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Managing A Succsesfull Business Project

University: UK College of Business and Computing

  • Unit No: 4
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 23 / Words 5674
  • Paper Type: Essay
  • Course Code: D/508/0491
  • Downloads: 1021
Question :

This sample will let you know about-

  • What is Business Project?
  • Explain Project management plan.
  • Discuss Research methodology.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Marks & Spencer



Equality and diversity refers to the promotion of equal opportunities for employees with the helps of diversity that means giving chance to all people to meet their goals without any kind of discrimination (Young, 2016). Company will ensure that all people in their business operation have an equal opportunity and they did not get discriminated on the basis of their colour, race, age, gender, religion etc.


To analyse workplace equality and diversity and their impact on performance of organisation: A case study on Marks & Spencer.


  • To understand the workplace equality and diversity.
  • To assess the impact of diversity on the performance of organisation.
  • To evaluate the role of equality policy on the issues of organisation.

Literature review:

Equality and diversity in workplace is explained as each and every people in the organisation assess the same opportunity and fairly treated by the company. Organisation has the ability to compete in the competitive market if there employees are properly diverse (Trojanowska and Dostatni, 2017). It states that all the people working in organisation have equal opportunity to take the chance towards growth. Company is not discriminating them with their characteristics because it will decrease their morale.

Equal opportunities to all the people working in the organisation are termed as equality and diversity in organisation. Discrimination against gender, disability, religion, beliefs, race and age of persons is not allowed in business environment. Company ensure that people can not be treated differently and less favourably in the business environment. The focus of diversity is to provide respect, recognise and value to individual which promote effective and efficient culture in organisation. Equality and diversity can ensure that all the plans, policies and procedure of company will not discriminate the employees (Sutrisna, Ramanayaka and Goulding, 2018). This process can increases the moral of employees and takes them towards the success and growth of business. Want to get Assignment help? Talk Our Expert Now!

Project management plan



Amount (€)





Data collection and analysis





The project is useful for growth and success of organisation in future because equal opportunity given to the workers will makes them effective. Performance of employees are also improves because they get motivated when they receive equal treatment in the workplace.


The projects will be completed in 5 months.


It is essential for researcher to maintain the quality of research which can be maintained by focusing on the aims and objectives of the research. Also, researcher should proper tools and techniques of conducting research.


There is need of proper communication while collecting the data and information about the research. Effective communication is required between the team members.


Risk which is faced by researcher at the time of research are it takes extra time for completion of research effectively (Rahman, Zaki and Husain, 2019). The budget which is required in this research can exceed from the expected amount.


For effective conducting the research there is need of different resources such as internet, books and experts which provides various information and related to the topic that makes the research effective.

Work breakdown structure and Gantt Chart

Gantt Chart:


1 month

2 month

3 month

4 month

5 month

Aims and objectives






Literature review






Research methods






Data collection






Data analysis












Work breakdown structure:

Research Methodology.

Research type:

It refers to the systematic and logical searching of effective and useful information which is related to the topic (Mohamed, and, 2017). It increases the knowledge and understanding which helps to attain effective results of the research. There are two types of research which are described below:

Qualitative: It involves meaning, concepts, symbols, characteristics and description to gather the information and data. It is a market research method which is used to obtain the data with the help of conversational and open-ended communication.

Quantitative: Data and information which produced that will be in the form of numerical and they are analysed and evaluated with the use of statistical and mathematical methods. This research involves the statistical techniques to get the result effective.

For conducting this research the researcher uses the qualitative method to gather the information about the different aspects of equality and diversity. With the helps of this research the researcher will get the detailed information about the topic.

Research approach:

It is a proper plan and procedure which includes different steps of broad assumptions to the detailed methods of data analysis, data collection and interpretation. This approach have three types which are described below:

Inductive: This research is starts with different theories and observations which proposed towards the process of research (Mohajan, 2018). It involves the detailed observations and measurement which helps to develop some general theories and conclusion.

Deductive: In this research there are the theories and development of hypotheses from the theory, and finally the data is collected and evaluated for testing of theses hypotheses. Take Management Assignment Help from professional experts!

Abductive: It refers to the form of logical inferences then it will start with the observations that will helps top identify the simple explanation of observations.

While conducting the research the researcher uses the inductive approach because it provides the information with specific observations and measurement.

Research philosophy:

It deals with the nature, source and development of knowledge which collects the information about the phenomenon. The researcher are engaged in creation of knowledge and understanding. Research philosophy have three types that are explained below:

interpretivism: This type of research philosophy is based on the natural approach of collecting information and data (Hopkin, 2018). This is a qualitative approach with the use of different methods like observations of participants and unstructured interviews.

Positivism: This is quantitative method which involves social surveys, specific statistics and effective questionnaires due to their effective representatives. It focuses on the social facts which shapes action of the person.

Realism: This method is based on the idea of independence of real factors from the mind of individuals. This philosophy is based on different assumptions of scientific approach for the development of understanding and knowledge.

Research design:

It refers to the framework of different methods and techniques which is used in the process of research by the researcher. Design explains the type and sub type of topic in conducting the research.

Descriptive: This method is a scientific method in which observe and describe the behaviour of subject without affecting. It gives the information in both qualitative and quantitative way.

Exploratory: This design of research is used to identify the problems which is not clearly describe. It is used to understand effectively the existing problems but it did not give conclusive results.

Causal: It is also defined as the exploratory research which is conducted in find the extent and nature of causes effect relationship. This research is used to evaluate the impact of changes on different processes.


This process is used in statistical analysis in which observations are taken from large populations. This method is used to collect a sample from large people which depends on different types of analysis which is performed (Fletcher, 2017). Methods include-

Probability: This technique of sampling explains that sample is taken from large number of populations are choose by using the method which is based on different theory of probability.

Non probability: Sample are collected in the process that does not give equal chances to all the people to get selected. It does not involve random selection of sampling.

In order to conduct this research, researcher will uses a random sampling technique which is also known as probability sampling. 10 employees of M&S will be sample size for this research which will be randomly selected from the organisation to gather information.

Data collection:

Collection of data is a systematic approach to collect and measure the information from different sources which gives accurate image of interest areas. It enables the respondents to answer the questions which is relevant, analysis the result and make effective predictions about probabilities and trends of future.

Primary: Data and information is collected directly by the researcher at the first time are termed as primary research. This kind of research is done and ensure by researchers that the data will meets the standard of quality, availability and sampling which is required for questions of research.

Secondary: This method of data collection refers to the information and data is collected by some other person (Kumar, 2019). The data is already collected and readily available from different sources. This data requires low prices as compared to primary data and researcher will easily obtain the information. It saves time expenses and time of researcher in the process of research.

For this research, researcher will use primary method of data collection, which will increase the quality of research and also researcher will be able to gather valid information (Englund and Graham, 2019). Also, primary research will also help the researcher to sum up the proper findings of the research.

Data analysis:

It is a process in which logical techniques is applied systematically which describe, evaluate data and information. It is accurate and appropriate analysis of research findings. This process will clean transform and model the useful information to create the useful information for effective decision-making of business.

SPSS: Statistical package for the social science which refers to the set of software programmes which is used in a single package. This program is used to analyse scientific data which is related to the social science.

Thematic: This method can help analyss the qualitative data which includes set of texts like interviews. The researcher of this project can describe the information which is used to find the common themes such as topics, ideas and patterns of meaning which comes on the repeated basis.

In this research, researcher will use thematic method for analysing the data, as this will the researcher to make the proper analysis of data which can even help in developing a proper findings from it.

Data Analysis

Data analysis refers as the procedure of systematically using logical or statistical tools for describing, illustrating and evaluating data. It is an essential element for ensuring data integrity that it is appropriate analysis for the research finding.

Theme 1-M&S has equality and diverse workplace.

Q: 1. Do you think Marks & Spencer has equality and diversity within workplace?






Not sure




Interpretation: It can be interpreted that out of 10 respondents, 7 have replied with Yes that there exists a diversity and equality in workplace. The reason behind is that M&S is multinational company of the UK which have employees belonging to different cultures and background. Organization always introduces new strategy which improves equality in diverse employees at workplace. While 2 candidates replied with No, because they think organization doesn't have good leadership which can improve diversity and equality at workplace. On the other hand one candidate is not sure about the fact. Based on the majority it can be interpreted that M&S have diversity and equality in workplace.

Theme 2- Receive training and development program related to dealing with equality and diversity issues.

Q:2. Do you receive training and developmental programs related to dealing with equality and diversity issues?






Not sure




Interpretation: From the above table it can be interpreted that 6 out of 10 participants have argued that they receive training and development programs when there arises any issues on equality and diversity. As they believe it is really important strategy for maintaining equality and diversity in a workplace. 3 participants have replied with No, as they feel that there is no role of training and development programs in dealing with equality and diversity issue as issues can arise due personal grudges. Only 1 respondent is not sure from the fact, so it can be interpreted on the basis of majority T&D programs is effective for dealing with equality and diversity issues.

Theme 3-The challenges that faces while working with diverse groups at workplace.

Q:3. What are the challenges that you face while working with diverse groups at workplace?


Communication issues


Favouritism or discrimination


Conflicts on the basis of cultural differences


All of them




Interpretation: It is interpreted from the table that 6 out of 10 respondent have replied that they face all challenges while working with diverse group at workplace. The reason behind that each candidate has their own pride, culture and law which occurs during working with the employees at workplace. While 2 respondents replied that communication issues are the big challenge that they face while working with diverse group within workplace. On the other hand one respondent argued that employee's faces discrimination at workplace while working with diverse group. Only 1 respondent replied that they face conflict issues while working with other employees. So, it can be interpreted on the basis of majority that communication issues, discrimination and conflict etc. are the challenges which candidates face during working with diverse groups within workplace.

Theme 4- Promotion decisions are taken fairly, without any bias in your company.

Q:4. Do you think promotion decisions are taken fairly, without any bias in your company?






Not sure




Interpretation: It can be interpreted that out of 10 respondents, 8 have replied with Yes that promotion decisions are taken fairly in their company. They gave the reason of their argument is that manager of the company is strict with the policies. They implement equity theory on company which is based on the balance between reward and punishment. Due to equity theory, manager strictly follows rules and keeps transparency in decision-making process, either promotion decision or punishment decision. On contrary, 2 respondents replied with No because they think, organization can't maintain transparency in promotion decision. so, it can be interpreted by the majority that organization keeps transparency in promotion decision.

Theme 5- M&S's current management of equality & diversity strategies are effective.

Q:5. Do you think M&S's current management of equality & diversity strategies are effective?


Strongly Agree








Strongly Disagree




Interpretation: It is interpreted that out of 10 participant, 5 strongly agreed with the statement that Marks & Spencer's current management of equality and diversity strategies are effective. They believe that Marks and Spencer have diversity culture within workplace. To maintain equality in diverse employees', organization applies effective strategies. while 3 participant agreed with 5 participant fact that current management equality and diversity strategies of company are effective. Only one employee disagreed with the fact because individual person believes that current management strategies doesn't more effective for managing equality and diversity within company. It can be interpreted on the basis of majority that M&S's current management strategies for the equality and diversity are more effective.

Theme 6- Equality and diversity policies and strategies increased the level of productivity in M&S.

Q:6. Equality and diversity policies and strategies increased the level of productivity in M&S.






Not sure




Interpretation: it is interpreted that out of 10 candidates, 5 have argued that equality and diversity policies and strategies influences productivity in the company. They assured that M&S is famous for the diversity of employees. To maintain diversity at workplace, organization introduces strategies which gives value to each employee's in the company. To reduce conflict issues, discrimination etc. organization strictly follows policies which maintains equality between employees at workplace. Therefore, productivity of the employee influences at the workplace. While 2 candidates replied with No because they think organization can't keep policies effectively prolong time. this can be interpreted by the majority of the employees that M&S has good equality and diversity policies and strategies which enhance the level of the productivity in organization.

Theme 7- Female employees are given equal chances in decision-making same as male employees.

Q:7. Do you think that female employees are given equal chances in decision-making same as male employees?






Not sure




Interpretation: It can be interpreted that out of 10 respondents, 5 have replied with Yes that female employees gets equal opportunity in decision-making same as male employee in the company. According to them, organization promotes diversity at workplace and encourages both type employees either male or female to keep their suggestion or preferences in decision-making. To maintain equality in gender, manager gives various challenges in equal manner, so that each employees gets chance to show their skills at workplace. While 4 respondents replied with No because they think company can't involve females employees in each task during decision-making process. While one respondent doesn't sure with the fact, so it can be interpreted on the basis of majority that organization gives equal chance female employees in decision-making like male employees.

Theme 8- M&S has transparent recruitment and selection policies without any bias.

Q:8. M&S has transparent recruitment and selection policies without any bias?


Strongly Agree








Strongly Disagree




Interpretation: It can be interpreted that out of 10 participants, 5 participants strongly agreed with the fact M&S posses transparent recruitment and selection policies without any type of bias. They believe that M&S is multinational company which wants such kind employees who have that skills which matches with the job position. Therefore, organization keeps transparent recruitment and selection policies. Other 3 participants satisfied with 5 participants fact. On the other hand, one participant disagreed with the fact. Participant think that organization can't maintain transparency in recruitment and transparent policies. It has been interpreted on the basis of majority that organization keeps transparent recruitment and selection policies and doesn't show inequality with the diverse employees.


Through the above interpretation is analysed that equality and diversity plays significant role within company. Marks & Spencer is multinational company in UK which is famous for equality and diversity within company. Diversity and equality is defined as the dominating tool in the development process for corporate organisations. Equality enables the equal growth and employment opportunities on the basis of the skill, talent and academic background of employee's irrespective of gender. Equality at corporate organisation developed healthy work culture. To incorporate the healthy corporate culture the management in M&S also focus over diversity in company. Diversity in M&S attract effective human resources across the globe. Well diversified company culture attract also enable the management to expand the business sector as the company management can utilise the experiences of human resources from different geological location that make the management to make suitable business strategies with the guidance of employee's from such locations. It is founded that Marks & Spencer has equality and diversity at workplace which improves productivity level of the company.

Even organization provides training and development program to employee, so that employees easily deal with equality and diversity issues. It is analysed that employees faces various challenges while working with diverse cultural group. Challenges are communication issues, discrimination, conflicts which occurs by cultural differences. Communication issues are the big challenges for the employees because they belong different culture along with gender difference. It has founded that culture differences is also challenged which creates crisis between employees. Promotion decisions are taken fairly in the company during appraisal which motivates employees to give the high performance by influencing task achievement in the company. To maintain equality and diversity company introduces management strategies which helps M&S to keep fair policies along with decision. Management strategies has goal to lead high productivity at workplace by giving equal chance to each employee.

It is analysed that equality and diversity policies and strategies are organized for giving the equal opportunity to female employees so that they give high contribution in decision-making, M&S invites employees in decision-making process which leads golden opportunity for the employees to keep their preferences and suggestion. The main goal of the employee's involvement to create creativity at workplace which leads economic benefits in the company. Due to equality and diversity policies organization gives value to diverse group within job place. Get Assignment Examples.Talk to our Experts!

It has founded that M&S keeps specification in recruitment and selection policies. The main goal of this strategy to recruit high qualified employee's who are actually matched with job profile. Due to transparency in the recruitment and selection policies organization builds good relation with employees even they also show their loyalty for the company. It has founded that organization wants to maintain equality and diversity within company, therefore organization applies various strategies like management of equality and development, recruitment and selection policies etc. To maintain well-being of the diverse group in the workplace, organization applies 360 feedback strategy which helps company to analyse customer issues which they face while working with other employees. To resolve their issues organization organize policies which is based on the discrimination law, gender equality. These policies give value to each type of employees either male or female. Manager organizes skill and development program for the employees which improves their skills and performance at workplace. On other hand employees gets opportunities to show their skills and learns new technique which they can use during dealing with the task within workplace.

Conclusion and Recommendations

It can be concluded from the above research that for success and growth of company there is need of the proper equality and diversity strategies and policies which gives equal chances to the people working in organisation. Equal treatment of employees at workplace will encourage and inspire them so that they work effectively and achieves goals and objectives of business. By maintaining equality and diversity in the workplace will increase the morale of employees and they work more effective to reach the objectives of business. Equal treatment of people working in organisation. If the people are differentiated on the basis of their colour, race, religion, gender then they will get demotivated and did work in the appropriate manner to achieve the gaols. For the promotion of equality and diversity in the business there is need of proper training and development programmes in business. The company will also provide the same opportunities to their employees of promotion so it increases the efficiency level of the people. It can be analysis that people belong from different backgrounds will gives fresh and effective ideas that makes the organisation effective. Equal opportunities increases efficiency and morale of employees that leads to success and growth of business.

It can also be concluded from the report that M&S is a company with diverse but equality in it which is one of the most important thing for the success of the organisation. Employees working in the company belongs to different cultures and backgrounds but it is the company's strategy or policies which can help in managing the diverse culture in a workplace. Also, it can be concluded that, in order to minimise or address the issues related to diversity and equality one of the best way is to provide proper training and development programs related to diversity and equality. This will make employees of the company familiar with the importance of diversity and equality within the organisation. Working in diverse culture can be challenging task for both employees and management but it is the effective strategy which can mitigate risks of conflicts and misunderstanding.


  • M&S should be able to develop and keep on improving their strategies and reviewing their policies time to time in order to manage diverse culture in an effective manner.
  • Company should also keep on providing different session or counselling programs on equality and diversity which can prove effective for the company to minimise the issues related to equality and diversity.
  • It is also recommended for the company if there is any issue related to equality and diversity it is important for M&S to address the issue as soon as possible.
  • Also, company should always give equal chance for growth and development in an organisation which will increase the level of satisfaction in them.
  • Also, company should formulate transparent recruitment and equal pay scale for men and women.


I learned various things from the research like there is need of qualitative method for effective collection of information and data in business. At the time of conducting research there is need of different resources such as internet, books and experts which gives detailed information about the topic. I also learn from the research that time is really important factor to be considered. Also, researcher will have to faces various difficulty while operating the research effectively. It is really important for researcher to set appropriate objectives and it is equally important to meet these objectives and conduct the research as per the aim and objectives. To conduct the high quality research, I believe that project management process plays an important role. Also, it is really important for a researcher to focus on the quality of research.

I also believe that sources like internet, books and advise of experts effective sources of information which provide the relevant and effective information and data about the topic of research. I can understand that by using the inductive approach of research. While conducting research, there were some challenges which I faced like seeking the permission to get questionnaire filled by employee of the company. As this research was really important for me so, it was really important for me to perform well in research and I performed well during the research.

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