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Operations and Project Management

Table of Content

  1. Introduction


Operational management of an enterprises conduct various function such as controlling and designing the whole process of production (Allen and, 2014). It is a part of administration business practice that create the highest level of efficiency within an organization. This process include inventory control, production planning, supply chain collaboration, quality management and demand forecasting. All parts of procedure helps to making continuous improvement in organisational system through which better results can be occurred. Present case study has been based on, Hotpoint company is an American and European brand of domestic appliances. It is engage with marketing, selling and manufacturing of electric cars, cookers, washing machines, fridge and freezers. Now company is planning to enter in TV sector. The present report includes implementation of operation management, preparation of a continuous improvement plan and application of each stage of PLC. In addition to this, effectiveness of PLC in order to it's application in present report have also been done.


P1 Conduct a review and critique of the implementation of operation management principles

Operation management refers to area of management which obsessed with designing and controlling of production and redesigning procedure. Along with this it include and concern with changing and converting raw material into finished goods and services which is effective and help organisation in maximizing profit. In the context of an organisation, the main function of operational management is to develop an action plan in effective way. It is a systematic plan of all operational activities of an organisation and it also help to prepare business strategies and policies for execute plan in appropriate manner. Each or every department of a company are interrelated and operational manager used different techniques and approaches in these departments to achieve targets and goals in successfully way. After then managers take meetings and conferences of all sections on daily basis and discuss about the new project. Each section systematically express information related to strategies and also about the new project. It is the main responsibility of operational mangers to apply strategies in proper way and communicate on work place with employees. The manager motivate and support to employees for acquire new objectives and desired goals (Botchkarev and Finnigan, 2014).

In the section of Hotpoint, which is mainly deal in the selling and distribution of electric cookers, refrigerators, washing machines, juicer and various home appliances. In present time company want to expand their business and increase portability in new market of TV sector. It provides competitive advantage and increases consumer base. The company has decided to launch large screen television of 58 inches. The formulating process are conducted by operation manager in effective way and taking benefits through business strategies and measures which are mention below -

Principles of operational management -

Reality – The manager of operation department is analysed present situation of market place regarding to their products which are already going on. After then determine the area where is problem origin and how it is affected to profitability of the company. The manager of Hotpoint acquire this principle to know actual information and deal with each issue with the help of appropriate strategies.

Organization – It is important principle of every business because it presents business activities in systematic way. So it is helping to accomplish their targeted goals and objectives in effective and good range of profitability. In the broadly terms, in Hotpoint each and every sections are interrelated for conduct various business strategies. It is better for a company to work in efficient manner to achieve desired targets.

Fundamentals – It is one of the important principle of operation management that are favoured in humanitarian as well as ethical business. With the help of this principle the company has gained higher profitability and productivity in workers. It would support to management in compliance of correct discipline in office area (Elimam and Dodin, 2013).

Accountability – This principle of operation management conduct by manager of Hotpoint who is set particular rules and regulations for each departments and for their subordinates with their responsibilities. In addition, it is being expected by managers to monitor on every department to see how to employees are working for achieving goals of a company. It will provide help to manger for maximising work of employees in business organisation in effective manner.

Variance – This part of principle show the differences between expected outcomes to accrued one. Hence, operational managers are used to attain fewer variation which will help in promoting creativity. After this application if they are failing so there is need to modifying entire system.

Causality – Generally, employees are connected with a company and face many issues that was incurred such as shortage in capital, expenditures, urgent shipments and more. These issues are aspected to pay more attention in subject to bring out all business activities in proper manner. These factors help in solving issues and problems so that company able to take proper actions.

Managed passion – Passionate employees are working as a booster for the success of a business. In the relation of Hotpoint, it is important for the business to manage creativity and passion of its employees in effective way to stay sustainable at market place. It would be part of major success if manger use in proper way of passion and creativity of their employees and manage properly.

Humility – The manager of Hotpoint provide all facilities regarding to health and safety to their employees and provide good working environment because it will help to increase productivity of workers. They are not focusing their weakness and HR managers are required to motivate them and evaluate their part of work. It would help in developing spirit among them as in a firm which helps to people work well (Hill, 2012).

Success – On the time of success the organisation can only measured their customer by numbers who consume its products and services. In electrical business, customers looked out to attractive and discount offers on particular products which are purchase on affordable prices. Thus, Hotpoint company announced coupons and discounted offer time to time for attract more customers and maintain relation with them for long time.

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This approach is used by manager of Hotpoint in order to reduce issues in manufacturing by applying several strategies and methodologies. With the help of this approach, it provides specific techniques for deduct errors in particular products and make them perfect according to customer requirement. The Hotpoint would use to increase quality of commodities in proper manner. Hence, six sigma approach is more useful in manufacturing sector in order to reducing cost and on time produce high qualitative product. In this approach includes many tools they are define, measure, analyse, improve and control (DMAIC), these are described below -

Define – It is the first step of six sigma approach, in which demand and need of customers are defined in a precise manner. It also provides proper direction to complete in the appropriate manner (Krishnan, 2013). In context of respective company their manager conduct evaluation of demand and need of customers and make strategies accordingly. Through this they able to make appropriate plan to fulfil customers need.

Measure – The second step is helpful in determine the condition predominant in production process and entire improvement that is done from the actual state. In broadly terms, it is evaluated the resources for products which is carry out for produce qualitative products. In this step manager of respective company conduct evaluation of product quality and compare it with standard product.

Analyse – In this particular stage, analysis the problems ans issues that are origin from the execution of operations and analysis of required modification for the same form. At this stage manager of hotpoint analysis problems and issues which their employees are facing at a workplace.

Improve – In the stage, managers takes effort for evaluate required modification and succession and several other possibilities of changes (Kermanshachi and, 2016). At respective stage managers of hotpoint conduct evaluation and analysis which they done to modified any changes at a workplace.

Control – It is the last stage of six sigma approach where is apply suitable and appropriate solution in business for maintain balance between among activities that are related to manufacturer in effective way. It helps to respective company operational managers for accomplish demands of single person in effective manner.

Lean principle

The lean principle is beneficial for operational mangers of hotpoint, it create new and innovative idea for improve the quality of production process. In this principle consist of five principles such as map value stream, create flow, establish pull, define value and pursuit perfection. All of the above principle supply effective benefits for make new product and launch it in attractive way. In the present time, Hotpoint company is launching their television in 58 inches as bringing their new product. There are mentioned below five principles that are related to lean principle it is -

Define value – In this stage, there is a effective amplification of needs and requirements of those individuals and customers who are residing in specific area. It can buy their services and commodities for provide benefits. This will provide help for deduct their waste and maintain their overall cost.

Map value stream – In this principle, there is description of proper estimate and guidance that are given already and in order to generate effective execution of activities. Map value system will provide benefit on each and every stage on product life cycle and accomplish their target objectives. In this phase include purchasing of new raw material for manufacture finished goods and provide services to consumers (Kerzner, 2018). It will help to Hotpoint manger of operation for monitor and evaluate all process in the terms of divination of work to their staff, designing, manufacturing and providing appropriate strategies.

Create flow – In this principle include entire physical process of fresh manufacturing in effective and suitable manner. The flow provide benefits for deducting negative issues and barriers that are arising in the process of achieving operation and fulfil consumer demand in systematic manner.

Establish pull – In this principle mainly follows all exact principle that is followed in just in time approach. In this principle provide all services to customer according to their requirements and demands. The process help to providing effective contentment to their consumer with in the specific time period.

Pursue perfection– It is end principle of lean principle and there are producing all commodities of particular company in same order. Hence, operation managers of Hotpoint can take necessary adoption of innovative technology in their work place for formulate qualitative and sustainable products.

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P2 Prepare a continuous improvement plan based on the review and critique of operation management principle

Continuous improvement and its meaning

It is important for an organisation to continue change their production system and make it advance according to their entire departments. The continuous improvement will help to improve their management functions and formulate better qualitative products and services. Hence, in order to fulfil needs of customer there is need to alternation for their organisational structure and provide best sufficient way for the managers of Hotpoint. It can do necessary alternation and changes in their management and inventory system for getting good results. It is crucial for managers to determine the market situation and perceptions of customers after that it is implemented in work place with the changes (Minas, Hearne, and Handmer, 2012). After adoption the new structure there is need to develop new strategies and policies by operational manager for employees and subordinates in formative plans. After that discuss about the strategies with their subordinate and help for proper channel of communication. This process will provide benefit to manager to achieve their success in effective way and complete their predetermined target in effective time frame.


P3 Apply each stage of the PLC with business case, project plan and work breakdown structure

As per the scenario, The company Hotpoint has decided to enter in TV sector market and launch 58 inches TV. The company wants to launch TV in effective way so for this it is created systematic and formative plan in which all the information related to launching a new product detailed. The operational manager can implement innovative techniques and tools for launch new product and take benefits of these techniques that are related to launching new product in market. Hence, managers can select best effective among them and apply in the production process (Schwalbe, 2015).

Project Life Cycle :- It refers to four step procedure which is adopted by almost all project manager when they are going through stage of project completion. It provide a guideline which help in managing various type of projects in an organisation. It is essentially divided in to four part that are initiation, planning, execution and closure. These all step help in creating an appropriate path from beginning to end for completion of project in appropriate manner. Description of project life cycle in prospective of Hotpoint is mentioned below:-

Initiation- At this stage respective company manger identify issues, problems, opportunities or brainstorm at a workplace. Which can me meet through solving problems, grab opportunities and many other. At this step manger of Hotpoint mainly identify objective for a project. Respective company use is autocratic leadership theory.

Planning- At this stage manager of respective company plan a detailed strategies which help their employer and employees in achieving goal and objective of project in appropriate manner. It is mainly consist of two parts that are strategies planning and implementation planning. Here superior of Hotpoint develop strategies and plan through which project objective can be fulfil in effective and appropriate manner. For planning the respective company use

Execution- At this particular stage manager of respective company execute plan or strategies which they develop at previous stage to fulfil project objective in appropriate and effective manner. This phase of project life cycle is also termed as monitoring and controlling stage. For this respective company can use

Closure- At this stage after completion of project in appropriate and effective manner, team will get disperse. This will team member handover all the documents top their superior and investors at respective company. For this Hotpoint use

Business Case

Company Overview

Hotpoint is a American and European brand which is dealing in a domestic appliances. It is established in year 1911 by Earl Richardson. Its headquarter is in Cambridgeshire, UK. The respective company is going to launch large screen TV which is of 58-inches.

Vision and Mission

The vision statement of Hotpoint is to enhance standard of living of Eastern American users.

Mission statement of respective company is to support and provide electronic appliances which is domestic and commercial.


The major objective of respective company is to provide large screen TV which provide clear and better visual experiences.


Strategies which is develop by respective company is to sell these televisions to attract more customer and enhance sale and profitability.

Business Plan


Respective company required approx £15,000-18,000 to conduct large screen TV launching project in effective and appropriate manner.


For communicating about new objective respective company conduct formal meeting with employees. Then discuss with them about the new plan and objective and how they can achieve it respectively.


For maintaining product quality in appropriate manner respective company use new advance digital technology. So that they can achieve their product quality target in effective manner.


This refers to activities which is conducted by a company to achieve goal in appropriate manner. For this respective company hire appropriate human resources and adopt new technology which reduce wastage and produce appropriate product.


P4 Effectiveness of PLC in application of project

In the order to launch new product or services in market place, a company face various issues and problems. When launch a new product and advertise in market placer so company needs to much more time and money for investment and for proper execution process. Hence, To implement whole process in effective way for this the operational manager play their in efficient way. They are conducting several operations and business activities for launch new product in successful manner. There are implementing different type of business activities which are included market survey, follow formative techniques and tools, examining requirements of customers for measure of innovative process and buyers purchasing power. In broadly terms, it is important to create suitable strategies and improve their functions for determined objectives in desired way (William East, Nisbet and Liebich, 2012).

With the help of new methodologies of product life cycle (PLC), Gantt chart, work break down structure are measurable methods and these are shows over all performance regarding to process in effective way. These tools and techniques will provide benefits to Hotpoint manager to conduct research in the relation of launching new product process. Managers can take the advantages of team formation in every section for achieve their objectives in proper time frame and set quality of their products (Ward and Daniel, 2013).

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From the above discussion it is concluded that operation and project management helps to organisation to conduct day to day business activities and functions. The company wants to launch new TV in market so for that need to know market strategy related to innovation in their work place. As a result to increase sales performance and accomplish their predetermined goals and targets there is necessary modification and alteration in their structure. For achieve all requirements there is develop systematic structure of work and collect resources. It is important to manager can analysis of market condition and evaluate all consumer perception for achieve their set targets.


  • Allen, M., and, 2014. A framework for project success. Journal of Information Technology and Economic Development. 5(2). p.1.
  • Botchkarev, A. and Finnigan, P., 2014. Complexity in the Context of Systems Approach to Project Management. arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.1027.
  • Elimam, A. A. and Dodin, B., 2013. Project scheduling in optimizing integrated supply chain operations. European Journal of Operational Research. 224(3). pp.530-541.
  • Hill, A. V., 2012. The encyclopedia of operations management: a field manual and glossary of operations management terms and concepts. FT Press.
  • Kermanshachi, S., and, 2016. Project complexity indicators and management strategies–A Delphi Study. Procedia Engineering. 145. pp.587-594.
  • Kerzner, H., 2018. Project management best practices: Achieving global excellence. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Krishnan, V., 2013. Operations management opportunities in technology commercialization and entrepreneurship. Production and Operations Management. 22(6). pp.1439-1445.
  • Minas, J. P., Hearne, J. W. and Handmer, J. W., 2012. A review of operations research methods applicable to wildfire management. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 21(3). pp.189-196.
  • Ramasamy, S., and, 2013. Novel flight management system for real-time 4-dimensional trajectory based operations. In AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GNC) Conference (p. 4763).
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