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Role of Training and Development of The Wellesley

University: Regent College London

  • Unit No: 9
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 9 / Words 2160
  • Paper Type: Dissertation
  • Course Code: HR 5002
  • Downloads: 1392

Table of Content

  2. TASK 1
  3. TASK 3
Question :

This Assesment will tell you:

  • What is employment relations?

  • Impact of employment laws on HRM?

  • Comparison in selection process.

  • What are the Contribution of training and development activities?
Answer :
Organization Selected : Hotel The Wellesley


Human resources refer to the workforce within an organization, necessitating coordination among employees. The human resources department is established to plan, organize, and coordinate workers, fostering positive and enduring relationships. The hospitality industry encompasses businesses offering services like event planning, theme parks, transportation, and cruise lines (Allen et al., 2011). Managers must train employees to adapt to changing consumer demands, crucial for the industry's success. This report focuses on Hotel The Wellesley, a 5-star hotel providing various amenities like Wi-Fi, mini-bars, jazz lounges, and cigar terraces. It delves into HRM's role, labor supply and demand planning, employee relations, employment laws, HRM practices, selection processes, and training's significance.


2.1 State of employment relations in Hotel The Wellesley

There are many employee which are working for achieving goals and objectives of Hotel The Wellesley i.e. business expansion and profit. Hence employees are the asset through which organisational aims and objective can be attained. There are many legal aspects which has to be considered by managers of Hotel The Wellesley in order to maintain long term relations with workers. There is influence of governmental and legal policies in smooth running of business, so it is responsibility of managers to analyse them and business operations performed in appropriate manner. There are many legal laws which has to be implemented for employees, this provides them satisfaction and this helps to maintain long term relations with workers. There are some laws which are followed by Hotel The Wellesley in order to create coordination in business activities and maintain good and long term relations. They are discussed as under-

Anti discrimination law- As per this act, there must be not discrimination among employees on the basis of caste, colour, creed, religion, etc. there must not be any biassness on the basis of personal aspects. With the help of this law, managers of Hotel The Wellesley can not differentiate among workers and hence there is no partiality among them. This helps to keep workers satisfied. Employee relation within organisation gets improved.

National Minimum wages act, 1998- This act states there minimum wage specified under this act. There is difference in wage rate of employees, so HR manager of Hotel The Wellesley must have knowledge about minimum pay which has to be paid. This is crucial law because when person is able to satisfy basic needs, then this reduce poverty rate and maintain living of standards. Hence when employees are getting minimum and fair remuneration they are satisfied and good relations within organisation can be maintained. Working environment at Hotel The Wellesley is good and hence organisation is able to maintain good brand image in industry.

Health and safety act- According to this act, facilities within organisation must be fair and convenient for employees. There must be proper lighting, good working environment, proper ventilation, fire exit techniques must be implemented at Hotel The Wellesley. These are the basic elements which has to be considered by managers. at Hotel The Wellesley, thee must be proper first aid facilities which keeps them satisfy and hence improve employees resistance in organisation. This act emphasise manager to plan proper techniques of safety in emergency. Hence there is less labour turnover and absenteeism , which gives operational efficiency to Hotel The Wellesley.

2.2 Impact of employment laws on management of human resource

With the help of law related to employees at business organisation there are legal and ethical relations. There are possibilities of change in these laws, so HR manager of Hotel The Wellesley has to alter business policies. This can be done with the help of legal practitioner. Hence HR manager can take help of legal practitioner so policies can properly modified. When there is alteration in legal laws, then it must be communicated properly to workforce. This helps to keep employees satisfied and maintain performance up to the mark. This assist in growth and development of Hotel The Wellesley.

Human resource department works to manage employees working in organisation. Legal laws helps to maintain ethical relations with workforce because legal law sets benchmark on the basis of which policies are farmed at organisation. Some changes in legal laws are discussed as under-

National Minimum wages act, 1998- As per legal law and norms, there is increment in basic pay rate of employees. This increment is approximately 20% of current remuneration. When this change in pay rate happens then this must be implemented at Hotel The Wellesley by proper planning. With increment in basic pay, worker's performance gets enhanced and they are motivated to give best through which monetary benefits increases. HR manager analyse performance of employees, if performance is up to the mark, then monetary benefits increases. Hence monetary demand of consumer gets satisfied. Hence with change in basic rate of performance of workers at workplace improved. This improves band image of Hotel The Wellesley in industry.


3.1 Job description and person specification

Person Specification:

The person specification is a acknowledgement about skills, knowledge, qualification, and other judging criteria which are essential to be possessed by individual (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). This is the document which shows requirement required at particular designation. Person specification required by person for the assistant marketing manager are as under-



Job Description: A job description or JD is a written document which shows roles, responsibilities for specified job position. With the help of job description candidates will become clear about task which they has to be undertaken (Boxall and Purcell, 2011).

Job Description

Job Details

Post: Assistant marketing Manager

Department: Marketing Department

Job Summary

  • He must be able to plan marketing campaign.
  • He must have good communication skill so he can interact with foreign delegates in order to publish products and services.
  • Must able to handle pressure in seasonal time.
  • He must have to report to marketing manager on daily basis.

Roles & Responsibilities

  • he has to interact with different departments of organisation.
  • Travelling with top level personnel.
  • Fast communication skill.
  • Frequent replies of consumer query.
  • Able to working for 14-16 hours in peak season.

3.2 Comparison in selection process of different organisation

Selection is the process which is done after recruitment. This is the process through which best candidate is selected from recruited crowd. Selection is negative process because this sort the candidates on different basis such as assessment test, psychological test, group discussion, etc. At last best candidate out of crowd is selected. In Hotel The Wellesley there is requirement of assistant marketing manager so they have following selection method-

  • At first step, HR manager analyse demand which is required by managers of Hotel The Wellesley. This analysis is done with departmental head (Carter and Liane Easton, 2011).
  • After analyse for the specified job, job description and persona specification are prepared. These are the documents which provides knowledge about qualifications which are required by candidate for the specified position.
  • After it advertisement strategies are formulated. There are different platform where advertisement can be done such as newspaper, social media, employment agencies, job sites, etc.
  • After posting job requirement a such platform, some job applicants applied. At this managers screen applications on sort out of them by analysing their skills and vacant designation.
  • After sorting, selected candidates are called for interview. In interview, there are some set of questions related to their skills, qualification, experience, etc. which are required for specified post and on the basis of it they get selected or rejected (Davis and Adam Cobb, 2010).

Apart from this there are different methods of selecting candidates for job. Hotel Crown Plaza is good brand image in hospitality industry. This hotel is in contact with colleges and other educational institutes for selection purpose to get best and fresh talent. Selection process implemented by HR manager of Hotel Crown Plaza is as under-

  • First they went for pre placement presentation. This presentation is held at college premises. Topics are given according to designation (Pfeffer, 2010).
  • After presentation, selected candidates are asked for group decision. Topic of group discussion are based on current trends happening in society. This step is also done at college premises.
  • After group decision, preliminary interview will be held. This is done at regional office and taken by assistance manager of Hotel Crown Plaza.
  • After selecting from this interview, final interview is taken by managers at head office. This is the last step to judge candidate's skill (Ernst Kossek, Lewis and Hammer, 2010).
  • After getting selected in final interview, offer letter will be mailed to candidate for joining.


4.1 Contribution of training and development activities of effective operations

Training is the process to improve skills, knowledge of candidate. This is the way which helps to learn new techniques and implement it at workplace. Training programme is planned by HR manager of Hotel The Wellesley so it must be done by proper planning (McWilliams, and Siegel, 2011). Manager must communicate with employees to know their perception and then implement best way. This helps to get positive result at working efficiency of employee's at Hotel The Wellesley. Training and development can be done with the help of job rotation, transfer, class room training, seminars, etc. Training is essential and crucial for organisation as well as employees. Its contribution is discussed as under-

Developing talent- With the help of training and development, skills and knowledge of employees gets improved. Training method helps to develop new talent which is relevant and significant in current market. Hence talent of workforce can be developed (Glover and et. al., 2011).

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Reduce turnover- When managers of Hotel The Wellesley plan different techniques of training development, then it reduces labour turnover because employees are satisfied that they have knowledge about latest technique and working under it. So they are relevant within external market.

Lifelong learning- training is the way to learn new ideas which are relevant and according to trend. When employees are ready to learn new techniques, then they are relevant to market. With the help of training employees are able to learn new ideas and maintain long run at workplace. get the best online law assignment help at the best price.

Enhance company reputation- Training and development is not only beneficial for employees, this improves brand image of organisation also. When manager thinks for improving skills of employees, then organisational efficiency can be achieved and quality of product and services improves. Employees feels that they are essential component of organisation and do not want to leave organisation. Hence there is improvement in brand image of Hotel The Wellesley among employees as well as consumer (Halbesleben, 2010).


From the above discussion it is clear that human resource department plays important role in maintaining good relations with employees. There are many changes taking place in environment, so it is essential for managers to make policies accordingly. This assist in maintaining long term relations with workforce. When workers are satisfied, they give there best and operational efficiency can be achieved by hotel. Proper remuneration, good working environment, planning for training and development for which human resource department works. In order to maintain decorum within organisation, this department frame many plans and policies such as entertainment policies, games, etc. Basic remuneration rate, health and security act, etc. are relevant for employees. With change in these laws HR manager of hotel has to alter organisational policies so maintain proper working in ethical manner. There is difference in selection process of employees according to designation at organisation and skills of worker. Training and development in organisation has to plan by managers of organisation to improve skills and knowledge of workforce.

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