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Global Warming ecosystem change melting glaciers

University: Clevelandburgh

  • Unit No: 7
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 5 / Words 1233
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code:
  • Downloads: 32

Table of Content

Question :
This sample will let you know about:
  • What is Global Warming?
  • Causes of Global warming?
Answer :


As the Earth gets warm, melt lines moves towards upwards wherein glacier melts quicker as well as faster at bottom that shortens the glacier addition to reduces its mass (Frölicher, Fischer and Gruber, 2018). Global warming is said to gradual enhancement of temperature of an earth because of greenhouse effect caused through enhanced levels of CFCs, Carbon Dioxide and other kinds of pollutants. The essay covers description of global warming and its consequences.

Global warming is seen as the phenomenon of enhancing average air temperature around surface of Earth Geology Topics over past few centuries. In accordance to Letcher (2019), it is long term warming of overall temperature of the Earth. Since Industrial Revolution, there is increment on global annual temperature that is totality by little more than 2 Degree Fahrenheit or 1 Degree of Celsius (Letcher, 2019). It occurs at the time carbon dioxide together with other categories of air pollutants gather in atmosphere as well as absorb sunlight and radiation of solar that bounced off surface of Earth. The radiation would escape into space, however, the pollutants that can last for years to centuries in atmosphere, generally trap heat addition to cause planet to get more hotter. The heat trapping pollutants, including nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, synthetic fluorinated gases, methane, water vapour as well as nitrous oxide are greenhouse gases that causes impact that is known as greenhouse effect.

Tziperman (2022) says that rising temperature of Earth are fuelling longer as well as hotter heat waves, heavier rainfall, more frequent droughts along with powerful hurricanes  (Tziperman, 2022). It is significant as it assists in determining upcoming expectations about the climate. Through usage of latitude, it becomes easy to determine likelihood of snow, hail reaching surface and so on. Humans have been enhancingly influencing climate and temperature of Earth through burning fossil fuels, farming livestock together with cutting down forests. At the core, change in climate is simple to grasp. When more Assignment help carbon dioxide together with other warming gases are put into atmosphere, it leads to rise in higher global temperatures. Between the year 1850 and 2019, there is release of approximate 2390 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide by human into atmosphere (The 10 facts that prove we're in a climate emergency, 2022). In this, one gigatonne is equivalent to around one billion metric tonnes that is lot more of carbon dioxide. The emission has resulted in nearby 1.07C of global warming against pre industrial levels.

Global warming causes environmental influences on global ecosystems as it affects ecosystem in multiple manner. For example, global warming force species to migrate towards higher latitudes as well as higher elevations in which temperatures is more conducive for survival. Likewise, as there is rise in sea level, saltwater intrusions into freshwater system that forces key species to die or relocate, that removes predators along with prey which are essential in current food chain. It has been determined that global warming not only causes changes in ecosystem as well as living of species in direct manner, it interacts with various stressors concerned with human, including development (Tsadiras, Pempetzoglou and Viktoratos, 2021). Even though, there are some stressors that causes minor impacts at the time of acting alone, while their cumulative impacts result in dramatic changes in ecology. For example, global warming exacerbate stress which places land development on fragile coastal areas. Moreover, logged forested areas have chances of becoming more vulnerable to erosion, in case, changes in climate results in enhancement of rain storms. In addition to alterations in species communities, global warming disrupts ecological balance among interdependent and that of endangered plant as well as animal species, reduction in biodiversity along with adverse effects on water, carbon, energy along with other element cycles.

Whet there is exposition of ice cubes to heat source, such as air or are mater, it melts. With this, it is determined that global warming causes melting glaciers addition to ice sheets. Eventually, melted flows of water into streams as well as rivers together with ends up in oceans that contributes in acceleration of seal level rise. Global warming is causing melting glaciers in each and every region of world that is putting millions of individuals at risk from droughts, floods addition to lack of water to drink. From intellectual standpoint, glaciers are interesting as they are significant for society and ecosystem. For instance, rate of glacier melting impacts downstream level of water, Example of assignment flowrate of river together with water available for usage of humans.

Global warming causes spread of disease among people. It enhances number of patients with vector borne viruses as it is caused through expanded distribution addition to increate in activities addition to number of responsible vectors. The warmer, wetter as well as more variable situations that are brought by global warming is making it easier among populations to transmit disease, for example, dengue fever, yellow fever, malaria, West Nile Virus, chikungunya and many more in various parts of globe. Moreover, hot temperature enhances concentration of Ozone, that damages lung tissue of a person as well as causes complications for people with lung diseases. Furthermore, increased global warming poses threat towards security of nation and affects food security that causes resource conflicts. Catastrophic loss in biodiversity as well as reckless destruction of wildland together with warming temperatures allowed explosion of various diseases.  Warmer climate is predicted to enhance risk of illnesses addition to death from poor quality of air and extreme heath (Danil, 2020). It is also likely to enhance frequency together with the strength of extreme events which threatens health and safety of human beings. For example, drought harm production of food and health of human beings. Flooding leads to spread of disease along with damages to ecosystem addition to infrastructure. Because of health issues caused by global warming, there are increment of mortality, limit worker productivity and impacts of availability of food.


From the presented information, it is concluded that global warming enhances average temperatures together with temperature extremes. Impacts of global warming on distinct sectors of community are interrelated. Major consequences of global warming comprises of changes in ecosystem, melting of glaciers and spread of disease.


Books and Journals:

Danil, L. R., 2020. On facing the crucial psychosocial and political-economic dimensions of anthropogenic global warming. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society. 25(2). pp.271-282.

Frölicher, T. L., Fischer, E. M. and Gruber, N., 2018. Marine heatwaves under global warming. Nature. 560 (7718). pp.360-364.

Letcher, T. M., 2019. Why do we have global warming?. In Managing global warming (pp. 3-15). Academic Press.

Tsadiras, A., Pempetzoglou, M. and Viktoratos, I., 2021. Making predictions of global warming impacts using a semantic web tool that simulates fuzzy cognitive maps. Computational Economics. 58(3). pp.715-745.

Tziperman, E., 2022. Global Warming Science: A Quantitative Introduction to Climate Change and Its Consequences. Princeton University Press.
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