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Personal and Professional Purpose

University: UK College of Business and Computing

  • Unit No: 23
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 23 / Words 5751
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: T/601/0943
  • Downloads: 895
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss about the approaches to self-managed learning.
  • Discuss about the benefits to individual.
Answer :
Organization Selected : National Trust


Personal and professional development is explained as the process which is required to be conduct by an individual for the purpose of overcoming any of the challenges to meet out the targets on time. It is crucial because it simply allows to improve the performance which directly allows to accomplish the goals. It is directly or indirectly related with self-development and enhancing efficiency and skills in different fields. The presented report is related with National Trust which is one of charitable trust. It works for the welfare of environment and visitors.

The file is based on four different task where first task will be based on self-management learning and its enhancement for lifelong development. Second task will relate about responsibility for own personal and professional development whereas in task three there will be review of own personal and professional development plan. Finally, fourth task will demonstrate about acquired interpersonal and transferable skills.


1.1) Evaluate approaches to self-managed learning.

Self-managed learning: Self-managed learning depicts the process that involves commencement of self initiated learning activities by their own that means which are self directed. This procedure involves identification of objective of learning with clear goal setting and required resources that can improve self management skills of an individual in a finer way. When an organisation is having people with self learning trait it will help the organisation to find solution to their problems with effective implementation (Hicks and et. al 2014). There are various approaches for self-managed learning which are as follows:

  • Seminars and conferences: This approach is helpful in acquiring fresh opinion and experience from another people with the help of interaction and effective communication. Seminars plays important role in enhancing personal and professional skills.
  • Internet: Internet is a path which can be used by an individual to access different sources to initiate self learning. An individual may enhance level of their knowledge by surfing internet and by using different websites to gain knowledge about management of operational activities so that any uncertainty in business can be eliminated with no delay.
  • Use of bulletin board: Bulletin board is a method where notes are made by a person with different colours so that every new learning can be jot down, this will help in dealing with future problems (Bukor, 2015). Order assignment help from our experts!

By adoption of following approaches an individual can intensify the ability of self management learning, this will help in performing job roles and achieving targets of National Trust in a better manner.

There are various learning styles of self management, some of them are mentioned below:

  • Kolb's learning cycle: According to this model of learning, by facing different type of experience an individual will acquire expertise and intelligence. This theory involves gaining through experiences and personal preferences, observation, planning and self evaluation.
  • Reflexive modernisation theory: As per this theory the change in society is a reflection of decisions made by an individual and their behaviour, this leads to the behaviour of employees as they become pragmatist.

1.2) Propose ways in which lifelong learning in personal and professional contexts could be encouraged.

Lifelong Learning: This theory explains about methods of formal or informal learning for individuals so that their knowledge can be enhanced and they may learn new things each day so that employment requirements can be fulfilled by which performance of an individual can be enhanced. Process of learning is conducted by an individual during the lifespan which helps in attaining goals of personal as well as professional level. This assists in motivating employees to improve skills and to capture better opportunities to glow (Sonnino, 2013). There are various methods by which National Trust may encourage people :

  • Self directed: Under this method an individual try to find opportunities by their own at the working place so that they stay motivated through out the working process. This will help the employees in improving their skills and making them creative and innovative so that their skills can be utilised as per the demand of business.
  • Continuing professional development: This is important for persons to keep supervision on themselves so that their needs can be identified and they can review self performance with others.
  • Further education: This plays a significant role in lifelong learning, this can be defined as taking knowledge through additional studies so that self development can be made and skills can be improvised.
  • Apprenticeships: This method involves training for further enhancement so that working proficiency can be increased (Marlowe and et. al. 2015). This is a beneficial approach those who want to see professional competencies in themselves so that they can emerge as a valuable personnel for the organisation.
  • Transfer schemes: Transfers is an effective approach of encouraging people in working place, under this method workforce get relocated in some other place when current location is not efficient for them. By transferring this may give more efficiency to the people as new place is as their need so productivity can be increased in an effective manner.

In the context of National Trust it can be concluded that working people of National Trust are self directed as they know vision of the company since they are working for a cause which is to protect natural resources so that they can be available for everyone. Employees can be encouraged by developing their professional skills or by providing further education so that they can influence people which is necessary for National Trust.

1.3) Evaluate the benefits of self-managed learning to the individual and organisation.

Self-managed learning is advantageous for individuals and group of individuals, if an individual is self managed then he or she will remain confident through out the working this will enhance the overall capabilities. There are numerous advantages of self managed learning which are as follows:

Benefits to individual:

Promotion: Self managed learning helps in developing new skills that may help an individual to get promoted to some new designation. By self managed learning weakness and errors can be identified easily so that clarificatory actions can be taken immediately (McMillan, McConnell and O'Sullivan, 2016). It helps an individual to be self dependent by learning new abilities and knowledge. By having higher skills an employee can get promoted this may tend individual to stay motivated and calm.

Accountability and sustainability: Self managed learning aids to improve skills of a person that impact the individual to remain accountable for the tasks assigned to them. It helps the employees or worker to improve sustainability so that their individual development can be enhanced.

Benefits for organisation:

Societal satisfaction: Self managed employees are very advantageous for the organisation as they will be able to attain demands of the society. As National Trust is an entity which works to preserve and protect heritage so it is very important for them to set a value in society.

Achievement of goals: Self managed skills of persons can be utilised to achieve targets of the business. This makes workers more productive and quality efficient (Davis, 2015). As in National Trust their goal is to produce food which is beneficial for environment as well as public and to protect world's heritage. So by self managed workers National Trust can achieve their goals in foreseeable futures with dodging barriers.


2.1 Evaluate own current skills and competencies against professional standards and organisational objectives

Personal audit is a defined as the process where person conducts audit for the purpose of evaluation personal ability so that future improvement can be done for attaining success. It allows to identify all of the relevant weaknesses of person. In short, it is said that person should always give their effort to learn something new for enhancing their skills and talent. Below, some of the skill are mentioned, which is currently available:

Professional Skills

Current Level


Leadership Skills


In any of the circumstances, leading any of the team is not an easy task because there are number of work which is to be done (Moyo and et. al., 2016). Here, all of the issues or problem are required to be solved for effective result. Looking at my current leadership skill, I will rank 6th out of 10 and still there are some of the area where improvement is required.

Listening Skills


In any of the situation, person should be capable of listening to the points which are being explained by some of the professional personal for future development. Even I am quite excellent in listening to other and considering this I will rate myself 8 out of 10.

Communication Skills


It is said that communication skills plays the crucial role in many of the situation as it helps to understand all of the important points through which work can be completed. Out out 10 I would like to give only 3 points which means that lots of improvement is required in it.

Managing Risk


I am good at ensuring that all of the work is being done in systematic manner. Even I am looking at the points that how my team is performing for reducing the risk factor.

2.2 Identify own development needs and the activities required to meet them

In any of the situation, it is necessary for individuals to have knowledge regarding their knowledge and skills. Also, weaknesses should be identified so that future improvement can be done in best possible manner (Zwart, Korthagen and Attema-Noordewier, 2015). It is not only important just to identify the weaknesses but it is crucial to find out the opportunities so that future goals can be accomplished. For the purpose of finding out strength, weaknesses the best option which can be adopted is SWOT analysis which will allow to collect all of the relevant information in detail. Below, SWOT analysis has been conducted on myself.



  • In my point of view, I am very good at listening to the points which has been explained by other people. It is one of the strength which allow me to solve any of the the issues which people suffer from at any period of time.
  • Another Strength that I have is related with managing and keeping records. It is said that in any of the business organisation managing the business data and records plays the important role and in the same manner it helps me to review all of the records whenever it is necessary.
  • People have different types of weaknesses in them and in that same manner even I have some of the issues which is needed to be fix. There are some of the crucial situation where I am unable to hold my nerves and I in that respective situation I lose my confidence automatically. It is one of the reason I have to suffer from failures.
  • I am not got at doing healthy communication for longer period of time due to which I am not able to express some of my idea that can be helpful for attaining the goals of an organisation.



  • I have the opportunity to overcome from the weaknesses from which I am suffering right now. For example: If I will be able to resolve the problem related to communication skills and holding my nerves in crucial stages then I will get number of opportunities which will allow me to accomplish my goals on time.
  • Just because of my weaknesses, other rivalry firms get the opportunities to perform their task in best possible manner for accomplishing the goals on time.


Skills to be developed

Methods to be developed

Communication skills

  • Trying to involve within in healthy communication.
  • Attaining more group discussion

Leadership Skills

  • Reading different articles related to leadership quality and importance.
  • Taking help from senior.

2.3 Identify development opportunities to meet current and future defined needs

In current market position, people get number of opportunity which helps them to perform better in any of the situation. To perform better, I must be aware with my skills and ability for completing any of the work in time. It is beneficial because it will allow me to uplift my standards by doing improvement. Some of the current and future needs have been explained below:

  • Current needs: It is connected with the requirement of organisation where each and every work should be completed on time. But, I have found that I am not good at doing my work on time, which means that I require improvement for accomplishing my work on specific time period (Leijen and Kullasepp, 2013).
  • Future needs: On daily basis, needs increases an according to that communication skills also plays the crucial role in number of occasion. As I am working for National Trust were number of visitors visits every year due to which I need to bring changes in my communication skills for giving guidance to them.

In addition, I must work on the ground of developing the business skill, leading people, managing financial performance as they all are necessary in context of my organisation. Need Assignment Samples?Talk to our Experts!

2.4 Devise a personal and professional development plan based on identified needs

Learning objective/ goals

Current Proficiency

Target Proficiency

Development Opportunity

Time Scale

Leadership Skill



In an business organisation, it is quite necessary to have the quality of leadership. In order to improve this respective skill, I will try to learn and take help from my senior. Also, different articles can be helpful.

2 months

Communication Skills



This is the skills which is required to interact my visitors. For the purpose of of improvement I would like to attain different types of group discussion. Attaining seminars can be also crucial for me.

2.5 months


3.1 Discuss the processes and activities required to implement the development plan

Skills & Ability

Aims & objective

Resources needed to accomplish my objective

Target date for attaining objectives

Actual date of attaining objectives

Time Management Skills

It is crucial for the organisation like National Trust to manage its time because number of visitors visits on daily basis and all of them must be given equal time.

It can be only solved in that respective situation where I am able to collect all of the required information about time management and its importance for effective result for organisation.

August 2019 to February 2020



It is quite important for me to plan my work accordingly, because number of tourist visits on daily basis. Proper planning will allow to provide detail information to

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