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Managing Human Resources in Health and Social Care

University: Mont Rose College

  • Unit No: 13
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 20 / Words 4934
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: K/601/1611
  • Downloads: 1782
Question :

This assessment will discuss the below-mentioned topics:

  • Analyse processes for recruiting individuals to work in health and social care in St. Patrick Nursing Home.
  • Critically evaluate strategies for building effective teams for working in health and social care of St. Patrick Nursing Home.
  • Provide the systems of monitoring and promotion in St. Patrick Nursing Home.
Answer :


One of the unique sectors of the market where there is no room for any form of carelessness or error is the health and social care sector. The reason that there is no room for error is because this sector is associated with lives of many people. Hence, it can be noted that people who work in this sector need to work with full commitment and put in their entire effort such that there is no chance of error or carelessness such that no individual's health or life is at risk. Hospitals and health and safety organizations should take measures to ensure the safety of health and life of individuals, by carefully recruiting people who have the required expertise to put all their hard work in these organizations and are also enthusiastic to work with full commitment. The current report discusses the system of monitoring, encouraging and promoting the development of individuals and also comprehends approaches to be followed for people management who work in these industries (Armstrong and Taylor, 2009). The process of recruitment, legislation framework related to health and social care, different approaches used for selecting a suitable candidate and ways to manage people in health and social care (HSC) is understood from the context of St Patrick's Nursing home.

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Understand processes for recruiting individuals to work in HSC

Explain the factors to be considered when planning the recruitment of individuals to work in HSC

Major factors according to Jackson, Clare and Mannix (2002) to be considered for recruiting individuals to work in HSC are

  • Objective and aim for recruitment overall: It is essential to determine what organization wants to achieve through the specific recruitments. For example, the organization might be planning to replace existing workers or recruitment due to new job role creations (Chen et al, 2004).
  • Financial implications and recruitment cost: The recruitment department has to reflect on both internal and external costs; and promotional ad charges among other financial implications required for the process of recruiting.
  • The other factors to be considered include organizations core objectives, personnel policies of organizations, policies of government, legislations governing the selected post and planning a comprehensive recruitment policy, among others.

The important factor to be considered for St. Patrick's Nursing Home is defining the recruiting candidate profile and job requirements by eliminating the failure of the Nursing Home. Before planning for recruitment, the organization needs to consider the factors such as availability of workers both internally and externally, in case such workers are not available then the organization may plan to train the available workers or offer good salary hike and incentives to relocate for encouraging other areas skilled workers (Dussault and Franceschini, 2006). After all such research the Nursing Home then can plan the number of individuals to be recruited and how to attract them for roles that are available (O'Brien et al, 2009). Promotion regarding the job can be made through advertisement which can be noted as one of the effective tool for this process. Thus, by advertising of the job in the areas with adequate skilled workers it can attract suitable candidates. In absence of skilled workers the Nursing Home may advertise through job fairs, webpage hoarding, internet, or recruitment/consultant agencies to recruit suitable skilled workers (Compton et al, 2009).

Explain how relevant legislation and policy frameworks influence the selection, recruitment and employment of individuals

The selection, recruitment and appointment of suitable individual in HSC is influenced by set of specific legislative and policy frameworks in every nation. Hence, it is essential that Nursing Home do follow such rules and regulations. In the UK equal rights and opportunities to every individual irrespective of their gender, race, community and language by the governing law. The legislatives and policy frameworks that control the selection and recruitment are Sex Discrimination Act 1975, The Race Relation Act 1976, the Employment Act 2008, Employment Policy & Legislation Employment Relations Act 2004, the Employment Rights Act 1996, the Equality Act 2010 and the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 (Bewley, 2006).Get cheap assignment help Now!

The government has been reinforcing these Acts according to its changing recruitment and employment policies such as making the labour market more efficient, fair and flexible (DWP, 2013); improving the older people opportunities (DWP, 2014); and helping the employers in making safer recruitment decisions (Home Office, 2013).

In addition to above mentioned government policies, the Nursing Home has its own policies to control and monitor recruitment. The policies mainly contain elements of anti-discrimination and help avoiding favouritism or biasness in the selection and recruitment process. For example, the HSC organizations are advised to complement the legislative framework that the Government has developed for selection and recruitment of social care staff under the code of practise designed by the General Social Care Council (2010). According to the norms provided in the framework of this policy, employers should ensure that candidates with suitable expertise enter the workforce and the organization is also warned not to exploit in that area (GSCC, 2010). Additionally, the organization should follow fair and same recruitment process to all the applicants. Different types of discriminations that usually happen in organization are direct and indirect discriminations. The organizations are also advised to be very careful before advertising their recruitment requirements in an advertisement. It has to be verified meticulously.

Every organization formed in the UK has to compulsorily abide by the above mentioned acts. Not abiding by these Acts might affect the functionalities of the organization. The organization would have to face major cost and penalties. Recruitment, selection and employment process of every organization in the UK is influenced by the policies of the UK policy makers.

Evaluate different approaches that may be used to ensure the selection of the best individuals for work in HSC

To select and recruit best individuals HSC has two main approaches. The approaches are candidate evaluation through testing in assessment centre and conduct interviews. St. Patrick's Nursing Home is also advised to follow these approaches while recruiting best candidates. Additional approaches to be followed include proper assessment and examination of the candidate under different circumstances (Dussault, 2003).

Below is the detailed analysis of the approaches to be followed for recruiting the best candidates:


The first and foremost step for selecting the best candidate is through the process of interviews. The process of interviews may be done by individuals, interview panels and selection committee that conduct interviews. In the course of interview process the employer taking the interview has the authority to talk and access about the impressions of candidate and also can amend superficial judgments. Overlapping also can be avoided when the selection committee makes the selection which is organized by the authorised body in a most formal way. Benefit of interview includes interviewers' advantage to look at the candidate and gauge the candidate on the spot along with their drawbacks. Interview will also help in analysing the knowledge of the candidate and how beneficial they can be to the organization. In HSC sector communication plays a vital role and the candidates who are recruited should be good at communication. Interview will help the interviewers to access if the candidate has good and effective communication skills while communicating with individuals who approach them with their health issue. Through this process the confidence and willingness of the candidate to work for the job can also be assessed. In a HSC sector willingness to work is very essential and absence of it may impact the health and life of individuals (Eaton, 2000).

Testing in Assessment Centre:

Testing the ability of the candidate in assessment centre is another important approach in selecting and recruiting suitable candidate for the job. Trainings such as one to one role play and group exercise are used to grab and assume the core theme of the job. Performance of the candidate in these tests will help in assessing the attitude of the candidate towards the job. Additionally, through group exercise it is essential to test whether the candidate is group player, willing to work with the team and give total effort towards their job. The candidate's performance in testing assessment centre are assessed through: IQ test, hypothetical questioning test, structured psychometric assessment, capability questioning and several other test pertinent to the requirements of the job.


Understand strategies for building effective teams for working in HSC

Explain theories of how individuals interact in groups in relation to the types of teams that work in HSC

As stated by Armstrong (2006) interaction/communication system by forming implies high reliance on the leadership of the organization to take guidance. Employees in this process retain themselves courteous, well organized and careful. They tend to first learn regarding the challenges and opportunities and later agree on a certain matter through discussions and then initiate handing of the given task effectively. It is very essential for all the members of the group to communicate, know each other and share thoughts, information and ideas for maintaining interaction among the group members and co-workers.

The process regarding formation of the groups and individual interaction in the group can be clearly comprehended through the theory of Tuckman's model. The theory of Tuckman's model has the following stages:

Forming: In the words of Tuckman, team members tend to act as strangers, communicate formally and establish certain ground rules when they meet for the first time. Individuals in this stage are reserved and are polite with each other, they try to observe the people around them.

Storming: This is the stage where the foundation of communication begins but still the tendency to resolve the issues individually rather as a team prevails. There is competency for deliberation under this step. In this stage every individual/candidate try to mark their presence and it is the same in HSC sector as well. Hence, it can be noted that individuals in this stage are not ready to accept leader controls and may even oppose (Atwal & Caldwell, 2005).

Norming: This is the .stage where individuals start to interact freely with the other team members and try to appreciate the perspective of every individual on diverse topics. This is the stage where the process where individuals start to agree with the fellow member opinion (Borrils et al, 2000).

Performing: Once the individuals start interacting with each other freely they start to trust each other in an open atmosphere that is developed in the team members. Hence, they start to work in coordination with each other in achieving aspired goals through leadership oriented relationship. This is the stage where people start to perform as a team as they are well aware of the strengths and weaknesses of each member of the team. It is an essential step to make individuals of Nursing Home to reach this stage such that they remain motivated and perform well with complete dedication and work as a team, which is very essential for this sector. Internal disturbances are a hurdle in this sector.

Adjourning: This is the assessment stage where the performance and contribution of each individual is assessed and transition of roles is also made if required (Tuchman,1996).

Even though, a single theory cannot be the base for explaining the complex process of team work the theory of Tuckman does help in gaining interim knowledge about team work. The below diagram will help in understanding the different stages in form of a curve.

Additionally, it is essential to adopt the following approaches to develop effective teamwork: improving inter team understanding through the means of effective communication, a honest approach, having a trustful and open environment and developing, organizing leadership sessions as leadership is the most important element in teamwork (Baker, et al.2006) and giving the individuals the freedom to apply and use their diverse skills (Chand and Katou, 2007) among others.

Evaluate approaches that may be used to develop effective team working in HSC

Working with collaboration in a team is not confined to a single approach, because every team or group is unique and should locate a collaborative approach of its own based on the requirements of the organization. From Nursing Home perspective as a HSC organization an effective team work may be measured by following major approaches discussed below:

  • The members of the team or group must compensate for the weak points of others by employing their strengths in attaining the aspired goals because there exists diversity in skills and personalities in a team and this is one of the initial factor in team working effectiveness.
  • To make sure that each member of team is entirely explicit and have comprehended the core objectives of the team and also that these objectives are agreed by every member of the team.
  • Make sure that there exists complete transparency and understanding among the team members with regards to their roles and responsibilities.
  • Developing trust with every team member by spending personal time in an open and honest environment.
  • Make sure that manager keeps all the routes of communication open to encourage for exchange of information through channels such as face-to-face interactions, e-mails, letters or phone conversations, however, every employee should have complete knowledge of their role in providing information (Leonard et al, 2004).
  • Ensuring that all the feedbacks provided are constructive and not over critical; negative feedbacks should be avoided as they impact the morale of the team. Also the leader should take measures to maintain harmony in the team by ensuring that all the ream members get the chance to provide their suggestions (Borrils et al, 2000).
  • Encouraging an environment for improving listening skills through team meetings and ensure that no problem is ignored and every issue is followed and a solution is attained (Borrils et al, 2000).
  • Providing the team members with social time with one another in an environment that is persuading and open to communication in addition to the regular working hours.
  • Being cautious about the issues related to interactive, relational and social issues. It is advisable to recognize them early and handle them.
  • Engaging group members in the activity of HSC and observe them.

In addition, the other important approaches include brainstorming and team building exercises. Effective teamwork is very essential in the Nursing Home because it has been observed that the staff members have been often blamed for not communicating properly with to one other important information while in the shift and having no enthusiasm in working in the job. Sadly, the attitude to just come do their shift and go home was existing in the team. Hence, effective team work must be implemented to overcome these failures in the functioning of the nursing home. Building a team is an ongoing cyclical process and requires lot of effort, skills and knowledge, thus, for effective team performance the leadership should take all the required measures (Armstrong, 2009).


Understand systems for monitoring and promoting the development of individuals working in HSC

Explain ways in which the performance of individuals working in HSC can be monitored

Individual performance monitoring is important in every form of organization. Not only monitoring but also evaluating and recognizing the performance of the employees through awards and incentives is also important. Performance monitoring of an individual in an HSC is done through managing team rate and individual performances in meeting aspired goals, and improved targets. Performance management is defined as an approach for managing people to increase their probability of accomplishing success through the shared understanding process established on how to achieve what needs to be achieved (Chand and Katou, 2007).

Individual's performance in the HSC is monitored both as an individual performer and as a member of a team. Individual performance in HSC sector can be measured through various means. Some of these approaches include performance level addressing of the individual currently, finding domains to ascertain the areas of improvement of the individual that is inevitable, evaluating specific standards of the individual especially required for HSC organizations by testing their expertise skills, marking/rating individual's performance level and finally fixing the targets of accomplishment, among other. The method for measuring the performance of an individual is called as performance evaluation or appraisal.

The three important methods followed in the process of performance monitoring of individuals in HSC sector are recent performance level identification, identification of areas of improvement, and setting standards of scaling such as average, above average, good and excellent performance (Anon, 2009).

For an improved performance monitoring the Nursing Home is advised to establish a software system in the organization that captures the individual's day to day performance. End of every month this software will provide information on the tasks performed by the individuals which will help the managers to monitor the performance of the individuals and evaluate them. Managers while monitoring and evaluating the performance of the individuals should be careful not to give over criticism but a constructive criticism that help the employees in improving their performance for the next coming years.

Assess how individual training and development needs can be identified

Every organization needs to access the training and developmental needs of its employees. Continuous training and developmental needs is much required to meet the changing technology, customer needs and competition. With the changing in technology and the needs of Nursing Home it is essential to keep the employees updated such that they can meet the market needs. This will help them in enhancing their services to customers.

For understanding training and developmental needs of its employees the Nursing Home should perform certain internal tasks such as: reviewing the objectives of the business, identifying the activities that are critical for the performance of the organization, identifying the areas of issue, measuring performance quality, measuring weaknesses of employees and further, enhance the areas to improve the organization services and employee needs (Foot and Hook, 1999).

While hiring new people training is very essential has they do not have any idea about the organizational requirements nor they have practical knowledge of the organizational requirements. Nursing Home should provide proper training for 3-4 months for these employees such that the employee is assets to the organization and not liability that decline the organizational performance. Secondly, reviewing employee performance will be helpful during appraisal and promotions when the employee get the opportunity to go to next level in their employment. Employees should be trained efficiently by the seniors about their responsibilities, roles and skills as required in their job on attaining higher positions in their career (Anon, 2009).

Further, continuous training will help Nursing Home to bridge the gaps in employees existing skills and skills the employees require going to new job level or for shifting between the departments. To bridge the gap the Nursing Home needs to maintain tracks of organizational requirement such that it can plan developmental programs to overcome its drawbacks and improve its HSC service.

Analyse different strategies for promoting the continuing development of individuals in the HSC workplace

Encouraging individual's continuous development while working in the Nursing Home which is a HSC organization may be achieved through various means such as providing performance feedback by using targets and appraisals and providing incentive packages. The above means ensure continuous development because, even though the individual work to serve the individuals and take care of their life and health, they would also wish to be recognized for their services in form of rewards or incentives (Torrington et al, 2008). This means will encourage them to perform better and also promote continuous development of the individual.

Nonetheless, the organization and managers should be careful while providing feedback as it is vital in motivating the individual to perform well. The feedback provided should not have any form of over criticism but be relevant, credible and specific and is provided periodically to ensure that the employee is not deviated from team's targets and aims. The feedback provided on regular intervals will also help the employee to know the area of expertise they lack and trainings they need to take for developing in that area (Torrington et al, 2008).

Incentives in form of proper salary hike also act one of the motivators on performance of the employees. Nursing Home is advised to devise this method in addition to continuous training, effective feedback such that employees work effectively and complaints against them could be reduced. Incentives not only motivate employees they also improve confidence of the employees. Additionally, it should also organize trainings on the basis of employees' performance appraisal. These techniques will also help the Nursing Home to reduce its organization's high turnover problem (Torrington et al, 2008). Further, continuous professional development in healthcare professions is an obligation as it ensures that individuals have maintained required level of expertise in their profession (Legare et al, 2011).


Understand approaches for managing people working in HSC

Explain theories of leadership that apply to the HSC workplace

The traditional hierarchy-based leadership skill under the National Health Services has been recently replaced by the following leadership theories and styles:

Relational leadership theory, promotes individual and organizational changes, promote communication and engagement between patients and staff, focus on dynamics of patient's experiences and working relationships (Bolden and Gosling, 2006);

Personal leadership theory promotes personal resilience, reflective learning and self-awareness of the leader (Boaden, 2006).

Contextual leadership theory promotes development by utilising healthcare field framed policy and strategy to understand the strengths and positions of all employees and/or stockholders (Brazier, 2005).

Technical leadership theory, engages improvement of approaches, philosophies and methodologies of the working environment. Under this theory leader's position adopts making required changes for betterment of the organization, while the manager concentrated on maintaining the existing system in good order or condition (Checkland, 2014).

Situational leadership theory, means as suggested in the name that the leaders act as per the needs of the situation they face. There are 3 different types of leadership styles under this form of leadership they are authoritarian leadership style where leader has the authority to dictate the work to be done and there is no freedom for subordinates to work as per their preferences; democratic leadership style gives employees freedom to work as per their preferences and in their style; and laissez faire leadership style (Cherry, 2018).

Behavioural leadership theory, means that everyone has idea about the behaviour of the leader and thus, the theorists can research the behaviour of successful leaders in comparison to regular leaders. They can also determine behaviour taxonomy and identify board's leader style (Danley et al, 2014).

The other leadership styles include directive leadership style, affiliative leadership style, participative leadership style and coaching leadership style, which explain the different ways leader would engage themselves in improving the knowledge of the employees and in turn develop the organization.

Analyse how working relationships may be managed

Managing relationships between employee and the organization, employee and co-workers and employee and managers is very important for the better performance and existence of the organization. In HSC sector, these relationships are managed themselves; however, the human resource department takes the initiative in helping the employees to maintain their social and healthcare sector relations. Team leader plays a major role in maintaining relationships between the employees by allocating tasks appropriately. It is important that every member is aware of their roles and responsibilities and would not interfere in the works of others such that there are no issues in the organization.

To improve working relationships in the Nursing Home, there is need for making the environment employee friendly and not over strict. This can be achieved by removing favoratism if any present in the functioning of the nursing home. Further, the nursing home should take measures such as treating all the employees equally and give them equal opportunities to exploit their expertise; proper and fixed working hours; Employee roles; and organizing more team activities to improve team building. Managers have to allocate tasks appropriately to all the individuals and should properly monitor the performance of the employees. The employees' should also given chance to express their ideas to develop the working situation in the Nursing Home, that is, voice of employee should be heard. Additionally, by organizing brainstorming sessions for employees to improve interaction and provide chance to share their views on different situations in the Nursing Home (Eaton, 2000).

Trust is other form of important measure for managing working relationship among the employees and organization. Trust plays an important role in HSC sector. For example, in absence of one nurse there should be another nurse who is trustworthy and can take their job. Employees who are mindful of their responsibilities are always good at managing good relationship as they welcome new ideas. Further, in the process of managing working relationships, effective leaders should respect their workforce, be considerable, value opinion and ideals of employees and be honest (Williams, 2007). Thus, effective leadership skills and good work environment is essential for managing work relationships effective in HSC organizations.

Evaluate how own development has been influenced by management approaches encountered in own experience

My development in HSC has been influenced by different management and leadership approaches. Through these approached my working skills have developed a lot. Firstly, the personal performance appraisals have me helped in focusing on the areas of my weakness along with my strengths. By focusing on my area of improvement I had opportunity to plan my training or gather required knowledge through self-study or research which has helped me to improve my knowledge in these areas.

In a HSC organization interaction with patient is most important thing; thus, the scope of error is very minimal. Training along with certain practical interaction sessions has helped me in improving my confidence level while interacting with my hospital's real patients. Also, the leaders I have worked under have also helped me in developing my skills. My leader was always available to help me in resolving difficulties and educated me to be active and confidant during the time I work with patients. Further, presence of a poor manager at one point of my career has also been a plus point to improve my work standards because this manager accentuated effective leadership skills and helped me to develop good leadership skills. The poor manager was an example of what a effective leader should not be thus, it helped me in devising measures to avoid being like them and improve my skills.

Team-working has also been one of the important means for my development in the HSC sector because I had opportunity to interact with people with different expertise knowledge and share my views on particular situations. Interaction with other employees also helped in developing trust and bonding with them. Through team-building exercises and activity workshops the team-working was improved thus giving me the opportunity to interact in open atmosphere with my other team members.

Supervision has helped me to stay focused of my work and not get deviated from the objective and aims of the organization. I also had the opportunity to source information from my work place and work in flexible hours. Management had been motivating and encouraging. With their aid during my supervision I was given the opportunity to voice out my concerns and was encouraged to progress ahead. Thus, effective leadership skills and friendly working environment have helped in my overall development in the organization.

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An organization in HSC sector is bound with many responsibilities as deals with health of individuals. Thus, the organizations are advised to bind themselves to the existing legislations. From the above discussion it can understood that there are many policy frameworks and legislations that affect and influence the process of recruitment and selection of employee to this sector. It is very essential that the organization working in health sector appoint a suitable candidate who satisfies the job requirements. They should also affirm that there is no preferential treatment or discrimination during any employment selection. The organization is also advised to take measures to develop successful team working, team cooperation, and harmonization among individuals in the teams and among different teams. Measures should also be taken to improve knowledge and performance current employees by planning continuous training and other development requirements. Are you worried about online assignment help with experts at the best price? Contact our experts.

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