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The Role Of Public Health In Health And Social Care

University: University of Boston

  • Unit No: 12
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 12 / Words 3045
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 19146
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

Discuss the role of Public Sector.

Explain the impact of current lifestyle choices on future needs for health.

Answer :


Public health refers to the overall health of a population, which is continuously monitored and improved through the collaborative efforts of various health and social care institutions. This involves the ongoing development of new policies that consider the evolving global landscape. This report provides insights into different strategies for monitoring and measuring disease control in communities, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Additionally, it examines the impacts of these diseases and the factors affecting individuals' health and well-being.

Understanding the Different Approaches 

Explaining the roles of different agencies in identifying levels of health and disease in communities

As stated by Brett et al. (2014, p.637), there are distinctive organisations working to recognise the stages which are related to well-being along with the illness in the different groups and those groups can be national as well as world wide. Although, the institutions who are providing care to those people who are suffering from different diseases have to deliver the best services so that all the issues should be resolved in a proper manner. Along with this local authorities are also known as responder of community and they are working with the other suppliers who are also providing care.

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According to Bradley et al. (2016, p.761), WHO is a world association which provide their maximum effort so that they can conduct the examination structure which relates to the momentum neighbourhood, common, globally and distributed method of research labs. Along with this it focuses on the health which is an extraordinary examination systems of infections. They have to take initiatives which includes that they can use appropriate system as well as services should be provided by using proper functions for resolving the infectious diseases. For instance, UK community health laboratory services, US centres for illness reduction and avoidance, the international systems colleges and group welfare and the running of epidemiology and society health interference system give established data. Given organizations and specialists have various duties in recognizing and conveying diseases.

Explaining by using statistical data, the epidemiology of one infectious and one non-infectious disease that is widespread in a country

According to Eggleston and Finkelston (2014, p.797), the study of disease epidemiology is the review and examination of the example cause impact well-being and illness conditions in characterised population. It is based on the generic welfare, shapes formulation as well as verification based activities which are elements of infection. It also focuses on preventive human services. Here is the statistical data of one infectious and one non-infectious disease that is widespread in the country (Gradinger et al. 2015, p.669).

  Infectious disease (mad cow disease) Non-infectious disease(obesity)
Geographical distribution Mainly seen in developed nations. Developed nations
Incidence rates In the United States, four cattle have been recognised with mad distraught bovine ailment prions, while in Canada, 20 cases have been distinguished. Around the globe, rates of obesity are on the ascent: Since 1980 the total rate of weight got doubled. Present number of corpulent men has increased to 200 million and 300 million hefty ladies which was comparatively less before.
Vulnerable groups Cattles, rarely humans People above 20 years of age are highly vulnerable.
Causes In spite of the fact that the particular cause isn't known, it is hypothesised that irresistible prions are the possible cause. Obesity occurs when individuals routinely eat a bigger number of calories than they smoulder. It can be the outcomes of change in physical activities like less exercise, no rest and genetic reasons along with some other factors.
Spreads and controls It spreads through infected cows when they are slaughtered. There is no cure for vCJD. Treatment incorporates dealing with the indications that happen as the infection deteriorates. Making small changes in food routine can help reduce obesity. Eating healthy on a regular basis can make long term changes.

Evaluating the effectiveness of different approaches and strategies to control the incidence of disease in communities

According to Nakanishi and Nakashima (2014, p.470), there are distinctive methodologies in control cardiovascular, considering the final objective of studying cardiovascular can be understood. According to the intelligence, it is a suitable exercise in which well-being of different individuals are checked randomly specially of that areas which are more prone to get infected. This activity was started in Saharan with a view of having less availability of assets as well as low quality of health which is not helpful in observing the illnesses if occurred. Survey is conducted in order to get the statics of health but those fail to give effective results as proper planning was not done before doing research. The results not just gave the data for cardiovascular but also helped in understanding the impact of essential shirking systems. There are a few systems which incorporate after strides, they are planning the advancing plagues and analysing the cause. Decrease the levels of the scope of occupants to aggregate hazard elements and their causes. In this tools and techniques, this fact demonstrate the different stages which creates the hypertension among the various persons and the methods which they are adopting that should be appropriate. Along with this, they have to provide better services to the patients who are suffering from hypertension and have to provide services until all the issues of disease are resolved. For instance, heart assault as well as kidney disappointment.

As stated by Beard and Bloom (2015. p.660), projects which are related to the prevention of consumers can be directed for Mad Cow disease. According to the fact, projects in which counteractive actions are needed to be taken should be measured properly and that are practical in nature as well. For different diseases, service users have to take proper cure which is necessary. The illness avoid efforts which includes instruction which are provided to children in schools, training and education. It is also provided to employees in firms and advancement of media assist in transmitting the thoughts and perform segmentation on the basis of consequences so that persons can remain away from distinctive diseases.

Investigating the implications of health and disease in communities

Determining the current priorities and approaches to the provision of services for people with disease or illness

According to Braveman and Gottlieb (2014, p.30), there are different approaches and strategies that are taken into consideration while dealing with the disease and providing services for the same. The first approved step was taken, on the basis of priority, is the prevention of the disease. This is a division of medication that focuses its attention on helping the people to avoid infectious disease by forming groups. This is important as the restraints or obstacles that are faced during the treatment of the disease trace its origins from the anthropological differences among the different individuals. Learning racial practices and understanding them can also be a good way to control the spread of a disease. As stated by Sallnow et al. (2016, p.210), the next phase of action is treatment. In this phase, the novel and operative treatment strategies and courses are undertaken that would be helpful in treating the disease. This proactively helps a person towards a better living condition without the threat of the disease that they had been affected with.

Palliative care concentrates on releasing and inhibiting the distress caused to the patients and is most suitable for patients who suffer from treatable infections or for those who live life, facing the challenges and disease at the same time. This can also be termed as the last health care stage wherein the patients who have a very little reminder of life their left is exposed to treatments which can lead to a much more comfortable demise. The last approach that needs to be discussed is remedial care which is a non-residential domestic centre for providing services in line with maintenance and curing of people who are physically incapable or challenged.

Explaining the relationship between the prevalence of disease and requirements of services to support individuals

According to Gili et al. (2013, p.105), prevalence is the measure and of the old and new circumstances that are involved in an ailment. They take into consideration only a specific period of time the prevalence of a disease or ailment. All the cumulative appearances of a disease over a defined time period divided by the proportion of a population gives rise to the measurable quantity of prevalence. This quantity is responsible for measuring the effect of the disease among the public while evaluating the success of the different mitigation strategies in place. In the case of social services which are dedicated to providing support to an individual, prevalence is a necessity as it helps in planning and facilitating the systems that are required, accordingly to the needs of the patient. The prevalence of a disease helps an organisation to understand and plan the number of services that are essential for the treatment of the disease and caring for the patients can be measured by understanding prevalence. This identification leads to better health care services as the organisations understand the areas that require more focus, attention and expertise.

According to Garg et al. (2015, p.304), the balance helps in understanding the involvement and consequences of the Healthcare organisations and their effectiveness in diagnosing and treating the patient. Incidence prevalence is a much more appropriate term rather than incident occurrence, as this does not help in identifying the effective and beneficial health care plans for the patients. Understanding the problems of a disease can help in setting up of achieving targets by analysing the facts and accordingly expand and fund the facilities by providing and allocating them resources to provide the health care services that are required during treatment of these diseases.

Analysing the impact of current lifestyle choices on future needs for health and social care services

According to Carman (2016, p.566), the lifestyle choices of an individual are directly related to the impact on their health. The current trends, which are medically unsuitable, drives the present-day health and social care settings to undertake more comprehensive steps so as to cater to the patients. Hence, this is a very important and useful aspect that helps in analysing the impact of current lifestyles on health and social care practices. The current lifestyle of the individuals is inclined more towards the urban rituals that are helpful in developing a career by ignoring the daily rituals that would lead to a healthy life.

Consumption of alcohol compounded with cigarette smoking and regular food habits of view of the lifestyle changes that have the effect on health and social care services. All the above-mentioned Lifestyle practices that have been visualised by the modern day individuals has led to an estimation that showcases of very large number of people who will be suffering in the future from cancer, gastric problems and liver failure (Gili et al. 2013, p.107).

Understanding the factors influencing health and wellbeing of individuals

Assessing the health and wellbeing priorities for individuals in health or social care setting

In words of Boivin et al. (2014, p.345), There are numerous health and social welfare issues and priority that an organisation needs to undertake So as to adapt and orient the services that they provide according to the needs of the service users. These orientations on the basis of the priorities help the organisation to develop their skills and resources so as to tackle the problems that are faced during the treatment of these diseases. This helps the Service users to enjoy a better living and healthy lifestyle as the organisation promote the healthy diet for an individual. This allows a competitive edge to the healthcare organisation as the people that cater two or more healthier Windows who are in the rival Healthcare organisation. According to Hibbard and Greene (2013, p.211), the healthcare organisations need to prioritise the physical activities that can be easily done in the comfort of one's own home. This promotion of healthy diets and physical activities is helpful in inculcating good habits which ensure a prolonged life. The social issues that these good habits are passed on to the next generation that will make the community much more safe and resilient to diseases and health issues.

Evaluating the effectiveness of the implemented strategies, systems and policies in a health or social care setting

As per the views of Kentikelenis et al. (2014. p.750), in HSC sector, various methodologies can be adopted by them to attain the desired goal to frame better qualities and better propensities in human nature. When the staff members executes the better qualities in an appropriate manner then improved client fascination can be concluded. Enchantment of the consumers should be established as a perfect and slick place which continuously amenable to get drag in by service users. Additionally, When the place is required to be improved then, an organization needs to manufacture the best among all the alternate foundations.

In words of Palència (2014, p.100), better partner engaging quality is likewise liable to get pulled in when the organisations are probably going to make the health and care. Likewise, there is a decent probability of choosing a preferable representative faithfulness and a social place where the organisation which will assist in converting the retainer ability and searcher capacity. In this manner, they have to provide better practices as well as services which will provide a positive impact on the business entity.

Discussing the changes that could be made to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals in a health or social care setting

Changing lifestyle is needed to bring about health and social well-being of the community. By shifting their attitudes towards the healthy attitude. This is the first step to ensuring a better and improved health and social care. In words of Sandberg et al. (2014, p.1975), the care pertaining to the elderly and the children invokes attitude which can be detrimental to the betterment of conditions and services that are provided in organisational health care environment. Attitudes like short temperateness or impatience shown by the carer should be minimised in order to gain the trust and making the treatment process much more comfortable for the patient.

According to Kondilis et al. (2013, p.975), dieting practices that are existent in the current society also needs to undergo a serious makeover and it should become a combination of both, nutrition as well as health. These dieting practices can be useful to convince the health and care objectives to the patients as well as the care workers who work in collaboration with these patients to achieve the. Training and other such practices can help in reducing the chances and vulnerability of getting infected by future diseases and at the same time inhibiting their spread.

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Evaluating activities that can be implemented to encourage behaviour change

As observed by Price et al. (2014, p.550), behavioural changes cannot be brought by simply asking people to change. Conducting activities or special acts can influence the people to change their behaviour such as enlightening the people about the various details pertaining to a disease or ailment. This can help the society too has a better understanding of the causes of the disease and the sufferings of the individuals. Bringing in the people of different regions and sects to of common platform where they can showcase their faulty thought process towards a particular disease can help the myths to be busted and help in saving lives.

As highlighted by Haywood et al. (2015, p.1070), better working environment and working standards helps in motivating as well as promoting a healthy work space. This could result in decreasing the amount of stress and other related psychological issues which are responsible for various diseases when observed from an objective perception and these activities can be helpful implementing and encouraging of behavioural changes..


The private and public authorities that are involved in health and social care organisations have a crucial role to play in maintaining public health department by treating and eliminating diseases such as HIV, Ebola, mad cow and obesity. These diseases may be infectious or non-infectious and their treatment will be dependent upon the way these diseases have been categorised. In the current report, the various implications of diseases on a society and their impact on the services provided by the health and social care organisations have been analysed. The report also analyses the various psychological and mental aspects which are involved in propagation or spreading of a disease and how it can be effectively mitigated.


  • Beard, J.R. and Bloom, D.E., (2015). Towards a comprehensive public health response to population ageing. Lancet (London, England), 385(9968), pp.658-661.
  • Boivin, A., Lehoux, P., Burgers, J. and Grol, R., (2014). What are the key ingredients for effective public involvement in health care improvement and policy decisions? A randomized trial process evaluation. Milbank Quarterly, 92(2), pp.319-350.
  • Bradley, E.H., Canavan, M., Rogan, E., Talbert-Slagle, K., Ndumele, C., Taylor, L. and Curry, L.A., (2016). Variation in health outcomes: the role of spending on social services, public health, and health care, 2000-09. Health Affairs, 35(5), pp.760-768.
  • Braveman, P. and Gottlieb, L., (2014). The social determinants of health: it's time to consider the causes of the causes. Public health reports, 129(1_suppl2), pp.19-31.
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