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Human Resource Management

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
Question :
  • Introduction of Human Resource Management?
  • What is the Link between health and productivity of employees?
  • How to Reduces stress and improve workplace morale?
Answer :


Human resource management is considered as important aspects in every organization. Main aim of HRM in company is to development of human capital and maintain long term relations with its employees. It conducts various types of activities with organization and make different types of polices in organization. It also helps to entity for attracting, managing and developing employees for the benefits of firm (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). The presents report does not specify organization's name so we take ABC which is leading hotel in Malaysia. This report give brief description about organization such as its establishing year, different types of operation and other activities. It also makes analysis relationship in between health of workers and entity's productivity. After then its gives recommendations for improvements and suggest some actions. At last it gives reviews on diversity at workplace.

Assignment 1

a) Brief description of the organization

ABC is an international organization which was founded in October, 1993 it is considered as one of the largest hotel in the world. Entity is offering its services worldwide and have more than 5 hotels & resorts in worldwide. It operates its service through franchises or by owned managed to independent operators. Hotel is targeted both business and leisure travelers. It located in every major city in different countries and it is located near airports and popular destinations around the world (Storey, 2014). Main focused of company is offering different types of services which are related to hospitality industry and enhancing its customers experience.

The hotel was established in year 1993 and at that time its was managed by General hotel management which is based in Singapore (Anderson, 2015). The hotel architects is based on the Brainchild architects Kerry hill. For developing the hotel there are various types of things are used such as of timber and using elephant felled tress. The hotel was based on the themes which give completed information about Malaysia. The organization is situated near Datai Bay one side and other side rain forest. In hotel there are 122 numbers of rooms which consist 54 rooms, 54 villas and 16 suites. The hotel is famous for its beautiful architecture , blend nature , fine tradition and offering the extraordinary services to its customers. It was clearly built with love and imaginations. In 2011 the organization was on Gold List in Conde Nast Magazine. It's also offers different types of services such as spa, mbodt polishing and also content different types traditional baths which enhances experience of their customers.

ABC hotel is under the experienced management team and the main aim of their staff is to give world class services to its customers. Missions of hotel staff is spirit the Asian culture and traditions along with luxury. The hotel is also maintained its own club and it is suited in 360 hectares of luch tropical gardens. The hotel is continuous expanding its services and focuses more developing different types of services in order to attracts to many customers. The vision and mission of the Hotel is promoting its services with context with Malaysia cultural and enhances its customers experience and expectations. Hotel's location is near to rain forests which ultimately expand its beauty.

The ABC hotel in also known for using of advance technology and launching different types of customers oriented programs. Entity launches different types programs for its customers who booked hotel directly through its own websites and receives special discounts in their traveling. Thy ABC is become the first hotel in history for using upgraded energy efficiency in its Malaysia. Branch, installing green controls for doors, windows and using energy in intelligent way.

The organization is also used different types of technology in its business such as Wi-Fi. Digital check in, key less entry and choosing their rooms as per their requirement through hotel's app. Apart from its business operation the main aim of the firm in to deliver the best services in hospitality industry and maintain long term relations with its customers. At present ABC organization is focusing on developing more green projects in its hotel portfolio and encouraging more sustainability in its hotel projects. Firm is encouraging people for adopting environmental friendly practices such as reduces use of carbon emissions which assist to them for developing Eco friendly environment. For making continuous improvements in adopting healthy environmental practices ABC earned global certification (ISO 5000) for energy management.

ABC is also engaged in many others programs such as in 2014 the entity make engagement with young people with firm through its apprenticeship programs and skills development programs. It also organizes different types volunteer projects in 2015. It also recognized By Conde Nast Magazine as the hottest hotel in the world.

b) Link between health and productivity of employees

In every organization, a healthy workforce is considered as the strong asset which helps the company in improving its bottom line. There is direct relation in between employees' health and entity's productivity (Malik, Blake and Suggs, 2014).By creating healthy and safe workplace, the firm can improve its productivity and worker's life balance. Employee's health is helps create positive environments at workplace. In ABC firm, worker's health also affects its productivity.

Employee's turnover

It refers to numbers of employees who leaves the organization and are replaced by new employees in the fix period. If worker of entity are not healthy and fits then workers turnover rate increases and then the company is required to hire employees. Healthy workers maintain long term relation with the organization (Nisar, and Yeung, 2015). Thus, it reduces recruitment and training costs. ABC enterprise is facing high labor turnover rate which increases its operational costs. For maintaining employees performances and improving productivity of entity it is important to keep the worker's healthy.

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If employees of organization are not healthy then it increases the rate of absenteeism. It refers to pattern of absences of an individual from a duty or obligation. High absence of person is the indicator of poor workplace practices and affects the entity's performances and its reduces productivity of workers If workers of the firm are healthy, take proper diet and exercise then its increases performances of business (Cucchiella, Gastaldi, and Ranieri, 2014). Healthy employees reduce absenteeism and make them able to complete their task on time. ABC limited is facing high absence of workers which decreases their productivity.

Heath care costs

Employee's health also affects the costs of entity. In case if manpower of the firm is not healthy than firm is required to pay extra incentives to them so that they can maintain their body. For an unhealthy individual, entity need to make large investment and also its lead to extra insurance cost which directly impact on finance of the firm (Harris and Yelowitz, 2016). So to maintain its operational costs, it is important for ABC to keep their workers healthy and fit which directly improves productivity of the firm.

Reduces stress and improve workplace morale

Healthy life style creates awareness in employees and they can easily maintain work life balance. If the workers are not physically fit then it increases mental health breaks and creates stress (Qureshi, Rasli, and Zaman, 2014). Due to stress, workers are not able to perform their work and are unable to meet deadlines of the projects. Healthy employees results in greater moral at the workplace and improves performances of entity. Physically and mentally fit workers are focused more on their work and entities are also able to expand its business and improves customers services ABC enterprise also emphasizes on making the customer aware about their health so that they can improve their workers so it productivity in the firm.

Employee's health and entity performances are directly related to each other. If workers of organization are healthy then it leads to many advantages for business firm such as it reduces the employee's turnover rate, absenteeism and health care costs. Better fitness decreases stress, enhances strength and boosts immunity of the workers. It also helps the individual to improve its own performances, enhance self confidence and create positive workplace environment. Physically and mentally fit employees focuses more on their work and workers can easily completed their project on time (Mali, Blake and Suggs 2014). Physically fit employees leads higher energy so they can perform their tasks in effective manner. ABC firm should also improve its worker's health so that they become more focused and present better work. It also helps the organization in improving its customers services through healthy mind workers can make good interaction with its customers.

c) Reasons of divergence

Divergence refers to how members of two groups are likely become less similar to one another over time. It has huge impact on firm's performance and reduces productivity of employees. It leads to negativity at the workplace and make unable to individuals for completing their task on time. In ABC, there are various reasons of divergence some of them are discussed below.

Differences in personality

ABC organization is one of the leading Hotels in UK. Entity brings wide range of people whco have different types of attitude and values. Workers belongs to different background have different types of experience and perceptions which play an important role in shaping their personalities. In Workplace, divergence occurs when members of two groups fail to understand to each other or cannot accept personality of each other which leads to many problems in the entity (Dixon and Dougherty, 2014). It may also create many conflicts in group such as increases communication gap and make the worker unable to focus on their work.

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Poor communication

Divergence occur because of poor communication, It also leads too many conflicts among employees and decreases performances of workers. In ABC organization, there is communication gap which leads too many misunderstanding among group people. Employees of the firm are not able to perform there tasks on time and this develops dissatisfaction between two group members.

Differences in cultural

Another reason of divergence at the workplace is because of different cultural background of employees. It can be defined as norms and beliefs of the individual. ABC is an international organization and there are many workers who belong to different culture (Anderson, 2015). At workplace, it is important for the employees to give respect to each other and their culture. A good cultural interaction assists to entity for managing and expanding its business activities. In ABC there are many employees which are belongs to different cultural backgrounds and management is unable to solve this problem. It helps the employees in performing their tasks in group and many conflicts arise among groups members.

Unhealthy competition

Unhealthy competition among employees is also a reason of divergence within the workplace. Workers focus more on the competition rather than performing tasks in team. Healthy competition is considered as the good motivator at workplace and improves performances of individual (Rakib and Hadani, 2015). Reason of divergence at ABC is because of unhealthy competition among team members which leads to highly competitive environment within the business firm. So the organization need to develop such practices which helps to them for improving healthy competition in entity. Through this approach employees becomes more focused on their work and able to perform their work in effective manner.

For making employees engaged it is important to understand the reasons of divergence workplace. By understanding reasons of divergence in between employees they can develop better engagements of employees in business activities. There are various reasons of divergence in ABC such as ineffective communication, differences in personality of individuals, differences in cultural and unhealthy competition among workers. All these reasons leads to difference in between persons in firm. For solving such issues entity need to identify those issues a take corrective actions for solving such issues (Nisar and Yeung 2015) For instance, for developing effective communication ABC can conduct different types of activities such as develop skills such as effective listening, giving full attentions and catching non verbals messages which leads to effective communication in between group members and solve the conflicts which arises in between them.

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  • Anderson, L. (2015). Understanding Hospital-Based Nurses' Experiences of Structurational Divergence. The Qualitative Report. 20(3). 172.
  • Armstrong, M., & Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Cucchiella, F., Gastaldi, M., & Ranieri, L. (2014). Managing absenteeism in the workplace: the case of an Italian multiutility company. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 150.1157-1166.
  • Dixon, J., & Dougherty, D. S. (2014). A language convergence/meaning divergence analysis exploring how LGBTQ and single employees manage traditional family expectations in the workplace. Journal of Applied Communication Research. 42(1). 1-19.
  • Harris, T. F., & Yelowitz, A. (2016). Nudging Life Insurance Holdings in the Workplace.Economic Inquiry.
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