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Food Safety Management

Table of Content

  1. Introduction


Food and beverage industry is one of the most fastest growing sector and expectations of customer get increased now a day. In this sector food safety is one of the major issue because unsafe food leads to unhealthy life and death. According to survey 2.5 million peoples including children face death due to unhealthy food and beverages (Kafetzopoulos, Psomas and Kafetzopoulos, 2012). Organization taken for this assignment is Hilton hotel which is establish in year 1919 by Conrad Hilton. Its headquarter is in McLean, Virginia. They offer their products and services at worldwide range. Topics cover in this assignment are agents which cause food borne illnesses and contamination of food, procedure by which food can be prevent from spoiling. It also explains importance of effective prevention system which help in control food contaminations.


AC1.1: Categories the food-spoilage agents that affect food

Meaning of food spoilage

It refers to situation when there is occurrence of disagreeable changes in food conditions and a person can identify this by analyzing changes in its smell, taste, touch or by seeing it (Milios, Drosinos and Zoiopoulos, 2014). These changes occur in food due to various reasons such as air, oxygen, moisture, light, microbial growth and temperature in which it is kept.

Categories food spoilage agents and the foods they affect

There are various food spoiling agent which affect food and make it harmful for consuming. Some food spoiling agents is mentioned below and food which it affect:-

Food spoilage agents

Foods which they affect

Chemical spoilage like hydrogen swell and biological spoilage like thermophilic and mesophilic bacteria

Canned food

Translucent spots, bloodiness, blood clot, cracks, leaks


Autolysis, oxidation or injected bacteria


Souring, Gas production, proteolysis and change in colour and taste.




AC1.2 & 1.3: Discuss and evaluate methods of food preservation and its effectiveness

Food preservation meas when a person preserve or able to kept food for a long time without getting it contaminated. In other word protection food for a long time.

AC1.2: Discuss methods of food preservation

AC1.3: Evaluate the effectiveness of food preservation methods

Filtration- in this method microorganisms are remove from beverages such as water, wine, juices and so on.

By using filtration method restaurant able to remove microorganisms from water, wine, beer, juices, soft drinks and other beverages (Motarjemi and Lelieveld, 2013). This help in preventing liquid beverages for a long term.

Refrigeration- in this food are kept in refrigerator for which preserve food from getting spoil.

It is majorly used for household purpose by it a person can preserve food for short duration. When an individual preserve food at temperature of -2°c to -16 °c it will slow growth of microbial.

Vacuum Packing- in this method food are get pack by using vacuum which prevent food for long time.

This will prevent food getting spoil because it this packaging oxygen get decrease and carbon dioxide get increased. This is so because carbon dioxide increase life of food.

Canning- in this food get packed in cans by which a person preserves foods for long period.

By this a person can store their food for a long term. In this food is cooked under a certain temperature that is around 121°c and then cans are kept for cooling as soon as possible this is done by generally with cold water.


AC2.1: Discuss the key steps in a temperature control system

Temperature control system is a type of system which control temperature automatically of an object or area. Temperature control system is mainly used in air conditioners, refrigerators, geysers and many other (Teixeira and Sampaio, 2013). By it temperature get adjust automatically as setting inputs. Components which is required to develop temperature control system are temperature sensor, motor driver, DC fan, resistor, potentiometer and many more. There are various step of temperature control system, major five of them are describe below:-

Storage- The safest temperature to store food in refrigerator is 4°C (39°F) or colder and for storing meats and poultry standard temperature for storing is 1°C to 3°C.

Preparation- it is a general rule that is recommended that when a food is preparing it take almost 2 hours for entering their proper temperature zone. For clod food it will be 40 degree Fahrenheit or below but for hot food it is more than 140 degree Fahrenheit.

Defrosting- The standard defrosting temperature is below or at 40 degree Fahrenheit. There are three ways in by which warming of food can be done in refrigerators, in cold water and in microwave.

Cooking- There are different temperature for cooking different foods such as for egg and all type of meat it is 160°F, for poultry and fowl it is 165°F and for meat steaks, chops and roasts it is approx. 145°F.

Cooling- There are various types of cooling temperature for different type of food and it is also depend upon the requirement.

AC 2.2: Summaries methods for the safe storage of food

There are various method are available for storing food for a long time in effective and appropriate manner. Some major of them which is used Hilton Hotel are mentioned below:-

  • Refrigeration- It is use in a restaurant for preservingfruits and vegetables for a short time duration. Temperature at which food preserve is -2°c to -16 °c (García-Cela, Ramos and Marin, 2012). A person can store their food items in refrigerator for approx. 2 to 3 days.
  • Salting- It is usedto store meat or fish for a long time duration. To kill microorganisms from fish and meat, salt is spread and by which its existing water get dehydrated. It is mainly use to preserve food which is related to pork, poultry, meat and seafood.
  • Vacuum Packing- In this method food' s packing isdone by using vacuum which reduce oxygen and increase carbon dioxide. By this a person can prevent food, dry fruits and other related material from getting spoil.

AC 2.3: Evaluate the importance of personal hygiene in the control of food contamination

To control food contamination personal hygiene plays an important role and help in preserving food as well as personal health (Hall, Timothy and Duval, 2012). Some key importance of personal hygiene are given below:-

  • If a person takescare of personal hygiene they able to ensure daily heath condition of their family and friends. It will also help in protecting food from contamination such as if a person maintain hygiene they also maintain cleanses at food preparing slap which help in avoiding contamination of food.
  • By maintaining Personal hygiene,they able to help in preventing food products from contamination.

AC 2.4: Evaluate cleaning and disinfection as a process supporting safe food production

Cleaning means separation of physical dust which is visible on any product and that product is going to use in cooking process. In other work it refers to getting free from soil, bad odours, rust and many other (Green and Kane, 2014). Which make a person ill and sick. Whereas disinfection means removal of bacteria and microorganisms which is harmful for a person or animal or human being. Cleaning and disinfection is necessary for every sectors especially for food and beverage sector. One can maintain cleaning by clean surface and elements on regular basis which is going to use in cooking. Clean rust from utensils to avoid any type of food contamination. To avoid bacteria and microorganisms a person can maintain cleanness at their workplace such as washing hand, utensils in appropriate manner, use appropriate amount of chemical. When a person maintains cleanness and disinfection situation at restaurant they able to provide good and healthy quality of food to their customers. Along with this they able to avoid situation of illness and sickness of their customers as well as employees.

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AC 2.5: Assess the problems associated with pest control in food premises

Pest refers to any insect which affect a person, animal and food supply so to control these harmful pest an organization need to do pest control. In which they spray pest control chemical to kill or finish harmful pest (Powell, Erdozain and Chapman, 2013). There are two type of pest control one is chemical pest control and another is biological pest control. But there are various problems which is related to pest control, some of them which is face by respective company are mentioned below:-

Biological pest control problems-

  • This type of pest control takes years or long time to become effective and effectual.
  • Some time level of biological pest control is not sufficient for particular situation.
  • Biological pest control required supervisions of experts.

Chemical pest control problems-

  • The chemical pest control is costly as compare to biological pest control.
  • It is more effective then biological pest but it is harmful for plants as well as human beings.
  • It pollutesair, water, soil, food chain and other things of environments.

AC 2.6: Justify the need for hygienic design and construction of food premises

Every restaurant need to maintain hygienic design and construction workplace because it ensures safety of employees or staff. Along with this they able to maintain hygienic food which satisfy customers need and demand (Erdozain and Chapman, 2013). If the working place is design and construct in appropriate manner employees able to place their products and utensils in appropriate manner. Hygienic food premises help in keeping food and other products in appropriate and effective manner with full of hygiene. It will ensure the safety of employees and customers because when working platform is hygiene then food product which is cooked is also hygiene and appropriate.

AC 2.7: Justify the importance of training as a quality assurance mechanism

Training is an important aspect in the development of an employee. This help it in developing its internal and external aspects (Kafetzopoulos, Psomas and Kafetzopoulos, 2013). This motivates the employees to increase their internal skills and also help them in increasing their productivity level. Therefore, it can be said that training is an important concept in the development of an employee.

Improved employee performance:

The performance of employee increases with the help of training program. With the help of training an employee strengthens the concept of its productivity. Therefore, increased productivity helps in increasing the profitability of restaurant.

Cutting down of waste:

If an employee is getting proper training, the performance of it gets increased. Increased performance helps the employee to work efficiently. This efficiency helps it in cutting the cost of wastage. The wastage cost thus help the restaurant in increasing its productivity. The main motive of training fulfilled.


AC 3.1: Produce a food hazard risk assessment.

Risk assessment refers to evaluation, identification and characterization of the risk that is concerned with consumption of spoiled and infected food. It defines business to identify the risk and enables in evaluation of the problems which can be solved at the time of making food at the hotels or restaurants.

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There are various types of food hazard such as biological, physical and chemical hazards that are occurred at the time of preparing food and serving. To control effect of biological hazards individual hygiene and safety should be maintained in order to eliminate microorganisms and bacteria (Bosona and Gebresenbet, 2013). Chemical hazards could be eliminated with use of washed vegetables and fruits in the respective restaurant and by using good manufacturing practices. Physical hazards could be eliminated at maximum level by proper training and development to restaurant employees regarding the usage of various equipment's. Risk which is related to food hazard is that a person can get ill and sick and sometime it also leads to death situation. Some other risks are like a person fell sick due to fever, regular vomiting, it also leads to body-ace and many more.

AC 3.2: Complete a food safety control system.

Food safety relates to proper safety and presentation of food handling and serving and storage of products in an efficient manner to save food away from micro organisms and prevent food borne illness. There are various food safety control systems and mechanisms that helps in protect health of customers that are mentioned below-

  • Food laws and regulations- It ensures food control as the law and regulation contain various guidelines and direction of tools which removes unsafe food items and it give punishment to particular party (Kirezieva and, 2013).
  • Setting food standards- It is necessary in perspective of restaurant to fix somefood standards for its products regarding its quality, labeling and packaging which helps in maintaining food safety and give individual good health.

AC 3.3: Devise a food safety guide for legislation compliance

There are various food safety legislations according to food safety act 1990, which provide the food safety laws according to UK government (Aung and Chang, 2014). Following are some hazards which can be occurred in food preparation and food serving area and Restaurant Gordon Ramsay must be adopted some legislation to avoid that type of hazards:

Microbiological hazards: That type of hazard occurred when air, water, soil and other elements are contaminated by microorganisms. It results in food borne illness.

Chemical hazards: That type of hazards occurred due to the activities of harvesting, storage and some other food services. It may be cause asthmatic illness.

Physical hazards: That type of hazards results from accidental activities due to food preparation and food serving. This may be cause in burn while food preparation and food serving.

Legislation: Following are some legislation which are majorly necessary for every restaurant:

  • According to food safety act the masks and other safety instruments must be in practice of restaurant staff.
  • The proper sanitizers and other cleaning products are provided and used while doing chemical activities and after closing up that type of activities.


From above covered topics it can be conclude and evaluate that in every industry safety is necessary but when it comes to food industry they must have to maintain safety and cleanses. If food industry not take care of safety and cleanses it will lead to illness and sickness of customers and employees and sometime it leads to death of a person. Food which make a person ill is get contaminated with physical and chemical substances. It leads to food poisoning and food-borne infection which have various characteristics and various prevention techniques by which it can be control. There are various ways and methods by which food can be prevent from spoliation. An organization can maintain cleanses by doing pest control at their workplace but there are various problems which is associated with it. Government has made various legislation for food safety.

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