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B96168 Foundations of Evidence for Nursing Practice

University: Regent College London

  • Unit No: 10
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 10 / Words 2567
  • Paper Type: Dissertation
  • Course Code: NUST08026
  • Downloads: 864
Question :

 This assessment will cover the following questions:

  • Provide problem solving approach to clinical practices that can help and encourages nurses and other medical staff to provide quality care to patient.
  • Demonstrate the method of treating vibrio volnificus necrotising fasciitis skin infection with the combination of antibiotics.
  • State evidence-based practices helps nursing staff to determine effective action for care delivery and nurses can increases their patient chances for recovery.
Answer :
Organization Selected : N/A


This project report provides brief about the role of evidence-based practise in building the professional development. Also brief about the different practice that nurse provides boost to patient health and how the provided research will improve professional skills in nurses. It has been seen that evidence-based practise work as tool for providing or benefiting patient with high-quality care and developing effective care for improved patient outcomes. Also defined about different evidence-based practise used are research studies, expert advice, clinically approved methods, and according to demand of patients (Grove & Gray (2018)). Evidence-based practices are problem-solving approach used in clinical practise that help and encourages nurses to provide quality care to individual patient, better patient outcomes and decrease the demand for healthcare resources. This also provides rationale use of given study, as it helps nurses to gather knowledge to use effective and updated method for treatment. Project report provides the understanding that nurses derive after analysing the provided research paper and how these analysed outcomes will help nurses to improve their professional development. Professional develop is occur as through provided studies nurses will get evidence that can be analysed by them to apply better approaches in clinical practice.


Evidence based practise is the approach used to provide better quality care to patients. It involves approaches based on research studies and clinically approved methods. The decisions for treatments are based on patient priorities which are known by building effective communication and trust in patients for the services physicians and nurses provide. Here, research studies mean information includes literature or article based documents which provides a proof and validated treatments that are previously used and have shown benefited results. Clinically approved methods include the clinical judgements given by experts they get from their knowledge and experiences (LoBiondo-Wood,Haber, (2021)).

These practise also have key emphasis on patients based approaches which includes plan based on patient beliefs, there personal and financial circumstances, data nurse or physicians gets after observing activities of patients. Different types of evidence that are used in healthcare research are result of controlled trials. These also includes evidence that researchers get from case control studies which is comparison of exposer of disease in two different groups, cohort studies where research is done to identify relationship between the risk factor and disease and individual studies which is long term studies of a particular disease. Additionally, it also includes expert advice and physicians or nurse individual experience.

Benefits of evidence based practise are nurses develops more professionally by acknowledging more knowledge. Nurses focus only on researches and needs of individual patients. These practise focus in improving patient health while focussing more in individual patient past experience and current demands. Evidence based approaches saves time. This is because nurses don't have to find ways to provide support, either they get idea from provided researches or they directly ask patients what type of approaches make the more comfortable. These evidence based approaches help nurses to be more updated about the current trends or improved medical protocols that need to be taken on practise for providing better treatment. There is continuous advancement in technology or methods for improved results. To know about changes, it is very important for nurses to be up-to-date (Lamon & et. al., (2019)).

Since evidence based approaches provides nurses to collect and then analyse the updated information to take better decisions for the patients during the treatment. As evidence based approach is the combination of clinical evidence, research and individual preferences. It will help patient for quick recovery and motivates them to regular follow the instruction given by physicians and nurses. This will also help nurses to understand possible risk factors associated with post treatment to patient after effectively comparing patient situation with pre-defined researches on particular disease. This will also help nurses to pre-inform patients about the associated side effects associated with treatment. This also help nurses to provide plans to patient about measure they can take to control and prevent wider spread of disease further.

Above defined research briefs about the 81-year-old women diagnosed with the infection of Vibrio vulnificus. After sometime blue colour blood clotting is seen which lead to many lab test. Third generation antibiotics were prescribed and after 3 weeks, patient has gone through major surgeries and it take around 1 month for proper living cells to revert back. These research provide effective guidelines to nurse that they can follow to treat such wounds. It will improve the health care provided to patients (Cleary et. al., (2018)).Need assignment help ? Talk tp our experts!

Research provides effective process that can further be used same diseases. Provides evidence about the role of tetracycline or cephalosporin to treat infected tissue. Importance of NPWT is to provides better healing to skin who are suffering from split thickness skin grafts. Also provides the set additional therapy used after admission of negative pressure would therapy (NPWT) which includes artificial dermis implantation, implant of part of epidermis and dermis tissue which further result in living tissue growth in patient (Park, Chung Ha, (2018)).

Aim of research is to demonstrate a definite method for treatment of v. vulnificus which is done by incorporating NPWT treatment, implantation of artificial dermis and skin graft imbibition. Aim is to also update nurses with the effective skin infection treatment that they can used further to provide care to patients. The provided qualitative methodology provides well proved method for treatment of skin wounds which include different implants therapy. Research is designed in appropriate manner consist of problem associate with patient, patient history, their lab test and reporting reports include body temperature, pulse rate etc. Research report also includes the effective changes and negative changes seen in body after implanting different antibiotics and implant therapy. It also carries different phases of recovery. Researcher has described about the disease properly how the vibrio vulnificus bound to be lethal for patient's body.

Risk factors associated with agents is there is more chance of infection in population having contact with marine lives. Yes, the researcher has addressed all the issues in a clear manner. Researcher has also defined the result of treatment in body. How much time body needs to recover from the surgery or treatment is well defined as it contains review photos of all different phases. There are no participants in this researcher, the evidenced based research based on vibrio vulfnificus skin infection in which people suffering from acute pain with progressive swelling, suffered from injury. After 2 or 3 days, hands become discoloration of the dorsal part of hand and fingers. There is no ethical issue consideration because people with vibrio vulnificus skin infection are not agree for research on their disease but researcher find symptoms and better treatment for their research and this information can also help in further treatment. Data analysis from this research is accurate and beneficial for nursing development and from this research nursing staff found the information about the viruses and valid treatment and therapies improve patient condition. This information regarding research is accurate and gives valid outcomes. Yes, there is clear finding of treatment for vibrio vulnificus skin infection that can help people to overcome wounds related to these types of infections. This will also help nurses to provide better treatment. Research is valuable because it gives better methods for skin treatments. It also gives a clear cut evidence about the complication of vibrio vulfinicus skin infection can cause in body. Worried for essay help? Talk to our experts!

Vibrio vulnificus is the skin infection which can cause severe skin and soft tissue infection (SSTI) and it is caused by the consumption of seawater, shellfish and sea food. Mainly infect patient with chronic liver disease, diabetes mellitus and renal disease have more chances for vibrio vulnificus infections. This resulting as life-threatening infections in patient. From many cases of vibrio vulnificus nursing staff observe that patient having acute pain and swelling over the hand and suffered from injury. According to past medical history, patient having renal disease and viral infection. Physical examination determines that swelling hand with acute pain and hand becomes bluish discolouration. Doctor and physician recommended antibiotic therapy for the treatment of vibrio vulnificus infection is combination of cephalosporin and tetracycline, for three week, patient undergoes hospitalization for therapies and medication (Hernández‐Cabanyero & et. al., (2019)).

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Addition to antibiotics, patient also requires aggressive supportive theory for intensive care. Physician and other nursing staff providing recommendations for reducing the risk of vibrio vulnificus infection like- avoid contact with seafood, wearing globes when working with fishes and immediately seek medical care for any wound that appeared infected. All over the world, such conditions undergone with same treatment protocols. This includes specific combination of antibiotics, therapies, prompt debridement, that help to promote growth of granulation tissues. This can increase improvement of skin draft and surgical interventions. These interventions are justified and appropriate for nursing practices, above evidence based theory and intervention are helpful in nursing practice for vibrio vulnificus infections, provide better treatment to cure skin infection and provide intervention to avoid the harmful activities (Jiang et. al., (2020)).

Medical team analysing the patient having vibrio vulficus infection ingesting seafood and recommend to take intensive care about the infection. Form the evidenced based report treatment medicines and therapies are more beneficial for health provider, nursing assessment in their professional development. Patient with skin infection or septic, arriving soon to doctors and take appropriate antibiotic therapies within 24 hours (Miles & et. al., (2020)). The management and nursing staff provide better treatment to cure vibrio vulficus infection with therapies which includes fluid replacement, antibiotics, anti-pyretic, renal infections and urine output are monitored for further treatment. Current research activity regarding vibrio vulnificus is seeking to development of a vaccine against vibrio vulnificus infection it is severe skin problem that may leads to death (Saeed & et. al., (2019)).

Physician and nursing staff have to build relationship and connect with patient to understand the situation regarding vibrio vulnificus. From the data gathering and interaction with such patient with skin infections are more useful information for nursing professional development. During the research, nurses and doctors build relation and confidence which helps in gathering further information. This may useful for implementation in patient treatment having vibrio vulnificus skin infection. Nursing staff and physician helps through research and improves betterment by implementing information, intensive care, which receive from research paper. Research paper information includes symptoms, treatment, therapies and intensive care (Suja & et. al., (2019)). This data is more helpful in nursing professional development and learn more about this infection


From the above study it is concluded that, evidence based practices is the tool for delivering high quality patient care, provide most effective care for betterment of patient health and aim to improving patient outcomes. Evidence based practice is more important for registered nurses by which they can deliver quality care to patient with the help of various interventions. Evidence based practices is problem solving approach to clinical practices that can help and encourages nurses and other medical staff to provide quality care to individual patient, better patient outcomes and decrease the demand for healthcare resources. Evidence based practices helps nursing staff to determine effective action for care delivery and nurses can increases their patient chances for recovery. From the evidenced based study report vibrio vulnificus is the skin infection is caused by in digesting seawater and seafood it is severe condition of limbs. The pathogen of vibrio vulnificus is marine bacterium; more chances of infection occur in infected patient having chronic liver diseases, end-stage of renal disease, diabetes mellitus. Form the evidence based case report it is demonstrated method of treating vibrio volnificus necrotising fasciitis skin infection with the combination of antibiotics which includes cephalosporin and tetracycline, therapies and after additionally antibiotics patient needs intensive care, fluid replacement, wound preparation and skin imbibition that can help patient to cope up with infection.Take Dissertation help!

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Cleary, M., Visentin, D., West, S., Lopez, V., & Kornhaber, R. (2018). Promoting emotional intelligence and resilience in undergraduate nursing students: An integrative review.Nurse education today,68, 112-120.

Grove, S. K., & Gray, J. R. (2018).Understanding nursing research e-book: Building an evidence-based practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Hernández‐Cabanyero, C., Lee, C. T., Tolosa‐Enguis, V., Sanjuán, E., Pajuelo, D., Reyes‐López, F., ... & Amaro, C. (2019). Adaptation to host in Vibrio vulnificus, a zoonotic pathogen that causes septicemia in fish and humans.Environmental microbiology,21(8), 3118-3139.

Jiang, F., Yang, N., Huang, H., Feng, H., Li, Y., & Han, B. (2020). recovery of Vibrio vulnificus from head ulceration in seahorse (Hippocampus kuda).Aquaculture International,28(2), 653-660.

Lamon, S., Consolati, S. G., Fois, F., Cambula, M. G., Pes, M., Porcheddu, G., ... & Meloni, D. (2019). Occurrence, seasonal distribution, and molecular characterization of Vibrio vulnificus, Vibrio cholerae, and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in shellfish (Mytilus galloprovincialis and Ruditapes decussatus) collected in Sardinia (Italy).Journal of food protection,82(11), 1851-1856.

LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2021).Nursing Research E-Book: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Miles, M. V. P., Alexander, K. M., Wright, K. C., Miller, R. P., Lindsey, L. J., Burkett, J. L., & Kahn, S. A. (2020). Vibrio vulnificus Soft Tissue Infections in the Southern Gulf Coast Region.The American Surgeon, 0003134820951500.

Park, S. Y., Chung, M. S., & Ha, S. D. (2018). Combined effect of sodium hypochlorite and gamma-irradiation for the control of Vibrio vulnificus in fresh oyster and clam.LWT,91, 568-572.

Saeed, F., Organti, N., Javed, M. A., & Trottier, S. (2019). Refractory shock and septic arthritis due to vibrio vulnificus. InD48. CRITICAL CARE CASE REPORTS: INFECTION AND SEPSIS II(pp. A6627-A6627). American Thoracic Society.

Suja, G., Sharma, S. R., Sayooj, P., Nair, V. A., Reshma, K. J., Amala, P. V., ... & Sumithra, T. G. (2019). Pathological investigations of Vibrio vulnificus infection in Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) cultured at a floating cage farm of India.

Zhu, P., Cui, Y., Pang, J., Xiong, Z., Huang, Z., Guo, S., ... & Cai, T. (2021). Sensitively and quickly detecting Vibrio vulnificus by real time recombinase polymerase amplification targeted to vvhA gene.Molecular and cellular probes,57, 101726.

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