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Professional Analysing Knowledge

University: University College London

  • Unit No: 5
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 24 / Words 6051
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 928
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss about the Gibbs reflective Model.
  • Discuss about the personal development plan.
Answer :
Organization Selected : N/A


ESL is mainly termed as traditional term which simply specifies that this language is learned or studied by the person who does not have native relation or belongingness with it. The respected term is also popular with “L2” worldwide. In the following project detailed description will be made on the personal experience of the ESL teacher and associated issues faced by them while executing their respective job responsibility in Pakistan (Sung, 2016). The present report is mainly divided into two sections that is self assessment and the initial personal development plan. Both the sections are explained below in detailed manner effectively.


As being, the practitioner as well as teacher of ESL in Pakistan, I have gone through range of experiences. Few among them are related to the issues as well as barriers that have been faced by me while delivering lectures in Pakistan. I also found that learning and teaching situation within Pakistan are not all good as it does not develops sense of learning for students and does provide required tools to teachers by which teachers can easily teach L2 to students. I have realised that majority of population in Pakistan belongs to rural areas which simply means that non development of the areas does not provides effective environment to learners where they can easily develop their understanding over English and enhance their command over it so that it can be easily used by them in the near future in effective manner. Along with this, it has been further analysed that educational facilities within the rural areas does not satisfies the required level of learning L2.

By analysing overall learning situation of rural areas of Pakistan teacher as well as other educators are concerned about the growth of Pakistan as its localise people especially to the one belonging to rural area are not able to use or speak English fluently (Richards, 2015). After analysing overall situation they have also determined that present condition or situation of the nation is not at all satisfactory. Furthermore, I have also realised that English holds a significant role in Pakistan as it is determined as the common language which will used as the main communication language for individuals whose native language is not same. English has been specified as the Lingua Franca within Pakistan after Urdu. After analysing requirement of L2, Pakistan have ensured that every school as well as college will have English as the compulsory subject where teachers and other respective faculty will teach English to students. This initiative was mainly taken in rural areas as students belonging to this region requires it at highest level. This is so because these students are not able to speak this language fluently thus by incorporating English classes at school as well as college students will be able to enhance their familiarity with this language and can easily use it properly without facing any kind of hesitance over it. Ask for assignment writing help from our experts!

Apart from this, I have also realised that English is also determined as L3 in some rural region of Pakistan too. This is so because, in these areas regional languages are seen as L1, Urdu is taken as L2 and due to this English comes at third number which is termed as L3 (Freeman, 2016). Students belonging to these region mainly makes use of regional languages as well as Urdu at the time of communicating with one another. Because of higher influence of other languages these students are not able to use English at regular basis which directly does not provide chance to them to practice this language. Along with this, lacking familiarity with English directly reduces command of students towards English at four different zones that is listening, writing, speaking and reading. In order to enhance command over L2 it is essential for teachers to approach students in such a manner that will directly improve their proficiency over basic skills associated with English that is reading, writing, listening and speaking. In addition to this, it is also highly important for the ESL teachers like me to proper required guidance to the students about the uses of English in day to day life and how they can effectively enhance their fluency over it in terms of speaking (Murray and Christison, 2019).

As being ESL teacher I have also realised that students are able to communicate in English within the classroom but when they are moving outside the classroom they are not able to use it effectively. This is because, students are not getting appropriate training within the classroom which ultimately creates difficulty for them to use English while communicating with others outside the classroom.

From my overall experience as a ESL teacher in Pakistan I have realised that EFL teaching practices are not performed effectively in Pakistan which ultimately places influence over fluency of students while speaking this language. All of the stated issues have been explored by me at the time of studying TESOL in UK. I have completed by education in UK and wanted to continue my career as the ESL teacher. The main motive behind this is to support L2 learners and help them out in developing their knowledge on the targeted language. Also, I want them to use L2 fluently without facing any kind of difficulty. Moreover, as per the discussion made earlier,

I have also realised that communication competence of L2 in Pakistan is not effective this is so because of ineffective education system of Pakistan which is not at all teaching students to effectively use English outside the classroom without any preparation. While emphasizing on the finding out the overall issue related to the same, I got to know main reason behind students non effective performance associated with L2 is that schools and colleges are not using same syllabus. This simply means that few schools of Pakistan uses IGCSE syllabus which belongs to UK whereas, other school follows their traditional syllabus. This is mainly followed in Urdu medium schools (Nunan and Richards, 2015). This kind of difference in syllabus enhances chances of inefficiency in speaking L2. After getting attainment of ESL qualification from UK I got to know that teachers are required include new curriculum frameworks in ESL so that they enhance learning capability of L2 students in effective manner.

Furthermore, it is observed that English is not being taught in Pakistan in appropriate manner. Also, ESL teachers are not even making use of desired tools in order to teach students about the English in detailed manner. Along with the teaching practices adopted by Pakistan teachers is not at all good as they are not using right English textbook which can easily provide guidance to students about the grammar rules, uses of English phrases and associated learning information associated with English (Ellis, 2015). This clearly depicts that overall education system in Pakistan is not developed effectively according to the learning zone of L2 learner.

Apart from this, it has been further realised that L2 teachers are not taking feedback from its students after delivering lecture to them. This directly keeps teachers unaware about the actual learning capabilities as well as lack areas of students. As a result, L2 teachers are not able to take required action towards it effectively. Non cooperative support of teachers directly creates negative image in front of students as they believes that teachers do not wants them to learn this language effectively. As a result, ESL learners or students in Pakistan do not takes self initiative towards learning English because they have negative attitude towards it. On the other hand, it can be said that learning of students could have been more effective if they have positive attitude towards ESL teachers. Thus, it can be said that teachers can easily influence students to develop their learning L2 by effectively developing positive attitude among them towards learning. Here, one of my colleagues has also told me that in Pakistan students are mainly using different languages that belongs to their native language or Urdu (Christian, 2016). This directly reduces influence of their attitude towards learning L2. Thus, for enhancing influence of students towards learning, it is highly important to develop interest among children towards English. This will directly develops sense of positive attitude towards learning English which will directly motivate them to take self initiative towards learning in lucrative manner.

On the basis of overall self assessment and my personal experience related to the same, it has been explored by me that there are few weak areas in the overall Pakistan education system that is placing negative influence over the learning of children (Leki, 2017). Some of the main drawbacks among them are stated as below in detailed manner:

Non adequate knowledge towards objective of ESL curriculum

In Pakistan teachers are not having detailed knowledge on the core curricular objectives of the ESL programs. This ultimately makes it difficult for the teachers to deliver appropriate lectures on the core topic because if they are not clear about the subject then it would not be possible for them to teach students about L2 in systematic manner. As a result, when students attends classes from the teachers who is not even clear about their core concept then they are also not able to develop their self interest towards the subject (Dörnyei, Henry and Muir, 2015). This directly places impact over their learning capability. In addition to this, later it has also been seen that placement system of Pakistan is not judging students on the basis of their writing and oral proficiency. This ultimately develops the feeling of carelessness among students as they thinks that they will easily get selected during the test.

Inexperienced teachers:

Even though ESL teachers are having good command over the language as well as about the practices through which they can easily teach students about L2 and its practical application in their day to day life. But still experience also plays huge role in every field. At current stage, ESL teachers who teaching in rural areas of Pakistan are not having adequate amount of experience in the field. Because of non effective experience in the same field, teachers are not able to make use of different books, latest technologies and effective technique that ultimately helps them out in teaching students in most effective manner. While talking about ESL trainer in Pakistan, it is highly important for the education system to select experienced teachers who knows about each small detail about the ESL curriculum, its core objectives and learning pattern of children (Vandergriff, 2016). Along with this, it can be said that educational system of Pakistan is also required to focus on providing effective training sessions to teachers where they can easily develop their learning on new teaching practices and methods associated with ESL and modification made in the learning pattern of students. I have also attended many seminar associated with ESL.

These seminars are mainly conducted with the motive of providing training to the L2 teachers by which they can easily develop their understanding over effective ways by which students can easily improve learning pattern. But, my own experience related to this seminar was not at all as realised that the overall program was only conducted with the motive of generating amount. Also, I found that non of the related topic was discussed in the seminar in detailed manner. According to me, these seminar should include detailed discussion on the goals of ESL, how motivation among children can be enhanced, new syllabus of ESL etc. All of the stated term must be enrolled in the seminar so that experience of teacher associated with ESL can get embraced effectively (Burke and Hardware, 2015). I also believes that these kind of workshops are required to be conducted in Pakistan at regular basis so that teachers can groom themselves with the passing time. Need Assignment Examples?Talk to our Experts!

Non availability of required material

This is determined as the deficient area of ESL. This is so because, Pakistan is so backward especially in rural areas where all of the required material is not available for the teachers which can be used by them for teaching students in appropriate manner (Im and Martin, 2015). Flash cards, models, filmstrips, projectors, tape recorders, charts, computer or Laptops, pictures etc. are determined as the main material which provides support to teachers in delivering lecture to ESL learners in effective manner. All of these are the common elements but it is mainly identified that in Pakistan teachers are not having effective access to these material or equipments. This ultimately makes it difficult for them to execute their working activity that is teaching students English in effective manner. Also, audio visual equipments for very important for teaching especially L2. Usage of this equipment directly provides support teachers in influencing interest of students towards the L2.

Deficiency in supervision:

This is determined as the another lack area of Pakistan education system which is directly placing impact over the learning capability of the students. I have personally realised that there is no one in Pakistan who is monitoring teachers performance and their working pattern. Thus, if teachers in Pakistan makes any kind of mistake then they will not get any kind of guidance on it. In addition to this, it can be said that supervision is not only required for the students but it is also important for the students too (Chukharev-Hudilainen and Saricaoglu, 2016). ESL teachers are required to monitor performance of each and every student at regular basis tin order to check out that whether they are learning according to their curriculum or not. This supervision will also ensure that each and every objective related to the curriculum will get attained by them in effective manner.

All of these above stated issues in Pakistan educational system have been determined by me from my personal experiences. According to the all of the stated issues as well as problems that has been determined education system of Pakistan are considered as the major one for me. This is so because I personally felt of these issues from own experience while teaching in Pakistan as the ESL teachers. This can be well understood with the help of the example which have been expressed by me in above specified section. In that instance, I have clearly expressed that all the seminar associated with ESL are not that much effective as they are mainly focusing on gaining monetary benefits instead of providing training to teachers or developing their knowledge over the same. I also believes that if I would have attended good quality seminar programs in Pakistan then I would have been good teacher of ESL. This is so because, as being a ESL teacher in Pakistan I have gone through numerous of problems like non availability of required equipment, ineffective training on tools and techniques used for ESL and many others.

All of these problems have made it difficult for me to teach my students in desired manner as I was not having required sources related to it. Acknowledgement of these lack areas will allow me in finding out several ways by which I can easily overcome it and develop my level of learning in effective form. While analysing influence of these issues on my career it can be said that deficiency related to educational system of Pakistan have also affected my career growth. The main reason behind this is that these lack areas directly develops numerous obstacles for me which ultimately develops difficulty for me in performing teaching associated work according to the curricular objectives of ESL (Larsen-Freeman, 2015).

Gibbs reflective Model:

This framework was mainly given by Sir Graham Gibbs. This was initially represented in his book named as “Learning by Doing” in the year 1988. The respective framework is mainly helpful for individuals or its user in expressing and analysing their overall analysis for particular situation (Grami and Alkazemi, 2016). In order to express my own experience associated with the career, I have personally made use of Gibbs reflective model. This framework or reflective cycle is mainly consist of 5 stages which are explained below:

Description: This is the first and foremost stage of reflective cycle which clearly provides an overview or description on event or activity which have been taken place (Larrotta, Moon and Huang, 2016). With reference to my personal state, it can be said that after completion of education in Pakistan I have started my career in Pakistan only as the ESL teacher. For the future growth of my career I have pursued diploma in UK in order to improve their knowledge as well as understanding over ESL. Also, I wanted to enhance my teaching performance related to L2 for increasing command of Pakistan students English. This is so because, in rural areas of Pakistan students are not having good command over English. This also places impact over the career growth of children because they are not able to use English language with fluency in terms of speaking and writing. This directly provides opportunity to the on who have good command over this language.

Feelings: This stage of reflective cycle clearly depicts about feeling of individual associated with the particular situation (Armstrong, 2015). With reference to my own scenario, it can be said that I was initially very happy and excited about working as the ESL teacher in Pakistan. This is so because as I have spent my maximum initial life in Pakistan which have development sense of attachment with the place. Also, I like English language from the initial days of my life. This have directly provided me support in helping students in learning skill effectively as it is the part of their core life. By looking at the part of this situation that is working as the ESL teacher in Pakistan, it can be said that the decision taken by me towards teaching students was good as it belongs to own area of interest (Aytac, 2016).

Evaluation: This stage generally evaluates the positive as well as negative side of the overall situation which have been experienced by individuals (Shi, 2017). In context of my own experience it can be said that the overall experience of teaching English as a ESL teacher is good at one point but at the same time few of the associated experiences related to the same were not at all good. The positive experience related to this states that I was having strong and positive relations with my student. This is so because our cultural background was same. Also, it was easier for me to understand the core weak areas at which children's were not able to learn the respective language. Also, same belongingness have also developed positive bond among me and students which have also motivated them to share their issues with me effective manner. On the other hand, while emphasizing on the negative experience related to the same, it can be said that after some time as a ESL teacher in Pakistan I got to know that students in this nation were not getting quality education (Roever and Al-Gahtani, 2015). The main reason behind this was ineffective education system whose curricular objectives towards ESL syllabus were not clear. Along with this, I have also realised that teachers are also not having core equipments associated with teaching such as audio visual players, projector, right books etc. This has simply developed negative experience associated with the teaching L2 in Pakistan. Along with this, it can be further said that contribution of education system in this was highly negative as its concentration towards supporting children as well as teachers in ESL learning was not at all good.

Conclusion: From the overall experience associated with the teaching of ESL in Pakistan it can be said that the overall experience was fine (Warren and Miller, 2015). If I will face this kind of situation again in future that means if I will teach L2 in Pakistan again then I will use my developed knowledge from the past experiences effectively. Here, I will make use audio visual tools, projectors, latest syllabus and also follow all guidelines associated with the teaching of L2 in order to teach students in best possible manner. From my overall experience, it can be said that I have developed range of skills by studying in UK. Some of the main skills among them were advanced communication skill, good technological knowledge, strong convincing power etc. It can be further said that development of these skills were highly effective for me this is so because, as being a ESL teacher it is important for me to teach students English in such a manner that will enhance their command over it (Helgesen, 2016). Along with this, if I would face this kind of situation again in my life then I can effectively handle the situation again. The main reason behind this is my string command over education system as well as latest syllabus. This knowledge will allow me to deliver good knowledge to Pakistan students who wish to learn English in effective manner.

Action: This is the last stage, in which individual develops an effective action plan that is helpful for them in improvising their growth in the near future (Helgesen, 2016). With reference to my own experience, it can be said that I will effectively make use of overall developed knowledge on ESL during my studies in UK. In order to use it in my professional life effectively I will prefer to attend seminars associated with this learning at regular basis. By doing so, I will be able to update myself on the proposed topic. Along with this, it would be easier for me to utilise knowledge developed from these sessions while teaching students in Pakistan in rightful manner.

The overall experience related to working as ESL teacher in Pakistan and a learner or student in UK was good for me as it has developed my knowledge and skills effectively. Also learning in UK has helped me out in attaining success in terms of career as I was having more number of opportunities as compared to the other ESL teachers teaching in the Pakistan and does not have any kind of experience and attained training related to teaching ESL students in appropriate manner that will develop their learning in best possible manner.

As per my analysis, it is much evident that Pakistan lacks an effective and efficient system or education policy to teach English to people. Going in details, it can be seen that the nation specially lacks trained specialists who can provide individuals with adequate knowledge regarding the concerned language. Such an ineffective teaching system makes the English language instructors to be satisfied in relation to the way they impart knowledge to individuals. This even tends to worsen the situation prevailing within Pakistan with respect to English teaching (Terhune, 2016). The thought that appears in the minds of such instructors is that when the education system is not strong enough, their pro active role in imparting knowledge would also not prove to be handy in teaching English language to individuals. This has made them stout and they have started avoiding undergoing personal as well as profession development. The present educational policy within the confines of Pakistan has made their behavioural and teaching pattern completely inflexible (Uchidiuno, and et. al., 2016). Their mindsets have been shaped in such a manner over the course of time that they do not even make the effort or take the initiative to devise a formal teaching plan consisting of planned chain of events which would help in imparting quality English language education.

Teaching in L2 requires immense dedication and strategic course of action to ensure that students perceive exactly what is taught to them. In this regard, I can easily point out that the English language teaching system in the territory of Pakistan has not been capable of providing quality education to students with the help of which they can facilitate their academic development. I believe that this is the prime reason behind the individuals of this nation lacking behind from students of other nations like United Kingdom (Essien, 2015). One of the most apparent factors that have been placing a negative impact over the educational policies devised by government of Pakistan is acknowledged to be corruption. The policies that have been specifically developed for the instructors associated with L2 training are not effectual to support their development of knowledge about the concerned language. Further, I have myself seen some of the L2 learners pointing out towards the lack of audio visual aid in the classrooms as a result of which they are not able to carry out development of their existent knowledge of ESL. The lack of initiatives taken up by supervisory authorities as well as instructors has resulted in decline in quality of ESL education provided within the territory of Pakistan.

Over the course of time, my attention has had been specifically drawn to the education system prevailing within UK. The country consists of specialised instructors who are equipped with sound knowledge of English (Vu and Shah, 2016). Further, the educational policy of the nation is effective to support the growth and development of students studying in Universities within United Kingdom. Thus, I think that there is a dire need for Pakistan to enable an effective shift in its existing English language teaching policies and systems. This is significant so as to ensure that the students studying within the Universities of Pakistan are exposed to an education system which is equipped with all the prerequisites to support their academic development. ESL education needs to be provided in a manner that students are pro active towards attaining such knowledge from the instructors (Álvarez Valencia, 2016).

For this purpose, inspiration should be drawn from the education policy and system of UK, which provides sound infrastructure through which students studying there are able to enhance their existent knowledge of English. Pakistani L2 classrooms should be equipped with all the necessary resources through which the instructors can themselves carry out their professional development at regular intervals of time. Whereby the teaching faculty and supervisory authorities would be keen to upgrade their knowledge in timely intervals, the students belonging to the Universities would look upon it as an inspiration and undertake measures to do the same (Truong, 2016). This would consequently imply the development of an effective and sound education system to which the people of Pakistan would be significantly drawn.

By facilitating a shift in the educational policies and systems within the confines of Pakistan, I would be able to facilitate career development of mine. This would be done by enhancing my existing level of knowledge and proficiency in ESL. It would provide aid to me in imparting quality English Language education to students, thereby helping them in getting elevated in terms of professional development (Cornell, Dean and Tomaš, 2016). In addition to this, it can be said that improvements in current education policies would imply better provision of training facilities for L2 teachers. This will generate opportunity for me to upgrade myself as per the modern world requirements. With this, I would even be able to create a better learning atmosphere for L2 learners within the classrooms. I would take assistance of audio visual aid to facilitate enhancement of my knowledge of English language. Thus, it is essential to introduce alterations within the educational policy of Pakistan by government so that the citizens of country do not move to other locations for gaining proper knowledge of ESL.


Identify the broad topic area you wish to research

The present research is conducted on the topic of second language acquisition in context of to Pakistan and find different methods for the students as well as teachers which can make the procedure of learning & teaching of ESL/EFL quite easy and effective (Pinto-Llorente and et. al., 2017). The present research help in enhancing the understanding about the topic so that future growth and development will be gained in an effective manner. While doing my studies in UK it has been analysed that the system of Pakistan is not so effective as they do not have enough tools, techniques or other methods for providing teaching lessons to the individual within the country. Therefore, by conducting the present research in an effective manner it has been said that knowledge and understanding will be developed in such manner that they will provide various positive benefits (Leki, 2017). The present research topic has a wide scope which help other investigators to enhance their knowledge and understanding on the concept. There are various topics included in the whole research which help in gaining insights on the basic concepts.

Show how your research relates to your career to date

While conducting this research, it has been observed by me that there are various types of innovative methods used by UK people in order to enhance their learning and teaching skills. This research help in enhancing the understanding of individuals on the topic of how new tools and techniques will aid practitioner in providing best guidance to the students (Morton, Storch and Thompson, 2015). It has been analysed that when I was a practitioner at Pakistan where I provide English learning classes to the students, there were not so effective tools as compared to the other countries. As I was a person who work as a English teacher have enough knowledge about the concept but when I was in UK doing my further studies, I got to know that Pakistan is the country who haven't use advanced tools and techniques. Therefore the present research is conducted on the same topic which was my profession in Pakistan when I was a practitioner.

It has been identified from the given scenario, it is clearly examined that all the educators within Pakistan mainly concerned that English language which is taught within the country are far from being satisfactory. But on the other hand, it has seen that apart from Pakistan, there are various tools and techniques used by teachers in order to learn English which are quite effective and advanced in nature (Larsen-Freeman, 2015). This as a result aid me as I have enough knowledge about the topic so I can gather effective and required information about the topic. As a practitioner this research will aid me in developing my inner skills, capabilities as well as knowledge so that better learning and teaching will be provided to the students.

Show how it will help you develop as a reflective practitioner

Reflective practitioners refers to a person who develop as well as examines knowledge and understanding about learners, culture and curricula of schooling along with the relation where learning and teaching occur (Farrell, 2015). These are the practices which aid an educator in order to simultaneously renew, modify, invigorate as well as maximize the wholeteachingprocess. In general, it has been said that reflective practitioner is a person or individual who looks back and examine their back on a regular basis and check the work procedures as well as identify various ways with the help of which they can improve their work in an effective manner. Apart from this it has been said that reflective practitioner or a reflective teachersrefers to the one who have effective and efficient interpersonal relations with the students as well as they experience high job satisfaction so that they can provide positive results (Crusan, Plakans and Gebril, 2016).

They are the who are enough confident about whatever they think as well as what they do. In addition to this, they are the one who are always ready to involve in professional interactions with other peoples about their experiences, views and thoughts. They reflect or examine the work they had done in past and develop strategies so that they can reduce mistakes and develop best and favourable outcomes. With the help of conducting whole research in an effective manner I will be able to enhance my skills and capabilities which leads towards the attainment of various opportunities effectively. It has been identified that the present research has wide scope which assist in enhancing the understanding of individuals regarding teaching and learning English. This will aid in grabbing ample number of opportunities at the competitive marketplace which assist in creating favourable outcomes in an effective and efficient manner (Dashtestani, 2016). By examining what has been done in past and minimizing errors, researcher will be able to produce positive outcomes.

I have chosen this topic to conduct research with the motive of developing my own knowledge on ESL as well as how students of Pakistan can easily develop their understanding over this language with the motive of attaining success in terms of my professional life in effective manner. Also, current problems as well as drawbacks in Pakistan's education system has influenced me to conduct research in effective manner as I have believes that by conducting detailed research over it I can easily find out proposed solution for the same. Also it will help me out provide me knowledge on the specific suggestions that I can easily provide to education system of Pakistan.

By incorporating or looking after my proposed solutions there are higher chances that education system of Pakistan could be developed effectively. This development will also provide support to them in improving quality education as well as knowledge of its localise people towards English (Long, 2017). Also, it can b be said that development of strong educational system in Pakistan will develop a strong educational base for Kids towards L2 that will help them out using fluent English inside as well as outside the classrooms. Apart from this, another reason for conducting research on this area is to become an effective ESL teacher in Pakistan who can easily teach its students L2 in most appropriate manner as they are aware about all of the latest technique that works as the supportive factor by which students can easily develop knowledge on L2 (Angelova and Zhao, 2016). Usage of this technical tools are also helpful for the teachers as well because it makes working process teachers more simpler. These tools also develops interest of students in learning which engage them in the learning of L2 for longer period of time. Get Marketing Assignment Help for our experts!


On the basis of above analysis, it is determined that English as Second Language should be promoted by Pakistan backed upon effective and efficient education system. In this regard, it has been identified that the current educational policy of the nation has not been capable of imparting high quality English language education owing to deficiencies prevailing within the academic policies of Pakistan. The country is recognised to be lacking in terms of specialised instructors to provide sound knowledge related to English language to students. Apart from this, it has been acknowledged that the teachers within Pakistan are not eager to undergo professional development as they seem to feel content with their teaching pattern looking upon the ineffective education system off the country. In addition to this, it is inferred that United Kingdom is a nation which lay due emphasis upon development of sound atmosphere to support the development and growth of students getting English language education. The nation promotes L2 owing to which the individuals of other regions such as Pakistan are also drawn to the English language teaching atmosphere prevailing within the confines of United Kingdom.

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