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Operations Management Facilities

University: Queen Mary University of London

  • Unit No: 16
  • Level: Diploma
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3289
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 21489

Introduction to Operation Management Facilitites

The department of Facility operations aims to provide a high quality of physical environment which allows the core services and functions to flourish. In order to accomplish the same, the professionals need to adapt and develop a diversified support structure and needs to the regular training process. The effectiveness of the management can be enhanced by efficiently combining the available resources that are present to the organisation. This allows the organisation to function in a safer and efficient manner. The current assignment focuses on understanding the operational the responsibilities of the manager handling the facilities. The legal, health, as well as environmental obligations, will also be addressed along with the necessary administrative systems that support the entire process. The evaluation is also necessary to review the quality and effectiveness of the facilities.

Task 1

A. Assessing responsibilities of a facilities manager towards staff

It is important for any organisation to ensure the level of satisfaction among the employees pertaining to the development of skills, motivation needs and commitment. By understanding the effective way to increase interaction of with the customers, an environment encouraging personal development comes into existence which allows the organisations to effectively engage the employees. The main responsibility of a facility manager is to understand and be aware of the various events that happen in the administrative segment of the organisation. The employee demands and wants need to be understood by the manager in order to create a stimulating and challenging environment which encourages the individual employees to assume their roles with much more commitment. This can be achieved by providing a respectful and equal platform to work for the employees and this can be beneficial as the senior management recognises and identifies the appropriate individuals who can become indispensable in the future. According to Galindo and Batta, the facility manager is also responsible for arranging support structures in order to mentor the employees. This enhances the overall performance of the organisation with an equal emphasis on balance between work and personal life.

B. Responsibilities as a facilities manager for operational aspects of the building

Managing facilities is an essential strategic pathway as the operations need to be conducted at a very high level of standard and in order to accommodate the strategic changes that are implemented in the organisation in order meet the demands and needs of the customers. The responsibilities that a facilities manager has is diverse. They are responsible for delivering an effective way to manage the facilities of the organisation' assets and resources. They are also responsible for improving and enhancing the skills of the individuals who work in the facility management sector and this provides the opportunity to identify meaningful career scopes. This allows the organisation to also adopt the new styles of working that are important to provide the much needed revamp of the brand image and identity. The technology driven age demands the organisation to be prepared in order to modernise the existing facilities and this can significantly boost the chances of the integration process. In words of Aflaki et al, these processes are associated with an organisation where they newly merge or are newly acquired. By undertaking the above mentioned responsibilities, the manager can also ensure to deliver continuity in business and also respect the workforce by ensuring their safety and protection in midst of the increasing threats pertaining to security.

C. Assessing responsibilities of a facilities manager towards customers using the facility

There are a variety of responsibilities that a facility manager needs to undertake in order to handle the customers. They are responsible for managing the administrative service by planning to coordinate as well as directing the variety of services that are necessary in order to efficiently function a hospitality organisation. The responsibilities may involve coordinating space to accommodate customers during the peak hours, maintaining and operating the facilities, procurement of newer properties and technologies that are necessary to improve customer satisfaction and in turn boosts the performance of the organisation. This is synonymous with greater revenue generation and profits. The facility manager is also responsible for managing the centralised operations in order to evaluate the quality and effectivity of the process. As observed by Motamedi et al. They are also very much responsible for handling the interdepartmental as well. They are involved in scheduling and distribution processes, data operations, printing to name a few. the managers need to ensure that the organisation functions in an efficient manner and accordingly plan and develop changes that can be achieved in the long run.

D. Discussing the impact on facilities operations of employers

The direct impact of managing the facilities on the employers that are observed is that they become more responsible and can effectively protect the employees and individuals working in the organisation to be free from hazards and save the people from mortal injuries. In words of Drake and Spinler, it is done by identifying the workplace hazards and devising ways to control and mitigate the same. The focus is diverted to personal safety, protective equipment as well as programmes enforcement by selecting and training the appropriate individuals. They are also dictated to review the facility management programmes in order to gauge the efficacy. In order to maintain a safe place of work for the employees, it is necessary for the organisation to take into account the regional and national health and safety regulations pertaining to good business practices. A judicious assessment is required in order to identify the potential hazards and training the employees the means to avoid the same.

Task 2

A. Assessing the UK statutory regulations that affect facilities operations

In order to protect the customers from the foul plays of the organisations, the statutory regulations are put into place. As mentioned by Mathieu et al., the functions of the individual employees are expected to be performed within the set standard levels which allows the organisation to function by conducting competent practices. It is very important to restrict the use of specific project titles for those who are involved in the project. The facility manager is responsible for disseminating the information to the staffs pertaining to issues of definitions, requirements to obtain a permit. They need to enlighten the staff pertaining to the investigative processes which allow the organisation to track violations. The manager is also responsible for providing the appropriate training and mentoring and improving the condition of the organisation's health statistics. The violation reporting procedures also need to be emphasised by the organisation in order apprise the employees of the regarding the emergency contacts, medical contacts, evacuation plans in case of an unwanted incident. They are also responsible for providing necessary training pertaining to facility accommodation which allows the employees to handle the demands of the customers.

B. Discussing the health, safety and environmental measures that must be implemented in facilities operations in the UK

It is crucial for the top level management of the organisation to comprehend the information pertaining to the health and safety measurements that exist within the organisation. The primary concerned management people are the director of the organisation, line and senior managers, health and safety professionals as well as the supervisors as they need the information in order to undertake the appropriate responsibilities in relation to the health and safety management system present in the organisation. The cohesiveness needs to be maintained in order to support the activities that are framed to improve the overall organisation efficiency and effectiveness. A hierarchical set of measures that are interlinked with the organisational structure. Without a doubt, the health and safety are a very big concern for any industry and hence, the employees need to be briefed about the various acts that place the diverse range of responsibilities on the shoulders of the employees. In words of Bhunia et al., the mode of operation tends to change from one company to another and hence, the managers are advised to procure an advice from a department health and safety expert before implementing and rules or regulations.

C. Discussing the documentation required to account for compliance with statutory regulations and health, safety and environmental issues in the UK

A business organisation needs to take the issue of health and safety very seriously as they are taking the responsibility of the health and safety of the employees, involved members, stakeholders, shareholders, customers, guests, clients, guests, visitors, contractors as well as any common member of the society. Since the importance of the undertaking responsibility for health and safety practices is paramount, there is a need to document the entire process that is to be up taken by the administrative board of the organisation. The documentation should contain the clause of a safe and healthy work environment for the employees which enables them to work more efficiently without risking their lives. The duties that are assigned to the individual employees are critical towards the positive perception of the customers and hence, if the duty is too dangerous, appropriate measures need to be undertaken by the management to resolve the issue.

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The documentations should also hold the company liable for the level of training that provided to the employees to operate in a safe method while resolving any issue. According to Piercy and Rich. training is a vital part of the health and safety requirement and hence if the organisation is unable to train their staff in safe methods, complications may arise which may threaten the sustainability of the organisation. It is also very crucial for the organisation to maintain the equipment that is procured by the organisation. The equipment can be either mechanical or electrical in nature and thus, the organisation needs to maintain the same by keeping accordance with the recommendations made by the manufacturers themselves. Individual assessments are also recommended in order to ensure the levels of safety and effectiveness while operating the equipment. The hotel industry employs a large number of staff and thus by documenting the health and safety rules, the organisation can undertake setting up arrangements that will be necessary to deal with the health and safety issues in the operation process. The law dictates that hospitality industries need to have a written policy pertaining to health and safety in order to appraise every one of the responsibilities.

Task 3

A. Developing effective systems for processing information and maintain communications

The information processing system needs to be fair as well as transparent in order to maintain the authentication of the processed information. However, there is a need to provide enough room to accommodate as well as negotiate the roles and responsibilities if the individual employees working in the organisation and this ensures that the most appropriate and suitable individuals are selected. The appointment of the selected job depending on their capabilities needs to come along some form of remuneration which will motivate the employee in question. When the appropriate individuals are chosen by the organisation, the overall performance of the organisation is bound to increase the efficiency of conducting the responsibility improves by leaps and bounds. In words of Farahani et al., the facility managers need to deploy the teaching as well as non-teaching staffs effectively in order to help the individuals to realise their self-potential and constantly supporting them in order to build their individual strengths. When the employees are supported by a well-planned support structure the employees undergo professional development and this, in turn, brings in a tonne of development opportunities for the organisation. The facility manager needs to undertake appropriate procedures and techniques in order to develop an effective communication sharing and processing systems in the organisation. The most common form fo communication system is the use of intranet in order to disseminate the relevant information to each and every individual staff member.

B. Identifying the control systems required for effective facilities operations

The organisation in question has already implemented the computer programmes in order to take care of the facility management. The programme identifies the issues and is designed to help the organisation in the planning, managing and administrative tasks. This requires an extra amount of maintenance and a significant amount of administrative protocols to conduct the assets management process. The maintenance tool that has been identified to be compatible with the current case scenarios is the Computerised Maintained Management System (CMMS). This tools are important to correctly evaluate the effectiveness of the missions undertaken by the organisation and is very crucial for the organisational success.

C. Discussing the systems needed by facilities manager to support effective building management

Either the division manager or the department chair is responsible assigning the qualified facility manager and allocate their area of work in the organisation. The facility managers act as the only point of contact who are responsible for conducting the issues that are non-programmatic in nature and this helps in taking down a variety of issues simultaneously. Issues such as utility shutdowns, construction projects as well as maintenance activities are undertaken by the facility manager. The manager here is responsible for resolving these key issue of customer satisfaction and this is directly responsible for increasing the image and identity of the organisation. The safety and efficiency of the process are successfully managed as the integration and the execution process of managing safety and improving efficiency are successfully accomplished, the maintenance and renovations of the services and products must not harm the organisational mission. It is the responsibility of the facility manager to ensure the Facility Use Agreement (FUA) are maintained by the organisation and are responsible for directing and guiding the organisation in the FUA process. These systems need to be put in place by the facility manager in order to maintain the consistency of the organisation if nothing else and work towards a better organisational structure and culture.

Task 4

A. Establishing appropriate criteria to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of facilities operations

Once the systems of facility management are put in place it is necessary to check the effectiveness of the system and the operation. The information that is relevant to the cause are present in the documents of management and administration, books and journals may be available. However, one must identify the criterions on basis of which the quality and effectiveness of the facilities management systems and operations that are implemented by the organisation. The key criteria are contract management, customer service and relation. Delivery data, procurement data, file management and indexing capacities. The investigator needs to focus on the interpretation skills, invoicing, managing the materials to name a few.

In order to assess quality, it is advisable that the organisation undertakes a quality control assessment to identify the areas that require improvement. This may be conducted in order to review the record keeping, researching and reporting, safety measures, supervisory skills and the existing technical support present to the organisation. The significant elements of the organisation such as affordability, ease of access and technological knowledge need to assessed regularly in order to comply with the industry standards. It is necessary to be flexible about the level of effectiveness of facility management as the human nature is full of vices and they need to considered as the intangible by-product of the content and circumstances. The employees or workers needs to be physically capable as they are assessed and monitored by the customers. Hence in order to practice facility management, the organisation's management need to accept the various underlying negativities of the industry.

B. Evaluating and reviewing procedures to analyse the quality and effectiveness of facilities operations

As a facility manager, the first evaluation needs to be done in order to evaluate the team effectiveness. Working in a team is very necessary when handling the customer demands in such a well-established organisation. If the employees do not act as a team, it becomes difficult to take considerable and appropriate actions while dealing with the customers. The next criteria for evaluating the leadership attributes of the support system as the quality improvement can be brought about by effective mentoring and guidance which allows the employees to understand the various key issues that need to be handled while performing their individual roles and responsibilities. The practicality of evaluation is quite justifiable as the implemented changes in the facility can directly affect the entire operation process of the organisation and thus the organisation in question needs to identify the influences that have been brought about by the changes. The criterions that are already established helps the organisation to directly focus on the issues and prioritise the same on the basis of their severity.

The evaluation also highlights the areas wherein the organisation is to the mark and while this is a good news, the organisations need to constantly upgrade their facilities in order to accommodate the future changes. The organisational culture cannot be subjected to be evaluated as tie the practicality of facility management does not exist for such a criterion. The efficiency and effectiveness of the team are due to the relevance and the ability to implement a support structure. The implementation and development of the support structure are directly dependent on the complex dynamics of the individual members of the organisation as well the complexity of the operations that are performed by these individuals. It is necessary to regularly conduct the review and monitoring process as the external as well as internal forces present in the market can expose the organisation to situations which need to be accommodated using the existing facilities that are available to the organisation.


The current assignment is a tome of knowledge when it comes to understanding the various aspects of facilities operations and management. The current assignment was helpful as it helped in identifying the roles of the manager with respect to the variety of shareholders such as the employees, management, government as well as the customers. The need of implementing an organisational policy pertaining to health and safety has also been discussed briefly which indicates the level of importance for maintaining the health and safety conditions in an organisation. The organisation cannot function without a set of guidelines and support systems. The assignment highlights how systems and policies can be utilised in order to improve the overall customer satisfaction levels and thus allows the organisation to perform better and generate a considerable amount of revenue. The review and monitoring protocols have also been highlighted which allows the organisation to gauge the quality and effectiveness of the implemented facility operations.


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  • Baines, T. and W. Lightfoot, H., (2013). Servitization of the manufacturing firm: Exploring the operations practices and technologies that deliver advanced services. International Journal of Operations & Production Management.
  • Bhunia, A.K., Mahato, S.K., Shaikh, A.A. and Jaggi, C.K., (2014). A deteriorating inventory model with displayed stock-level-dependent demand and partially backlogged shortages with all unit discount facilities via particle swarm optimisation. International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics.
  • Ding, Y.M., Hong, S.H. and Li, X.H., (2014). A demand response energy management scheme for industrial facilities in smart grid. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
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