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Personal and Professional Development Process

University: UK College of Business and Computing

  • Unit No: 23
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 23 / Words 5826
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: T/601/0943
  • Downloads: 805
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss about the Approaches of self management learning.
  • Discuss about the Benefits of self managed learning.
Answer :
Organization Selected : N/A


Personal and professional development is recognised as the process to improve and enhance skills. To meet the changing demand and requirements of the sector personal and professional development programs conducted by the company management for the human resources of the company. In this report National Trust is taken as an organisation. National Trust is located in UK. National Trust is engaged in supervising cultural heritage of UK and also to conserve the natural beaurt in UK. This report include various approaches related to the self management learning. Ways associated with the life long learning associated with the personal and professional development. Benefits attached with the self management learning is also summarised in this report. Various aspects attached with personal and professional development plan is also summarised in this report. All the needs and development opportunities will be a part of development plan. Various activities to achieve the efficiency of personal development plan will be summarised in this report. Aspects related to the up-gradation process in self development plan will also be summarised in this report. Based on the development plan acquired skills will elaborated in this report. Utilization attached with acquired skills from the development plan in the professional context will be summarised in this report.


1.1 Approaches of self management learning

Self management learning is about to improve the aquired skills and also to learn new skills in process of developing the professional efficiency (Dithole and, 2017). Self management learning ensure individual to take responsibilities attached with the own learning or improvement program conducted by the management in organisation. It involves goal setting, decision aims and responsibilities, orientation in achieving goals and also self reflection of development activities.

Learning Theory: Learning theory focuses over how the knowledge can absorb, process and sustain for the longer period of time. Prior experiences are also used while aquiring new knowledge and skills under learning theory. Methods like Kolb Study is an effective tool in learning theory. Kolb Study involve concrete experience which enable to do and collect experience. After collecting the experience reflect observation is use that enable to review and reflect the experience of learning. This theory also enable to active experimentation that involve practical experiences of outcomes involved in the learning. The final stage of Kolb Study guides towards Abstract Conceptualisation that involve conclude the learning.

Learning from research: Learning and acquiring skills with the guidance of various researches conducted by professionals is one of the approaches of self development adopted by the management of National Trust (Mehrabian, 2017). This approach enable the management to use professionals research over time management, work management, skills improvement and skills adaptation. Various Researches over information technology will also be involved to improve the technical knowledge related to the information technology. Order assignment help from our experts!


  • Researches are a vary precise approach to improve the skills and knowledge as it conver all the aspect related to the skill improvement and acquisition.
  • Suitable approaches and techniques also guided in research that save a lot of time in planning for the right and productive approach and techniques.
  • Researches also guide about the negative aspect that enable the personal development in the right direction.


  • Many times researches only drive in one direction of learning programs that reduces the scope of new dynamics in the development programs.

Conducting Seminars: Conducting various seminars over skill improvement and development is an another approach towards conducting self development program in organization (Mathis, and, 2016). This will involve various seminars and meeting with professional towards skill improvement and development. The management of National Trust is planning to involve and conduct seminars over skill improvement and development as professionals can guide the employee's and management in right direction based on the pros and cons attached with such skills.


  • This is a vary professional approach towards the self development in organizations as it improve the assurity from benefits arises from self development program.
  • Professional can guide in detail about every stage attached in improving various skills.
  • Professionals are very keen towards analysing about the changing needs and demands of the sector so the guidance will also enable the employee's to cope up with the changing needs and demands of the sector.


  • This is a costlier approach towards self development.
  • No assurance of productive outcome.

Reflexive Modernization: The management of National Trust will also enable the reflexive modernization. This theory drives towards the ideal changes in the sector based on the analytical review and based on the demand attached with the ideal changes this theory guide about the required skills to adept such changes effectively. This approach is more towards meeting the future requirements and necessary of the sector.


  • Well efficient approach to meet the future need and demand of the market.
  • Proper approach towards advancing the skills of employee's.


  • This theory is more based on the predictions about the future that involve the huge risk aspect in the self management programs.
  • Many times the proper guidance is not accessible in this approach.

Conducting seminars and learning from researches will be the prioritise approaches for the management of National Trust as both the methods of self improvement guided the management in the more professional manner. The management will also implement the aspect of reflexive modernization with the professional guidance in seminars. All the approaches are usable in different context and also cover needs of National Trust related to the self development and management.

1.2 Ways to encourage life long learning

Lifelong learning is a continuous process of learning to parsuit the new information and knowledge associated with the market (Evers and, 2019). Based on the changing needs and demands lifelong learning is implemented to improve the professional competency of employee's. Several ways that can encourage the life long learning is as follows.

Provide financial support: The management of National trust can encourage the initiative of life long learning by giving financial support to employee's. Financial support will enable the employee's to bring suitable learning resources that can guide the employee's towards the right direction in life long learning (Welford, 2016). Most of the time employee's skip to engage with life long learning due to the financial issues as it requires financial assistance as well so by providing the financial resources the management can effectively encourage and promote life long learning.

Subscribe to trade magazines: The management can also subscribe trade magazines for the employee's to give the right direction to the lifelong learning. Access of magazines will provide the complete measures and techniques in respect to lifelong learning to employee's.

Convey the benefits: Conveying the benefits attached with lifelong learning is among the primary ways through which management of National Trust can encourage all employee's towards the lifelong learning. This will also boost the energy level of employee's towards lifelong learning.

1.3 Benefits of self managed learning

Various benefits involved in self management learning that can be summarised as follows.

Improve efficiency: Self management learning enable the employee's and management to learn new skills and also to upgrade the acquired skills that improve the work efficiency of employee's. Management also access the benefits by achieving better productivity of employee's.

Improve awareness about the future need: Self managed learning make aware the employee's and management to analyse the future need and based on the analysis implement various changes to improve the work efficiency. Get Assignment Examples.Talk to our Experts!


2.1 Evaluation of current skills and competencies

Based on the self analysis and analytical review of self appraisal few skills has identified by being in the position of manager. Such skills effectively improved the work efficiency.

Oral communication: Being in the designation of manager communication is a primary aspect of my work. In the entire day routine to implement several operations the manager need to communicate with hundreds of people in organization and that too possible only with the help of oral communication (Mascarenhas, 2019). Oral communication helped me to convey the idea or process to lower designated employee's and many times to upper authorities in the organization also. Self awareness also enabled me to make effective oral communication with all the associated entities to the work.

Problem solving skills: Being in the managerial role in organization problem solving skill play the major part of work. Manager need to face several problems attached with different operations of the organization. After analysing the problem suitable solutions needs to be granted of such identified problem.

2.2 Own development need and activities attached with the need

To better implement the responsibilities attached with the managerial position I need to develop and improve few of my skills.

Presentation skills: Being in the managerial position to have the well efficient presentation skills are mandatory. Presentation skills will improve my operational efficiency. I will work on my body language, confidence, eye contacts during presentation, and also on collecting feed backs from my colleagues about the effectiveness (Niemi, 2018). Feedback from colleagues will also involve taking guidance about the negative aspects of the presentation. To improve the presentation skills I also need to take professional guidance about the content. Planning related to the improvement in presentation skills will also involve the computer skills. Presentation usually conducts over power point so to have the quality knowledge of various features of power point is necessary. In process to improve presentation skill I will also work over improving the voice tone. Improving voice tone will involve making the voice tone more audible for all the listeners so I will focus to make it more clear. Listening is also a crucial aspect of the effective oral communication as the outcomes of the oral communication is generally depends over the listening ability of the listener so I will also work over improving the listening ability.

Problem Solving Skill: Being in the position of manager problem solving skills play the very crucial role of my job efficiency. I need to face each and every obstacle that becomes a part of any operational activity. Improving the problem solving skill involve problem identification, problem assassination, identification of suitable solution and also to implement such solutions. All such aspects enable the manager to tackle every problem effectively and also to improve the operational efficiency (Shibutani, 2017). I will take the professional guidance over problem identification and problem assassination to get the proper brief about the problem. Problem solving skill also involve resource analysis. Many times the problem is associated with the company resources so to analyse about the resources is also a crucial aspect of the problem solving skill.

Delegation skill: Being a manager I need to operate various operations in process to conveniently conduct the company's operations and to delegate various position in the organization hierarchy is one of the major role. Delegation of job position involves various skills such as observation skills, identification skills and other associated skills that enable the manager to delegate positions in the organization effectively.

2.3 Identification of development opportunities to meet the various needs

Based on the needs related to the skill improvement various development opportunities is identified to improve the efficiency of such skill improvement that are as follows.

Taking Huddles over improvement: Taking huddles by the senior authorities is one of the potential aspect in the development opportunities related to the skills improvement (Zhang and Lee, 2019). Huddles conducted by the senior management over skill improvement and development also motivate to the trainee to improve the focus over learning. Huddles taken by senior authorities will also involve the experience sharing about the processes attached with the skill improvement various possible development in the learning process and practices can also be implemented with the help of huddle to improve the operational efficiencies out of such huddles.

Regular Feedbacks: Regular feedbacks by both trainee and trainer about the skills improvement. This will enable the trainer and manager to focus over negative aspects of the skills improvement process and also the posible ways to remove such negative aspects. This will improve the professional efficiency of training. Regular feedbacks will enable the trainer to guide about the development in the trainee.

2.4 Professional Development Plan






Improvement Measurement

Aim and Objective setting


Setting the ultimate goal of the training program and also to set individual objectives behind conducting various sessions (Drobyazko, 2018).

General stationary will be involved to implement this action.

1 Hour

Performance improvement review.

Improving Presentation Skill


Confidence building session.

Professional guidence for improving body language.

Session over information technology for proper and effective presentation of content.

Sessions over content writing.

Technique learning over work assassination.

Q&A session.

Presentation of trainee.




With the support of senior authorities sufficient budget will be finalized to implement various activities attached such as hiring professionals of IT, content writing, confidence building, analytical and other professionals.


1 Week

Feedback review will be implemented by the senior authorities after measuring the improvement.

Measurement will also involve analytical review about the improvement that will also involve negative and suitable development points.

Problem Solving Skill


Sessions over problem identification and assassination.

Session over resource management.

Time management.

Work management session.

Professional meet up about the observation skill.

Q&A Session.

Trainee presentation.

Budgets will be set.

Professionals will be hired.

Work schedule will be restructured based on the timing of sessions.

2 week

Performance measurement will be used.

Analytical review will be conducted to analyse the productivity.

Comparative analysis tool will also be used that will involve performance before training and after training to measure the outcomes of training.

Delegation Skill


Actions such as meditation sessions to improve the observation.

Candidate assassination to analyse the strength and weaknesses of employee's.

Academic review of candidates for various positions.

Q&A Session.

Trainee presentation (Boshyk, ed., 2016).

Proper portfolio about the candidates for various designations will be arranged with the support of HRM.

Personal interview sessions will also be a valuable resources for this activity.

1 Week

Performance measurement tool will be utilized to measure the improvement.

Learning Achievement: Learning achievement involvement all the developments as a result of the learning programs. All the potential improvement in learners at the end of entire learning program is considered as learning achievement.

Feedback from others: Taking feedback play the crucial role in the development process at the end of learning. Feedbacks are the result of monitoring over learning schedule, coaching and other tutors can assess the improvement and give feedbacks. Usage of internet is also a possible tool for learning and based on the conclusion possible improvement can be conducted with the guidance of internet. Feedback can also be provided by other co learners about the developments. Self assessment is also an effective tool for improvement by observing feedbacks by self.


3.1 Process and activity to implement the development plan

For implementing the set development plan effectively various processes and strategies will be implemented that can sufficiently cover all the crucial aspects of the development plan.

Setting Goal: To implement the various activities involve in the self development plan effectively its important for the manager to set the ultimate goal in the beginning of the development plan (Owens, Wilson and Abell, 2019.). Setting goal will involve the ultimate reason behind doing various activities attached with the self development. Personal development plan is a long process comprises with multiple activities along with the work so to keep focus in the entire development program is not easy and goal setting play the crucial role in the respect of keeping the trainees well focused during the entire training activities.

Hiring Professionals: To implement the various sessions involved in the development plan respective professionals associated with the various skills such as IT professional, management professionals and other trainer that can convey all the crucial aspects of various skill development and improvement. Improving skills with the professional guidance of the professionals is a crucial aspect of the training so to hire the effective and well efficient professional will play the key role behind the success of the self development program.

Scheduling Sessions: For implementing the development plan various sessions will be scheduled of expert professionals (Rautenbach and Rothmann, 2017). To arrange the timing of professionals and the manager will also be a tough task in scheduling. This will also involve possibilities of situational changes in the scheduled sessions.

Conducting Sessions: Based on the schedule various sessions over skill development such as IT, time management, work management, confidence building, motivation building , observation skills and delegating skills will be conducted. This will also involve development analysis by the professionals after taking such sessions. To measure the development professionals will conduct the Q&A sessions that will give a brief analysis about the improvement. The efficiency of the development plan is majorly depend over the efficiencies of the sessions so the timing will play a crucial role in implementing the sessions.

Short presentation about the session: At the end of every session a short presentation will be conducted by the professional that will involve highlighting the major points involved in the sessions. This will enable the trainees to racall the main points involved in the sessions even after conducted the session.

Feed Back: Taking feedback is the final stage of development program. This will involve rating the entire development program based on the efficiencies. The rating in the step will also involve the ratting of the professionals. Feedback will also inviolve ratting over various practices involved in process to improving all the skills (Mackay, 2017). Inspite of the ratting feed back will also involve the issues faced by the trainees during training this will give scope to senior authoritis to solve such issues faced during the training. Taking feedbacks about the training sessions will enable the senior authorities to make a suitable development in conducting the future training of the organization.

3.2 Document development activity as planned

This process involves reviewing the possible improvement in all trainees after the various sessions are conducted about the development plan. Professional trainer will rate each trainee about the development in all the associated skills of training. The trainers will also analysis the presentation of the trainee at the end of each sessions to analyse the improvement in knowledge and skills. Trainer will submit the development report of each trainee to the senior authorities of the organization.



Possible development

Presentation skill

After implementation of the entire learning program it can be summarised that this skill has improved at some extent.

Presentation skill seeks more practice to grow and develop.

Presentation skill can be improved with the practice.

Problem solving skill

Training program has supported in improving the techniques to solve the problem.

Due to the training analysis about the problem has improved.

Situation analysis can be developed with more observations.

Delegation skill

Training has supported in improving the delegation skill.


Observations can become keener with the support of constant practice.

3.3 Critical review about the learning

Critical review about the training will involve the critical analysis by the learner. This process involve the critical review about the various activities involved in conducting various sessions of IT, time management, work management, observation skills and other sessions involved in the training sessions (Stachov¡ and, 201). This process will involve the ratting for various sessions involved in the training and the review will also involve the potential efficiecies of all such sessions. The ratting will enable the senior authorities to take various suitable measures to improve the effectiveness and efficiencies from the training. This process majorly based on the personal thoughts and experience of trainee from the training. Personal experience efficiently influences the ratting in this process. Skill development play key role in meeting all needs of professional. Such training programs has guided in improving the skills such as delegation skill, problem solving skill and other key skill. Communication has also improved with the support of such development plans. Learning is a continuous process so the learner needs to put continuous efforts in order to develop different skills and abilities. Training can be more significant by implication of more practical approaches to learn.

3.4 Updadation of development plan based on the feedback

Based on the ratting in feedback possible development will be involved in the training program to improve the efficiency of the training (Samwel, 2018). Feedback will enable the senior authorities to create suitable changes for various aspects such as conducting sessions, schedule of sessions, practices involved in the sessions and other suitable actions to improve the effectiveness of sessions. The process of up-gradation will involve reviews of both trainer and trainees so the effective steps can be taken for the productive improvement and development in the training sessions.






Improvement measurement

Aim and objective setting


Setting the ultimate goal of the training program and also to set individual objectives behind conducting various sessions.

Analysing the total development program to set the proper objectives of the development program.

General stationary will be involved to implement this action.

Feedback from senior management over the objectives set for the development program.

3 Days

Performance improvement review.

Improving presentation skill


Confidence building session.

Professional guidance for improving body language.

Session over information technology for proper and effective presentation of content.

Sessions over content writing.

Technique learning over work assassination.

Q&A session.

Presentation of trainee.

Senior management sessions.

Practical based training.

With the support of senior authorities sufficient budget will be finalized to implement various activities attached such as hiring professionals of IT, content writing, confidence building, analytical and other professionals.


1.5 Week

Feedback review will be implemented by the senior authorities after measuring the improvement.

Measurement will also involve analytical review about the improvement that will also involve negative and suitable development points.

Problem solving skill


Sessions over problem identification and assassination.

Session over resource management.

Time management.

Work management session.

Professional meets up about the observation skill.

Q&A Session.

Trainee presentation.

Practical based training will improve the problem solving skill.

Case study will project in this session.

Budgets will be set.

Professionals will be hired.

Work schedule will be restructured based on the timing of sessions.

2 week

Performance measurement will be used.

Analytical review will be conducted to analyse the productivity.

Comparative analysis tool will also be used that will involve performance before training and after training to measure the outcomes of training.

Outcomes of the case study will be measured.

Delegation skill


Actions such as meditation sessions to improve the observation.

Candidate assassination to analyse the strength and weaknesses of employee's.

Academic review of candidates for various positions.

Q&A Session.

Trainee presentation

Practical observation training.

Proper portfolio about the candidates for various designations will be arranged with the support of HRM.

Personal interview sessions will also be valuable resources for this activity.

2 Week

Performance measurement tool will be utilized to measure the improvement.


4.1 Solutions for work based problems

Based on the analytical review over work based problems various techniques are suitable to minimise the effect of work based problems.

Identification of issues: To identify the actual issue is crucial in process to implement possible development to improve the efficiency. Solutions for work based problems can only be derived after identifying the actual problem involved in the work. Issue identification will also enable the management to implement the right strategies and frame work to implement the work.

List of possible solution: After identifying the actual problem the possible solutions to trace such problem is make. Solutions will be based on the identification of problem. Many times this also involve the resources of the organization if the problem is based on the lacking of resources.

Selection of appropriate option: After identification problem all possible solutions are analysed and based on the analytical review of each possible solution most convenient and productive solution implement to overcome the impact of such issue (Coates, 2019). Selection process of appropriate option also involve the critical review about the option that will involve pros and cons of such an option. Analysis of pros and cons will give the guidance to the management about the future implication of such option over the organization. Possible effective measures also take to overcome any identified negative aspect of the option.

Document the solution: After implementing all the above stages the option or solution is documented to keep the records about the solution. This will enable the management to guide about the issue if anytime in the future the organization face the same problem then such an option can be implemented to resolve such issue.

The visitors can also analyse the problem and take a suitable solution based on the above mentioned techniques or stages. Visitor team already addressed the problem so the problem identification can be skilled so the visitors can focus possible options that is to complaint the higher authorities about the harassment and the authority will take a suitable action based on the regulations.

4.2 Time management strategies

Time Management Strategies


Prioritising workloads

This is one of the most effective strategy which can be used by employees for properly managing their work as well as for increasing their performance. Prioritising the workload mainly relates to identifying the tasks as well as activities which are important and are of utmost importance. Through prioritising the workload, employees would be able to finish their work before time with greater efficiency.

This is the another time management strategy which can be used by employees of trust in order to perform their work with greater effectiveness and to excel in career. Setting the objectives of tasks and activities is highly important and crucial where employees need to set the objectives as well as purpose of their activities as which activity need to be given how much time and how much importance. Setting these objectives will help employees to manage their time effectively and will also assist in making necessary changes within their working style.

This is considered as the most common yet widely used time management strategy wherein employees should make a through time table of their activities along with allocation of time and resources. An effective timetable will help them to use the various resources of work positively and effectively and thus will help to increase productivity. Get assignment help london from our experts!


This report conclude about the approaches of self management learning. Possible ways are also concluded to encourage the life long learning in organization. Benefits are also concluded about the self managed learning. Based on the review about the skills a development plan is implemented to improve the skills. Various activities involved in developing skills involved in development plan is concluded in this report. Critical reflection is also concluded based on the activities involved in the development plan to improve the efficiency of such plan in respect to the future. Various solutions to work based problem is concluded in this report. Various styles of communication at various organization level is concluded in this report. This report also concluded about the various time management strategies that can be implemented in the organizational context.

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