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Unit 4 Quality Management BTEC HNC/D Level 4

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Managing quality is essential in any care setting organization so as to enhance customer experience and satisfaction. The quality could be managed by providing necessary services in the best possible manner. Working as a team enhances the quality of a concern especially a health care organization. Health care organizations should focus on improving the quality of services to patients within reasonable time and price.

The care setting refers to any hospital or nursing homes providing health and care facilities to people. The CARE HOME is managed by Healthcare Management Solutions which is one of the most renowned care providers of UK. It helps people to have a comfortable lifestyle with the help of a skilled care team providing care facilities. It is an elderly care group which focuses on the quality services across England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

LO 1

The need of quality management at CARE HOME setting for enhancing service user experience

Healthcare is in the midst of a variety of transformations. New technologies are being introduced that change the way care is provided and managed as well as manner in which care providers are educated and trained (Sahel and, 2015). CARE HOME has an extensive range of care setting homes with qualified workers and teams providing extensive services to enhance their customer’s lifestyle and thereby, making them feel like their own homes (O’Hanlo nand, 2017). The quality and standard services provided at CARE HOME substantiates the improvement in health and social care of people (Blake, Sparrow and Field, 2015). The various services though provided to people help them to raise their standard of living and seek assistance for the same. The quality standard was adopted in March 2006 by CARE HOME (Hu, 2014). The need for health care and social services is important as they are getting complex. The CARE HOME has a team of skilled workers who focuses on effective leadership, delivering safe and secured care, flexible services as well as improved quality of work through use of innovative technology (Janamian, Jackson and Dunbar, 2014). The various needs and requirements of CARE HOME for providing quality services to its customers incorporate:

  • Qualified and skilled employment of workers and staff so as to render safe and effective services (Barber and, 2011).
  • Quick and easy availability of medicines need to be incorporated in order to provide the fast services.
  • Total area is required so as to provide health care facilities to different persons including bed and bath room facilities (Janamian, Jackson and Dunbar, 2014).
  • The qualified staff availability for rendering 24 hour services in shifts so as to enhance customer satisfaction at CARE HOME.

In order to enhance the service user experience at CARE HOME, workers need to engage themselves in production of quality services and its management effectively. Different needs should be incorporated properly so as to achieve the best possible outcomes in form of building reputation as a health care institute and earn profit for making various necessary changes (Barber and, 2011). The CARE HOME has a focused working environment which influences their staff and employees to perform their duties and responsibilities towards patients in a critical manner. All these skilled performances make it a valuable organization after NHS. The care setting is equipped with modern facilities and equipment to ease services being rendered to patients (O’Hanlo nand, 2017).

The continuous improvement of quality is the major need of CARE HOME so as to enhance its image and develop a system which focuses on improving the future services. The role of manager at the care setting is to ensure quality services through proper training and its implementation in a correct manner (Thorogood and Coombes, 2010). The retraining facility is also provided to staff and other workers as there is no provision of mistakes to be cured again. The care needs to incorporate various safety equipment for patients in order to safeguard them. Every bed needs to have side rails so as to protect patients from falling off (O’Hanlo nand, 2017).

The care setting provided at CARE HOME should be in a way serving best possible outcomes to patients thereby curing their diseases and providing proper assistance to enhance their living standard (Barber and, 2011). The workers engaged in providing such quality services are regularly trained and retrained so as to keep up to date with the health care changes. The various health care facilities at CARE HOME makes people independent thereby assisting them to do so by the staff at health care unit. Healthcare organizations are required to focus on total quality improvement and providing acceptable and quality health services to patients at affordable prices.

The CARE HOME has provision for various quality services to their patients by talented and skilled workers which are:

  • Safeguarding of clients and their health and safety (Hu, 2014),
  • Providing health services at reasonable prices as a factor of social justice,
  • Promoting dignity by treating every patient equally,
  • Performing duties and responsibilities under ethical standards (Blake, Sparrow and Field, 2015).
  • Safeguarding culture and moral values of individuals,
  • Provision of exclusive treatment to an individual' health,
  • Safeguarding interest of every patient and their personal information.

A well implemented and planned organization fulfils the needs of both; workers and patients by creating a healthy relationship in between them which improves quality working conditions and effective management of CARE HOME (Thorogood and Coombes, 2010).

LO 2

The performance of teams at CARE HOME

Team at CARE HOME was incorporated with the motive of becoming a leading aid provider after NHS (Barber and, 2011). Every worker or employee has an effective role to play in order to improve his services and performance overall. The team at CARE HOME encourages and promotes high quality of life for everyone by providing high standard nursing care O’Hanlo nand, 2017). All the team members are responsible for rendering proper training facilities and personal development programs so that they can contribute to the health care setting effectively. Team responsible for performing extensively is rewarded and recognized by the management at CARE HOME bringing in a positive work culture for all. Performance appraisal is done irrespective of any bias done by the managers at CARE HOME (Rawlins, 2015).

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The workers at CARE HOME needs to exercise various characteristics such as empathy towards patients, understanding their points and safeguarding their confidential information in order to render quality treatment. The performance of employees is continuously monitored and effective training as well as retraining programs are rendered in order to enhance their knowledge and learning outcomes. The factors responsible for improving team performance are:

  • The team at CARE HOME should focus on good communication skills with both; patients and management (Thorogood and Coombes, 2010).
  • Should practice good attitude towards elderly persons as the care setting is working towards providing them a better life.
  • The team should enhance their performance by taking various trainings required to help and assist customers.
  • They are required to safeguard the interest of their patients by maintaining confidentiality of their personal information (Barber and, 2011).
  • To undertake all other such duties that may be required time to time to ensure smooth running of home and the well-being of residents.

Teamwork training constitutes one of the core approaches for moving healthcare systems towards increased level of quality and safety (Hu, 2014). Team measurement and performance play an integral part in any health care setting such as CARE HOME. Team performance needs to be evaluated from time to time in order to enhance learning and knowledge by a systematic development (Rawlins, 2015). At CARE HOME, the workers are engaged in performing tasks together in a group as it enhances their quality of work as well as reduces chances of deviations as health of their patients is an important aspect. Evaluation of team performance helps to provide information about what outcomes the team achieved as well as how they reached to those outcomes. Team performance is a critical measure undertaken by the management at CARE HOME so as to enhance quality standard of employees as well as of their patients (Janamian, Jackson and Dunbar, 2014). The evaluation of team work is done by a panel of management team which then provides training to employees so as to increase their knowledge base.

Effective way of measuring team performance is motivating the employees by various incentive plans and rewards which they will gain after attaining standards set by others (Blake, Sparrow and Field, 2015). The health care provided to employees accomplishes tasks in teams are usually known for improving the quality of services. It is generally known as the best and cost effective task as it is achieved in form of rendering services to clients and patients by health care professionals working as a team together (Thorogood and Coombes, 2010). This helps them in enhancing their learning outcomes together through the use of innovative techniques to ensure progress.

The team at CARE HOME has been performing tasks together since its inception as each and every employee learns from others and thereby enhancing cordial relationship amongst them. The measurement of team performance is done effectively by the management at the care setting so that every worker will be rewarded apparently (Sahel and, 2015). This boosts their morale to work progressively in order to make the health care concern a productive unit.


Evaluating the management of Continuous Quality Improvement.

Continuous improvement of Quality is an essential task undertaken by the management team at the CARE HOME healthcare setting which looks after the health and welfare of elders thereby maintaining quality (Hibbard and, 2017). Continuous quality management refers to building such processes and systems which focuses on customers and employees in an equal manner thereby fulfilling their essential needs and protecting their health and safety. The Quality at CARE HOME is defines as meeting or exceeding the services provided to patients thereby successfully satisfying their needs (Song, Guo and Gong, 2017).

It has been seen at the various operations performed at CARE HOME care setting that the problems are in processes and systems and not in people and thus incorporating CQI has improved these systems. The CQI focuses on improvement in quality through small and micro changes which everyone should seek while rendering health services (Wager, Lee and Glaser, 2017).

Continuous improvement is most effective when it becomes a natural part of the way everyday work is done. It has been observed that teams are good at bringing changes correctly thereby enhancing improvement of quality. The teams need to define their motives and aims and should understand the various needs of people so as to render quality services to them. Every person responsible for care setting should measure and identify their individual success as well as overall team prosperity points and then bring necessary changes for quality improvement. At CARE HOME care setting every member is responsible for planning, collecting and using necessary data so as to perform better and make effective decisions incorporating scientific, method to test and refine those changes (Wager, Lee and Glaser, 2017).

CQI Tools and Methods:

Fishbone Diagram -

The Fishbone diagram refers with two different names as well such as the Ishikawa and cause and effect diagram identifies potential causes of a problem and find results to solve it. For continuous quality improvement various tools have been designed which helps in resolving problems and assist in making effective and efficient decisions for the care setting (Barber and, 2011). At CARE HOME the cause and effect CQI tool is used by teams and management in order to rectify problems and bring in better solutions. This tool cures various problems unlike other which just find the symptoms and not results.

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The Cause and effect process adopted at CARE HOME for improving quality management undergoes various steps (O’Hanlon and, 2017). These are usually undertaken by the team members and

Identifying the problem - The CQI team is responsible for finding out various problems and areas which needs to be improved in the CARE HOME care setting. The use of fishbone or cause and effect diagram helps to resolve these steps in a corrective manner (Barber and, 2011). The effect refers to the area which needs to be improved by the team responsible for managing quality and the causes are all the potential problems that impact the affected area.

Categorizing it in various steps - The CQI team needs to undergo a brainstorming process to evaluate the possible causes and listing it in priority basis. The CARE HOME health care setting in order to improve quality divided the areas into Machines, Environment, Materials, Methods and Man (Wager, Lee and Glaser, 2017). These areas are then subdivided outlining the various causes and its prioritized improvement so as to enhance satisfaction of their customers as well as employees.

Visualizing the factors - Every factor so identified needs to be analysed critically by the CQI team and various charts and diagrams could be used for the same (Song, Guo and Gong, 2017). A critical evaluation is necessary so as to plan a better result for the issue as health care is a crucial task and must be performed under standards (Ginter, 2018). As CARE HOME care setting undertakes health care of elder people it needs to emphasize on this step for quality improvement.

Collect and Analyse the data - This step includes collecting various attributes of the causes which needs to be improved at the care setting. After collection a critical analysis of these factors needs to be undertaken by the CQI team so as to bring necessary changes and setup a quality program for customers and employees at CARE HOME (Hibbard and, 2017). It involves asking questions and noting the outcomes so as top design programs for training and evaluation of internal people and examining of external customers.

Identify and eliminate root cause - At this stage of the cause and effect diagram the CQI team members develops an action plan taking the root causes which needs to be improved (Barber and, 2011). As depicted in the above diagram, the team members at CARE HOME are concentrating on implementing a quality health care delivery program to customers. It takes a note of various medical services, lack of inventories, hand-written prescriptions, physician’s availability, unnecessary treatments etc.

Implement and Monitor the solution - Lastly the CQI team needs to implement a quality program at the CARE HOME care setting. Here the various Effects identified needs to be converted into the possible outcomes so as to enhance quality of health care. Each cause needs to be implemented in a correct manner and its monitoring should be done so as to stop its occurrence again (Wager, Lee and Glaser, 2017).


Motivation Theories to enhance Quality Improvement at CARE HOME.

The Maslow's motivation theory is an important model adopted at health care setting for improving quality standards. The Maslow's hierarchy of Needs model helps in motivating employees in a health care department to adopt to changes in the environment so as to render quality services to its patients (Ginter, 2018). Changes are a part of health care setting and with time it will increase and thus various trainings and development programs should be encompassing to encourage employees to perform their duties vitally.

The Maslow's theory of motivation has five steps with identify the various desires of employees which motivates them to perform in a predefined direction (Hibbard and, 2017). The first step is to understand the physiological needs of employees at the health care department of CARE HOME which is the basic needs of a person. Another is the safety and security needs of employees which needs to take care by the management at the CARE HOME by providing its employees a peaceful and safe working environment (Barber and, 2011). The third step as designed by Maslow is the needs for social belongingness towards family, friends or colleagues. This is a vital need which should be look into by the management at the health care organization as it helps in connecting employees to their work thereby maintaining good relationship with each other and motivates then to perform better (O’Hanlo nand, 2017). The psychological needs of employees also include the need of recognition and self-esteem which needs to be fulfilled to work freely and according to standards. The feeling of prestige motivates health care employees to render quality health services to patients. Lastly the most top needs in the hierarchy depicts the self-actualization needs which gives ultimate satisfaction in the working environment.

The Maslow needs of motivation has helped employees in the health care department to enhance their working quality thereby maintaining and improving the overall quality of the heath care setting (Ginter, 2018). The health care institutions are engaged in improving quality and safety of patients. The health service providers are taking keen interest in patient care and comfort and developing various programs to intensify the level of comfort (Hibbard and, 2017). The health care in today's era has undertaken motivation theories and principles to motivate and develop employees in order to render best services and essential help to users seeking health care services.


The essay incorporates the importance of quality in a care setting such as CARE HOME which provides services of health care to elder people. Quality is an essential element in a health care institution and its management needs to be evaluated on daily basis. The essay undertakes the various responsibilities of teams in rendering quality services to people thereby safeguarding their interest. The continuous quality improvement is vital for CARE HOME in order to enhance its reputation amongst the various care setting and thus needs to evaluate quality measures with help from the quality team. The CARE HOME has undertaken programs for motivating employees and helping customers in the best possible manner.


  • Barber, R. and, 2011. Evaluating the impact of service user involvement on research: a prospective case study. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 35 (6). pp. 609-615.
  • Blake, A., Sparrow, N. and Field, S. 2015. Care Quality Commission. Innovative: Education and inspiration for general practice.
  • Ginter, P. M., 2018. The strategic management of health care organizations. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Hibbard, J. H. and, 2017. Improving population health management strategies: identifying patients who are more likely to be users of avoidable costly care and those more likely to develop a new chronic disease. Health services research. 52(4). pp.1297-1309.
  • Hu, M. 2014. The impact of an integrated care service on service users: the service users’ perspective. Journal of Health Organization and Management. 28(4). pp. 495-510.
  • Janamian, T., Jackson, C. L. and Dunbar, J. A. 2014. Co-creating value in research: stakeholders' perspectives. The Medical journal of Australia. 201(3). pp. S44-46.
  • O’Hanlon, C. and, 2017. Comparing VA and non-VA quality of care: a systematic review. Journal of general internal medicine. 32(1). pp.105-121.
  • Rawlins, M. D. 2015. National Institute for Clinical Excellence: NICE works. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 108(6). pp. 211.
  • Sahel, A. and, 2015. Implementing a nationwide quality improvement approach in health services. Leadership in Health Services. 28(1). pp. 24-34.
  • Song, Y., Guo, M. and Gong, X., 2017. Effect of ASD flame retardant on fire-retardant efficiency of larch wood. Journal of Forestry Engineering. 2(4). pp.51-56.
  • Thorogood, M. and Coombes, Y. 2010. Evaluating health promotion: practice and methods. 3rd Ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford. New York.
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