Travel company as they follow the Participative Path oriented leadership which will encourage and motivate the employees to successful accomplish their task under the guidance of leader used to discuss and share their decision before execute it as they can find about the more alternative in form of ideas and suggestions. It also measure the lacking aspect factor on the task oriented work that driven and instructed by the leader for their better performance improvement.


From above point of view of topic related with Organisational Behaviour with organisation perspective as it come to conclude the culture, power and politics of organisation is plays and important role and each of them having different objective to influence as Culture defines the organisation norms and principles, power defines the individual having authority to control manpower and politics is defines the decision making driven by top level of mangers. The concept of motivation that makes understand of its positive influence in individual and group member aspect, by explains the Content and Process Theory as it describes about what factors which need to motivate employees in organisation. Then, the role of teams as effective and ineffective team along with their differences and having better understanding how effective team is opposed to ineffective team and further explains about the Belbin and Tuckman's Theory of team. At last, the discussion of organisation behaviour philosophies by determine through Path Goal theory also explain it elements with detailed description to highlight Participative goal theory on organisation suitable perspective. Take assignment help service from Instant Assignment Help. They are the best assignment writing service providers in the UK. 

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  • Alasad, H., 2020.The Impact of Agile Processes on Organisational Behaviour Within Current Banking Practice(Doctoral dissertation, Auckland University of Technology).
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