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Unit 17 Leading and Managing Change of British Retailing Group

University: Regent College London

  • Unit No: 17
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 17 / Words 4222
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 1149

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
Question :

This assessment will provide certain questions which are like:

  • What are the different ways that impact the change management and also the operational strategy in sports direct.
  • Give the influence and the drivers of change for the organizational behavior.
  • What are the barriers for leadership and decision making in sports direct.
  • Give the alternative approaches in change initiative
Answer :
Organization Selected : British Retailing Group


The process which is liable for causing thing, practice or functions for becoming assorted somehow with respect to what it was at past as well as in present is referred to as change. This can create both affirmative and pessimistic impact on the ways in which firm render their services (Beycioglu, Jones and Harris, 2014) . They can be in the form of technology, system, policies, etc. which are liable for supporting firms within attainment of success. The rationale behind this assignment is to acknowledge which change is lead as well as managed within Sports Direct. It is a British retailing group which renders their services worldwide and have various sporting brands as well as trades. This assignment comprises of change was brought in two companies which deals within the same industry along with impact created on their organisational strategies. Furthermore, it comprises of changes along with measures for reduction of pessimistic affect of change. At last, some leadership approaches will be used for dealing with specified alterations.

P1 Consequences of change in organisation in context of strategies & operations of different firms.

Change is a crucial aspect within firm that is liable for facilitation of enhancements within the execution as well as efficiency for smooth work flow. But it is mandatory for firm to ensure that changes are executed in an affirmative manner with respect to trends which pertains within the market place (Bin Taher, Krotov and Silva, 2015). This implies that change introduced within each firm may differ but each creates a substantial impact on their operations. In this context, 2 firms have been taken to understand the change on them as well as their strategies. It has been shown below:


Sports Direct

House of Fraser

Strategical change

They emphasised on expansion and for this they bought up fashion firm with an aim to expand their services in different countries by acquisition of firms like Jack wills. Their strategy was to buy as well as build fashion and sports brands irrespective of financial travails. Along with this, they emphasised on reduction of rents so that overall finances can be reduced (Diaz-Rainey, Robertson and Wilson, 2017).

This was bought by Sports Direct and their strategy was to divide within two groups, Fraser's which contained stocks related with designer labels and the other group was rendering their services to mass market audience. This was carried out so that they can reach maximum number of individuals. Same plan has to be carried out within all the layouts. But the House of Fraser's was rebranded.

Process change

The major alteration in this context is that they have given KPMG the responsibility of administration as they were going through high cash flow pressure along with trading conditions from some years.

The operational change which was carried out by them was rebranding in which they have changed their working style in which they emphasised on addressing the requirements of common person. Along with this, they also shifted their warehousing as well as distribution to Shirebrook.

These were some changes made by two different organisation for enhancing their services. The impact created by these can be evaluated through the usage of Bohner and Arnold which is liable for identification of potential consequences related with change as well as estimation with respect to what modifications has to be carried out for accomplishment of change (Daft and Marcic, 2016). Sports Direct has made some changes with respect to their strategies and operations. For this, they need to anticipate the probable effect which will be created by these alterations. The objective was to improvise Jack Wills position within the market along with their financial performance. Sports Direct will assist them to attain the objectives. On the other hand, House of Fraser went through a loss of around £3million per week. This implies the strategies opted by them were not adequate enough to gain success.

P2.Evaluate internal as well as external drivers of change which creates impact on leadership, team & behaviours of individuals.

Change is identified as an important process that is liable to be implemented by each & every individual involved within business concern. In context of drivers of change that have been facilitated Sports Direct in both strategical & process change in the firm have been mentioned below:>

Internal Drivers of Change

These are referred to as intrinsic aspects associated with firm that creates a relevant affect on firm as well as facilitate Sports Direct to bring in proposed changes within their working environment:



  • It is number one sports retailer within market of United Kingdom with more than 470 stores.
  • They have tie-up with various famous sports brands such as Reebok, Nike, Adidas and many others .
  • Strong online presence and delivers their services 24*7 and allows their customers to have access to their products anywhere along with this savvy price strategies are utilised which enhance credibility of retailer.
  • The turnover rate of staff is low as they paid their employees with high bonuses which act as a strong motivational force.
  • Sports industry is very competitive and results within slower growth in terms of market share (Doppelt, 2017).
  • Firm operates at low a margin which leads to creation of doubts with respect to profitability in future.



  • Due to economic issues within EuroZone rumbling on, Sports Direct has an opportunity to render their services in western and Eastern Europe.
  • Company is following aggressive strategy for acquisition of brands around Europe which renders them with an opportunity for reaching maximum customers across segments. They are making use of buying and building strategies (Espedal, 2017).
  • Increasing costs of raw materials creates an impact on revenue as they render their services at lower margin.
  • Due to the Eurozone crisis, tax policies are changing which creates an adverse impact on functioning of sports Direct.
  • Technological problems can be created as technology is evolving continuously.

External Drivers of Change

Along with internal drivers of changes, this is crucial for organisation to take into consideration internal aspects of business as it will facilitate firm to bring in relevant changes within their working environment. Macro environmental analysis is being carried out by organisation through the usage of enhanced analytical tool called PEST. This would have specified the external environment factors that are liable for inspiring an organisation for bringing in alterations to which they are confined (Komives, 2016). With respect to Sports Direct, they should have applied the framework for ascertaining external drivers for change along with impact on team, individuals and leadership. The analysis has been provided beneath:


Impact on Marks & Spencer


The stability within political status of United Kingdom renders opportunity to Sports Direct for thinking about affirmative change within association which might have enhanced effectiveness of business. For this, democratic leadership can be utilised which is liable for rendering assistance as well as create an influence on employees through which they can make choices within their tasks as accomplish them accordingly. Therefore, it creates an extensive impact on leadership, group and individuals which leads Sports Direct to bring up innovative alterations in an effective manner.


UK provides strong financial conditions which creates a significant impact on organisations like Direct Sports for exploiting services which are accessible (Lawrence, 2015). Sports Direct opts for acquisition of firms gone on administration like Jack Wills can be both affirmative and pessimistic with respect to ways in which services are being delivered. They must be accessible within limits like logistics, supply chain, infrastructure, etc. This benefits each group, people and leadership with respect to services delivered and have benefits from economy of UK so that required changes can be made by Sports Direct adequately.


The lifestyle as well as trends in UK keeps on evolving with channelling of time. This creates an influence on the ways in which leaders of Direct Sports behave and by furnishing incentives as well as rewards, employees will be like a change agent (NHS England, 2016). When staff is being encouraged in an efficacious way, they can exploit their potential through which growth as well as development can be ensured of Sports Direct.


United Kingdom is technologically stronger country which renders scope for their employees as well as teams within Sports Direct for making use of their creativity as well as brings in quick innovations. In this context, leadership aims at specification of assistance along with appropriate guidance by which effectual execution can be carried out for bringing in affirmative change in Sports Direct.

P3. Assess measures utilised for minimisation of pessimistic affects of changes on organisational behaviour.

Change is considered as an important aspect which pertains within the company. This leads to creation of affirmative as well as pessimistic impact on the operations of organisation. This denotes that appropriate measures must be taken by firm through which negative impact can be minimised relevant margin. Some efforts which can be taken by Sports Direct are illustrated beneath:

  • Sports Direct needs to make sure that constant market research is carried out by them by which they could have analysed the trends which prevails within business environment (Rodd, 2015). This will enable them to execute appropriate alterations as well as make the employees ready for this by having interactions with them related with changes in advance . This will lead them to make sure that adequate support is attained from employees.
  • Sports Direct can render training program for communicating with their employees the changes which they have to adapt. These training session aims at preparation of employees for worst situations in an advance so that they when such kind of situations comes then they should not panic and work in an effective manner when changes are being carried out.

Furthermore, systems theory and continuous improvement models can be utilised by Sports direct for ensuring that they can plan for carrying out appropriate changes (Rogers and Marres, 2016) . These models are illustrated below:

Systems theory: This implies the interdisciplinary scrutiny of system in context of society, science, nature and framework through which investigation can be carried out so that affirmative results can be attained. System approach will lead them to emphasise on end result which is to minimise the unnecessary finance or cost rather than the ways through which it can be attained. Firm can have a systematic as well as efficacious plan of actions through which they can carry out changes in an affirmative manner as well as provide coordination in activities.

Continuous improvement models: It involves approach as well as mindset that is liable for engaging their workers within acknowledgement of workers in understanding their customers as well as processes for driving efforts which brings in sustainable alterations for having better services (Rothwell, Stavros and Sullivan, 2015)

(Source:What is Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle?, 2019)

The continuous improvement model comprises of PDCA lifecycle. For eliminating pessimistic impacts associated with change in a organisation PDCA model is being utilised. It has been illustrated beneath with respect to Sports Direct:>

PDCA Model

Plan: This acts as an initial phase in which initiatives are being taken up by organisations for ascertaining the major causes related with the specified issue. For this, it is important for entities to carry out market research. In this context, management of Sports Direct has identified that firms those who are strong but due to some wrong changes have gone for administration are bought and build like Jack Wills was bought up for merging fashion with sports brand to have better results (vander Voet, Kuipers and Groeneveld, 2015). This lead firm to develop themselves by formulating planning as well as strategies for carrying out effectual training sessions for their employees by which changes can be carried out in an appropriate manner.

Do: After formulation of suitable plan for their presumptive difficulties while introducing change, the next stage is associated with effectual implementation of planning by which affirmative results can be attained by Sports Direct. Therefore, strategical and process changes are brought in by the firm. This stage would have lead them to elimination of wrong decision making in case if it is used in an appropriate manner.

Check: This is the next phase within PDCA lifecycle which is liable for making contrast among actual as well as desired performance with a view for carrying out appropriate control operations (White and Robinson, 2014). Hereby, efficacious application for monitoring techniques will aid Sports Direct within monitoring as well as evaluation of effectualness of both the changes which have been made.

Act: It is last stage of model that is liable for marking documentation along with reporting for alterations that have been carried out. In this case management of Sports Direct is liable for actually putting the plan into execution. Thereby, it will render guidance for the firm with respect to information which would have lead them to success or failure with respect to changes which have been made.

Thus, by appropriate implementation of all the stages of PDCA model Sports Direct can minimise the pessimistic influences related with change (Yoder-Wise, 2014).

Furthermore, Burke-Litwen model can be utilised for making sure that change processes are effective as well as efficient. It involves defining as well as establishment of cause and effect relationship among different dimensions of organisation & they acts as an important aspect while bringing in organisational carnages. These concepts have been illustrated beneath:

External environment: They are the factors which are liable while bringing in changes within the organisation. With respect to Sports Direct, they involves behaviour of customers, legislation, competition prevailing within the market, politics and economy (Beycioglu, Jones and Harris, 2014). The major factor which creates impact on Sports Direct with respect to Jack Wills is challenging trading environment which leads them to financial crisis.

Mission & strategy:The statement comprises “To develop true sports people as well as preserve the true nature of sports”. Strategy of Sports Direct is expansion within fashion & sports brands by buying as well as building them.

Leadership: The leaders of Sports Direct have opted for usage of democratic leadership in which individuals are more participative within decision-making process. This enables people of firm to encourage as well as share opinions & ideas through which creativity is inspired.

Organisational culture: Within Sports Direct, task culture is being utilised as their strategy makes use of buying and building of firms. Depending upon the firm which is taken up by them (Sports Directs), services are being rendered accordingly (Bin Taher, Krotov and Silva, 2015).

Structure: Hierarchical structure is being followed by Sports Direct to ensure that services are carried out in an appropriate manner and systematic way of rendering operations is carried out.

Systems: This involves policies as well as procedures which are being followed by Sports Direct as it will assist them to support employees and accomplish change as per desired standards.

Management practices: It involves activities and behaviour which are being carried out managers and aims at execution of complete strategies. They are liable to comply with the new strategies opted by Sports Direct as well as ensuring that employees adhere them.

Working climate: Affirmative working environment is provided to their working environment in which they can share their viewpoints and opinions with higher authority. This leads Sports Direct to bring innovation within their services (Diaz-Rainey, Robertson and Wilson, 2017).

Tasks & skills: This involves requirement of tasks as well as alignment with job description for employees expertise. The staff of Sports Direct needs to have analytical capabilities, adaptability, time management and efficacious communication which will assist them within carrying out their operations in an enhanced manner.

Individual values as well as needs: Sports Direct need to acknowledge the expectations as well as demands of their employees by providing them with work-life balance, remuneration and various rewards (Daft and Marcic, 2016). Basically, it emphasise on discovering the needs in terms of quality of work.

Motivational level: Maslow's theory of motivation is being used by management of Sports Direct to inspire their employees so that they can work up to their complete potential.

Individual & general performance: It involves performance levels of individual employee and at organisational level. This would have been measured by Sports Direct on the basis of quality requirements, productivity, customer satisfaction and turnover rate.

P4. Barriers for Change

Change is an important aspect within each organisation which needs them to take rigorous efforts with respect to leader and employees for ensuring that services are delivered effectually. In this context, it has been identified that there are number of elements which acts as a barrier or constraint for making changes. With respect to Sports Direct, the probable barriers for executing strategical and process changes, they have been provided beneath:

Lack of Effective Communication Strategy: This the major hindrance that is being experienced by organisation while carrying out alterations within organisational premises. With respect to this, extensive interaction acts as the route map through which leader of Sports Direct conveys vantage of making out alterations within the firm to employees (Doppelt, 2017). It is observed that management is not able to co-operate with their employees and they are also not keen to adapt to changes which are required as well as carry out in day to day activities.

This barrier creates a substantial impact on leaders of Sports Direct and for dealing with them they need to make use of extensive interaction strategies for conveying information to staff members of firm. It will aid them to have an edge with respect to bring changes within strategical & process changes.

Lack of Employee Involvement: Employees are not engaged within change strategies and therefore organisation must render appropriate information which will enable them to efficaciously implement the changes in premises. Within Sports Direct, it is identified that critical extent of employees limits implementation of proposed alterations as proper supervision as well as directions are not provided by leader. When initiatives are not taken by individuals then it will lead to lack of exuberance among their (Sports Direct) representatives.

This barrier creates an influence on the leadership along with information to their employees related with bringing in changes within Sports Direct. Furthermore, the leader needs to furnish rewards as well as incentives to people who made their enhanced contribution within implementation of changes in firm (Espedal, 2017). Along with this, training has to be furnished to their employees which will increase their knowledge in this perspective.

From here it is clear that barriers to creates a relevant influence on implementation of alterations as well as decision-making of leader with respect to Sports Direct.

Force field analysis is utilised as change management and assists to acknowledge the change processes which are being carried out by the firm. The factors related to this are specified below:

Facilitating Factors: This element comprises of facets which pertains to business environment of firm and facilitate entities to carry out changes. (Komives, 2016). These aspects involves business process as well as outdated machines, decline within morale of teams and employees, alterations within preferences of users and various others. In this context, it will aid within carrying out strategical changes within their corporate policies.

Restraining Factors: This comprises of perspectives that belongs to business environment and acts as a constraint within implementation of changes. These elements involve alterations within government regulations, employee resistance, etc. In context of Sports Direct, it is ascertained that restraining factors for both the alterations are failure to utilise interactive strategies and staff resistance. These elements must be handled by Sports Direct by executing training sessions as well as utilisation of extended interactive methods.

P5. Leadership Approaches

The process associated with creation of influence, rendering directions as well as guiding behaviour of individuals within appropriate direction is referred to as leadership. It implies capabilities of management of firm to formulate objectives as well as directing efforts of employees for achievement of objectives respect to development of personal (Lawrence, 2015). The effectual leadership will aid Sports Direct within formulation of products as per their plans and ensuring sustainability within the market. This is crucial for organisation to make sure that alterations are executed in an effective manner in premises according to needs of market so that affirmative results can be attained. Changes furnish guidance with respect to inflating business effectiveness and ensure appropriate flow of activities. With respect to, Sports Direct they are making use of situational leadership so that changes can be carried out according to organisational targets.

Situational leadership: It refers to when manager or leader of firm alters their style for fitting within the development levels of followers they are trying to fit within (NHS England, 2016). By making sue of such kind of leadership, it will become easy for Sports Direct to furnish changes within in an appropriate manner as this renders flexibility as per alterations which has to be made, depending upon prevailing situations ways of carrying services can be altered and many others. This will assist them to render their services as per the changes they have to carry out.

Kurt Lewin's Change Management Model: This is one of the most effectual model that is being utilised for bringing in alterations within operations as well as minimise pessimistic impact. The Sports Direct can execute this model while carrying out changes in an effectual manner. This model comprises of stages like Unfreeze, change & refreeze. With respect to initial stage the firm can carry out meetings with their key persons for identification of changes for execution (Lewin's Force Field Model, 2018). Next step is change which comprises of executing changes which have been planned by rendering necessary training to their workforce. Within last stage, employees acknowledge their work along with changes which have to be made. Here, workforce gets involved within their new system as well as attain appropriate assistance with respect to errors.

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From the above it can be concluded that changes are important for growth as well as success of firm which will lead to improvisation within their business processes. The reason behind this is that change drivers are liable for fostering firms for bringing in alterations within operations through which overall efficiency can be enhanced according to expectations of their customers. But for executing these changes in firm in efficacious manner, the forces must be identified in against as well as favour of alterations in an efficient strategy formation. Along with this, models like Kurt Lewin's and PDCA will lead to reduction within pessimistic affects.

In addition to this for bringing changes company can adopt models live PDCA and Kurt Lewin's Change Management Model which ensure minimisation of negative impact. If you are Looking for Coursework Help services in UK contact Instant Assignment Help, We offer all types of assignment help services for UK students.We have the best writer who can solve all your educational problems at a reasonable price.

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