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Personal and Professional Development-Task 2

University: London School of Commerce

  • Unit No: 5
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 7 / Words 1654
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 871

Table of Content

Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Describe about the GIBBS Reflective Model.
  • Discuss about the different strategies of Personal and Professional Development
Answer :
Organization Selected : N/A



I was asked analysis different business Corporate Social Responsibility and purpose of the same in the organization. This has helped me in developing good sort of skill and knowledge in me. Reason behind the same is that it has driven me to perform variety of different activity which was not known by me in the past (Gibbs' reflective cycle, 2020). This task was an individual task, so I have performed the task alone. My specific role was to evaluate different CSR activity of different business and analysis the purpose for performing that activity in the organization and different challenges which is faced by the organization at the time of performing such activity (Thuburn, 2017). Conducting this research has helped me in gaining good sort of knowledge about the topic of the research and also helped me in building variety of the skill set in me such as research skill, Time and self management and many more there were many issues which was also faced by me but by overcoming all the challenges and using my skill for the best usage, I am able to find out the best result for the project.


There were many types of feeling through which I was went in the purpose of conducting the research in an organization. As in the starting stage of the research I was hesitated and was feeling some sort of pressure on me to carry out research. Reason behind the same was it was for the very first time that I was conducting a research and making individual paper by my own. Here communication skill which has been developed by me helped me as I am able to communicate with the tutor to understand the different path way through which I have to go to conduct the research (Eaton and et.al., 2019). After that I was feeling good as I was somehow able to complete the task effectively in the organization but there were many activity in between the research which used to threaten me as, I was not able to find the solution of the same. Example of the same is at the time of collecting the data to conduct research. At this time my research skill as helped me to overcome the same as with the help of same I was able to overcome such challenge in the organization. After overcoming many such challenges in the process of conducting research I was successfully able to complete the task, At that time I was feeling confident as I was getting positive vibes, that in the future I will able to conduct any such task proficiently in the organization. Need Assignment Samples.Talk to our Experts!


There were many things in the research which went well for me at the same time there were many things which has not went that well in the research. Thing which went well was that I was able to complete the task on time in the organization. Reason behind the same was the time management skill which is possessed by me. As this skill has helped me in organizing different activity in the organization in such a way that I am able to complete the different task very proficiently in the organization (Gibbs and et.al., 2017). As every task which has to performed in the organization are synchronized in proper ways. Another thing which went well was analysis of data. Reason behind the same is that with the help of different ICTs I am able to analysis the different data which was collected for the purpose of conducting the research. Some things like collection of data does not go that well. As I was finding it difficult to select the best source to collect the data but with the help of tutor and research skill I was able to overcome the same issue proficiently. I was also finding it difficult to check the quality of outcome of the research as I am not that good at my problem Solving skills. For overcoming the same issue I have taken help of my tutor to ask him to check the progress of mine and provide us with different feedback about the same. This has helped me in improving the quality of the outcome which has been drawn out by me.


I find that there are various good things which I carry during preparing the report and the major support which I get is related to getting appropriate guidance to prepare the report. As through effective guidance, it helps in making the changes regarding the strategies which are using to provide the quality work. I analyzed that the things go well in respect of taking timely feedback from tutors once the data is gathered or information is collected. Through this manner it helps me in making the changes through carrying the working in better way (Keeling and Major, 2018). The another thing which I realized didn't work well is relating to solving the problems within the set time period. I find myself lacking in resolving the problems which is faced during conducting the task. The sensible things which I had to carry is to take instant decision and also individually managed the work. The positive impact which I gained by carrying this skill is that I feel confident in communicating with other regarding gathering information or examining the organization working to bring changes in their working style.

I think that planning in terms of time management not work in right way as I find that the time is lapsing when I started the procedure to collect data and implemented on them. I feel backward as the cost is also spent but it not properly utilized in accurate segments. I think that in future perspective, I take care of managing the time through making the To do List. Through this manner, it helps in enhancing the learning and also makes me active in completing the task within the stipulated time limit (Ribchester and Healey, 2019). 

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Through completing this report, I learned that communication is must in respect of completing the task within the organization. As CSR is mainly adapted in respect of providing benefits to the society through carrying various social activities. Thus, I was very happy in respect of interacting with different person regarding making changes in the external factors or also various new concepts are known by interacting with them. I learned that by using verbal communication helps in getting more accurate results and thus, it builds the interaction skills and bring confident in presenting the views and thoughts in better way. Moreover, I will continue to carry the research and develop the skills through analyzing the accurate information. I also examined that the skills which I need to develop for future gain is relating to the focusing more on resolving the problems on instant bases. I am lacking in resolving the matters which arise at any time and thus resulting in not managing the work within the accurate time period. In such aspects, I had to work in enhancing the areas of knowledge through taking the instant decision so that time and cost, both can be managed in right way. 

I think that by managing the self-interest in respect of challenging to attain the task within the set time limit, helps me in building the confidences through dealing with all the matters personally. It also helps in managing the behavior in case of any conflict raised regarding not working as per the set instructions. I learned that tutors gave the best guidance and also provide the accurate way to complete the task. Through their guidance, it helps in making changes within the stipulated time and also interact with them, regarding making improvement in the future planning. Order Research Paper Help now!

Action plan

During the research, I tried by simply imputing words but next time I try to apply some different strategies in respect of searching the deep information which provide more accurate details. I find myself lack in problem solving but if I am planning for some new projects to be undertaken I definitely try to adapt the innovative ideas in working either through making the sketches or writing down the personal experiences, so that in future aspects it can be improved (Adegoke, 2017). As mind mapping is also one of the innovative ideas which results in increasing the capacity of the mind and thus, it helps in managing the time in better way. I also feel that I need to develop the communication skills through not only interacting with other but also carry the listening skills. Through this manner, it enhances the patience level and also examined the way in respect of dealing with different persons. By identifying the various changes and challenges which I am facing, I make sure that next time I will be the good planner and also plan the activities within the set time period (Rigby, 2017). As in previous task, the issue which is faced is related to lack of time management but in future perspective I make sure that I plan day to day activities, so that time is managed in effective way and also productive results are to be determined.

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