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Using Information in Human Resources - Tesco

University: Regent College London

  • Unit No: 5
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3197
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 1378
Question :

This assessment will cover the following questions:

  1. Give all the data collection methods and the research process.
  2. Identify and analyse the effective areas in HR in Tesco.
  3. Provide all the recommendations in order to manage the improvement practices.
  4. Give the role of stakeholders in Tesco.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Tesco


Human resources are vital for any organization's success. Recruitment and selection processes, though costly and complex, are crucial for smooth business operations. Employees are the main assets, essential for growth, increased productivity, and higher sales with good profit margins. This report discusses employee well-being in the workplace, detailing data collection methods for research and their implementation in the analysis. It assesses factors influencing employee well-being and provides recommendations for enhancing worker well-being to boost productivity.

Aim and Objective of this research

Aim: To analyze the importance of workplace well-being for a chosen organization- A Case Study Tesco.


  • To analyze the importance of workplace well-being in an organization.
  • To assess the factors affecting employee well-being in a workplace.
  • To evaluate the strategies for developing effective workplace well-being.


Stakeholder analysis is defined as the process which identify the people who are focused before the projects starts and analysis the activities by grouping them which is in accordance of the participation levels, interest and effects in project. According to the project, the workers in the organisation are very important due to their work. Employees work in the companies for which they get paid, so they do their work with purely dedication and efforts to make possible to achieve their targets (Pescud and et.al., 2015). In this way the main stakeholder are employees for the business.


Level of interest

Influence on project


High, they have high interest in business because if firm fails to do well then their career may get affected and they will not get promotional opportunities

Employees can influence the company's performance to great extent because if they do not perform well then firm will not be able to sustain in market for longer duration.

Line managers

They have medium interest in business

They have high influence over the firm's performance and project as well.


They have high level of interest in the business

They have high influence over the firm's performance as they are the one who gets benefitted by the business performance.

Identification of level of interest

Employees major role in every industry. So it is dependent on the organisation, how they treat their employees in terms of work efficiency and their capability (Nielsen and et.al., 2017). As workers do their best at workplace so that it provides necessary growth to the company. But it depends on the company what are their reaction for their worker like how much they pay them, what facilities they provide to their employees, how much flexible are their policies.

Influence on project

Employees are taken inconsideration in this project for keeping them healthier at workplace. It gives the analysis what factors affect their health like workload, late working hours, low wages, dominating leadership, etc. As the company raise positive environment in the company related to the flexibility in working of employees and increment in their pays with other facilities like health compensation, and other allowance (Schulte and et.al., 2015). It increases the motivation of the employees towards their work, if they find security for their health issues and job security. Also, they will not have mental stress about the work so that they work with more dedication, in return it enhances the productivity at the workplace.


This report carries both research methodology which are primary and secondary. But the data analysis is made on the behalf of secondary method of research.

Primary Research Method



Advantage- It gives personal opinions which hep to collect the depth of data, by using this technique researcher can get insight detail related to employee wellbeing and can get current facts as well

Disadvantage- Interpretation of data is harder.

Focus groups

Advantage- It concludes group discussion which gives in-depth data assessment.

Disadvantage- It is difficult to arrange the data logics (Carolan, Harris and Cavanagh, 2017).

Online surveys

Advantage- It has feedbacks and review which are considered for the changes in the future.

Disadvantage- Low people participate in it.

Secondary Research Method


Research reports

Advantage- It contains theoretical data analysis based on the researches. This may help in getting previous data on the same employee wellbeing topic that would help in developing understanding and evaluating data to generate valid results.

Disadvantage- It provides only certain views for the research which is limited up to a limit.


Advantage- It gives the new fashion trend knowledge which is adopted by the innovators.

Disadvantage- No guarantee in the suggested ideas either it works or not.

Books and Journals

Advantage- It provides accurate information for the research. It has quantitative researches which helps to find the numeric facts and figure about the topic (Ammendolia and et.al., 2016).

Disadvantage- It leads to confusion due to many authors have published on the same topics, which is suitable is hard to know. Also, it is time-consuming.

Online sources

Advantages- It gives the necessary information very fast as online sources are easy to access.

Disadvantage- Validity of data is not assured.

In this research, secondary data sources for data collection is used so that it is authorised and quantitative which helps to assess the related information about the data.


Well-being at workplace includes all the necessary factors which affects the life of workers in all aspects like working life, workers feeling about their work, environment at workplace, quality and climate at work organisation (Lamb and Kwok, 2016). Employees and well-being is necessary at workplace because they are the backbone of the organisation which regulates the operational activities in terms to run the business and effectiveness for long time.

employees in context to physical or mental in important to be fine, it affects the works in many aspects. If the employees are happy at their working environment, then only they can do their best. Today most of the worker spend their whole days which means the most of the time of their daily routines they spend in the offices or at workplace. So it is important they should feel safe, healthy and happy (Ogbonnaya and et.al., 2017). Health issues in employees leads to slow the organisation which gives losses.

From the above graph it can be analysed that there are various kinds of issues that are faced by employees at workplace. These factors can affect employees well-being at workplace. Some of the most common health issues that can be faced by workers are mental stress, long sitting which causes obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and many other. From the above graph it is clear that there are some health issues are highly present within workers or are faced by them. One of the main health issue faced by them is depression. Most of the employees suffer from this health issue due to mental stress, over Time, employees have to do over time in their job as they have the pressure of work to be done on time. Workload increases pressure on employees as they mainly fear that they will lose their jobs. It influences their well-being and health like they feel frustrated and unhappy in working environment. It is one of the main and vital reason the most of the employees suffer from depression.

From the above graph it has also been analysed that another health issue which is majorly seen in employees is leg pain and back pain. Overtime, work load continuous sitting increases chances of body pain or back pain. This is mainly due to economic and Job Insecurity, private sector organizations have no assurance of the job. People who work in the organisation have fear of losing their jobs which is not healthy for them. As a result, they start taking stress, work over time every day, work under pressure. Because of this employee further suffer other kinds of health issue such as heart attack, high cholesterol etc.

From the above graph it has also been analysed that these are another prevailing health issues which is suffered by employees. Workload, work pressure affects their physical which can further lead to heart attack, strokes, or major health issue.

Organisational Culture, it is main for the company to have positive organisational culture. So that, it creates a positive influence. But several companies have different cultures which is dominating, top-level manager made decisions and the executives and labours have to follow the instructions only. So it creates a difference among them, as they have performed the given task only they can't share their views, no rights to speak against the decisions. It leads to unhealthy life and not well-being of the employee. It can become another reason for increasing health issues. From the above graph it has also been analysed that other health issues found in workers are asthma, obesity, over weight etc. It is mainly due to unhealthy lifestyle of employees and lack of proper organizational culture.

From the above graph it has also been analysed that there are various kinds of health programs that can help organizations to reduce health issues suffered by employees. In order to lower the risks in terms of health issues suffered by employee's companies are required to take necessary steps like they can make policies favouring their health, they can launch programs for the employees well fare it. Above graph clearly specifies that requirement of health program that should be offered to the employees but health programs that are actually offered to the employees. It clearly explains the main reason why health issues faced by employees are only increasing in number and are not decreasing. This might be one of the main challenge for the companies as they may not have support from the owner and top managers. They may not have proper funding. No supportive environment at workplace. Which affects the businesses as they don't provide these facilities to their employees like they have to low productivity due to the unavailability of worker. However, there are many companies that are taking initiative for employees to enhance their wellbeing. From the above graph it has also been analysed that some of the most common program that are adopted by companies to reduce changes of health issues faced by employees are: flexible schedule so that employees can work according to their convenience. Many companies also provide healthy snacks to their employees so that their overall unhealthy lifestyle can be converted into a healthy and quality life style. but there are some challenges that are faced by employees because of which these health programs are not perfectly implemented within organizations. These challenges are faced by employees like the co-workers does not support each other. They may work in competitive mode only. HR does not explain the health policies benefits to the employees at the time of recruitment and selection. Workers are unaware of their rights. So they don't exercise their rights at workplace which loss the employees.

Employees stay in workplaces as they spend more time in offices so that it should be positive for them. To maintain the employees' health, organisations should arrange the good and healthy foods, gym setup for the leisure time as the employees can to exercise. They have to make their policies flexible so that they can have flexible working hours. No workload pressures. Workplace culture and structure should be familiar and friendly for the employees as they feel happy at their jobs. This may lead to positive attitude in the employees. Otherwise, due to the negative reason employees may felt sick and take sick leaves which affect the works. As it decreases the productivity of the company.


As per the data analysis it is clear that employees are required to provide a health working environment so that health issues faced by them can be reduced. It is also beneficial for the organization as it will enhance overall productivity of the company as their work is regulated without absence for their employees. They should take the necessary steps in terms to care their wellbeing. Like they have to follow healthy diet on time. Don't take stress of work. From the above data analysis, it has also been concluded that organizations are required to focus on organising various programs for awareness, health policies, insurances of their worker. It will further help the organizations to create a safe and secure environment for their employees, as they will work with more motivation and energy. Organisations should take necessary steps for well-being and health of their employees that can help in enhancing their overall health. Wellness programs launched at the workplace which spreads awareness in the employees, as the health program arranges by the team of professional, which tells the pros and cons and how stay healthy and live healthy lifestyles. As the organisations taking steps for the well-being of their employees it returns them in high productivity with increment in profits ratio. Also, it maintains the value of the company in market.

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Businesses should consider this point that well-being of their workers are most important factor which affects their growth and achieve their objectives. The overall outlined estimated cost of applying all the recommendations in order to enhance well-being of their employees is $50,000.

Firstly, Tesco should develop a strategy in favour of the employee's health issues. It should include the points like how they help their employees to low their work stress, how they can manage their time so that they can do relax, also they should feel secure, how they less their workload. How can they provide flexibility in their organisation's policies? All these things should be considered and then plan in worker favour, like they provide health food and diet to their employees in lunch. Tesco should also focus on bringing improvement within their employees timing so that they can manage their personal and professional lives. This will also help them to focus on enhancing their health and focus on health issues which is being faced by them on daily basis such as back pain.

Time required to develop strategies in favour of employees health required at least 6 months' time period as the developed strategy will be first of all reviewed and then confirmed by all the important stakeholders of the organization

Top management of the organization is responsible for developing a strategy

Tesco focuses on maintain a positive working environment so that their employees remain honest and loyal to them, so they can bring improvement within their rewarding system. This will help in enhancing motivational level of employees and reduce mental pressure on them which will eventually help in enhancing their mental health.

Time required to develop strategies for employees is 3 to 6 months' time period

HR managers are responsible for this.

Organisation are evaluating different criteria to make sure that employees are happy and healthy so that they make they organise such program which are related to health issues, and wellness of the worker. They promote the employees for activeness and be alert in terms to stay fit. They also collaborate with the health sector so that they may provide health guide to their worker at workplace.

Time required to develop programs related to employee's health issue required at least 6 months to 1 year time period

Top management and HR managers of the organization is responsible for developing these programs

Businesses should focus on their current situation and find out the reason which leads to their employees for unhealthy. So, they can take necessary steps

Time required evaluate current situation of the organization required 1 month time period

Top management of the organization is responsible for this situation analysis

Developing and making action plan to achieve the goal for securing the employees wellness so that they can track their strategies are working or not. If nit they can go for other options. And they can do modification in their current working styles to achieve their target

Time required to develop action plan and work on it is 3 to 6 months.

CPD (Continuous Professional Development)

As I have done research on this project, I went through deep analysis and details. It builds up my technical skills, like how to use the technology in gathering relevant data. During the preparation of this report I came to know about how to make the aims and objects for the research topic. This research helps me to know how much this topic is useful and how I can help other to spread awareness in terms of wellness. This is very important for the organisation to take care of their employees. Also, I got insight knowledge about the factors which influence to well-being of the workers. In this research project I used secondary research methodology to prepare the report. But if I get chance in future I will definitely try to make research using primary data collection methodology which is appropriate as they are based on real people. It gives me the scope for improvement I my knowledge and skills. I will work to develop my professional skills. Instant Assignment Help Uk is a leading company providing online assignment help in the UK. Our writers have completed 1000+ assignments and are well known for every aspect of assignment writing. We guarantee 100% plag-free assignments and provide on-time delivery along with 24*7 assistance at cheap rates.

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