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UNIT 6 Managing A Successful Business Project of Jaguar

University: Nescot college

  • Unit No: 6
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 20 / Words 5001
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: D/508/0491
  • Downloads: 1310
Question :
This sample will guide you through:
  • Analyse aims, objectives and timeframes of Jaguar.
  • Conduct various small-scale research, information gathering with effective data collection, for Jaguar
  • Give the project and communicate proper recommendations for Jaguar and conclusions given from the evidence.
  • Reflect various value gained in making of Jaguar with sustainable organisational performance.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Jaguar


Successful management and operations are defined as an opportunity which demonstrate skills and knowledge. Globalisation is a process of worldwide movement toward economic, trade, financial and communication integration. It helps the company to maximize its reach at the global market. In this project report chosen organisation is Jaguar which is established in United Kingdom and it is a car manufacturer company. The main aim of this report is to establish appropriate objectives and aim which help the corporation to accomplish its goal. Marketing function support to the sustainable growth to an organisation and leads towards the globalisation. In this project report there are various topics are discussed such as : project time frame and aims, management plan that covers aspects of cost, time quality and communication, data collection and small scale research, conclusions and recommendation of findings. Apart from this it discuss about the objectives which leads sustainable organisational performance.

Write about the following:

Impact of Globalisation in Business of UK

Economic impact : For business of UK it is beneficial and its increase the international trade practices. Company can enhance economy development practices by reducing barriers of trade practices.

Cultural Impact: Globalisation helps to understand the culture of different countries which is helpful to the growth of business. Its provides the positive impact for the growth and success of organisation.

Ethical Impact: It is essential factor for those companies who have presence in international market. So it is important for them to follow the rules, regulations and laws related to the ethics and it is beneficial for the globalisation.


Jaguar is a medium size organisation and it is established in United Kingdom.It is a car manufacturer organisation which makes luxury vehicle brand. It has many showrooms around the various nations at the globe (Smith and Besharov, 2013). Organisation wants to expand its business at different countries and open its showrooms so that more market share can be captured by it. With the help of globalisation company can get the advantage of competitiveness and maximize its market share at global level. Through the effective marketing strategy corporation can maximize its reach and generates more revenues with the help of globalisation. Effective marketing can aware the consumers about the products of company which help Jaguar to increase its sales (Porter, 2012).

Positive impacts of Globalization in different functioning such as marketing, accounting and human resource management as well as on operations.




Marketing function helps to aware the persons about the products of organisation which help Jaguar to increase its global reach. As a result it can able to capture more market share and can maximize its profits. It is important function for the growth of organisation.


Accountant of organisation has perform this function so that organisation can know its financial position for a relevant year. It plays a very important role in amalgamation, merger . Due to this issue it becomes difficult to make comparison of two or more MNC' s , so due to this reason the Accounting Standard Board(ASAB) develops the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as global accounting standards for international trading as this need emerges with the globalisation.

Human resource

Human resource manager of Jaguar has select the employees on the basis of their skills, knowledge and capabilities so that they perform their roles and responsibility in effective manner. As a result organisation can achieve its goals and objectives.

Operational functioning

Globalisation also enhances operational functioning of corporations of developing countries by providing them latest technologies which helps Jaguar to complete their works in time and cost effective manner.


Topic - What are the positive economic, cultural and ethical importance of globalisation on marketing, “ The case of Jaguar”

For the globalisation marketing plays a very vital role because it helps the organisation to capture the more market share so that company can generate more revenue and achieve its goals and objectives.

Aim of the project report

The aim of project report is to identify the implication of globalisation at marketing function of Jaguar.

Objectives of report

  • Impact of globalisation to identify ethical and economical activities on marketing of Jaguar.
  • To explore of influence of globalisation on auto-mobile industry.
  • To recommend the sources through which Jaguar can expand its business operations at globalised level.

Research questions :

  • What is the impact of globalisation on auto mobile industry?
  • What are the positive impact of cultural, economic, and ethic of globalise activities on marketing of Jaguar?
  • What challenges can be faced by manager of Jaguar in operating business at global level?


Project management plan can be develops on document which includes various activities such as cost, quality, time frame, scope etc. It also involves planning, organizing and controlling. Roles and duties are decided by manager of Jaguar to develop effective project management plan. It is consist of various elements such as : time, risk, scope, cost, communication and risk.

Project Title

What are the positive economic, cultural and ethical importance of globalisation on marketing, “ The case of Jaguar”

Company Name:



There are huge investment is require if a company wants to go global because it has to set up plant and infrastructure and hire new employees. To know the cost of a project is essential for an organisation so that unnecessary expenses can be minimize. Jaguar can try to minimize the cost of production of its car so that profits can be maximize. It helps the company to get the competitive advantage if cost of productions is minimum (Peppet, 2014).

Forecasted budget


Amount in £

Advertisement cost


Cost of acquiring plan and machinery


Cost involves in infrastructure


Cost involved in hiring of human resource


Total cost



It has wider scope for the business of Jaguar and it can expand its business in various countries in the globe. Jaguar can opens its showrooms at different nations which help the organisation to improve its brand image world wide. It helps the company to maximize its reach at global market through which it can generate more revenues. To take the advantage of globalisation is very important for a company because it helps the corporation to garb more market share at the global level.


To complete the project at stipulated time period is important for an organisation. It can bring satisfaction when project has done at specific time duration and it shows the efficiency also. Jaguar can motivates its staffs to accomplish the task on time so that targets can be achieve. It maximize the productivity which help the organisation to accomplish its objective and goals (Pekuri and et. al., 2014).


To maintain the proper quality is essential for an organisation because it increase the value of product as a result consumer will ready to high price. Jaguar is related to auto- mobile industry and it is essential for a car manufacturing company to provide quality products so that more number of consumer can show their willingness to buy that product. As a result profits can be maximize and it help the organisation to capture more share and increase its brand image.


Communication : For the growth of an organisation it is essential that marketing team of organisation can easily communicate relevant information and data to each employees in the company. So that work can be done in effective manner as a result productivity can also be enhanced. It helps the Jaguar to grab more market share and maximize the profitability of it (Nicholas and Steyn, 2017).


It is part of every business some times it can be increase or reduce depends upon the situations which are arises in front of organisation. To earn more profits risk can be taken but it should be calculative so that losses can be minimize and its does not hamper the business operations of company. Marketing department of Jaguar can take risk so that it can generate more profits but one thing should be remember that it has to calculative risk.

Type of Research

Primary and Secondary

Quality and Quantity

Primary research : In this research data are collected directly from the persons. There are various source of primary data collection such as : survey, questionnaire and interview.

Secondary research : In this research data are collected through secondary source. For example : : newspaper, magazines, articles etc.

Qualitative research : Qualitative research is based on theoretical information which help the researcher to know the current trend and preferences of consumers.

Quantitative research : Quantitative research is based on numerical data which help the researcher to know the current demand in market.


Work breakdown structure is a process in which project work is divided into small components (WBS. 2018). To achieve the projects objectives by the project management team it is essential that tasks can be delegates as per the ability of group members so that targets can be accomplish in effective manner. The main aim of this chart is to provide relevant information associated with targets which assist manager to forecast results on the basis of distinct conditions. It encourage the workers to perform their tasks in better manner so that organisational goal can be accomplish timely (Morris and Geraldi, 2011). Jaguar has great scope in this context and it can segregate the work among group members as per their skill so that targets can be completed on time and performance can be maximize. Marketing manager can take the advantage of it and roles are delegated as per the ability of team mates so that they can perform effectively. WBS provides help to maximize the perfection in work and encourage the group members to complete the project as per stipulated time frame. The main aim of Jaguar is to take the benefit of globalisation with its predetermined objectives. It provides help to improve management skills of users and provide a clear idea about the goals which are needed to be accomplish on time. Organisation can take effective decisions and formulate better strategy with the help of Work breakdown structure. WBS refers as the project network- modeling step in which the entire job is graphically divided into manageable task. It shows the relations between different tasks which is related to the whole project. The chart is prepare as per the objectives of business, which is mentioned below :

  • Issues and problems faced by corporations
  • Objectives and aim of the research project.
  • Researcher intend.
  • Choice of target
  • Develop suitable plans
  • Figuring and pass decision on data collection.

To conduct the project research it is necessary to comprise and integrate all the relevant elements of business entity in context to organisational objectives. Jaguar is a medium size company and its aim to capture more market share by finding effective opportunities of growth as a result it can achieve sustainable success and maximize its global reach. Through effective marketing it can take the benefit of globalisation and attract more number of consumers as a result it can generate more profits. All tasks of research report are accomplish with in stipulated time frame and polling method has been used by the researcher to complete this project (Liu and Gong, 2013).

From the Gantt chart time has been reflected which is consume in each activity for completion of task. Literature has been completed within 5 days as per the information available in Gantt chart and it is depend upon task 2. Research methodology has done in 12 days and which is depend upon task 2 and 3. It is representation of specific task schedule in graphical way. With the help of above data and information Gantt chart has been prepared for Jaguar which provides help in organising, planning, scheduling and controlling different activities of project which are mention below :

The essential element is keep related with determine way and set up greatest time bound for performing different activities. For business plan critical path is describe below :


Research Methodology : With the help of research methodology researcher can get the information by using different sources which help to achieve the research objectives and aims. In this procedure, data has been presented through different approaches as :

There are mainly two sources of data collection that are Primary research and Secondary research which are used in small scale research and it help to provide relevant information and data which are helpful for research project.

Questionnaire: It is design to know the preferences and likes of persons about a particular product of the organisation. There are various questions are mentioned in it which help to know the views and ideas of respondents.





Q 1 Do you think corporation should depend only on marketing department for globalisation ?

a) Yes

b) No

Q 2. Which of the following has the great impact on business of organisation ?

A) Economic conditions

B) Ethics

C) Culture

Q 3) Which department function should perform better for globalization ?

A ) Marketing

B ) Human resource function

C ) Finance function

Q 4) How corporation can achieve competitive advantage ?

A ) Better product development plan

B ) By using latest technology

C ) As per the market segmentation basis on the culture

Q 5) How Jaguar can increase its global reach ?

A ) By implementing effective and new strategy in as per the demand of market

B ) By analysing the competitive edge

C ) By analysing the culture

Q 6). What are the issues which can be faced by corporation in context to globalization ?

A ) Socio - culture issue

B ) Political issues

C ) Economic issues

Q 7) In which department organisation can see potential improvement ?

A ) HR department

B ) Accounts department

C ) Marketing and sales department

D ) Research and development department

Q 8). Do you think ethical factors can influence the business operations of Jaguar ?

A ) Strongly agree

B ) Agree

C ) Disagree

D ) Strongly disagree

Q 9. Do you think globalisation has made a positive impact on the business of Jaguar ?

A ) Yes

B ) No

Q 10. Suggest own recommendation to handle challenges which can arise through globalisation ?

Sample size: In this research 10 respondents taken as sample. With the help of views of these person researcher can know the preferences and likes of these respondents.

Sampling method: In this research random sampling method uses to gathering information which help to know the response of respondents.


In this source of data collection researcher collect the data and information through secondary sources such as : newspaper, magazines, articles etc. There are more chances of biased information in this method (Fisher, 2011).


Q1. Do you think corporation should depend only on marketing department for globalisation?




B) No


Interpretation: As per the views of 7 respondents they think for globalisation corporation should depend only on marketing department and remaining 3 are the against of it (Duffield and Whitty, 2015).

Q 2. Which of the following has the great impact on business of organisation ?


A) Economic conditions

B) Ethics

C) Culture




Interpretation: As per the views of 4 respondents economic conditions has the great impact on business of organisation and 4 respondents thinks thinks that culture has the great impact on business of organisation and remaining 2 respondents are in favour of ethics.

Q 3) Which department function should perform better for globalization ?


A ) Marketing

B ) Human resource function

C) Finance department




Interpretation: As per the views of 5 respondents marketing function should perform better for globalization and 3 respondents thinks that finance department should perform better for globalization and 2 respondents thinks that thinks that HR department should perform better for globalization

Q 4) How corporation can achieve competitive advantage ?


A ) Better product development plan

B ) By using latest technology

C ) As per the market segmentation basis on the culture




Interpretation: As per the views of 4 respondents better product development plan help to achieve competitive advantage and 3 respondents thinks that by using latest technology corporation can achieve competitive advantage and 3 respondents thinks that market segmentation help to the corporation to achieve competitive advantage

Q 5) How Jaguar can increase its global reach ?


A ) By implementing effective and new strategy in as per the demand of market

B ) By analysing the competitive edge

C ) By analysing the culture




Interpretation: As per the views of 5 respondents by implementing effective and new strategy in as per the demand of market Jaguar can increase its global reach and as 3 respondents thinks that by analysing the culture Jaguar can increase its global reach and 2 respondents thinks that by analysing the competitive edge organisation can increase its global reach (Drucker, 2012).

Q 6). What are the issues which can be faced by corporation in context to globalization ?


A ) Socio - culture issue

B ) Political issues

C ) Economic issues




Interpretation: As per the views of 4 respondents socio - culture issue can be faced by corporation in context to globalization and 3 respondents thinks that political issues can be faced by corporation in context to globalization and 3 respondents thinks that economic issues can be faced by corporation in context to globalization.

Q 7. In which department organisation can see potential improvement ?


A ) HR department

B ) Accounts department

C ) Marketing and sales department

D ) Research and development department





Interpretation: As per the views of 2 respondents HR department of corporation can see potential improvement and 2 respondents thinks that accounts department of company can see potential improvement and 4 respondents thinks that marketing and sales department of company can see potential improvement and 2 respondents thinks that research and development department is needed improvement (Boniface, 2013).

Q 8 Do you think ethical factors can influence the business operations of Jaguar ?


A ) Strongly agree

B ) Agree

C ) Disagree

D ) Strongly disagree





Interpretation: In this research 4 respondents are Strongly agree that ethical factors can influence the business operations of Jaguar and 3 respondents are agree that ethical factors can influence the business operations of Jaguar and 1 respondents is disagree and 2 respondents are strongly disagree that ethical factors can influence the business operations of Jaguar

Q 9 Do you think globalisation has made a positive impact on the business of Jaguar ?


A ) Yes

B ) No



Interpretation: In this research 7 respondents are in favour that in business of Jaguar globalisation has made a positive impact and 3 respondents are against of it.


Jaguar is a medium scale organisation is involves in auto mobile industry and it is a manufacturer of cars. It emphasis on the marketing function so that company can take the benefit from the globalisation. To increase its operations across the different nations it is important to identify the impact of cultural, economic and ethical factors on the market function of organisation in context to globalisation. Recommendations on finding :

  • Marketing manager of Jaguar is responsible to perform the marketing functions effectively as a result maximum consumers can attract towards the corporation and know the various types and design of products of it.
  • Corporations can open new showrooms in the various countries so that it can generate more profits.
  • It is essential for the organisation to identify the influence of various factors so that it can able to grab more market share and increase its revenues.
  • Marketing departments of company helps to gain the advantage of globalisation. Most of the respondents think that marketing department is highly responsible for the globalisation and it help the organisation to achieve its targets and objectives and grab more market share. So company should do effective marketing so that benefit of globalisation can be taken effectively (Adzic, 2011).
  • Organisation should improve its marketing function so that more number of consumers can attracts towards the company as a result globalisation aim can be fulfilled.


Managers and high authorities has faced many challenges in a range of insight while directing assessment. In this research report 10 respondents are taken because of shortage of time. To handle the various issues it is essential to develop appropriate project design so that organisational objectives can be achieve on time. By conducting research I get to know the distinct opinion of different respondents. This project research is going to be very helpful in ny future and it develops my observation skill. This report is based on research objectives and aim and which are effectively achieved by the researcher. (Aarseth and Andersen, 2013).

Project Title

What are the positive economic, cultural and ethical importance of globalisation on marketing, “ The case of Jaguar”

Important stages

  1. Aim
  2. Objectives
  3. Collection of Data
  4. Select Respondents

Key factors you learned from the project

Analysis, observations and findings from the research

What skills did you develop

Analytical skill has been developed while conducting the research.

Discuss the project management skill you developed

Yes project management skill has been developed.

Project : Project is based on positive economic, cultural and ethical importance of globalisation on marketing, “ The case of Jaguar”


Did the project achieve its aim: Yes the aim of projects has been accomplished by the researcher.


Was the Team efficient: Team is efficient and all persons help a lot while conducting the research.


Did the project succeed: Project has been succeed because aims and objectives has been achieved by the researcher.



As from the above report, it has been concluded that it is important to manage the project appropriate so that organisational goals can be fulfilled in effective manner. Marketing help the Jaguar to take the advantage of globalisation so that it can grab more market share. Objectives and aim of this report are matched with the targets of company. WBS and Gantt chart help the corporation to make effective strategy as per the requirement. Recommendations are provided which help in future research project. If you are worried about online assignment help? Our experts provide the best writing service with chat support.

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  • Aarseth, W., RolstadÃ¥s, A. and Andersen, B., 2013. Managing organizational challenges in global projects. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. 7(1). pp.103-132.
  • Adzic, G., 2011. Specification by example: how successful teams deliver the right software. Manning Publications Co..
  • Boniface, P., 2013. Managing quality cultural tourism. Routledge.
  • Drucker, P., 2012. Managing for results. Routledge.
  • Duffield, S. and Whitty, S. J., 2015. Developing a systemic lessons learned knowledge model for organisational learning through projects. International journal of project management, 33(2). pp.311-324.
  • Fisher, E., 2011. What practitioners consider to be the skills and behaviours of an effective people project manager. International journal of project management. 29(8). pp.994-1002.
  • Liu, J. Y., Zou, P. X. and Gong, W., 2013. Managing project risk at the enterprise level: Exploratory case studies in China. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 139(9). pp.1268-1274.
  • Morris, P. W. and Geraldi, J., 2011. Managing the institutional context for projects. Project Management Journal, 42(6). pp.20-32.
  • Nicholas, J. M. and Steyn, H., 2017. Project management for engineering, business and technology. Routledge.
  • Pekuri and et. al., 2014. Managing value creation: the business model approach in construction. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 8(1). pp.36-51.
  • Peppet, S. R., 2014. Regulating the internet of things: first steps toward managing discrimination, privacy, security and consent. Tex. L. Rev.93.p.85.
  • Polonsky, M. J. and Waller, D. S., 2018. Designing and managing a research project: A business student's guide. Sage publications.
  • Porter, D. R., 2012. Managing growth in America's communities. Island Press.
  • Smith, W. K., Gonin, M. and Besharov, M. L., 2013. Managing social-business tensions: A review and research agenda for social enterprise. Business Ethics Quarterly. 23(3). pp.407-442.
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