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CBF110 Geography and Environmental Science

University: University of Cumbria

  • Unit No: 8
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 9 / Words 2339
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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  • Downloads: 26
Question :

Some of the questions in the assessment are as follows:

  • Define Geography and Environmental Science.
  • What is Environmental Science?
Answer :


This study delves into the conservation or preservation of wildlife, which is vital efforts determined by way of assembly of features. There are many factors which are explained in this which contains the reason for wildlife as well as wilderness conservation it includes aesthetic, ethical, moral, economic, recreational as well as genetic reasons(Palmer et al. 2023). Botanical gardens along with Zoo perform very important role in captive propagation, seed banks and re-establishment into the wildlife along with the preservation and maintenance. All the ecological principles which plays major role in conservation are involved in this like succession, control of undesirable species as well as provision of favorable circumstances for threatened species.

1.1 Discuss the aesthetic, ethical, moral, educational, recreational, economic and genetic reasons for wildlife and wilderness conservation

Wildlife refers to the term which includes the direction to complete biotic species or living organisms which live in the natural environment as well as which involve the preservation of environment in direction of effort toward protection and preservation of entire species with Assignment help further inhabitances which are commenced like environmental destruction, pollution along with illegal hunting of all the species. The preservation of wildlife and the wilderness are merely diverse in understanding, there are various perceptions which give detailed understanding about the natural environment and the concepts related to the wildlife conservation. The Aesthetic reason involve the wild fauna along with numerous animal life which encourages a great appreciation heading for the attraction in terms of environment. Maintaining the regions preserve incredible scenarios, variety of environmental lives with the surrounding which recover the involvements with nurturing cultural networks into atmosphere. The Ethical and moral reason involve preservation which induces a dedication to appreciate the intrinsic implications of all living beings with a proper environmental system. This particular reason of conservation distinguishes the reason in direction to protect vulnerable species who starts vanishing in accordance to conserve the environment which intended for descendants, reassuring ecological equity and the fairness among generations. According to the reason of education point of view, conservation of nature performs best educational surroundings which provide the particular probabilities which are intended for practical education with all the enquiry along with examination and study. By reviewing nature as well as environment inside the Example of Assignment normal environments, investigators acquire important perspectives involved in biological procedures, inter-species connections along with effects of human actions, enlightening preservation determinations and ecological strategies. Recreational reasons involve the regions of wilderness which deliver occasions for outdoor events such as trekking, tenting, observing bird as well as nature shooting which encourage bodily, corporeal along with psychological health although nurturing a strong bond to the natural environment. Economic reason for nature as well as wilderness maintenance support toward maintainable growth besides source of revenue. Ecotourism produces income, generates occupation (Marlow & Harris 2022), as well as assist indigenous societies while motivating the protection of native environment along with natural world species. Moreover, complete ecologies deliver cherished means which involve wooden, therapeutic herbs as well as hereditary supplies aimed at medicines which enhance the financial development and quality of life. In side of genetic, the maintenance preserves the genetic variability of classes, safeguarding their pliability toward ecological variations besides possible adjustment toward upcoming dares like typical weather alteration along with severe illness eruptions.

For showing the relation of economic, social and environmental health all reasons play very important role which are aesthetic, educational, moral, recreational, ethical, genetic as well as economic reason. With their identification and distinguishing some outcomes generated which are varied incentives, preservation determinations could be extra comprehensive, all-inclusive, as well as operative in defending Globe's natural legacy preserved for current as well as upcoming age groups.

2.1 Discuss three different interests that could be affected by conservation initiatives

There are three different interest that mainly affect the conservation initiative such as:

Economic interest: The conservation initiative can mainly present the effect which is indicate local economics by protecting the natural resource, creating job within the sustainable and also attracting the eco-tourism, for instance, it can help to preserve the reef that can make support for the fishing and tourism industries (Hagan, Vanschoenwinkel, & Gamfeldt, 2021).

Scientific interest: This is well analyzed that the scientist may be interested into such conversation that mainly initiate the to provide proper opportunities to study and also make research ecosystem and understand climate change. For example, the study mainly presents the outdoor laboratories for the scientist to study and shows the ecological process and biodiversity.

Recreational interest: This indicate the initiative that can affect the individual who mainly enjoy the activities such as hiking, camping or wildlife watching. In order to protect the natural areas that can provide major opportunities for the recreation and relaxation while promoting the connection with same aspect.

2.2. Discuss the following ecological principles applied to the conservation of species and habitat

The Ecological values perform a critical part within leading preservation determinations intended on protecting organism along with ecosystem. Some of the ecological principle are preservation of creatures along with their subgroups which would sustenance biological diversity. Upholding environment remains essential toward preserving classes. Big zones typically comprise extra organism than minor zones by means of alike environment.

Succession- It is an essential perception within ecological environment, which denotes toward the foreseeable as well as consecutive alterations in arrangement of species along with environment organization in completed period with environmental system. Ecologists influence proper comprehension of succession toward accomplishing habitations through imitating ecological disruption pattern or endorsing environmental diversity (Carver et al. 2021). For example, in forest where disruptive occurrences such as wildfire along with Geology Topics timber harvesting happen, environmentalists might execute tactics to imitate that turbulences to preserve environment assortment in addition to maintenance a range of species.

The control of undesirable species- This includes handling aggressive creatures which had become excessive as well as unsettling toward indigenous environments. Intrusive species could surpass natural species, which modify ecological procedures along with the standard of deteriorate environment. Preservation attempts a lot emphasis on observing as well as regulating those species by approaches like extermination, regulation of population as well as renewal of environment.

The provision of favorable conditions for endangered species- This is additional vital characteristic of environment preservation ( Krausman & Cain 2022). While threatened species repeatedly necessitate particular environments along with assets intended for endurance as well as imitation. Environmentalist's effort toward recognizing as well as defending the serious surroundings, appliance locale rehabilitation initiatives, in addition to occasionally create confined breeding plans in the direction of proliferation people statistics along with hereditary variety.

Through relating this ecological values, ecologists could efficiently discourse intimidations toward species as well as surroundings though endorsing environment flexibility in addition to sustainability.

2.3. Evaluate the role of zoos and botanical gardens in captive breeding, seed banks and reintroduction into the wild

Botanical garden as well as Zoo remain involved within preservation determinations over Captive propagation, preservation of seed as well as re-establishment plans. Both of them are very important organizations which play very important role in some particular areas like plant and animal species conservation, in investigation as well as study for ecologist to give better source of study for students, scientist about conservation and the sustainable development. Captive or confines propagation or breeding is the process which help top preserve plants and animals in controlled or maintained environments. This technique is used to support organisms which are endangered with the impacts of many human actions which mainly involve temperature alteration, contamination along with illnesses. According to this, there are many administrations which made the obtainability of restrained environment in accordance where endangered organism could imitate firmly, separately many of the surrounding and environmental threats along with stealing. By conserving all the genetically diverse people who are doing as reservoirs which are aimed at the particular species on the advantages of vanishing.

Seed banks are the facilities which preserve all plant variety by the help of methods like drying as well as storing of seed in a controlled environment or best preserve place. There are many seeds which are collected from different area with different inherited integrity. Seed banks are upheld by the botanic estates that support the sources which are used for plant substantial inherited while protecting biodiversity along with supposing a preservation intended for the reestablishment of ecological areas and help in study for conservation (Raschke et al. 2022). Mainly Zoological parks perform various method which involve cryopreservation in the direction of genetic substance Science Research Topics conservation in reference to vulnerable species, protecting genetic integrity on the side of future propagation problems. There are many strategies or policies which perform tasks to produce reestablished population with the help of captive or confined propagation. Reintroduction of population are a vital feature of preservation in which together both Zoo and botanical gardens plays very essential role. Captive breeding creature or species are used to formulate in this for proliferated plant life in the particular environment (Raschke et al. 2022). Wildlife with Botanical garden and zoo are rising awareness among the biodiversity and conservation and inspire the community to develop the protection and show the preservation of people.

3.1 Evaluate the role of government organisations, voluntary organisations and commercial organisations in protecting sites. of ecological importance.

The role of government organization, voluntary organization and commercial organization in order to protect the site of ecological importance. The agencies such as governmental named national park and wildlife service's mainly present the aspect of power that designate and manage the protected areas that enforce regulation and also need proper funding for the conservation efforts. In this, the role of voluntary organization such as environmental nonprofit and community group majorly fill the gap which is associated with government funding and also provide proper expertise in the specific areas that enforce the regulation and associated with the conservation efforts (Delgado-Baquerizo et. al., 2020). Commercial organization such as use of firm such like renewable energy or sustainable forestry that can also use to contribute to make conservation efforts by adopting environmentally friendly practice that present the impact which is required. Some commercial organization may generally help to established the ecological importance and this can be deriving by using the collaborative approach.

3.2 Discuss the potential conflicts of interest within a protected area of the world, such as a National Park

Within a protected area such as National Park, potential conflict of the interest can mainly arise from the competing the value and their interest. For instance, the governmental bodies or agency mainly responsible for taking the appropriate management to the park that can priorities the economic development and tourism, while approaching the environmental group it may help to priorities the conservation and preservation of wildlife. The local communities living near the park which may be different form the cultural and spiritual connection that lead to present the conflict which is arise between the park conservation goals (Fernandes et. al., 2020). It is also determining that the scientist may differ in the opinions on how to manage the park ecosystem while the tourist may generally priorities the recreational activities over the aspect of conservation. This is well indicating the conflict which is lead to develop tension and challenge in order to achieve the park overall goals and objectives.


To conclude the report on wildlife and wilderness conservation it contains several points which are the aesthetic, ethical, moral, recreational, economic as well as genetic reason which are important in the conservation of wildlife. There are many ecological values and environmental principle which are involved in the conservation involved succession, conservation of undesirable species. The Botanical gardens along with Menageries perform very crucial part over captive breeding with the safeguarding of seed which promote the overall maintenance of wildlife and wilderness. 


  • Carver, S, Convery, I, Hawkins, S, Beyers, R, Eagle, A, Kun, Z, Van Maanen, E, Cao, Y, Fisher,  M, Edwards, SR, Nelson, C, Gann, GD, Shurter, S, Aguilar, K, Andrade, A, Ripple, B, Davis, J, Sinclair, A, Bekoff, M & Noss, R 2021, ‘Guiding principles for rewilding', Conservation Biology, vol. 35, no. 6.
  • Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Reich, P. B., Trivedi, C., Eldridge, D. J., Abades, S., Alfaro, F. D., ... & Singh, B. K. (2020). Multiple elements of soil biodiversity drive ecosystem functions across biomes. Nature ecology & evolution, 4(2), 210-220.
  • Fernandes, G. W., Arantes-Garcia, L., Barbosa, M., Barbosa, N. P., Batista, E. K., Beiroz, W., ... & Silveira, F. A. (2020). Biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Campo Rupestre: A road map for the sustainability of the hottest Brazilian biodiversity hotspot. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, 18(4), 213-222.
  • Hagan, J. G., Vanschoenwinkel, B., & Gamfeldt, L. (2021). We should not necessarily expect positive relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in observational field data. Ecology Letters, 24(12), 2537-2548.
  • Krausman, PR & Cain, JW 2022, Wildlife Management and Conservation: Contemporary Principles and Practices, Google Books, JHU Press, viewed 30 May 2024,
  • Marlow, H & Harris, M 2022, The Oxford Handbook of the Bible and Ecology, Google Books, Oxford University Press, viewed 30 May 2024, Palmer, C, Fischer, B, Gamborg, C, Hampton, J & Sandoe, P 2023, Wildlife Ethics: The Ethics of Wildlife Management and Conservation, Google Books, John Wiley & Sons, viewed 30 May 2024.
  • Raschke, AB, Pegram, KV, Melkonoff, NA, Davis, J & Blackwell, SA 2022, ‘Collaborative Conservation by Botanical Gardens: Unique Opportunities for Local to Global Impacts', Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 463-487.
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