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CVEN 4705 Environmental Sustainability

University: University of Buckingham

  • Unit No: 10
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 11 / Words 2720
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code:
  • Downloads: 32
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

    • how it relates to environmental sustainability.
    • What is environmental sustainability?
    Answer :


    Environmental sustainability refers to that approach and tactic which is responsible and for the use of natural resources which is consuming fresh water, increasing agricultural activities and industrial growth with ensures of these natural resources will be available for the future generations (Wangnick Regional review for Europe, 2002). The presence of the environmental sustainability's is important for the earth and its future generations, as planet has limited sources like land, water, wildlife and soil. The role of the environmental sustainability is to maintain the balance and ecological stability with in the earth's natural environment and resources. it is essential for the business to support the environmental sustainability in case to support the wellbeing of the both future a current generations live on planet. The given report is also based upon the environmental sustainability and its common issues of the “Water scarcity”. There is also a proper discussion using the related online article with the sustainability analysis tool to solve the problem identified in the article.

    Detail the concept of the article and identify how it relates to environmental sustainability.

    The article chosen is based upon the life cycle assessment issue which also includes desalination technologies and has delivered the application of desired sustainability analysis and tools. The article chosen is based upon the title Life cycle assessment of MSF, MED and RO desalination technologies, and has delivered the literature review of information of issue relating Assignment help to the environment sustainability (Wangnick Desalination business, 2004). The chosen online article is published by the CIRCE—Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain which raised the concern about the Australia's increasing ratio of water scarcity and its research findings.

    In the article, it has write about the threat of water scarcity in relation with the environmental sustainability issue due to the way of life living by the people. The article presents the data gathered through research conducted, which represents the situation like, t 80% of all known diseases are related to water borne diseases, and more than 1 billion people worldwide lack safe drinking water (Afgan NH Darwish M, Carvalho HG, 1999). As per the presented article, reflects that change in climate has also affected significantly higher than the last two years ago, and it has continued to affect the climate and water conducted over the past many years or decades.

    In research conducted by the article, it has been explained that, two third of the people in Australia believes that water scarcity are the main reasons for the bush fires, storms, floods and the increasing consensus, as an impact of the high water scarcity .

    Briefly outline the situation in the article, with reason why the tool or approach was chosen

    In the article chosen, there is discussion upon the Life cycle assessment and the sources to improve the water conditions as a tool to minimise the issues present with in environmental sustainability (Hoepner T. A,1999). The approach of Life cycle assessment to use against the environmental l sustainability issues, is referring to the process in which it measures the amount of presented greenhouse gases from any activity in business or country, and define sources of desalination technologies: MSF, MED and RO. as action approach to reduce the scarcity of water. In relation to the article chosen based upon the Australian context, the article has presented Example of Assignment the confidence in direction to use the approach of energy transition to achieve the positive outcomes and improve water scarcity s conditions.

    The EU after the decrease in the environmental impact of desalination to more renewable energies and the supply to have positive impact upon the cost of living, reliability and the job effectively. While according to the article, there are number of people wanted to become the global leader in emission reduction.

    Introduce a relevant articles or literature based upon, has a similar approach been used by other authors? (Why or Why not)

    As per the article provided by the written by the Gemma Raluy, Luis Serra, Javier Uche. The article is based upon the Life cycle assessment of MSF, MED and RO desalination technologies, and the impact upon the affected areas such as the landscapes, species, the eco system and the living behaviour of people. In the article, writers have also presented the information based upon the overall change with in the climate, and the warming of Australian climate is encouraging the various changes linked with the main sustainability issue with in environment. In the article, there is also the use of the management approaches relating to the land and water management, in which there is proper support given to the desalting seawater or brackish water is based on distillation processes and involve some form of boiling or evaporation, and investing upon the carbon capital assets to promote the traditional burning. In addition, the given article and its writers have also adopted the environmental sustainability analysis approach of the life cycle assessment for reducing water scarcity. In the part of the articles findings, it has been discussed about the crucial impact of the water scarcity on those people which contribute less to the commercial desalination technologies. According to the article presents, the presence of the emission that has been already occurred will also drive the water scarcity s in future decades or upcoming era.

    In overall, the article has also used the same approach of environmental sustainability approach of the life cycle assessment used by the main article presented in the above section. The article represents the knowledge about, that use of frame work for government to support the distilled markets, use the corporate reporting under the policy of Thermal desalting and Energy Regulator scheme of the European Union.

    The findings of papers

    The carbon foot print is the selected approach for the environmental sustainability in the article, which refers to the frame work which indicates the environmental factors in amount of the greenhouse gases, expressed as the CO2 equivalents and are entitled to the directly or indirectly as a general outcome of the specific activity (Gacia E, Ballesteros E. El, 2001). The carbon foot print as the sustainable approach for the environmental issue, delivers the various opportunities to make comparison between the water scarcity and its impact upon the Geology Topics environment. In relation to same, the Life cycle assessment approaches of sustainability also delivers the various limitations, are like -

    • The application of the tool or sustainable environment approach of the Life cycle assessment does not present the desalination with concern of oceans, underground resources like water.
    • The frame work of the desalination delivers the poor or bad representative analysis of the environmental burdens of the economic water conditions.
    • It also leads towards the shifting environmental burdens, in context the optimization of the products become greener and can be further shifted towards the other environmental impact in terms of sustainability.
    • It also provides the static measures in terms of the ecological foot prints and measures.
    • The data assumptions of the eco foot print does not match with the assumptions of the data in context to the carbon foot print frame work for the environmental sustainability approach (Wang, and et.al., 2021).

    Possible barriers (political, economic, social) to implementing solutions in a real-life context

    Implementing the right and accurate solution for mitigating the problem of water scarcity  is necessary for Australia. There are different issues and barriers related to implementing solutions regarding water scarcity (Pe´rez JL, Quesada JJ0, 2001). Political, social and economic are the key barriers to combating the proper implementation of sustainable development.

    • Political barriers:Political barriers are an important barrier which leads to restrictions in the proper implementation of the sustainable solution for water scarcity. There are several different types of rules and regulations which are implemented by the government against different aspects of the country. The Australian government has their own rules and acts which are important for Marketing Assignment help people to follow to mitigate the issue of water scarcity.
    • Social barriers:Social barriers are another factor which reduces the chances of proper implementation of sustainable solutions regarding water scarcity. people within the country are less active and agree to any decisions related to sustainability which the whole process of implementing the solutions challenging (Raluy, Ana´lisis del Ciclo de Vida de, 2003).
    • Economic barriers:Resource depletion and increased populations are two core factors which lead to poor sustainable development and implementation of the solution. These factors are considered serious factors which restrict the sustainable growth of the country due to the issues and challenges faced by the people.

    Sustainability assessment tools could be used to solve the problem

    Australia is experiencing the impact of global water scarcity s, sea and average land temperatures have increased. Also, increased fire danger, rainfall patterns and rising sea levels are other major climate issues which is facing by the people of Australia. Australians believe water scarcity  is leading storms, floods, bushfires that are already impacting the country directly (Handbury Hodgkies Morris 1993) Authors need to focus on adding more information regarding the different ways which help to overcome the water scarcity  issue. Also, data regarding the different factors which lead to changes in the climate of the country must be explained properly so that people can get accurate information and able to take the necessary steps to overcome such issues. The three dimensions of sustainability must be considered while presenting the information such as social, economic and environmental. The information regarding steps taken by the Australian government to reduce Science Research Topics emissions must be mentioned in the articles. The government is working on upgrading the electricity grid in order to increase renewable power within country to minimising the impact of Life cycle assessment, supporting industries and business to adopt and innovate smarter technologies and practices. Also reporting and regulating on greenhouse gas emission and partnering with Indo-Pacific neighbours for reducing the issues.

    In addition to this, there are there different efficient and cost-effective ways for country to minimise the impact of water scarcity such as Transport, electricity, fossil fuel and agriculture. These are considered as key areas which are responsible for water scarcity in the country. It is essential for authors to focus on involving the contribution of each factors towards increasing the scope of water scarcity within the country (Acheampong, and Boateng, 2019). Apart from all these, proper data must be conduct by the researchers regarding the issues which people are facing due to water scarcity s in the country and what are their opinions for mitigating with such type of challenge. Involving reviews and feedbacks of [people related to the issue will be helpful in making the paper stronger and will helps in gaining deeper insight about the impact of the issue on the social, environmental and cultural dimension. Data regarding different sustainability assessment tools must be involved so that the level of sustainability can be monitored easily. The assessment tools can involve

    How can sustainability be improved, and can impactful changes be made

    The water scarcity in Australia becomes major issue for the country and it has direct impact on three core factors that is social, economical and environmental. It is important for people and government of the country to focus on adopting effective ways and strategies to overcome with such type of issue. There is following discussion about different ways and strategies which can be effective in minimising the impact of water scarcity:

    • The Australian government should focus on reducing Life cycle assessment, cutting power bills and creating jobs by boosting renewable energy.  Considering these factors will be helpful in reducing the impact of water scarcity.
    • The industries, consumers and business must emphasis on reducing their emission through number of initiatives and programs.  The individua and organisation should involve their participation in adopting the incentives provided by the emission reduction fund to adopt new technologies and practices to store carbon and reduce their emission.
    • The activities and responsibilities mentioned in the roles a responsibility for water scarcity adaption in Australia 2012, must be adopt by the people.
    • The water scarcity agencies and organisations such as Australian Renewable Energy Agency, Clean Energy Regulator and many others must focus on carrying their roles and responsibilities properly so that any negative impact on environment can be reduced.
    • All rules and actions stated in the Water Scarcity Act 2022, should be consider by the people, industries and organisation to adapt and mitigate to water scarcity. The water scarcity statement reflects the overview of environmental, social and economic impact of water scarcity.
    • Country should invest in renewable resources in order to mitigate with the issue of water scarcity. The renewable energy technologies will involve wind, solar, tidal, wave and geothermal power.
    • It is important to focus on encouraging vegan diets and improve framing as it is considered best way to stop water scarcity. Food retailers and business can increase framing practices and must provide plant-based products to the people.
    • Country should switch to sustainable transport which can involve reducing car use, minimising plane travel and switching to electric vehicles will be helpful in reducing air pollution and stop water scarcity too.
    • Reduce how much people consume is another strategy which can be effective in reducing water scarcity impact on country.
    • . Reducing consumption of fashion, transport and other lifestyle choices can be helpful to put strain on the planet and reduce the impact of water scarcity.


    From the above report, it has been analysed that sustainability plays major role in preserving environment, mitigating water scarcity, promoting social inclusivity, foster long term economic growth and protect biodiversity. It is important for the people, organisations and industries to focus on three dimensions such as social, environmental and economical dimensions of sustainability. It has also discussed that water scarcity leads impact on the life of people and planet. In the end of the report, it has discussed about the different ways and strategies which helps in mitigating with water scarcity issue such as active participation of government, use of renewable resources, switch to sustainable transport, rules related to rules and actions stated in the water Act 2014 and many others.


    Books and Journals

    Afgan NH, Darwish M, Carvalho HG. Sustainability assessment of desalination plants for water production. Desalination 1999;124(1):19-31

    Gacia E, Ballesteros E. El impacto de las salmueras sobre el medio marino: la salmuera en las comunidades bento´nicas mediterra´neas. In: Conferencia Internacional El PHN y la gestio´n sostenible del agua. Aspectos medioambientales, reutilizacio´n y desalacio´n, Zaragoza, Spain; 2001.

    Handbury WT, Hodgkies T, Morris R. Desalination technology 93. An intensive Course. Glasgow (UK): Porthan Ltd., Easter Auchinloch. Lenzie; 1993.

    Hoepner T. A procedure for environmental impact assessment (EIA) for seawater desalination plants. Desalination 1999;124(1): 1-12.

    Pe´rez JL, Quesada JJ. Identification of the mixing processes in brine discharges carried out in Barranco del Toro Beach, south of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands). Desalination 2001;139(2):277-86.

    Raluy RG. Ana´lisis del Ciclo de Vida de procesos comerciales de produccio´n de agua. Proyecto fin de carrera, Zaragoza, Spain, University of Zaragoza, Department of Mechanical Engineering; 2003.

    Wangnick K. Desalination business ‘‘stabilised on a high level''—IDA report. Desalination Water Reuse Q 2004;14(2):14-7.

    Wangnick K. Regional review for Europe—the region leads in seawater desalination. In: IDA World Congress on desalination and water reuse, Manama, Bahrain; 2002.
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