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Global warming

University: University of Bolton

  • Unit No: 10
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 6 / Words 1487
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code:
  • Downloads: 30
Question :
This sample will let you know about:
  • What is Global warming?
  • Causes of Global warming?

Answer :


Global warming is identified as a long-term surge in the surface temperature of the Earth, which is caused by the collection of greenhouse gases that are trapped inside the atmosphere of the Earth. There are multiple side-effects to global warming, including geology topics climate change, impact on biodiversity, rising temperature and acidification of the ocean. the introduction of public health interventions related to global warming addresses the adverse health effects that are caused by climate change which might include management of air quality, infectious control of diseases, reducing food in security and being prepared for disaster and response.


Global warming threatens the overall health of public due to its wide-ranging impacts on ecosystem and societies. It is important to highlight that the implementation of public health interventions have the potential to reduce the adverse health effects associated with global warming. This is because the aim to protect and promote the health of living organisms along with humans . The chosen intervention for addressing the issue of global warming includes health, education and promotion along with climate change mitigation. The intervention is related to climate change mitigation will include strategies for reducing the emission of greenhouse gases through sustainable development goals and energy conservation. These policies and guidelines will advocate for encouraging low carbon transportation along with clean industrial processes. These particular interventions will focus to minimise the health impacts associated with climate change, thereby facilitating its mitigation. It is important to acknowledge that implementation of intervention related to climate change mitigation will only be possible through dissemination of information and raising awareness about the health risks associated with climate change and global warming.

The impact of global warming has caused a steady increase in the average surface temperature of the Earth, due to which heat waves have become more and more frequent which pose a risk to the health of human beings and other Science research topics vulnerable populations (Jones and Leibowicz, 2019). The effect of global warming is also seen on the patterns of precipitation due to which there is presence of disparity among rainfall distribution, in some geographical regions along with flooding and drought in some. Due to rise in global average surface temperature the melting of ice caps and glaciers is occurring at an accelerated rate which contributes to rise in sea levels.

Description of proposed project/public health intervention 

Climate change mitigation as a public health intervention will focus on reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases through renewable energy production and ensuring energy efficiency in industries, transportation and household sectors (Ionescu, 2021). These interventions might also include sustainable use of land and agriculture along with low carbon transportation which will incorporate waste reduction and recycling methods. The health education intervention. However, on the other hand will focus on raising public awareness through example of assignment  community workshops and trainings in order to disseminate information about the health risks associated with climate change.

Goals of project

The goals of these public health interventions will ensure that the causes and consequences of climate change and global warming are addressed in an effective manner. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions will be insured to limit the extent of global warming by raising awareness about health risks associated with climate change (Elshkaki, 2023). The main focus will be to protect the public health of individuals through implementation of sustainable practises.

Deliverables of the project

The deliverables of the public health intervention related to climate change, mitigation and health education will have the potential deliverables in the form of educational materials, brochures, posters and online resources (Cologna and Siegrist, 2020). Different awareness campaigns in the form of video graphics, advertisements and evaluation reports will be used in implementing awareness. Training modules and workshops will be conducted in order to cover the impact of climate change on health. Community engagement and policy recommendation programmes will be included in order to mobilise public health communities in order to take strict action in favour of climate, change, mitigation and health promotion.

Outcomes for the proposed public health intervention

The outcomes of the proposed public health intervention will include increasing awareness and knowledge as a primary outcome among individuals and local communities about the potential health impacts associated with global warming (Chien and et. al., 2023). There will be an improvement in the health protective behaviours along with an increase in sustainable practises. Individuals will be able to enhance their resilience and adaptation ability with respect to the impacts of global warming and climate change. Different policies will be integrated in order to strengthen collaborative partnerships between stakeholders, policymakers and environmental organisation.

Risks associated with public health intervention

The risks associated with public health interventions for climate change, mitigation and health education will include in adequate implementation of the intervention due to lack of resources and insufficient support. The onset of unintended consequences might also negatively impact the implementation of public health intervention (Azadi and et. al., 2020). There might also be a possibility that the targeted individuals might experience social and ethical implementations in the form of stigma, which might cause them to oppose public health interventions.


Criteria/ Week

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6



Description of proposed project/public health intervention


Goals of project


Deliverables of project


Outcomes for public health intervention


Identification of risks associated with public health intervention



From the analysis of above report, it can be concluded that the implementation of public health interventions related to climate change mitigation and increasing health education focus on reducing the emission of greenhouse gases and also to increase education related measures for building resilient communities with respect to proposed public health intervention. The deliverables of the public health intervention were identified in this report which will contribute to the overall success. the outcomes and risks associated with the public health intervention were also discussed along with the challenges that will ensure the long-term sustainability of the chosen public and intervention.



Azadi, M., Northey, S.A., Ali, S.H. and Edraki, M., 2020. Transparency on greenhouse gas emissions from mining to enable climate change mitigation. Nature Geoscience, 13(2), pp.100-104.

Chien, F., Chau, K.Y. and Sadiq, M., 2023. Impact of climate mitigation technology and natural resource management on climate change in China. Resources Policy, 81, p.103367.

Cologna, V. and Siegrist, M., 2020. The role of trust for climate change mitigation and adaptation behaviour: A meta-analysis. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 69, p.101428.

Elshkaki, A., 2023. The implications of material and energy efficiencies for the climate change mitigation potential of global energy transition scenarios. Energy, 267, p.126596.

Ionescu, L., 2021. Transitioning to a low-carbon economy: Green financial behavior, climate change mitigation, and environmental energy sustainability. Geopolitics, History, and International Relations, 13(1), pp.86-96.

Jones, E.C. and Leibowicz, B.D., 2019. Contributions of shared autonomous vehicles to climate change mitigation. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 72, pp.279-298.

Zhang, L., Wu, P., Niu, M., Zheng, Y., Wang, J., Dong, G., Zhang, Z., Xie, Z., Du, M., Jiang, H. and Liu, H., 2022. A systematic assessment of city-level climate change mitigation and air quality improvement in China. Science of The Total Environment, 839, p.156274.
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