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Purpose and functions of Human Resource Management

University: UK college of business and computing

  • Unit No: 3
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 18 / Words 4589
  • Paper Type: Dissertation
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 1225
Question :

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify the function and scope of Human Resource Management in terms of resourcing an organisation with talent and skills appropriate to achieve organisational goal.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the essential elements of Human Resource Management in an organisation
  • Analyse internal and external factors that affect Human Resource Management decision-making, including employment legislation
  • Apply Human Resource Management practices in a work-related context

PART 1 –  Function and scope of HRM and Recruitment and Selection Practices

Case scenario

LV= is among UK's largest friendly society, which was founded in 1843 and is owned by its members. The company deals with variety of financial services including life insurance, pensions, insurance, and investment products with over 5.8 million customers. It has a strength of about 5,500 staff, working in 14 offices across the UK. It provides friendly, helpful and award-winning customer service, which it attributes to its employees. (LV= website, 2019). Your role: You have been recruited as a trainee HR Officer in LV.

Activity 1 

You have been asked by a Human Resource Manager to combine a section which is to be included in an Induction Pack for trainees on the Management development programme, which:

a) Discuss the purpose and functions of HRM within LV=

b) Evaluate how these functions relate to workforce planning and resourcing within LV and therefore its significance to the organization as a whole.

c) Briefly explain strength and weaknesses of LV=’s approaches to Recruitment and Selection, as outlined in Appendix 1.

Activity 2 

You are asked to manage resource for the vacancy of Personal Assistant where you are required to following activities:

a) Develop specification for this Personal Assistant role

b) Examine the CVs provided from the three job applicants for the role of Personal Assistant

c) Provide minimum six competency-based questions which are asked at the selection interview for the Personal Assistant vacancy.

 d) Give a rationale reasons for the above questions

 e) Briefly evaluate the use of person specification with shortlisting of applications in order to assist the organization for Personal Assistant role.

PART 2 - Employee performance, development and reward & Factors that influence HR decision making

Activity 3

LV= has mentioned that its business would not be successful if there were no great people. The HR practices of company has made most talented employees and its effective leadership has helped in making the business successful.

The department of HR is reviewing its working practices profit and productivity of LV are being raised with the following:

a) the opportunities for both staff and organisation

b) the incentives and rewards given by LV = from both staff and organisation

Activity 4 

Address the following things:

a) Discuss employee relations. Explain the significance of employee relations in reference to impact of influencing HRM decision-making among LV with reference to the role of leadership.

b) Evaluate key elements of UK employment relations and assess the impact of HR decision making process within LV.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria




LO1 Identify the function and scope of Human Resource Management in terms of resourcing an organisation with talent and skills appropriate to achieve organisational goal.

D1 Briefly analyse the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection, supported by specific examples

P1 Determine the purpose and the functions of HRM, applicable to workforce planning and resourcing an organisation.

P2 Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection.

M1 Analyse how the functions of HRM can provide talent and skills appropriate to fulfil business objectives

M2 Examine the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection.

LO2. Evaluate the effectiveness of the essential elements of Human Resource Management in an organisation

D2 Briefly evaluate HRM practices and application within an organisational context, using a range of specific examples.

P3 Explain the benefits of different HRM practices within an organisation for both the employer and employee. P4 Analyse the effectiveness of different HRM practices in terms of raising organisational profit and productivity.

M3 Demonstrate different methods used in HRM practices, providing specific examples to support evaluation within an organisational context.

LO3 Analyse internal and external factors that affect Human Resource Management decision-making, including employment legislation

LO3 and LO4

D3 Briefly assess employee relations and the application of HRM practices that inform and influence decision-making in an organisational context

P5 Examine the importance of employee relations in respect to influencing HRM decision- making.

P6 Discuss the key elements of employment legislation and the impact it has upon HRM decision- making.

M4 Analyse the key aspects of employee relations management and employment legislation that affect HRM decision-making in an organisational context.

LO4 Apply Human Resource Management practices in a work-related context

P7 Review the application of HRM practices in a work- related context, using specific examples.

M5 Give a rationale for the application of specific HRM practices in a work- related context.

Answer :
Organization Selected : LV


Human resource management encompasses the processes of recruiting, selecting, onboarding, and training employees to achieve organizational objectives, contributing to a competitive edge. This report delves into LV, the UK's largest friendly society owned by members since 1843, focusing on its insurance services. It examines the purpose and functions of HRM, emphasizing the significance of workforce planning. The study assesses the strengths and weaknesses of recruitment and selection methods, analyzes the benefits of various HRM practices, and evaluates their effectiveness. It also explores the role of HRM in decision-making and analyzes key aspects of employee legislation and their organizational impact.

A) Purpose and functions of HRM

The purpose of HRM in LV is to maximise productivity by making effective utilization of human resources. Various functions of human resource management include the following:

Planning: It includes activities such as determining personnel programmes like evaluating the hiring needs, planning requirements of job and make resources available to staff members (Renwick and et.al., 2016). Purpose of planning in LV is to make best utilization of most valuable assets which is human resource and also making sure that there is no shortage workforce while achieving business activities.

Resourcing: It means that LV is engaged in attracting efficient people which are best fitted in organization and retain them so that goals are achieved effectively. Purpose of resourcing is to hire most talented work force in order to enhance productivity of organization.

Training and development: It is being given to increase skills and abilities of employees in LV. Purpose of training and development in company is to increase productivity related to job and performance of employees in firm. For example, coaching and mentoring can be given to develop teams.

Reward: In this monetary or non-monetary rewards can be given to employees on basis of their performance, ability and skills. The main purpose of LV to provide reward is to increase motivation level of employees. It also creates worker's loyalty towards firm.

Performance management: It ensures that activities carried on by employees meet up organizational goals and objectives. The purpose of performance management is to provide workers with significant data which can assist them in making appropriate decisions. It will assist LV in enhancing employee's work performance.

Employee relations: It is basically company's effort towards building up a strong relationship with workers. In order to enhance bond, open communication can be used by LV. Purpose of maintain employee relation is to increase employee engagement in the company.

Recruitment and Selection: This means attracting a pool of talented employees towards company and hiring the best among them to increase productivity of LV. Purpose of recruitment and selection is to fill up vacant positions in company. Take assignment help from experts now!

B) Functions relating to work force planning

Workforce planning includes analysing, forecasting and planning related to supply and demand of human resources. Various function related to workforce planning includes the following:

Recruitment and Selection: It is the most important part of workforce planning. In this LV needs to engaged in hiring and selecting effective talent in organization so that their operational efficiency increases and also they are able to maximise profitability effectively (Huemann, Keegan and Turner, 2018). It includes plan related to attracting employees and also identifies goals for particular position.

Reward management: Main objective of reward management is to provide rewards and incentives to employees fairly and equally. It is important for LV to provide employees with monetary and non-monetary benefits so that workers can stay motivated. It helps organization in increasing job performance and this also enhances belongingness of workers towards firm. This aspect can support LV in reducing employee turnover. They can recognise talent and provide them with enrichment opportunities.

Training and development: Workforce planning and development can help LV in ensuring that they have right people with right skills placed on right job. This can support firm in maximising profit and also help them in growing. In this they can utilise human resource effectively in order to achieve organizational strategic goals and objectives. Various type of training can be provided by LV such as on the job and off the job. Training is very essential so that skills of employees can be improved.

Employee relations: Maintaining employee relation is of significant importance in LV. This can be maintained by providing various opportunities of growth to employees. Builds competitive advantage through planned versus reactive talent management. Also open communication can be used by employers so that they are able to identify needs and demands of workers (Farouk and et.al., 2016). This can also assist them in analysing problems faced by workers. It can improve employee relationship which ultimately enhances employee engagement towards firm.

Performance management: It is of most important for workforce related planning. This process not only helps manager to communicate the important information but also helps in analysing that effective talent is aligned with organizational goals and objectives. It assists LV in evaluating gaps in performance of employees. Without this analysis HR manager will not be able to take proactive actions related to process like recruitment, training and development.

C)Strength and Weakness of Recruitment and Selection

It has been analysed that external recruitment method has been used by LV. Also for selecting employees interview process has been used. It has various strength and weakness.

Recruitment process strength and Weakness

Recruitment method



Online recruitment means positing vacant positions on internet sources. Applying online through Facebook, Instagram, Linked-In, Twitter.

In order to Hire talented employees LV is making use of online recruitment process. When vacant positions are posted on Facebook or Twitter, company can reach out large number of applicants. It is also a cost effective method of recruitment (Paauwe and Boon, 2018). Positing job online can also assist company in being more creative about their job advertisements.

If LV is receiving large number of job applicants, then it can reduce their labour hours. Also from Facebook, Twitter and Linked-In company can receive many fraudulent applications.

Internal recruitment: In this company can engaged in hiring employees for other job role within the organization

This can assist LV in strengthen employee engagement. It also saves firms time to hire employee from outside.

This limits pool of applicants and also implements inflexible culture.

Selection process strength and Weakness

LV is selecting applicants through interview process. It is a structured conversation in which employer asks questions related to qualification and skills. Employee tend to answer them

Selection method



Telephonic Interview: In this interview is been taken on Phone calls.

It is a cost and time effective method. Company can have wide geographic access.

In this type interviewer can-not ask more complex questions. It is also intrusive for applicants.

Face to face interview:

Accurate screening of applicants can be done during face to face interview.

It can be a time consuming process and also setting up of face to face interview is costly.

Psychometric Test: It consists of series of verbal and nonverbal questions which are essential for job applicants to answer

By this process LV can have an idea about employee's aptitude learning. They can know about emotional and intellectual skills (Singhal and Arora, 2018).

This process can make job applicant nervous during interview.

Employer of the choice: LV can become employer of choice by being accountable and transparent. Also they can have engaged in providing support to employees, so that collaborative working can be implemented. Effective training can be provided for maximising talent and skills of employees. They can also have engaged in motivating employees by recognising worker's efforts. Employee engagement can be made through providing workers with rewards.


Person Specification for personal assistant job

Post Title

Personal Assistant

Skills and knowledge

  • Communication skills: This skill support for interacting with large number of people at the time of meeting, conference and seminar.
  • Interpersonal skills: the skill help to interact with the behaviour and nature of people. in corporate world, it is helping for improve an ability to work within team.
  • Leadership skills: this skill help for maintaining positioning of executives to make decision about business goals and objectives. It is valuable to implement ability into communication or interaction.
  • Management skills: it supports for enhancing overall business management operations. it has been completed the task on specific deadline.
  • Team working skill: The skill helps for building a strong relation with colleagues for putting innovative idea in business expansion. It useful for maintaining good environment or culture.


Having 3 year of experience in the commercial finance department for maintaining overall administrative roles and responsibilities.

Education and training

Completed training from Hammersmith college in business field. In order to achieve the various type of awards and rewards.


Ability to build a good relationship with their colleagues and client. It helps for improving own team working skill and knowledge.

Diversity and Equalities

Commitment towards the council equal opportunities procedures and policies. Its acceptance the responsibility for practical application.

Desirable criteria

  • Ability to maintain and control the professional manner without under tough pressure.
  • Ability to quickly catch new skills and knowledge that applied within professional roles or responsibilities at workplace.
  • Learning a new thing as per experience and also adjust within professional working environment.

Review the CV provide three job applicants for specific role of personal assistant.

As per review, it has examined three different CV that can be applied for particular post of personal assistant. Sometimes, it is very tough for deciding that which one is suitable for job roles. As per screening three different CV and find that First Curriculum vite-1 selected for personal assistant job role. After screening, it has found that all criteria meet with the job role specification. In this way, it has been shortlisted for interview. For choosing suitable candidates, it is important to identify their skills and knowledge where it can handle entire task effectively. So as important for match all knowledge that help for increasing the organizational profitability as well as productivity in marketplace.

On the other hand, it accomplished their candidate personal assistant and identify that how they can interact or coordinate with client. The most important things are finding in CV of their roles and responsibilities. It directly reflects on their specification in front of interviewers. Because most of interviewers are trying to find special thing about candidates for managing and controlling business activities. Apart from that it also identified their experience level because it is first priority of interviewer for finding experience person. A good working experience always inspire or motivate the interviewers to select the best candidates which directly profitable for business expansion. Therefore, it is an essential for mention all extra circular activities which always attracting at the time of candidate screening process. 

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Tell me about your strength and weakness.

  • What skills do you possess?
  • Are you good at communicating with consumers?
  • Why do you want to work in our company?
  • What experience do you possess for the role of personal assistant?
  • Why did you leave your last job?

Personal assistant

Personal assistant are required to have the communication of dealing with customers and the phone calls. It has the roles and responsibilities of managing & organising the appointments and meetings. This is a great role and responsibility of personal assistant. They should have good analysis power and should have the ability to respond quickly in required situations. They should have the knowledge of operating computers so that all the information can be stored within the systems. He should have the decision making powers when required at certain specific situations. It is essential to be a problem solver instead of seeking the help of others. He should have the ability to coordinate the work with other individuals (Park, Jeong and Ju, 2018). Get essay writing services UK our top notch writers!

The persons with the job application 2 Within the job application 1 the person have the skills such as Quick learner as skills to learn new systems. Proficiency within more productive as well as paced working environment. Also have the excellent communication skills. Having the experience about the operation of the office ,arranged meeting on time as well as communicated with the clients. Within the job application 2 the person have to maintain the office system as well as efficiently deal with paper flow. I will consider as the second job application as person have the experience regarding travel and accommodation for conferences and visits. Have experience about the prepare papers as well as creating the spreadsheets on the excel to produce graphs and track performance. Education qualification is RSA typing level 1,2 and 3 as well as short course regarding the Microsoft office products. Also, have the experience regarding the personal secretary. Specialist within the administrative support ,also have the excellent communication skills,soft-spoken. Person have the strong excellent IT knowledge skills such as Word,PowerPoint and Excel. The person is having a PA to the commercial director. Also, able to maintain the dairy of the Director as well as prepares the paper as needed. Person of the Job application 3 is expert within the dairy management also uses the Microsoft office but finds that Job application 2 is more appropriate (Vanhala and Ritala 2016).


a. Learning and development opportunities.

The opportunities as learning and development gives both the organization and staff the chance to improvise their performance and this also aids to ensure the profitability (Park, Jeong and Ju, 2018). Therefore, learning is termed out as continue process in which an individual can able to learn from experience and apply their new ideas for improvement. It has to be applied within the enterprise effective as this aid to develop the skills of the individuals. Henceforth, this has outlined in below contexted manner as-:

For employees-

  • Improved performance of employees- Learning and development creates the opportunity for employees that aids to undertaking the analyse of current performance of the individuals. With help of it, the employees to the entity can perform well in efficient manner. Developing proficiency of employees leader to carry out better and improved performance.
  • Addressing weakness- It aids to identify the weakness in which they lack with help of undertaking the evaluation of own performance and current situation. Thus, self analysis can be done with help of members of staff during the programme as training and development (Presbitero, 2017).
  • Consistency- If the employees to the enterprise work in the continual manner than this leads to maintain the quality of the enterprise. Thus, regular use or training and development opportunities leads to evaluate the barriers that can hamper the working of enterprise on behalf of employees.
  • Enhanced employee motivation- To learn the new things and to undertake the development measures aids to build the high competitive advancement (Raharja, 2018 Swartout and et.al., 2016). This is term that aids in undertaking the identification and helps to enhance the experience that aids to inspire them. With help of developing the employee relations the organisation may results in supportive, cooperative and coordinated teams.

For organisation-

  • Enhancement in productivity- The process as learning and development assist the company to undertake each enterprise working in the right direction. Thus, employees to the enterprise becomes the proficient and this leads to enhance the productivity of the company.

  • Improvement in sales- Sale of the organisation can be improved if the employees to the enterprise find out the measures that aids to meet out the needs of target consumers. Thus, the better commodities leads to enhance the sale of working enterprise (van Staden, 2019).

  • Reduction in employee turnover- If the enterprise offers the training and learning platform to employees then they feel more valued as they starts to contribute maximum within the enterprise. Due to this, the rate of employee retention get enhanced and leads to develop positive image of the enterprise.

  • Enactment in brand recognition- If the employees to the enterprise perform well then working of the enterprise affects positively (Vanhala and Ritala 2016). Thus, better and improved performance leads to enhance the brand image within market and in the eyes of customers.

b. Reward and benefits provided by enterprise from both organisation and staff perspective.

Employers to the enterprise always looks to enhance employee retention rate by motivating and encouraging them. Therefore, employees are termed put as the crucial assets to the enterprise (Employee Training and Development: The Benefits and Why it's Important, 2019). Thus, workers to the enterprise starts to recognised if the performance and productivity level of entity get enhanced. Thus, effectiveness of reward and benefits to both staff and organisation are defined as-:

  • Employee performance management and monitoring- The HRM of the enterprise takes the initiative to promote the promotion the innovation by creating better and effective facilities to employees. It is term that can leads to enhance the productivity of the enterprise. By undertaking the evaluation the entity can able to perform the business functions effectively and efficiently.
  • Flexible working conditions- If the employees offers the flexible working conditions then the rate of absenteeism can be reduced as they can able to perform the work in comfortable manner. By promoting flexible working condition the entity can able to enhance the brand image to the enterprise.
  • Sharing and collaboration- The reward and benefits aids to enhance the employee performance to the enterprise (Veth and et.al., 2019). Therefore, the employees starts to perform in collaborate manner by sharing the ideas. This leas to create the innovative advancement.
  • Peer to peer recognition- At the time of conducting the review of annual performance within the enterprise the managers needs to conduct the peer to peer reward. Henceforth, the peer to peer recognition with co-worker along with managers helps to empowered to recognise and reward contribution to their colleague. For example- The enterprise as Vodafone uses the peer-to-peer mechanism to recognize and reward an outstanding performance. This aids in conducting the manager to employee programmes. Get free examples of assignments from our experts!


Define the term employee relations and analyse the significance of effective employee relations.

Employee relations termed out as firm efforts that aids to manage the relationship between employers and employees. An enterprise with effective employee relationship programme offers the fair and consistent treatment to all workers and this bring the loyalty to the enterprise (Park, Jeong and Ju, 2018). Thus, leaders plays the crucial role in terms to maintaining the effective and efficient employers and employees relationship. In addition to this, the one of the most effective ways to entity to ensure the good relationship is to adopt the human resource strategy that places the high value on employees as stakeholders. Therefore, the significance to effective employees relationships are defined in the following manner as are-:

Supportive working conditions- The performance level of the each employees tends to enhance if they allows to work within supportive working conditions (Presbitero, 2017). Therefore, the healthy environment is ideal as this aids to bring out the improved level of productivity and profitability. Thus, leader to the LV needs to take the initiative that aids to promote the measures that helps to manage employer and employee relationship.

Effective communication- The better relations within the employer and employees tends to have the effective communication and this is the essence of management to carry out better organisational practices. Good employee relation helps to have better flow of communication and this results in enhancing profitability and productivity to the enterprise.

Competitive pay and benefits- The leader to the LV needs to pay the employees by looking over their capabilities and role of performance within enterprise. Thus, authorities to the entity needs not to make any discrimination on behalf of pay and benefits. This leads to build the better employee and employer relationship.

Employee recognition- The better and effective relationship within the enterprise tends to carry out the organisation performance in the better and effective manner (Raharja, 2018). In addition to this, if the firm perform well then efforts of the employees tends to be recognised and this helps to have the effective employee recognition.

Henceforth, this can be stated that leadership plays the crucial role in maintaining the effective relationship within employers and employees. In addition to this, good leadership ranged as one of the crucial components that aids to attract the new candidate's and also keep the existing employees motivated.

Identification on key elements of UK employment legislation and how they influence HR decision making.

Employment legislation within the enterprise leads to cover the right of the workers and also regulates relationship with employers (Swartout and et.al., 2016). It aids to establish working conditions that allows to prevent from harassment. In addition to this, the key elements to UK employment legislation are outlined in below contexted manner as are-:

Equal pay act 2010-

It is act that highlight to ensure fair working condition to employees to promote the equal welfare opportunities (van Staden, 2019). This act states that if men and women employs for the same job role then they must be paid equality. No discrimination should be made on behalf of salary and wages to men and women for equal work.

Sex discrimination act 1975-

This is act that defined that any discrimination that is made on behalf of sex or marital status than this is considered as illegal. It is the act that is put their major focus on the components as training, education, provision of good and services etc.

The disability discrimination act 1995-

It is the act that gives right to people to undergo with good and services, employment, education and accommodation (Vanhala and Ritala 2016). This is the act that defines the duty that allows to make the employers responsible and also assist them to perform better performance.

The employment rights act 1996- It is act that highlights the legislation as essence and this aids to create the effective framework for modern labour within the UK. This has to be framed out in terms to protect the employees from dismissal, parental leave and redundancy etc. thus, each enterprise needs to be compliance with the right of employment to promote the better working conditions.



From the above study it has been summarised that human resource management has assisted company in increasing their productivity by maximising the use of most valuable asset which is human resource. Firm has been engaged in doing proper training of employees through coaching and mentoring. It has increased skills and efficiency of workers which has assisted enterprise in achieving their strategic goals and objectives. By making use of effective planning company has been able to recruit and staff right people on right job. Also they have been engaged in providing skills employees with rewards so that they can stay motivated. It has also supported organization in creating employee loyalty. It has reduced employee turnover. Organization has recruited employees through online recruitment. They have posted job applicants on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linked-In. Company has tried to be accountable and transparent. They have been engaged in making sure that all employees area aware of their rights. Other method of recruitment and selection which has been used by firm is psychometric test and internal recruitment. This has helped them in analysing emotional intelligence of employee

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