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HNBS316 Operations and Project Management

University: The London College

  • Unit No: 18
  • Level: Ph.D./Doctorate
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3438
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: HNBS 316
  • Downloads: 1107
Question :

Some of the important questions being drawn in the assessment are like:

  1. What kind of research they have done?
  2. What are the objectives of Research?
  3. What was the structure of report?
  4. Give the Brief of case?
Answer :
Organization Selected : Dyson and New Imperial Motors


Project Management can be defined as the accumulation of phases that are executed with a view to implement a specific project or task within the confines of a company. Organisations operating in the modern era are encountered with several environmental situations owing to which they have to come up with new projects at rapid intervals of time. Thus, it can be said that project management is a crucial process for every corporation.

The present report is done to gain comprehensibility of operations and project management within 2 renowned manufacturing companies in the UK, namely, Dyson and New Imperial Motors. The report is classified into 2 parts. The first part deals with a review and critique of the effectiveness of OM principles and the application of the concept of continuous improvement together with the extent to which operations management meets the needs of the company. The second part takes into account the description and application of stages of PLC for introducing a new in-house project of the company. Further, it also contains a review and critique of the effectiveness of PLC through the application of relevant models.


Organisational Overview

Dyson Limited is a famous tech manufacturing company conducting its operations within the confines of the United Kingdom. This entity is engaged in the production and sale of an array of household items such as hair dryers, blade less fan, vacuum cleaners and many more. This company was founded in the year 1991. The management of this entity emphasises over the adoption of principles of operation management and applying the same to facilitate operational excellence.

Operations vs OM

Operations refer to the activities and processes that take place within the confines of a company, providing aid in the attainment of long-term corporate objectives. As opposed to this, operations management can be referred to as the comprehensive procedure which encompasses activities such as planning, management and implementation of a course of action aimed at the transformation of raw materials as well as labour into finished goods in a cost-effective manner.

Critical appraisal of formulation of Principles of OM

There are various principles of operations management which are required to be followed by all companies for facilitation of smooth business functioning. With reference to Dyson Limited, it is analysed that the management implements principles of OM within production and product delivery procedures. The principles of OM are thus explained in a detailed manner as follows:-

Principle of OrganisationThis is regarded to be a crucial principle of OM whereby the focus is on setting up of a connection between all the organisational procedures related to manufacturing. With respect to Dyson, it is analysed that the entity is considering to execute the transition to robotics for production process. Yet the non connectivity between the manufacturing procedures of Dyson is quite evident. This illustrates the inefficiency of firm in following this principle.

Principle of Variance: This is considered as yet another significant principle pertaining to OM that stresses upon the persistence of variance within every activity of a corporation. In this regard, whereby an entity intends to reduce the overall cost, the management needs to carry out measurement and controlling of variances. With respect to Dyson, it is determined that the respective manufacturer carries out distribution operations on its own. This might increase the cost of supplying products to customers, for the firm. So, the management needs to apply this principle in a more effective manner to attain favourable outcomes.

Principle of Change: This is a key principle which is concerned with adoption of unique theory and solution to facilitate execution of business operations in an effective and efficient manner. In this regard, Dyson is a company which is well renowned for coming up with rapid innovations in production and designing procedures to meet the needs and requirements of changing business surroundings.

Principle of Reality: It is a principle of OM which is focussed upon the challenges instead of technique as there isn't any universal solution for diverse set of business situations. Thus, the management of an entity is required to devise solution in accordance with the issue arising in its confines. With respect to Dyson, the management capitalises on innovation and uses it as a tool to address every organisational issue. Thus, it is seen that company is not effectively following the provisions of this principle.

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Magnitude to which OM fulfils requirement of Dyson

To facilitate the execution of business operations in an effective manner as per organisational requirements, it is essential that Dyson implements the principles of OM. Below mentioned is an analysis depicting the extent to which OM meets the needs of Dyson:-

  • The most significant as well as crucial requirement for company is to reduce its overall cost. In this relation, the Principle Of Variance is applied by Dyson which provides aid to entity in improving their diversified set of offerings. However, it is seen that the entity has been unable to apply this principle over the cost of production. This reflects the failure of organisation to implement this principle in an effective manner.
  • Yet another requirement for Dyson Limited is entailment of high quality and consistency in manufacturing processes. It is seen that the respective firm is inconsistent in setting an effective connection within all the procedures linked to production and thereby it fails to apply the Principle of Organisation in an effective manner. Further, the staff members of Dyson are not much skilled and knowledgeable which is facilitating the corporation to use robots in key organisational procedures. So, it can be seen that Dyson is not able to fully and effectively apply this principle for achievement of favourable results.
  • Effective delivery of products to end users is another requirement for the respective household appliances manufacturer. The approach adopted by firm to leverage innovation for effective delivery of products to customers is regarded to be time consuming. Thus, it is seen that Principle of Reality is not being effectively applied by the company in relation to distribution system.
  • Safety is one of the most crucial concerns for Dyson in relation to which the management of this firm is applying Principle of Change. Incorporating innovation within the products to meet the needs and requirements of people is a strong initiative taken up by firm which ensures the safety for consumers. Thus, it can be said that this principle is effectively applied by Dyson within its premises.
  • CI along with Principles of Lean approach

Being a renowned manufacturing corporation, it is important for Dyson Limited to exhibit an effective performance in relation to product and delivery of offerings. For this purpose, the entity should consider to apply continuous improvement within the organisational premises. It is an effective process whereby repeatedly analysis is done by entity with a view to incorporate improvements within the company and facilitate delivery of efficient performance as per required standards. This approach would provide aid to Dyson in attainment of favourable outcomes and thereby meeting the standards prevailing within the concerned industry.

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Another approach that needs to be taken into account by Dyson is Lean management. This consists of several principles which provide assistance to an enterprise in manufacturing the products and services while minimising the wastage. It contains 5 principles which are followed by Dyson Limited. Such principles are briefly mentioned as follows:-

  • The foremost lean principle is acknowledged to be determination of worth that implies the analyses of aspects which possess significance for organisation.
  • The second principle of lean approach is regarded to be mapping of the value stream that is considered as a procedure which ensures effective dispersal of value across the organisational premises.
  • Facilitation of Flow is the next principle pertaining to lean approach that is concerned with assurance of efficiency maximisation within the organisational procedures to reduce the generation of wastage thereby.
  • The fourth and one of the most crucial principles of lean approach is establishment of pull whereby a company needs to examine the customers' demands and thereby alter their business functioning as well as offerings in accordance with them.
  • In the last principles, the areas having a scope to incorporate improvements are acknowledged and thereby, the company gets engaged in seeking perfection within their course of action through minimisation of wastage as well as maximisation of utility within organisational offerings.


As per the above analysis, it is important for the firm to prepare a CIP for dealing with the issues arising within the company. Also, this will ensure effective application of principles of OM to meet the organisational requirements. Thus, CIP prepared by Dyson is presented as follows:-


Current Methodologies

Proposed Methodologies


The company is applying principle of variance to reduce costs. However, this principle is at present being applied only for enhancement of heterogeneity of offerings instead of declining the cost.

This principle would be applied to cut the cost associated with production by leveraging technological trends such as AI capabilities. This would cut the cost of recruitment as well as training of employees.


Principle of Organisation is presently not applied by Dyson in an effective manner owing to which effective connection is not set within the production procedures. This results in failure of company to inflate the overall quality of organisational offerings.

Dyson would incorporate alterations within their designing process and apply TQM approach to set effective link between all the production processes of company. This would enhance the quality of products offered by manufacturer at market place.


Principle of reality is presently being implemented by Dyson through incorporation of innovation to enhance the delivery process.

The manufacturer would be using JIT to enhance the application of this principle and ensure the storage as well as delivery of organisational offerings with ease, without overall increment in cost.


On the basis of above analysis, certain suggestions are given to Dyson, these are as follows:-

  • The firm must implement Just In Time (JIT) approach to reduce the cost and wastage and produce products in an effective manner.
  • Dyson should implement innovation across the overall structure of corporation to facilitate the fulfilment of needs and requirements of customers at market place. Need essay help ? Contact our experts now!


Overview of Case Study

New Imperial Motors is a renowned company operating within Midlands. It is one of the biggest manufacturing firms across the domestic territory. It has a staff of 1250 individuals which collaboratively work to attain the corporate objective. The firm is proposing to decrease the movement of employees from premises during the lunch break to obviate congestion challenge and assist personnel in creation of healthy lifestyles for reduction of absenteeism. For this, the entity is coming up with an in house project named “Health is Wealth!!”.

Overview along with implementation of PLC

Project Life Cycle (PLC) encompasses several phases which seek to effectively execute a project within the confines of a company. In relation to New Imperial Motors, coming is coming with the project named “Health is Wealth!!” to establish food provision within the premises of entity. Prior to the execution of stages of PLC, a business case has been developed by firm enlisting the significance as well as target market for the new project together with the cost benefit analysis.

Business Case:




The “Health is Wealth!!” project of company holds immense significance as it seeks to establish in house food provision for the staff members. The project is aimed at enhancement of health conditions of personnel so as to deal with the issue of absenteeism in premises.

Target Market

The target market selected by the entity for this project is the employees pertaining to age group of 20 to 45 years as they are in constant need of healthy lifestyle and move out of premises for having lunch.

Cost Benefit Analysis:


Situation 1

Situation 2








(Break Even Point)


The stages of PLC are explained in context of new project (Health is Wealth!!) of New Imperial Motors as follows:

Project Initiation:

This being the first stage of PLC witnesses the stipulation of objectives as well as strategies by the company. With respect to the project of New Imperial Motors, the objectives and strategies are identified and stated below:-


  • To decrease the movement of staff by 75% by next 6 months of launch of “Health is Wealth!!”.
  • To cut down absence of personnel by 65% within 1 year of food provision in the premises of company.


The strategy which would be taken into use by New Imperial Motors to indulge employees in the new project is acknowledged to be diversification. In this regard, the entity would provide an array of food items within the organisational premises to cater to the health related needs and demands of people, thereby influencing them to be a part of the project.

The tool which can be taken into use for this stage is Microsoft Project 2019 Professional. Further, Six Sigma methodology would be applied for effective start of the project. Further, transformational leadership would be taken into use for development of a vision related to maintenance of staff health.

Project Planning:

The next phase witnesses effective planning being executed by the organisation. For this purpose, a project plan is devised by companies. With respect to the project of New Imperial Motors, the project plan is given as follows:-


“Health is Wealth!!” would be implemented by incurring an overall cost of £1,75,000-2,00,000


Written, verbal, formal and informal communication would be taken into use to facilitate interaction for effective flow of information for launch of new project.


Automation would be leveraged by the company to keep the quality of food provision as per the health requirements of employees.


The scope is extensive as the project encompasses every staff member pertaining to the organisation.

For effective execution of this phase of PLC, the respective manufacturing firm would be implementing lean principles which would provide aid in reducing the wastage and enhancing the quality of project. In addition to this, autocratic leadership would be applied to provide proper guidance to employees. Further, 2 tools would be used that are given as follows:

Gantt Chart:

Project Execution:

This phase of PLC witnesses the actual execution of “Health is Wealth!!” project. Hereby, For this, Process based training sessions will be provided to employees of New Imperial Motors. The tool that would be applied herein would be Zoho Projects. Further, the usage of democratic leadership would ensure effective execution of New Imperial Motors' project. Total Quality Management methodology would ensure that the quality of food provided within the premises is maintained as per the standards.

Project Closure:

The last stage witnesses the analysis of project performance. In this relation, New Imperial Motors would make use of tool named Base Camp for monitoring as well as measurement of performance standards. Apart from this, strategic leadership would be applied to examine the performance of project against the desired standards.

Critique of PLC

Waterfall Model is used for critique of PLC by New Imperial Motors. This model is explained as follows:-

  • Requirement:

This step is associated with initiation stage of PLC. Hereby, company applied Six Sigma to ensure proper initiation. However, these principles are quite rigid which might not prove to be effective for New Imperial Motors.

  • Design:

This is related to planning stage of PLC. Lean Principles were applied by the firm to ensure minimum wastage. However, usage of autocracy leadership contain a probability of occurrence of demotivation within staff.

  • Development:

This phase is concerned with the execution stage of Project Life Cycle. TQM methodology was taken into use which is considered as an expensive approach, that may enhance the cost of operations for the respective firm. For savings of funds, the entity could have used inventory management.

  • Testing And Maintenance:

This phase is concerned with closure of Project Life Cycle. Hereby, the company implemented strategic leadership that is effective for an enterprise, yet organisations could use Agile method for entailment of more favourable outcomes.


Operations and project management is regarded as crucial process for each and every enterprise for the effectual formulation of a certain project within due course of time. Further, it is ascertained that Continuous Improvement Plan provides assistance to a corporation in ensuring the application of Operations Management principles as per the requirements of organisation. In addition to this, it has been acknowledged that Project Life Cycle encompasses several stages starting from initiation and continuing till closure, which are aimed at implementing a certain project for the attainment of favourable outcomes. Also, it is recognised that each stage of PLC applies different leadership, tool and method. Know more at assignment help.

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