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PM202 Study and Research Skills HRM GSM London

Question :
  • What is corporate social responsibility (CSR) and why is it important for companies like Primark?
  • How can CSR activities positively influence society and a company’s brand image?
Answer :


Corporate social responsibilities need to be accomplished by each company; therefore, they will manage entire business procedure in an effective manner. In this way, they will accomplish task by providing positive influence on society (Adeyeye, 2011). This will cover various things, such as social impact, sustainability, ethics and so on. This project is based on Primark which is clothing and accessories firm and established in United Kingdom. They are having more than 75 outlets across the nation and expanding business as well on continual basis. It is fundamental for them to accomplish CSR activities significantly as this assists them to maintain their brand image in country. Along with, they will be able to gain trust and loyalty of clients. This assists them in improvisation of profits and in addition market share.


In recent times, while accomplishing CSR exercise, there are many kinds of challenges which will be face by an organisation (Bear, Rahman and Post, 2012). It is required for them to resolve them as quick as possible. Thus, they will maintain sustainability in market and along with survive at marketplace for longer period of time. Henceforth, there are various issues which will be confront by an enterprise at the time of fulfilling corporate social responsibilities. These are defined as beneath:

Problem 1: Employment Opportunities

First and foremost difficulty is termed as employment opportunities. This will arise due to Brexit, according to this, UK got exited from European union (Du, Bhattacharya and Sen, 2013). This provides direct affect to the job of people in an indirect manner. Therefore, country has to face issue i.e. lack of job chances. It affects directly to the economical circumstance of nation and their rate of growth get diminished. There are some affiliations who are doing discrimination amongst people, such as race, gender, marital status, pregnancy, religion and so on. This is considered as indirect discrimination at workplace. Along with, individuals of countries are not much skilled or talented; thus, there are no chances for persons to get job over MNC. This will provide impact to profits and success of an enterprise in an adverse manner. There are many DIY companies are operating their business in UK and they are not having proper workforce; hence, they are unable to attain targets and goals within set period of time (Durai Anand Kumar, 2011).

Solution: To overcome from difficulties of employment opportunities, it is required for government of country to provide support to small organisations. This has been analysed that, it assists to cater occupational chances to people. This will assist in growth and enhancement of country. There are many kinds of laws which need to get implement by manager into firm; therefore, they will restrain unnecessary differentiation at premises (Groza, Pronschinske and Walker, 2011). Acts or legislation has formulated by regulatory body of country. In this manner, each type of individual will get job opportunities in a similar manner. Along with, ministry body of country will organise some sessions for people as this will help them to improve their knowledge and skills. They have to develop some awareness regarding DIY firm in place because it assists to reduce wastage and in addition. Additionally, persons will use many things in distinctive manner. For this, some new techniques need to be teach to them; thus, individuals will develop products and services in an innovative way. As a result, persons will obtain employment opportunities and through this, they will be able to maintain their standard of living in an effective and efficient way (Idemudia, 2012).

Problem 2: Overpopulation

Excess of population will cater impact to plans or policies of company as well as government which is associated with corporate social responsibilities. There are many types of problems which will developed due to this, for instance: health, education, social services and so on. Overpopulation will provide negative influence to the well being of individuals (Rim and Song, 2013). Due to this, many kinds of diseases will get raised. Along with, it will increase global warming in country. This will increase wastage and in addition over drafting. People will not able to get better medical facilities due to population flow. The major problem behind this is known as immigration. There are numerous individuals who came from other nations to live in UK due to better economical circumstances and job opportunities. Overpopulation will decrease natural resources of country and in addition persons will affect environment of place in an adverse manner. This will improve cost of standard of living and many persons will not be able to get jobs easily (Sheikh and Beise-Zee, 2011).

Solution: This kind of trouble need to get diminished, otherwise after some time it will create a big problem for nation. To get rid from this, proper education need to be provide to each person who are residing in United Kingdom. Companies or government will organise some programmes which will increase awareness regarding this. Firstly, it is must to develop women empowerment (Steurer, 2014). For this, each woman need to get teach; therefore, birth rate get reduced of country. In addition to this, it is must to promote family planning amongst people because this will help to reduce overpopulation. There are some strategies and policies which will be developed by government of nation. They will provide some money to families limit to two children, if they are living in poverty. This has been analysed that, in China there is a one child policy which is developed by ministry body. This will aid to control population of country in an effective manner. To reduce the issue of immigration, it is required for government of each nation improve economical condition and provide occupation to every individual as per their skills and abilities. Henceforth, this has been understood that, to deplete this sort of issues each person need to be get educated (Adeyeye, 2011). Along with, some policies will be formulated by regulatory body to control population, for instance: concessions, task advantages and many others. This is must to cater sex education to youngsters as they play an important role in success and development of country.

Problem 3: Crime

Crime rate is increasing day by day in today's world because people are not able to fulfil their requirement as well their family member also. Many people go in different countries with motive of finding job and some other but at that time they don't have house to stay, food to each and huge money for survive without job for long duration (Idemudia, 2012). All such activities done by numerous of human being now a day which taken them into jail for long or short time duration it was according to their crime. Although, crime activities must be resolved which can be possible with the help of legislation and police. This issue should be solve in frequent manner because of its increasing rate. Crime are related to cyber, robbery, pocket cutting, murder, kidnapping and many more. There are some organisation which have some social responsibilities towards society. As well solution of these is given below (Rim and Song, 2013).

Solution: This is main problem of society which must be resolve through several activities which is with the help of several organisation who are performing several activities. Such as some culprits are in jail from then their should be some training program must be organise which gives solution to their problem for which they are doing crime (Sheikh and Beise-Zee, 2011). Training and development program is organised by company who is performing cooperate social responsibilities. Along with this, second CSR responsibility which is performed by company is they have to organise such accommodation facility and food facility at reasonable or affordable price so the people who go in other nation for search of job. Easily stay that such place so their will be no increasing crime rate in country (Steurer, 2014).

When people are satisfied with what they have then there is no need of doing wrong things and achieve something in wrong manner. As well there are some activities which take person in right way and help in coming out from the nature of criminal. Government and police also have to help such firm who are performing cooperate social responsibilities. So they can work in better manner and provide better life to numerous people and maintain health environment in nation which is important for surviving in the country (Visser, 2011). Apart from all these several events can be organised for awareness of the society, can distributes pamphlets with motivation quotation written on it, even can appoint experience lecturers who can give motivational speech to peoples which encourage and boost up them for performing such activities which are in the favour of society. All these above mention practices are good for removing crime rate in society which are increasing at intense level. As well there should be some hand of the person themselves to motivate them for doing activity in better manner and avoid wrong practices for fulfilling their needs (Visser, 2011).

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Problem 4: Environment

It is fundamental for each country to maintain environment from any kind of harmful activities. There are numerous type of environmental troubles which are facing by country, this will include pollution, deforestation, extinction of animals, desertification and many others (Bear, Rahman and Post, 2012). This has been examined that there is harmful substance on the water, ground and in addition air; it is developing pollution in nation. Desertification is occurring due to many aspects, such as cutting down of trees, fires, disappearance of forest, pollution and so on. It is analysed that there are many landscapes which are transforming into desert area. Main reason behind this, when soil becomes more dry as well as poor. Fires, excessive development hunting etc. is responsible for extinction of animals. In addition to this, there are distinctive kinds of wastages which will cater affect to water which develop water pollution in country. Instead of this, there are many environmental issues which will comprise air pollution, acid rains, water pollution, greenhouse effects and many others (Du, Bhattacharya and Sen, 2013).

Solution: This is essential for government of country to reduce environmental problems. For this, some programmes or session will be organised by them which aid to develop awareness regarding prevention of environment. To reduce pollution in nation, it is required for diminish garbage amount which is produced by people. For this, firstly it is needed to control population of country. This is required to avoid such kind of things, like cutting down tree. Encourage individuals to plant trees in the area of agriculture and along with determine substitute of wood for some another material (Durai Anand Kumar, 2011). Certain kinds of laws or acts will be formulated by regulatory body so that hunting of animals will get reduced or controlled. It is essential to secure natural areas or resources from any type of misuse. For this, they have to decrease cutting trees as this will affect overall environment. It is must for regulatory body to create a subject which must be teach in schools to children as this enhances awareness into them regarding environment. Some types of programmes will be developed by them which will broadcast on television as well. It is must to provide knowledge regarding solar power as this assists to save water. Henceforth, this has been comprehended that, environment need to be get secure from any kind of harmful activities. For this, it is required to increase responsibilities amongst individual regarding this. Each sort of problem need to get resolved within limited period of time (Groza, Pronschinske and Walker, 2011).


From above assignment it has been understood that each company and country needs to get accomplished corporate social responsibilities in an appropriate manner. For this, many kinds of programmes will be run or regulate by them. It assists to increase awareness regarding CSR activities between people. In this report, there are is description of distinctive problems along with solutions, which are facing by organisation and nation in recent time. It is must to comprehend each part appropriately; therefore, proper strategies or policies will formulated by government in this relation.

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  • Adeyeye, A., 2011. Universal standards in CSR: are we prepared?.Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society. 11(1). pp.107-119.
  • Bear, S., Rahman, N. and Post, C., 2012. The impact of board diversity and gender composition on corporate social responsibility and firm reputation.Journal of Business Ethics. 97(2). pp.207-221.
  • Du, S., Bhattacharya, C. B. and Sen, S., 2013. Maximizing business returns to corporate social responsibility (CSR): The role of CSR communication.International Journal of Management Reviews.12(1). pp.8-19.
  • Durai Anand Kumar, D. V. B., 2011. Corporate social responsibility: Existing practices vs CSR framework.Global Journal of Management and Business Research.11(9).
  • Groza, M. D., Pronschinske, M. R. and Walker, M., 2011. Perceived organizational motives and consumer responses to proactive and reactive CSR.Journal of Business Ethics. 102(4). pp.639-652.
  • Idemudia, U., 2012. Rethinking the role of corporate social responsibility in the Nigerian oil conflict: The limits of CSR.Journal of International Development.22(7). pp.833-845.
  • Rim, H. and Song, D., 2013. The ability of corporate blog communication to enhance CSR effectiveness: The role of prior company reputation and blog responsiveness.International Journal of Strategic Communication. 7(3). pp.165-185.
  • Sheikh, S. U. R. and Beise-Zee, R., 2011. Corporate social responsibility or cause-related marketing? The role of cause specificity of CSR.Journal of Consumer Marketing. 28(1). pp.27-39.
  • Steurer, R., 2014. The role of governments in corporate social responsibility: Characterising public policies on CSR in Europe.Policy sciences.43(1). pp.49-72.
  • Visser, W., 2011.The age of responsibility: CSR 2.0 and the new DNA of business. John Wiley & Sons.
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