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Cultural Preservation and Sustainable Tourism Development

University: Oxford University

  • Unit No: 7
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 11 / Words 2734
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: n/a
  • Downloads: 453
Question :
  • In what ways can tourism negatively impact local traditions and cultures?
  • How does globalization and mass tourism contribute to cultural homogenization?
  • What are the benefits of involving local communities in tourism management and planning?
Answer :


Cultural preservation can be defined to the Safeguarding and Protection of cultural traditions, artefacts, practices and heritage to maintain their integrity and significance for the upcoming generations. It includes different strategies such as restoration, Conservation, Documentation and promotion of the diversity of Culture (Bleibleh and Awad, 2020). The main aim of cultural preservation is to Protect Values, Knowledge and identities embedded in various cultures, by preventing their loss due to urbanization, Conflicts and globalization. By respecting and recognizing cultural heritage importance, Societies can develop appreciation, Continuity and understanding of their legacy of culture, Contributing to identity formation, Sustainable development and social cohesion on a global as well as national scale. Sustainable tourism development on the destinations of tourists includes managing activities of tourism to deduct the negative impacts on the society, Culture Add environment while increasing the benefits of economies for the local communities. Is it mainly focus on protecting cultural heritage, promoting responsible practices of tourism and preserving the natural resources. Sustainable tourism aims to balance the tourist needs with the long-term host communities' interests, Ensuring the biodiversity conservation, Enhancing the experience of visitors and supporting the local livelihoods without compromising in the integrity of the main destinations for the upcoming generations. Sustainable tourism development and cultural preservation on the destinations of tourists has numerous benefits like they promote the growth of economy by developing jobs, Supporting the local businesses and attracting more tourists (Sharif and et.al, 2021). Additionally, they also conserve the cultural heritage, Safeguarding traditions and identities. Environmentally, they remove the negative impacts and ecosystems and the natural resources. Socially they develop Community Pride and understanding of cross culture. Together they contribute to the complete host community's wellbeing, Enhancing the life quality and ensuring tourist destinations longevity. This report aims to analyze sustainable tourism development and cultural preservation in context with the tourist destinations.
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First course section

Impact of tourism on local traditions and cultures

Tourism has a big impact on local traditions and culture across the world, often reshaping them in both negative as well as positive ways. One example is observed in Bali Indonesia where the tourist's influx has led to the commercialization of traditional crafts and arts. While tourism has given opportunities of economy for artisans in Bali, it has also commodified their heritage of culture by altering the crafts authenticity. Similarly in parts of Srikar likes Tanzania and Kenya, Tourism has influenced the Samburu cultures and indigenous Massai (Ma and et.al, 2021). These communities have adapted direct to their expectations of tourists by reflecting their traditional attire, Lifestyles and dances. While this has developed Source of income for the local communities, it has also led to the authentic practices dilution as they cater to the preferences of the tourist. Overall while tourism can provide global exposure and economic opportunities for the local culture, it also presents difficulties such as commodification of culture, tradition erosion and Nicole Lepid distribution. To reduce these negative impacts, practices of sustainable tourism that can prioritize the preservation of culture, more involvement of communities and equal sharing benefit which is important. By developing a balance between cultural preservation and tourism development, Destination can outline the positive tourism aspects while safeguarding their unique heritage of culture for the future for the upcoming generations (Ruhanen and Whitford, 2021).

Provides both positive as well as negative influence on cultural practices, Heritage and identity across the globe. Visiting Tourists often get engaged in activities of culture such as attending performance of tradition or participating in the local festival, Developing understanding and appreciation of practices of diverse cultural. Moreover, Tourism can serve as for helping add for the cultural heritage sites and tradition preservation as communities recognize their value of economy and take necessary steps in order to conserve them. However, Tourism can also have detrimental effects on cultural identities and practices (Tang and et.al, 2020). The modification and commercialization of elements of culture may lead to the oversimplification and distortion of traditions to meet the expectations of tourists, By the authenticity dilution. Additionally, the poorest influx can contribute to local cultures erosion as communities may make prioritize catering to the demands of tourists over preserving their unique identity of Culture. This phenomenon is often observed in the homogenization of destinations of tourists where commercialization leads to the loss of distinct features of Culture. Moreover, Unequal dynamic power in tourism can boost issues of cultural exploitation and appropriation. Local communities May face difficulty to commodify their profit by culture, along with benefiting little from the tourism generated economic gains.

In the UK, the tourism impact on local traditions and culture is evident in many destinations like Scotland and Edinburgh. The annual festival Fringe Edinburgh attracts millions of tourists by showcasing their diverse performances of culture along with challenging notions of art of their traditions. Likewise, Businesses like the global theatre in London provides immersive experiences of Shakespearean, which includes Combining history with entertainment (Shen and Chou, 2022). However, the boost of businesses of tourist centric in Old Towns like Bath raises problems about preserving the authenticity of the destination. These examples highlight the balance between safeguarding the integrity and promoting tourism of local traditions and cultures. Get free assignment examples at Instant assignment for your academic needs.

Second core section

Contribution of tourism for Cultural homogenization vs cultural preservation

Tourism holds the potential to both reserve and threaten the indigenous cultures depending on how it is managed across social, Environmental, Cultural and economic dimensions. Economically, Tourism can inject important revenue into communities of Indigenous providing different employment opportunities, Islamic development and entrepreneurship. For instance, Ecotourism who owned indigenous ventures in localities like the Amazon rainforest offers sustainable livelihoods along with protecting traditional practices and lands. Socially, Tourism camp solicited understanding and cultural exchange between the indigenous visitors and people, Developing mutual appreciation and respect (Su, 2020). Programmes of homes stay, Guided tours and cultural performances led by different indigenous guides provides premium experiences that promote cross cultural awareness and dialogue. Culturally, Women can offer a stage for indigenous communities to preserve and share their heritage. Artisan markets, Heritage sites and cultural festivals helps the indigenous people to show their languages, craftmanship and traditions developing a sense of identity and pride. However, there is high risk of commodifying the culture for consumption of tourists, Resulting to the distortion or dilution of indigenous practices. Environmentally, Tourism can have many effects on indigenous ecosystems and lands if not managed properly. Extra development, Destruction of Habitat and pollution threaten the balance of traditional livelihoods and indigenous environments. So, practices of sustainable resilience such as low impact accommodations, Community led conservation initiatives and wildlife viewing are important for saving the indigenous biodiversity and lands. In short, while tourism can serve as an important tool for preserving the indigenous cultures, its Sustainability depends more on a balanced approach that privatizes social wellbeing, Environmental stewardship, Cultural integrity and economic Empowerment of the indigenous communities. By incorporating the perspectives of indigenous, implementing practices of sustainable tourism and developing respectful partnerships, Tourism can contribute effectively to the celebration and preservation of indigenous cultures for the upcoming generations. Are you looking for PHD dissertation Help in Uk . we provide best wrting services from experts writers.

Globalization ends mass tourism pose Significant risks of homogenization of culture, Threatening the authenticity and diversity of local culture globally. Firstly, Mars tourism aims to prioritize the experiences which are standardized that cater to the global audience's preferences, leading to Profile of generic restaurants, Attractions and hotels. These Modification of the culture can erupt traditional identities and practices as communities adapt to meet the tourist demands rather than unique heritage preservation (Jia and et.al, 2021). Secondly, globalization accelerates the western values spread and culture of customer by influencing local tastes, Influences, preferences and lifestyles. This dominance of Corporations of multinational and the worldwide brands can give margin on A traditional artisans and indigenous businesses, further homogenizing cultural economies and expressions. Furthermore, the tourist influx and investment of foreign can result in displacement and gentrification of local residents as rising prices of properties and transform Pause commercialization once authentic neighborhoods into enclaves Off tourists. This loss of cohesion of community and identity of social exaggerates the process of homogenization of Culture. Additionally, The Profile of social media and digital technologies amplifies the spread of narratives of dominant culture, Global preferences and perceptions. As a result, the local cultures experiences risk by a western centric worldview, Diminishing the human diversity richness and homogenized. Overall, the cultural homogeneous risks are connected with mass globalization and tourism highlights the importance of promoting Responsible as well as sustainable tourism practices that celebrate and respect the local cultures diversity. By prioritizing engagement, Policymakers, Travelers, Economic development and engagement of community can reduce the cultural homogenization negative impacts and develop a more vibrant and inclusive landscape of global culture. Tourism has positively contributed to preservation of culture through many initiatives like the National Trust which conserves landscapes and historic sites (Eichler, 2021). Conversely, London says risks of homogenization of culture due to the prolife of chains of globally and Heritage Commercialization like the convent garden. When initiatives like UNESCO world. The sides of heritage protect the cultural heritage and the tourism industry of UK Must direct the balance between preserving the authenticity and economic growth of local cultures to avoid the usage of homogenization.

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Third core section

Strategies for enhancing and respecting local cultural heritage

The stakeholders of Tourism can implement Different strategies to confirm the enhancement and respect for treatment of local heritage culture. Govts can enforce limit to regulations over development, promote practices of sustainable tourism and provide extra incentives for businesses to help efforts of cultural preservations. Amenities can actively participate in Process of the decision making, Sanjay Jon Cultural Reservation and education programmers and advocate for their rights of culture. The operators of tour can provide tours Move to tours which offer culturally Sensitive led by local guides in the locality to promote responsible practices of tourism and support Tourism based on community initiatives that help local economies. The collaborative effort such as cultural plans of Heritage Management including all stakeholders can help strike a good balance between cultural Preservation and tourism development. Ultimately developing mutual respect, appreciation and understanding between local communities and tourists is important for enhancing and preserving cultural heritage for the upcoming generations (Trunfio and et.al, 2022).

The involvement of local community is important in management and planning of tourism to ensure that the development alliance with their cultural needs and values. The sentences of such global tourism should prioritize the wellbeing of community, Empowerment of economy and conservation of environment. The search level education for tourist is important to promote understanding, appreciation and respect for local customs and traditions. The initiatives of tourists should incorporate local perspectives offer authentic support and experiences by initiatives led by communities (Fadli and et.al, 2022). Legal framework of robust is major protect the cultural heritage from ensure an exploitation that the activities of tourism are conducted properly. This framework should involve laws for preservation of heritage, Requirements of licensing and penalties for cultural damage on appropriation. By including local communities in processes of decision making, implementing practices of sustainability, Tourist education and applying legal protections, the stakeholders can develop industry of tourism that enhances and respects the cultural heritage along with benefiting both the host communities and the visitors.

Recommendations for development of sustainable tourism involve engagement of stakeholder, Destination management planning and capacity building. Scholarly literature gave more emphasis on the importance of including local communities in process of decision making took ensured their economic benefits and cultural preservation. The best practices advocate for executing measures of environmental conservation, promoting responsible behavior of tourist and developing partnerships between businesses, Communities and governments. By combining these suggestions, Destination scan grab development of sustainable tourism that boost socio cultural benefits while deducting negative impacts of environment (Piaia and et.al,2021).


From the above reported it can be concluded that sustainable tourism and cultural preservation is important in maintaining the local heritage and culture of the tourist destination. This report also contains the discussion of Impact of tourism on local tradition and culture, Contribution of tourism to cultural homogenization vs cultural preservation and lastly evaluation of the strategies for enhancing and respecting local cultural heritage and Anticipate aids future development along with some recommendations supported by best practices and scholarly literature in development of sustainable tourism.

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Books and Journals

  • Bleibleh, S. and Awad, J., 2020. Preserving cultural heritage: Shifting paradigms in the face of war, occupation, and identity. Journal of Cultural Heritage44, pp.196-203.
  • Eichler, J., 2021. Intangible cultural heritage, inequalities and participation: who decides on heritage?. The International Journal of Human Rights25(5), pp.793-814.
  • Fadli, M., Susilo, E., Puspitawati, D., Ridjal, A.M., Maharani, D.P. and Liemanto, A., 2022. Sustainable Tourism as a Development Strategy in Indonesia. Journal of Indonesian Tourism & Development Studies10(1).
  • Jia, Z., Gao, M., Xu, S., Lyu, Y., Feng, J., Zhou, Z., Yu, T. and Wu, W., 2021. Sociocultural vitality versus regulation policy and tourism development in preservation of traditional rural landscape: a case from Guizhou, China. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology28(2), pp.179-192.
  • Ma, X., Wang, R., Dai, M. and Ou, Y., 2021. The influence of culture on the sustainable livelihoods of households in rural tourism destinations. Journal of Sustainable Tourism29(8), pp.1235-1252.
  • Piaia, E., Maietti, F., Di Giulio, R., Schippers-Trifan, O., Van Delft, A., Bruinenberg, S. and Olivadese, R., 2021. BIM-based cultural heritage asset management tool. Innovative solution to orient the preservation and valorization of historic buildings. International Journal of Architectural Heritage15(6), pp.897-920.
  • Ruhanen, L. and Whitford, M., 2021. Cultural heritage and Indigenous tourism. In Indigenous Heritage (pp. 1-13). Routledge.
  • Sharif, A., Ullah, S., Shahbaz, M. and Mahalik, M.K., 2021. Sustainable tourism development and globalization: Recent insights from the United States. Sustainable Development29(5), pp.957-973.
  • Shen, J. and Chou, R.J., 2022. Rural revitalization of Xiamei: The development experiences of integrating tea tourism with ancient village preservation. Journal of Rural Studies90, pp.42-52.
  • Su, J., 2020. Managing intangible cultural heritage in the context of tourism: Chinese officials' perspectives. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change18(2), pp.164-186.
  • Tang, T.W., Zhang, P., Lu, Y., Wang, T.C. and Tsai, C.L., 2020. The effect of tourism core competence on entrepreneurial orientation and service innovation performance in tourism small and medium enterprises. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research25(2), pp.89-100.
  • Trunfio, M., Lucia, M.D., Campana, S. and Magnelli, A., 2022. Innovating the cultural heritage museum service model through virtual reality and augmented reality: The effects on the overall visitor experience and satisfaction. Journal of Heritage Tourism17(1), pp.1-19.
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