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Cross Cultural Management

University: University of Boston

  • Unit No: 12
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 6 / Words 1501
  • Paper Type: Case Study
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 25300
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Describe Cross Cultural Management.
  • Discuss  Operations Management in Business.
Answer :

Reflective Report

Sources and Theories in Supporting Argument

As per the case study, nepotism was one of the major problems in the project led by Brett Jones. There were quite a few sources which could support the argument discussed above. Nepotism was quite visible and evident while construction of dam in Tanzania.

Hofstede's national culture assisted in determining various factors which could influence a culture and determine supportive business activities according to the same (Bozer, Levin and Santora, 2017). Where Tanzania is concerned, there are various practices related to nepotism and corruption which are acceptable and natural in the country. A source to support this fact is the results acquired through word-of-mouth from family members of the workforce. The way Brett Jones mentioned job openings to localities and hired individuals recommended their relatives provides an example for such practices supported by the culture as it is adopted by majority of individuals associated with the project.

On the other hand, diversity also drove nepotism in the case (Chavdarova, 2015). As the information given in the case study, Hydro Generation had built power plant in 16 countries and Tanzania was its first African Venture. Thus, for future perspectives in the country, it is evident that Hydro Generation appropriately establish various connections with several authorities that enhances its success rate (Jones and Stout, 2015). This enhanced the need of nepotism and practices adopted by Brett Jones to give employment to an individual who, for instance, was niece of high-ranking customs officer. Want to get Assignment help? Talk Our Expert Now!

Ethics of an organisation are directed towards providing it with utmost returns of the actions and decisions made by the company (Aßländer and Hudson, 2017). As per the case study, while Jones hired individual on the basis of their relations and connections, Steinberg admitted of the pace of operations of HG going on a favourable pace. While it would take months for usual activities to be accomplished like installation of phones, delivery of supply, issuance of licenses, etc., adopting these hiring practices gave favourable returns to the firm. Moreover, as per ethnic nepotism theory, if employees of Hydro Generation would be connected, it would ensure a healthy future as well as government and legal support to the organisation and its future projects. As for its Corporate Social Responsibility, for the support of employees reducing all the possible roadblocks, the company was providing opportunity to their family members to get employed. Moreover, at national level, this practice was dealing with the higher unemployment, thus, benefiting community.

However, there are ways in which Nepotism would be unfavourable to the company's perspective in future. As highlighted in the case study, nepotism has several risks for the organisation. For instance, relation with government officials might indulge employees in adopting extortion processes. Moreover, there is also a risk for extra payment to such employees for their services towards the company (Lokaj, 2015).

Thus, as a recommendation to resolve this issue and effectively ensure ethical practices within the company, it is crucial for Hydro Generation to apply Competencies' Theory.

As per the theory, there are various competencies which are required to be adopted by employers of Hydro Generation to assure ethical hiring within the organisation. The first step requires for the employer to develop self competence in order to lead company in a structured manner. Next step calls for development of team competence which is important for setting up a benchmark for new employees to join the organisation. Organisation then must enhance competence in terms of change to be implemented in the structure, which in this case is hiring of new employees. It must also ensure ethical competencies within the structure which encourage employers to hire skilled and talented employees rather than just the ones with relation and connection to influential people. However, to reduce or completely eradicate nepotism, communication from existing employees is very important for employers. This would help in maintaining harmony within the company and appropriately reduce such practices. The last step needs Hydro Generation to ensure cultural diversification and equality to head its operations smoothly in other countries, thus, ensuring success. Moreover, cultural diversity would be effective in terms of ensuring a diverse and talented workforce which would be beneficial for the firm to head its operations in different sectors as well (Dekker and et. al., 2015).

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Reflective Essay

While working for the podcast related to case study of Brett Jones in Tanzania, a group was formed for producing podcasts and accompanying script. Each member of the group were given separate tasks associated with carrying out activities within the team. Initially, roles were specified and time schedule was formed to appropriately complete the podcast within due period. My role, within the team was to research and gather facts about the resources in a sequential order and to effectively analyse the same.

To accomplish the same, I adopted various strategies such as critical evaluation of facts and studying the case study with attention to even minutest of detail to form a sequential framework. In addition to this, I conducted extensive research to effectively carry out prospects which are associated with ethical working of businesses. For enhancing the effectiveness of my role and for better analysis, various innovative techniques were used by me to evaluate each aspect within the study. If you are required law assignment writing service. Check our services.

There are various aspects within the team which were quite favourable for the project. For instance, each team member chose the role which they could excel in. Thus, each individual were perfectly able to fulfil their responsibilities. Another effective aspect during the module was that the analysis of certain variables within the case study was achieved effectively. Interpretation of information within the case study was appropriately done and different analysis formed by each team member supported to gather a wider frame to evaluate and identify the most likely factors for the podcast. Whereas integrated communication is concerned, each team member was in constant communication with each other through meetings and social media to connect with each other' s progress and finish the activities on time. In addition, each member was available for the other in terms of problem solving so that no one could deviate themselves from the set plan.

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However, along with such favourable things, there were factors that could be improved if in future I get involved in similar project. For instance, there were times were conflicts were created within the team regarding leadership and certain decision-making. Each team member was willing to move in different pathway according to their perception. There was a serious lack of leadership within the group which needs improvement in future. Another aspect of group task which needs improvement in future is time management. It is of utmost importance that every activity of the task is segregated on the basis of priority and chronology. This would set a pace for myself and my team members to finish given activities effectively within due time, providing further scope of appropriate analysis and modifications. For reducing conflict, external support must be acquired to fix a line of hierarchy which would be providing a structure to the team as well as appropriate operation management in business of the group. Adopting various strategies and setting up terms before beginning the task would help in enhancing the scope of improvement within the task and better development of podcast and accompanying script. Want to get Statistics assignment help? Talk Our Expert Now!


  • Aßländer, M.S. and Hudson, S. eds., 2017. The Handbook of Business and Corruption: Cross-Sectoral Experiences. Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Bozer, G., Levin, L. and Santora, J.C., 2017. Succession in family business: multi-source perspectives. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 24(4). pp.753-774.
  • Chavdarova, T., 2015. Perceptions vs. Practices: Nepotism in Small Businesses in Bulgaria. In Informal Economies in Post-Socialist Spaces(pp. 154-174). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • Dekker, J., and et. al., 2015. The effect of family business professionalization as a multidimensional construct on firm performance. Journal of Small Business Management. 53(2). pp.516-538.
  • Jones, R.G. and Stout, T., 2015. Policing nepotism and cronyism without losing the value of social connection. Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 8(1). pp.2-12.
  • Lokaj, A.S., 2015. Nepotism as a negative factor in organization performance. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. 4(2 S1). p.9.

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