- How does the agency use feedback in Case Study 1?
- Why is monitoring important in Case Study 2?
- How does digital technology help in monitoring services in Case Study
Case study 1
Client 1 who is taking service from centre on the regular basis where proper information is shared him for their issue. Before starting the service, it is important to gather socio cultural information that allow to make advise that prefer to make comprehensive and strategic. In this, agency usually provide advise while establishing proper communication and interaction which is required to understanding values and moral of client. As according to their interest and taking social and cultural factor into consideration the communication is continued and then provide proper solution or ways which is suitable to eradicate the issue (Chaojun Zheng, 2021).
In this, agency also taking proper monitoring and reviewing of service in order to interpret their effectiveness with the mode of digital technology such as calling and asking about service, taking feedback for the improvement and regular update from the client that provide rate and key pointer of effectiveness that taking by client in form of service.Get best assignment help in uk from instant assignment help.
Agency also change the service to enhance the better outcome by following the feedback which is provided by client for the service which is initially provided for the social cultural issue. As per this, the complaint is used to taken seriously and as according to review and suggested change the service are customising that will provide better outcome as compared to previous service that shared with client. Therefore, client satisfaction is also enhanced (Hamedi and et. al., 2021).
Case study 2
Client 2 is facing the issue of discrimination due to their cultural factor. In addition, agency taking the position to handle the situation with the mode of advisory. As per this, the advice is being followed that carries the function of communication and understanding the situation and ensure the client that they never face such thing in future. In addition, before providing the solution or advise to client. The agency tries to get better understanding towards the client need and change the function accordingly that develop wellbeing and resilience for client issue (Lee and et. al., 2019).
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In addition, they also make proper monitoring and reviewing of client to measure the effectiveness of the advice with the help of proper feedback that allow agency to change service as need of client that generate wellbeing and resilience. Therefore, the monitoring allow agency to take measurement of effectiveness as per regular basis that provide essence of service to made is more holistic and change accordingly.
In this, the feedback that allow the agency to do modification as per the requirement of client that help to established proper aspect which help to improve and make the service better and develop a level of excellence in service. The feedback provided by client is taking into the review form which allow the agency to understand the need and requirement of client and change service that produce wider range of improve outcome that is appropriate for the client. It is useful to generate resilience and reduce cultural as well social issue that face by client. The feedback which is above mentioned in term of establishing equality within centre (Myhre, Malmedal, Saga, Ostaszkiewicz, and Nakrem, 2020). Get more assignment Examples for free at Instant assignment.
Case study 3
Client 3 is also facing issue which is related with stigma within the workplace or centre. In order to regulate the better aspect agency must take consideration for the issue that focus on the condition which help to established a sense of knowledge for the improvement of condition by developing proper analysis of the case. The agency must take interactive approach with client and understand on what level that client feel towards the social or cultural issue which is happen to him. Make proper interaction and communication regarding the issue and ensure that their safety is the primary aspect of centre and the prevention as well necessary step is used to taken in order to reduce complication that arise in centre due to cultural issue that is stigma. In addition, proper communication and interaction is used to taken place which allow user to make the comprehensive stand and share their thought and feeling. The agency focus on the monitoring and take regular review and as per client the change is made. Therefore, the change is requiring to enhance the output for the improvement of issue that is social and cultural issue (Seyman, and Sara, 2022).
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Books and Journals
Chaojun Zheng, M.M., 2021. Comparison of Intraoperative Neuromonitoring Outcome in Treating Thoracic Ossification of the Ligamentum Flavum Through En Bloc Versus Piecemeal Laminectomy.
Hamedi, R., Pourghane, P., Mansour-Ghanaei, R. and Atrkar-Roushan, Z., 2021. Efficacy of knee arthroplasty on the outcomes of knee osteoarthritis in iranian elderly individuals. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 26(3), p.245.
Lee, J.Y., Lee, H., Yoo, H.B., Choi, J.S., Jung, H.Y., Yoon, E.J., Kim, H., Jung, Y.H., Lee, H.Y. and Kim, Y.K., 2019. Efficacy of cilostazol administration in alzheimer's disease patients with white matter lesions: a positron-emission tomography study. Neurotherapeutics, 16(2), pp.394-403.
Myhre, J., Malmedal, W.K., Saga, S., Ostaszkiewicz, J. and Nakrem, S., 2020. Nursing home leaders' perception of factors influencing the reporting of elder abuse and neglect: a qualitative study. Journal of Health Organization and Management.
Seyman, C.C. and Sara, Y., 2022. What do orthopaedic nurses think about frailty? A qualitative analysis. Collegian.