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Unit 19 Human Resources Functions Level 5

University: Coventry University

  • Unit No: 14
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 18 / Words 4435
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 6268
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • What are Workplace harassment policy
  • how to do Analyze the workforce data
Answer :


Human resource management is very crucial part of every organisation. It manages and controls inflow and outflow of work force within an organisation. The role and responsibility of HR is in very wider context. They perform various roles that consists from developing policies to taking exit interview (Fisher and Davey, 2017). Their main responsibility is to ensue that policies set by top management is been followed or not. Besides this, by implementing several policies HR creates better working environment in organisation. HR performs various functions such as performance appraisal, managing leaves, solving conflicts, providing training, etc. They act as a mediator between top level and employee. A slight change employees behaviour will affect business operations. Also, changing of policies or procedures affects organisation culture. This directly affects employee productivity. Therefore, HR has to ensure that organisational culture must be maintained and controlled. This report will show how change in employee behaviour lead to decline in sales and profits. This overall report will reflect on JKL industries HRM policy and procedures. It will show how HR functions are been affected by change in policies in JKL industries.


A) Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of JKL Industries' policies and procedures

There are different policies and procedures followed in JKL company. It describes its core values and ensures that legal requirements are been compliance or not (Rao and Dhillon, 2017) The strength and weakness of policies are described below :-

Code of ethics policy

  • Strengths - Its strengths are employee have to respect and treat each other in well manner. They have to be honest to company. Also, employees have to protect the privacy of other as well as organisation.
  • Weaknesses- Its weakness is there is no such laws or legislation listed in this policy. Thus, in case of violation of any code of ethic, company will not be able to take legal action against that employee (Iqbal, Nadeem and Zaheer, 2015).

Health and safety policy-

  • Strengths - Its strengths is the standards that are lead by government is been implemented in this policy. This ensures that there proper working environment within company. Also, JKL has is concerned on reducing health hazards.
  • Weaknesses - There has not been any changes made in policies in recent times. Moreover, there is no proper tools and equipments in JKL to tackle any serious threats or hazards.

Workplace harassment policy

  • Strengths - The policy is been highly implemented in all levels of JKL. It ensures that there is no form of bullying or harassment activities performed by employees (Langford, Fellows and Gale, 2014). It has helped in creating a positive and better working environment.
  • Weaknesses- The policy is does not contain any legal action that can be taken against employees. Action taken will only be in form of counselling or performance management. This increases chances of bullying or harassing others.

Anti discrimination policy

  • Strengths - It consists of all those policies that ensures right of protecting privacy of both organisation and employees.
  • Weaknesses - There is no legal compliance in this policy (Meijer and Bolívar, 2016).

Privacy policy-

  • Strengths- There are different policies followed in JKL. It contains privacy act of 1988.
  • Weaknesses - In this employees are exempted from privacy act.

Record keeping policy

  • Strengths- It follows the standard for record keeping of data that ensures effective protection of it.
  • Weaknesses - The acts are not sufficient to take legal action against any employee.

Training policy

  • Strengths- It provides equal opportunities to every new graduate in gaining employment. They can apply through common government website (Dislich, Keyel and Hess, 2017)
  • Weaknesses - there is no such acts that makes the policy legally compliance.

Performance management policy

  • Strengths- The performance of employees is measured on basis of KPI. Also, policy is legally compliance by certain acts.
  • Weaknesses - The acts are not sufficient. Thus, it does not provide adequate development opportunities to employees

B) Evaluation of the legal compliance of their policies and procedures

JKL ensures that all policies and procedures are been followed and implemented by every employee (Isa, Kamaruzzaman and Berawi, 2017) For this there are some legal compliance that has been laid down. It will help in taking legal actions against employees. Also, it will ensure that there is no illegal practise followed by workers. The legal compliance of polices are :-

  • Code of ethics - There is no legal compliance associated with this policy. It is lacking some legal acts.
  • Health and safety - This policy is effectively compliance with legal requirements. It includes several acts such as Work Health and Safety Act 2011, Workers Compensation Act 1987, etc. these are sufficient to be followed.
  • Workplace harassment- This policy is effectively compliance with legal requirements. It includes several acts such as Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012, Racial Discrimination Act 1975, etc. these are sufficient to be followed (Painter-Morland, Hibbert and Russon, 2018).
  • Anti discrimination policy- It is lacking some legal compliance in this policy.
  • Privacy policy- It only includes privacy act 1988. So it is not sufficient as it can lead to violation of several other things.
  • Record keeping policy- There is only one act by which policy is been legally compliance. Thus, it is not sufficient for JKL.
  • Training policy - There is not single act in this policy.
  • Performance management policy - It is having relevant legal compliance but not sufficient (Fisher and Davey, 2017).

Recommendations :-

  • JKL should consider this and include acts in code of ethics that are been set up by government. It will ensure properly following of this policy by employee. Thus, it will help in taking any legal action in case of violation.
  • Company can provide healthy and safe environment to employees. They must ensure that policies are been properly implemented and followed in all departments.
  • HRM can make it more effective by laying down some more acts in workplace harassment policy.
  • Organisation can include some acts in anti discrimination policy that is set by government to ensure that no act of discrimination is followed (Rao and Dhillon, 2017).
  • JKL can include some more acts related to privacy to make it effective. It includes privacy act 1988 that is not enough.
  • Enterprise can include various other acts in record keeping policy to ensure privacy of data and information.
  • Company can make its training policy as legal compliance by including various rules and regulations set by local bodies.
  • JKL can improve this by revising again by including some more acts in performance management policy (Iqbal, Nadeem and Zaheer, 2015).

C) Evaluation of current ethical practices, including confidentiality requirements

Staff members and officers of the company are expected to respect and assist the core values of JKL

  • Respect others as well as treat others with complete fairness.
  • Act as per the appropriate standards, legislation and market codes of practice.
  • Act honestly for protecting JKL reputation and avoiding conflict of interest.
  • Safeguard the privacy of other as per the corporate privacy as well as record keeping policies (Langford, Fellows and Gale, 2014).
  • Ensuring that individuals are mindful of the fact that their personal data is being gathered.

By reading this policy it is analysed that employee are only expected to follow code of ethics. They arr expected to respect each other values, ethics, etc. JKL believes that employee will remain honest to company. They will protect privacy of each other as well as company data. Besides this, confidential data will not be shared with each other. Only limited persons will be having authority to access that data.

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The deficiencies in this policy is there is no legal compliance in it. This restricts organisation to take any legal action against employee in case of violation of this policy. This policy states that employee will understand what is expected from them but sometime it may lead to disrespecting others due to work load or stress. Along with this, employee can break data privacy by sharing data with each other. Hence, in this case no legal action can be taken against that employee. (Meijer and Bolívar, 2016).

D) Identification of any relevant sustainability issues relating to performance management and training

The performance of employee is measured with appropriate means. It is done twice in a year by managers. For measuring performance certain key performance indicators are set up by managers. Also, it is also done by taking feedback of others. Moreover, all employee are given equal opportunities for training. This helps JKL to provide new graduates and young talents in employment (Dislich, Keyel and Hess, 2017). Furthermore, after providing training performance is measured.

There is no such relevant issue related to this. It is because it can be seen that company is giving equal opportunities to every one. Also, having appraisal two times will help in retaining employees and reducing turnover.

6.4 Impact of recommendations on the current policies and procedures.

The two HR function being Performance management policy and Vocational education and training, apprenticeships and traineeship policy (Ngo, Lau and Foley, 2008). The performance management policy of JKL helps workers in motivating so as to enhance their performance for a particular time period. Thus JKL has a set of policies and procedures which support its core values so as to work in compliance by workers following legislative requirements.

The recommendations though provided needs to be complied with daily working by all through respecting each other either its a manger or subordinate. Such legislative requirement which impacts no sex discrimination Act 1984 and Freedom of information Act 1982 has been followed at the JKL (Collings and Mellahi, 2009). The performance of employees will tend to increase if each and every person works in coordination as they have common goals to achieve. The performance management policy of JKL will bring in changes in the working environment of the company by providing rewards and recognitions to excellent employees so as to motivate others to work meeting standards. Such an HR strategy will help achieve sales target efficiently by the company.

Another HR policy incorporated by JKL is Vocational education and training, apprenticeships and traineeship policy to provide development facilities to all employees either newly recruited or the current working persons (Collings and Mellahi, 2009). Such a training and development program designed at JKL will tend to bring changes in the working environment of the company by enhancing overall growth and profit margin. The main purpose of this policy is to control turnover of employees by retaining talented employees in the organization. It will bring changes as developed workforce will provide improved quality of output. The apprenticeship or training work will motivate workers to take up challenging tasks in order to gain rewards and recognition.

Thus, both the functions of HR is recommended to change in JKL with the changes in current policies and procedures as well as with newer technology and innovation (Ngo, Lau and Foley, 2008).

6.5 Impact of recommendations on JKL Industries' ethical framework and code of conduct.

JKL Industries follow a corporate code of conduct framework which is complied by all working at the company. The code of ethics focuses on providing quality products and services to customers at reasonable prices without harming the environment. Such a practice followed at JKL helps it in achieving greater results. The code of conduct abide every person at JKL to resect others, needs to act according to the set rules and legislation as well as protect privacy of others.

It has been recommended that abiding with the code of conduct will enhances personal satisfaction of employees thereby raising performance appraisal. It has also been recommended to honestly safeguard the interest of the company which will impact in form of providing better cultural environment to all (Pichler, Simpson and Stroh, 2008). The above recommendations will provide stability in the working environment of JKL. Abiding the code of conduct will overall enhances organizations image which will impact its share price value creating more incentives for all. In order to carry out ethical practices it was recommended to implement corporate social responsibility department inside JKL which will close check various activities performed at the company. The use of less paper and discarding plastic articles has been recommended which has impacted positively on the company.6.4 Impact of recommendations on the current policies and procedures.

The two HR function being Performance management policy and Vocational education and training, apprenticeships and traineeship policy (Ngo, Lau and Foley, 2008). The performance management policy of JKL helps workers in motivating so as to enhance their performance for a particular time period. Thus JKL has a set of policies and procedures which support its core values so as to work in compliance by workers following legislative requirements.

The recommendations though provided needs to be complied with daily working by all through respecting each other either its a manger or subordinate. Such legislative requirement which impacts no sex discrimination Act 1984 and Freedom of information Act 1982 has been followed at the JKL (Collings and Mellahi, 2009). The performance of employees will tend to increase if each and every person works in coordination as they have common goals to achieve. The performance management policy of JKL will bring in changes in the working environment of the company by providing rewards and recognitions to excellent employees so as to motivate others to work meeting standards. Such an HR strategy will help achieve sales target efficiently by the company.

Another HR policy incorporated by JKL is Vocational education and training, apprenticeships and traineeship policy to provide development facilities to all employees either newly recruited or the current working persons (Collings and Mellahi, 2009). Such a training and development program designed at JKL will tend to bring changes in the working environment of the company by enhancing overall growth and profit margin. The main purpose of this policy is to control turnover of employees by retaining talented employees in the organization. It will bring changes as developed workforce will provide improved quality of output. The apprenticeship or training work will motivate workers to take up challenging tasks in order to gain rewards and recognition.

Thus, both the functions of HR is recommended to change in JKL with the changes in current policies and procedures as well as with newer technology and innovation (Ngo, Lau and Foley, 2008).

6.5 Impact of recommendations on JKL Industries' ethical framework and code of conduct.

JKL Industries follow a corporate code of conduct framework which is complied by all working at the company. The code of ethics focuses on providing quality products and services to customers at reasonable prices without harming the environment. Such a practice followed at JKL helps it in achieving greater results. The code of conduct abide every person at JKL to resect others, needs to act according to the set rules and legislation as well as protect privacy of others.

It has been recommended that abiding with the code of conduct will enhances personal satisfaction of employees thereby raising performance appraisal. It has also been recommended to honestly safeguard the interest of the company which will impact in form of providing better cultural environment to all (Pichler, Simpson and Stroh, 2008). The above recommendations will provide stability in the working environment of JKL. Abiding the code of conduct will overall enhances organizations image which will impact its share price value creating more incentives for all. In order to carry out ethical practices it was recommended to implement corporate social responsibility department inside JKL which will close check various activities performed at the company. The use of less paper and discarding plastic articles has been recommended which has impacted positively on the company.

Thus both the HR functions and its recommendations has impacted the working of JKL by enhancing its overall image in corporate world as well as in the society or community in which it operates (Bratton and Gold, 2012). The use of eco-friendly things has brought in new changes in the company making healthier circulation of air.

Thus both the HR functions and its recommendations has impacted the working of JKL by enhancing its overall image in corporate world as well as in the society or community in which it operates (Bratton and Gold, 2012). The use of eco-friendly things has brought in new changes in the company making healthier circulation of air.



1. Analyze the workforce data JKL industries and evaluate HR functions.

Human resource department palsy the essential role in order to have smooth function of the enterprise. These as are-

  • Recruitment and selection- The HR of the JKL industries need to take initiatives in order to select the potential and qualified candidate.
  • Orientation- It is need to be given as it is helpful in order to give assistance in relation to adjust new employee in the firm.
  • Maintaining good working condition- by providing the good working condition and to motivating them the firm can undertake its business activities properly.
  • Managing employee relationship- The HR of the JKL need to focus over the relationship of employees so that they are able to conduct operational function of firm effectively.
  • Training and development- The employees are need to provide effective training so that they are able to carry out the operation in the impelling manner.

Work analysis data-

It is need to be conduct in order to determine the operation of the firm. It can be concluded with the given analysis that in the demographically situation there are total number of 144 employees in this sales force and mechanics are highly influenced with the demo-graphical condition.

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2. Description on internal and external research to evaluate the effectiveness of the current HR practices.

HR practices will be defined with the help of internal and external research technique as are-

Internal analysis- The high turnover is resulting in the case of sales force and mechanics as 18 and 10 respectively. The turnover is increasing in each quarter as it is 6 in quarter 1, 8 in quarter 2, 9 in quarter 4. The Absenteeism in the each quarter of the employees is also increasing as 307 in quarter 1, 351 in quarter 2. 358 in quarter 2, 429 in quarter 2 and its total is 1445. Thus, it is analysed that HR need to play its function in expertise manner. There are total number of 144 employees in this 83 are females and 67 are males. Thus, it can be said that the company is focusing over the women empowerment in the large manner. The HR operation need to be conducted so that rate of turnover from the enterprise can be decreased. By providing good working condition to the employees' absenteeism can be controlled.

External analysis- IN is need to be conducted on the basis of this two things as are-

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3. Description on the workforce data to determine the trends, evaluate effectiveness of HR function.

In this it can be determined as that successful human resource strategies works as to complements firm mission and goals. This is helpful in order to maximize the recruitment and retention or to minimize the employee issue, small business manager must continually monitor the environment as external and internal. There are some activities which negatively and positively influence the activities of firm as are-



In this it can be stated that the extent of competition in the industry affects the firm ability to recruit the employee in the large manner.



HR need to timely focussing over the compensation structure so that each things can be conducted effectively.



Thus, it can be said that legislation can affect the overall business policies. In this manner the firm need to complied with all kind of by-laws.

Employee Relations


In this internal polcies of HR impact the overall operation of the firm in the large manner. In order to maintain good relationships HR must ensures to provide effective training facility to their employees.

4. Identification of five option for change.

The changes in the working of enterprise is need be done effective in order to carry out all the process of the firm. Without having changes in the operation of firm, it is not able to meet its objectives as are-

Part B

Executive summary

In this report, the significance of the human resource is effectively addressed. In an association workers assumes an exceptionally pivotal part in achieving authoritative goal and decided target. Without human asset organization can not accomplish its prosperity and development. As each utilitarian bureau of the company like advertising, human asset, back, activity and so on required compelling and high gifted workforce.

It is very important for the company to manage the human resource in more effective and efficient manner through which right outcome can obtain in right manner. HR manager should provide proper training to employees as well as motivate to them so as they can perform in more excellent manner. In this research, the various functions of the human resource management have been also discussed.

Key trends and important implication

Effective administration of human asset is imperative inside the association to accomplish the decided target. By help of legitimate keeping up and administration workforce, nature of work and efficiency can likewise effortlessly improvet is imperative for the administration to lead successful enrollment and determination inside the organization so as high gifted and capable workforce can enlist inside the business undertaking. Likewise, administration ought to likewise recognize the issue and issue of workers and convey fitting answer for them so as they can hold inside the organization for long time

Effectiveness of HR function

In the business enterprise, human resource plays a very crucial role for address the objective. In the absence of human resource corporation can not able to achieve determined objective. There are various functions of HR such as recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, reward management, performance appraisal etc. With help of all these functions, HR manager carry out the responsibility regarding employees at workplace. Human asset administration and staff administration both idea primary goal is to centers around representatives and their powerful administration so as they can accomplish their objective in legitimate way (Ployhart, Nyberg and Maltarich, 2014.). HRM is a branch that arrangements with observing, arranging, coordinating and controlling representatives It comprises different sort of administration choice, exercises and capacities that are specifically actualized for enhancing the abilities and information of human asset. HR manager have to focus on the skills and ability of the employees and provide reward to them accordingly. There is a great significance of the HRM in the business enterprise by which determined objective can address in more effective and efficient manner. In order to get the effective outcome company have to manage its employees and motivate them so as they can give their best contribution within business unit.


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  • Collings, D. G. and Mellahi, K., 2009. Strategic talent management: A review and research agenda. Human resource management review. 19(4). pp.304-313.
  • Dislich, C., Keyel, A.C. and Hess, B., 2017. A review of the ecosystem functions in oil palm plantations, using forests as a reference system.Biological Reviews,92(3), pp.1539-1569.
  • Fisher, R. and Davey, A., 2017. Operating model for APVMA functions in Armidale.
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  • Isa, N.M., Kamaruzzaman, S.N.. and Berawi, M.A., 2017. Review of Facilities Management Functions in Value Management Practices.Architecture,8(5).
  • Langford, D., Fellows, R.F. and Gale, A.W., 2014.Human resources management in construction. Routledge.
  • Meijer, A. and Bolívar, M.P.R., 2016. Governing the smart city: a review of the literature on smart urban governance.International Review of Administrative Sciences,82(2), pp.392-408.
  • Ngo, H. Y., Lau, C. M. and Foley, S., 2008. Strategic human resource management, firm performance, and employee relations climate in China. Human Resource Management. 47(1). pp.73-90.
  • Ployhart, R.E., Nyberg, A.J. and Maltarich, M.A., 2014. Human capital is dead; long live human capital resources!.Journal of management,40(2), pp.371-398.
  • Rao, M. and Dhillon, M., 2017. HRIS: An evolution with HR functions.International Journal of Research in Finance and Marketing,7(6), pp.98-100.
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