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Performance Management


The proposal is based on the topic of analyzing the impact of work motivation on the performance management practices in outsourcing the print management: A case study on Duchamp retail, United Kingdom.

1.1 Background of the study

Work motivation is being regarded as the process in which employees can be encouraged to achieve the goals and objectives of the enterprise in an effective way. In addition to this, it can also be said that motivation is the way through which enthusiasm can be developed to perform the better work within the organization. The strategic goals and objectives can be achieved by the enterprise if it possesses the team of motivated employees. This is because; it is with the help of such type of employees that the work of organization can be accomplished within the given specified time limit (Pinder, 2014).

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In addition to this, performance management is the type of practices that consists of series of activities which tends to ensure that the goals of the enterprise are being met consistently. Furthermore, performance management is the continuous process in which objectives are set, progress of workers are assessed and feedback are provided to the employees with an aim to ensure that the set objectives is being achieved by the employees within the given specific time. The given technique has the main motive to enhance the performance and effectiveness of the employees who are working within the organization (Kanfer, Chen and Pritchard, 2012).

In this context, it can be said that the work motivation causes significant impact on the performance management practices which are followed within the organization. For example, if the workers working within the organization are highly motivated then in this condition they can easily direct efforts in terms of achieving the goals and objectives of the enterprise which is being set by at the time of performance management process in an appropriate manner. This will help the organization to increase profit and sales.

1.2 Rationale of the study

The main purpose of this study is to identify the impact that outsourcing print management type of practices causes on the performance as well as the motivation of the employees who are working within the organization.

1.3 Research problem

Every organization faces major problem in terms of identifying the ways with the help of which the motivation of the employees working within the enterprise can be enhanced. This is because as for some employees monetary rewards are being considered as crucial aspect that motivates them to perform better within the enterprise. In the similar way, some employees will give preference to the non monetary ways of enhancing the motivation (Erez, Kleinbeck and Thierry, 2012). Due to this aspect, the given problem is being raised in front of the organization, that which of the following means of motivation should be used by corporation for the purpose to set the criteria for the performance management system. This is important because, if the wrong criteria is be used at that time motivating the employees, the performance management practices cannot be enhanced. The given problem is being faced by the selected company named as Duchamp. It is the reason why it has been selected for the given study.

1.4 Research scope

The research is conducted on the topic such as analyzing the impact of work motivation on the performance management practices followed within Duchamp possess huge scope. It has its scope for all those organizations that are associated with the print management type of  practices . This is because, with the help of given study the relationship between work motivation and performance management practices is followed within the printing firm can be understood by the enterprise (Herzberg, Mausner and Snyderman, 2011). In addition to this, the given study possesses huge scope for the researchers as well as scholars. By using the result of given study, the means of conducting future research can be identified by the scholars in an effective manner.

1.5 Research motivation

There are various factors which are identified that motivate scholars' to perform its study on the specific topic in an effective manner. It consists of knowledge and interest of the scholars and the scope of the study etc. The topic selected for the study is related to HR. In this context, it has been seen that all the HR related topics are interesting in nature (Gagne, 2014). These topics possess huge scope. It is because of all identified aspect only the researcher is motivated to carry out the selection of the given research topic in an effective manner.

1.6 Research objective, question and hypothesis

In the present study which is on analyzing the impact of work motivation on the performance management practices in the outsourcing print management activity: a study on Duchamp retail, United Kingdom following research objectives are being framed:

  • To analyze the effect of outsourcing print management type of activities on the performance of retail companies.
  • To evaluate the impact that work motivation has on the performance management practices of Duchamp.
  • To recommend the ways through which performance of employees working in Duchamp can be enhanced.

On the basis of the given research objective following research questions are framed. These are all enumerated as below:

  • What is the effect of outsourcing print management activities on the performance of retail companies?
  • How the performance management practices of Duchamp is influenced through work motivation?
  • What are the ways through which performance of employees working in Duchamp can be enhanced?

On the basis of these identified research question following hypothesis are framed. The explanation regarding the same is depicted as below:

  • The performance of the retail company is influenced through outsourcing print management type of activities.
  • The work motivation has its impact on the performance management practices of Duchamp.


2.1 Meaning of the print management

The concept such as print management can be defined in the several ways. According to the view point of Weekley and Ployhart, 2013 “Print management is the type of practices in which printing environment of the organization is controlled, maintained as well as monitored by the manager of an enterprise” (Weekley and Ployhart, 2013). In addition to this, another Mone and London, 2014 has stated that “print management is the activity in which printing related administrative work is being managed by the manager of organization in an effective way” (Mone and London, 2014). For the organization, it is important with regard to comply with the practice like print management. This is because, it is with the help of such type of activity only the work related to the management of printer on the specific network is being carried out by the organization in an effective way (Yoder-Wise, 2014). The concept relating to the print management has its importance for the companies. This is because, by implementing the such type of activities within enterprise numerous printers can be managed by the manager from one specific computers. However, it has been critically evaluated by the other Berman and, 2012 that “ If enterprise does not indulge itself in print management type of activity at that time it will have to spend its major time on this type of practices” (Berman and, 2012).

2.2 Meaning of outsourcing print management

According to the view point of Harris, 2012 “Outsourcing is the type of arrangement in which one company transfer its services to the other enterprise” (Harris, 2012). In this respect, there are various reasons identified that influence enterprise with regard to comply with the practice like outsourcing in an effective manner. It consists of following such as an aim to get the cost effective services and save the major time of enterprise etc. Further with this, according to the view point of Thornton III and Byham, 2013 “ Outsourcing print management is made from the combination of two different type of words such as outsourcing and print management” (Thornton III and Byham, 2013). In this regard, it can be said that outsourcing print management is the type of activity which is print management related function is being transferred by the organization to some other company. In addition to this, as per the view point of Horne, H. and Pierce, 2013 “in outsourcing print management type of services enterprise seeks to take the professional advises from the organization that are dedicated towards the print management services” (Horne, H. and Pierce, 2013).  Here, the third party which is dedicated towards the print management services analyze the printing process of the organization. After analyzing the same, corporation offers varied type of recommendations as well as suggestions to the corporation. It inclusive of following such as relocating the equipment, performing up gradation in the software as well as hardware of the organization and carrying out the addition of an additional employee etc (Fernet, Austin and Vallerand, 2012).

2.3 Meaning and importance of performance management and work motivation

According to the view point of Nie and, 2014 “Performance management is the systematic way in which performance as being carried out by the employees during the specific period is being analyzed by the manager of enterprise” (Nie and, 2014). In addition to this, another Park and Rainey, 2012 has stated that “Performance management consist of the series of steps with the help of which training and development related need of the employees can be identified by the manager of the enterprise in an effective way” (Park and Rainey, 2012). Further, with this another Björklund, Jensen and Lohela-Karlsson, 2013 has stated that “Performance management of the organization consists of three different type of steps such as analyzing the performance of workers working within the organization, monitoring it and giving the reviews about the performance” (Björklund, Jensen and Lohela-Karlsson, 2013). For any firm, weather it is of retail or manufacturing performance management system has its importance. This is because, it is with the help of given system only flaw that is being occurring in the performance of employees working within the organization can be assessed in an effective manner. By assessing the flaw varied measures with regard to the same can be taken by the manager of enterprise. This will lead to the firm like Duchamp in terms of increased profits and sales (Yeh-Yun Lin and Liu, 2012).

Beside this, as per the view point of Chafetz, Prentkowski and Rao, 2014 “ Work motivation is the way through which enthusiasm of the employees working within the organization can be enhanced by the manager in an effective manner” (Chafetz, Prentkowski and Rao, 2014). In addition to this, according to the view point of another Toode, Routasalo and Suominen, 2011 “ Motivation is being regarded as the type of aspect that depict about the behavior as  being carried out by the employees working within the organization” (Toode, Routasalo and Suominen, 2011). For the organization like Duchamp it is very important with regard to enhance the motivation of the employees. This is because, it is with the help of motivated team only the assessed goals as well as objectives can be met by enterprise within the given specified time limit. Further, with this by raising the motivation of employees improvement in the sales and profitability related condition can be carried out. This is usually hinders when workers does not put their 100% efforts towards the work which is being assigned to them. In addition to this, it can also be said that with the help of motivated employees an effective presence in the competitive business environment can be marked by corporation (Kallio and Kallio, 2014).

2.4 Theories on motivation

There are various theories on motivation identified that can be used by the manager of Ducahmp with an aim to enhance the performance of its employees in an effective manner. The description regarding all the identified theories is depicted as below:

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Maslow need hierarchy theory

The theory was founded in the year 1943 by Abraham Maslow. Here the author of the theory states that the workers feel satisfied when their needs is being fulfilled by the manager of an enterprise. In this context, the theory has identified different type of needs of employees. The given needs are being depicted by the enterprise in the form of pyramid. The pyramid of the Maslow need hierarchy theory depict about the following needs such as physiological, safety, social, self esteem and self actualization needs (Gastañaduy, Herrera and Lens, 2014). By locating the employees working within the Duchamp within the given needs the motivation of the workers can be enhanced by corporation in an effective way. For example, if by performing the analysis of enterprise it has been identified by the manager that its employees feel more motivated towards their work if their social related needs is being fulfilled by it. The given need of the workers can be fulfilled by the manager of Duchamp by forming the small teams within the enterprise. By complying with all such type of activity motivation of the workers can be enhanced as the result of it they will tend to direct their efforts in terms of delivering their best performance to the corporation in an effective way.

Hezberg two factor theory

It is being regarded as another theory of raising the motivation as well as the performance of workers working within Duchamp. The theory was founded by the psychologist named as Fredrick Hezberg. The theory is being depict about the two important type of factors such as hygiene and motivational factors. These factors causes satisfaction and dissatisfaction among customers (Ayub and Rafif, 2011). In this respect, there are various motivational factors identified. It consists of recognition, personal growth and achievement etc. In the similar way, the hygiene factors of motivation inclusive of following aspects such as job security, fringe benefit, salary and work condition etc. With the help of all these identified factors the motivation of the workers working within Duchamp can be enhanced in an effective manner. For example, if manager of retail firm has assessed that its employees feel more motivated when an appropriate recognition is being given by the manager of the organization to them. Then in this condition the given approach should be followed by the enterprise (Chafetz, Prentkowsk and Rao, 2011). This can be done by it by giving its employees a letter of recognition. By complying with the all such type of activities the motivation of the workers working within the enterprise can be enhanced. Thus, through this way only the Duchamp will be resulted in the form of increased profits and sales.

Effect of outsourcing print management activity on the performance of retail firm

The outsourcing print management activity causes significant impact on the performance of retail firm. In order to explain the given context various literature are reviewed. However, the reviews of some literature are depicted as below:

According to the view point of Toode, Routasalo and Suominen, 2011 “Improvement in the performance of retail firm is being carried out with the help of print management activity” (Toode, Routasalo and Suominen, 2011). This has been rightly said by the author. This is because, in the given activity the third party of the organization offer varied kind of suggestions regarding the upgradtion of hardware as well as software etc. By following the given approach an effective improvement in the performance of the retail firm can be carried out. This is usually hinders when regular efforts is not being made by corporation with regard to upgrade the hardware as well as software of the enterprise. However, if improvement in the given identified aspect is performed at that time the firm will be benefited in terms of increased profits and sales. In addition to this, as per the view point of Kallio and Kallio, 2014 “Outsourcing print management related activity offer the proactive suggestions regarding the relocation of the specific equipment” (Kallio and Kallio, 2014). The suggestion as being given by the outsourcing print management activity is being proved as very beneficial for the firm. This is because by taking appropriate action regarding the given same the performance of the organization can be improved. Overall, it can be said that the outsourcing print management activity causes significant impact on the performance of retail firm.

Relationship between work motivation and performance management practices of the organization

According to the view point of Gastañaduy, Herrera and Lens, 2014 “There is a direct relationship is being identified between work motivation and the performance management practices of the organization” (Gastañaduy, Herrera and Lens, 2014). This has been rightly said the author. This is because, it has been seen that an effective result from the performance management type of activities can be carried out by the manager of retail enterprise named as Duchamp if its workers are motivated enough. For example, if manager of the retail firm has identified that its employees are not motivated enough then in this condition the goals and objectives cannot not be achieved by corporation which is  being set by them during the performance management process. It is due to the presence of this aspect there is a direct relationship is being identified between the work motivation as well as the performance management practices of an enterprise. In addition to this, another Toode, Routasalo and Suominen, 2011 has stated that “Employees will tend to give their best performance if they are assigned the work of their interest” (Toode, Routasalo and Suominen, 2011). The statement as being given by the author is right. This is because, in this context it has been seen that if employees are given such type of work in which it does not possess the huge interest. Then in this condition their moral as well as motivation will be hampered in a negative way. Due to the presence of this aspect, direct impact can be seen on the performance of it. As the result of it the goals as well as the objectives of firm cannot be met by the manager within the given specified time limit in an effective way. Overall, it can be said that by raising the motivation of employees improvement in the performance of workers can be carried out by the organization such as Duchamp.


Research Philosophy: There are two types of research philosophies which are mainly positivism and interpretivism research philosophies. However, positivism philosophy focuses on the universal phenomenon while on the other hand, interpretivism philosophy varies as per the change in environmental situations (Nakakita, 2013). Furthermore, in the present research, scholar has undertaken positivism approach for carrying out research as it will helps in identifying various aspects of clients and it is also called as science of rule of science.

Research design: In the present report, scholar has adopted descriptive method as a research design. However, it helps the researcher in writing and recording the observations in a effective manner and attain desired results. Thus, it helped in effectively collecting the information and also helped in carrying out proper analysis. It is one of the method that assists in providing detail information considering the current status of the phenomenon used (Vodermaier and Millman, 2011). Moreover, it also involves different types of variables in the study. But apart from this method the technique will not be able to form any kind of implementation and control of treatment unlike in the case of experiment research. However, in the current study the researcher adopts this method so that they are able to explore their content at a greater extent.

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Research approach: There are two types of research approach i.e. inductive and deductive. Thus, in the present report, researcher adopt deductive approach that states that the different theories has been analyzed and then hypothesis has been framed in order to data analysis and then researcher can make his observation about the work motivation on performance management practices (Mengxiang and Xiaomin, 2013).

Research type: However, the study considers both qualitative and quantitative approach in order to carry out the research. Thus, it helps in collecting both subjective and objective information. Also applying both these methods helped the researcher to apply statistical and mathematical tools in an effective manner (Sujaritpong and, 2014).

Research strategies: Thus, in order to develop better formulation of dissertation structure it is essential for scholar to have a clear idea regarding the research strategy that need to be carried out for smooth functioning of the current research. However, it helps investigator in attaining the desired objectives in an effective manner. In order to carry out effective dissertation there are various aspects that researcher is required to look upon for successful accomplishment of dissertation (Mesel, 2013). There are various strategies in general that can be adopted by the researcher like survey, experimental and cross sectional etc. Furthermore, in the particular study, scholar has adopted survey technique for carrying out the study. While, in order to collect the data questionnaire method has been undertaken by the scholar in order to understand the work motivation of employees in business.

Research choice: Questionnaire method has been adopted by the scholar for collecting information from primary sources. However, all the questions based in the questionnaire was based upon the objectives of the study. The researcher undertakes the qualitative analysis that helps in analyzing the different theories and models that have been proposed by various authors. Also, the information has been collected through various journals, books and online articles (Ligęza and Nalepa, 2011).

Data collection and analysis: Questionnaire technique will be adopted by researcher for collecting the data from primary sources. The questions will be comprised of different factors that influences the work motivation on performance management of employees. Apart from this, information has been also collected from various secondary sources like online articles, journals and books. All these sources helps in providing a deep understanding about the subject matter and also considering various past researches of different scholars and researchers.

Questionnaire: In this study, researcher has made use of questionnaire for collecting data from the respondent i.e. employees about the work motivation on performance management (Questionnaire, 2015). Likert scale has been used by the scholar for keeping the questions through questionnaire and also include multiple choice questions. Therefore, in this regard 50 respondent was selected by the researcher. However, researcher provides proper assurance to the employees that they are not going to disclose the information which has been collected by them without any prior permission.

Sampling: Respondents selected for the study will be employees and also sample size selected for the research is 50 who got indulge in work motivation and performance management of employees. Thus, collecting relevant information is useful in providing accurate and significant data  in order to carry out effective decisions (Sampling, 2015).

Data analysis: After collecting the primary data it helps in collecting appropriate information and also conclusions can be drawn effectively. Qualitative and quantitative research techniques have been used in order to analyze the results in an appropriate manner. Thus, data collection helps in analyzing the research and also building strong background of the research (Zatsarinnyi, Buromenskii and Garanin, 2013).


In order to make sure that project have been carried out considering the factors of ethics the following elements have been taken into account. These have been enumerated below:

Confidentiality of information: The information will be gathered through survey will be kept personal. None of the information will be provided to any one else. Thus it is taken care that information is kept confidential.

Correct data and analysis: The collection of data will be collected from authenticated sources. Suitable sources such as primary and secondary data collection will be used to as to ensure accuracy of the data. Thus this will assist in reducing the scope of defects.

Presenting the data: The data presentation will be carried out in an effective manner. This makes sure that fair and ethical practices will be adopted in order to accomplish the research objectives.

The present research on Work Motivation on Performance Management Practices in Outsourcing Print Management will include the various section that are as follows:

Chapter-1: This section will summarize the topic. It includes background history as well as overview of the topic under the study.

Chapter-2: It is related to literature review that includes main theory provided by various authors related to topic. The views and opinions of various authors on motivation will be included in this.

Chapter-3: This section includes methodologies that will be used in carrying out the investigation in an effective manner. Moreover the reason for selection of particular tool will be provided under this.

Chapter-4: It includes data collection and analysis. The findings on the basis of survey will be analyzed in this section in order to generate valid outcome.

Chapter-5: This part includes recommendation and suggestions in order to bring improvement in the variables that are related to motivation or performance management.

Chapter-6: It is the last chapter that concludes all the findings of the investigation.

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  • Berman, E. M. and, (2012). Human resource management in public service: Paradoxes, processes, and problems. Sage.
  • Erez, M., Kleinbeck, U. and Thierry, H. (Eds.). (2012). Work motivation in the context of a globalizing economy. Psychology Press.
  • Gagne, M. (2014). The Oxford handbook of work engagement, motivation, and self-determination theory. Oxford University Press.
  • Harris, M. M. (2012). Handbook of research in international human resource management. Psychology Press.
  • Herzberg, F., Mausner, B. and Snyderman, B. B. (2011). The motivation to work(Vol. 1). Transaction Publishers.
  • Horne, H. and Pierce, A. (2013). A practical guide to staff development and appraisal in schools. Routledge.
  • Kanfer, R., Chen, G. and Pritchard, R. D. (Eds.). (2012). Work motivation: past, present and future. Routledge.
  • Pinder, C. C. (2014). Work motivation in organizational behavior. Psychology Press.
  • Thornton III, G. C. and Byham, W. C. (2013). Assessment centers and managerial performance. Elsevier.
  • Weekley, J. A. and Ployhart, R. E. (Eds.). (2013). Situational judgment tests: Theory, measurement, and application. Psychology Press.
  • Yoder-Wise, P. S. (2014). Leading and managing in nursing. Elsevier Health Sciences.
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