- How does organizational culture influence motivational strategies and incentives?
- What are the key challenges Brett Jones faces while managing operations in Tanzania?
- How does individualism differ between Tanzania and the U.S.?
Organizational culture, which is frequently tied to where the firm was started or is probably listed, typically dictates motivational approaches and incentives. Companies frequently use a single incentive plan, with similar rewards and recognition across all of their locations. Both are frequently made little concern for individual culture differences (Al-Hasan, Khuntia and Yim, 2021). It's achievable that your latest incentive scheme and leadership styles contribute to a decrease in performance and quality of your staff members even before increasing to other geographic areas, implementing a cross-cultural coach, or attempting to benefit from star power via distant location job opportunities where regional diversity exist. The following case is about vice president of US based hydro generation. Brett Jones has to manage the operation phase of a major dam project in Tanzania. He has involved in completing different assignments at primary and construction phases of project which have resulted in being highly satisfactory (Combes-Joret and Lethielleux, 2018). That is why he was called for Tanzanian project. The following report will conclude different cross cultural challenges which he has two face Weill managing operations in Tanzania. These problems were organisational culture, communication and negotiation and motivation and HRM. Get assignment help from the top writers in uk.
Organisational Culture
Organisational culture is defined as the way which is used within different countries for operating business operations in their own countries. When an expatriate visits the country, it is difficult to adopt the culture and management for focusing upon business activities and tasks (Gautama, 2018). In context of Tanzania and U S business culture, Hofstede model is used for elaborating different differences that exist between Tanzanian and US organisational culture.
Power distance: according to this dimension, there is dealing with the fact that all individuals within society are not at all equal. They have to express the attitude of culture as well as management for inequalities that exist within the business environment. They also have to work up on different changes which are existing in Business Today and they have to focus upon power distances and extend which is present for less powerful members of the institution as well as the organisation (Lyan, 2021). That is why Tanzania is scoring high on this dimension when compared to US.
Individualism: this is known as fundamental issue which is addressed according to the degree of interdependence that a society is maintaining among the members. There is need for managing whether people are having self image that is defined by ego or attitude. In context of individualist societies, people are supposed to look for themselves and accordingly manage their families. In context of collective societies people belong to different groups and then they take care about the exchange for loyalty. Tanzania is having scored of 25 and it is considered as collective society.They look after upon employee employer relationship in moral terms which includes family link, and hiring as well as promotional decisions depends upon the group which the employee belongs. masculinity: this focuses upon the dimension of society that is driven by achievement, success and competition. It is totally dependent upon the value system from which an individual starts the school and continues to out the organisational tenure. If there is loss score of feminine it means that dominant values are present within this society and quality of life is not good. In Tanzania, the main fundamental issue includes motivating people and wanting them to be best masculine and liking what they're doing for feminine. That is why in context of US and Tanzania muscularity there is higher similarity.
The uncertainty avoidance: this consists of dimension uncertainty avoidance which includes way that a society is dealing with the fact of managing future problems and trying to control them in order to have less anxiety while dealing with them the extent for which the members of culture are feeling threatened by unknown an ambiguous situation is creating beliefs and institutions that have to be tried in accordance to avoid the uncertainty avoidance. Tanzania is scoring 50 on this dimension and hence it is having no preference for indicating the future gaps.
Long term orientation: according to this dimension, there is management how a society is maintaining the links and managing past challenges that can be faced in future also (Marchetti, 2018). These totally depends upon the culture that is scoring high and on the other hand it is creating more pragmatic approaches for encouraging efforts in thrift for modern education.
Indulgence: Tanzanian culture is having low score and that is why the tendency for pessimism and cynicism are more.
- Solution
According to the given case, Ben has to face some problems while managing the business operations in Tanzanian project. He has to adopt techniques and tools which can be used for managing Tanzanian labour and workers in order to complete the project in specified time. For managing the cross cultural operations and management between Tanzania and USS, leaders can take regular meetings and provide whole information about the project to workers and employees efficiently. This will help them to manage the activities properly (Nguyen, Tanner and Pham, 2019). Conflict management system or approach has to be adopted in order to ignore the challenges in future as well as present four dissatisfied workers or employees. Get more assignment samples at instant assginment for your help now.
Communication and Negotiation
Effective communication is very important in order to negotiate, persuade and it is related with different human behaviours. In context of Tanzanian project, it is very important for Ben to have all the qualities and manage effective communication for overcoming the challenges which come across credibility and confidence. About full negotiation is benefit for having fine art and compelling to manage all the project related work properly. It will help in persuading all these successful outcomes of project and depending upon it profits will be maximised easily. Communication and negotiation is defined as the way by which negotiators can achieve their goals com objectives and build relationships in order to resolve different disputes (Nurcholis, 2020). That is why most negotiators have the ability to manage successful project work by using it. Communication is also an important way to counterpart different type of cultures. In Tanzania, there is dealing with foreign suppliers and negotiating with them which has created obstacles for EU S leaders. It developed challenges including unfamiliar laws, ideologies, government and usually the absence of negotiation with US suppliers. The main challenge which is faced by Tanzanian project included international negotiation which is cultural difference between the both countries. There is requirement of having importance of communication in international business in order to manage the project properly. In context of cross cultural negotiations, there is need of managing issues of personal negotiation techniques as well as styles in order to consider the impact upon cultural differences of Tanzania and US. It can impact upon the Major problems which are faced while communicating and increasing the possibilities that regards to misunderstanding between workers of both countries. That is why in cross cultural negotiations, there is consideration of certain amount of baggage in order to develop personal as well as group history for maintaining the assumptions and stereotypes that belong to the history of conducting business operations. There are several challenges including cultural differences and it is a two-way process in which both the countries have to collaborate in order to manage simple issues and granting them for effective settings (Rangriz and Sheidani, 2017). There are certain protocols which are delivered for not fancy drink any amount of conflict or dissatisfaction among workers of both countries. If there is lack of understanding among etiquette then it will lead to discomfort, tension and mistrust. In Tanzania, it is very normal for a visitor to be greeted by host without hand sheet. This activity is not so common in United States. That is why it is important to inform since as well as other employees are expatriates too manage culture, eye contact in order to manage the business operation
There can be dealing of creating communication problem initiation. This means first of all a proposal has to be made and all the suppliers must be informed about the decision taken by the leader. In this way communication for negotiation will be very easy (Song and Ma, 2021). Secondly, cultural barriers are making it difficult to understand behaviour of each other. That is why leaders have to adopt an approach for communicating their decision's to the other country workers and labels properly. In this Case No conflicts will be enhanced. Another solution includes the cultural considerations that influence forms in substances of the deal can be minimised by strictly entering the traditional they off trading which the country uses.
Motivation and HRM
Motivation is defined as inner urge that is created among employees and workers for efficient business operations. There is need to have effective HRM process so that employees feel engaged and involved towards working in the company. There is also requirement of having effective communication between employees and HR managers so that they know what are the problems faced by them for proper working. Motivation is widely recognized among the strongest determinant of individual actions and a critical analyser of performance for critical aspects of conduct. As a result, it's not surprising that motivation appears in a variety of legal papers, and scholars and directors pay close attention to embracing individual motivation to use common media and tools on behalf of businesses. Motivational factors (such as success, recognition, oversight, effort, evolution, and cultural experience) are linked to the application content, while hygiene factors (such as corporate strategy and management, personal relations, work conditions, pay, job safety, location, and compensation) are not. The workers and employees of project were less motivated for working and attaining success.
Local government authorities (LGAs) are worried about obtaining highly skilled specialists; therefore, the deficiencies are first recognized by the concerned agencies and then forwarded to hrm for certification. Following that, criteria are established for each and every post that has to be performed, and these criteria are given to the publicly funded commissions for training and development, as well as the provision of qualified candidates to fill the position. As a result, LGAs ensure that personnel competence is reached via the hiring process, resulting in knowledgeable and experienced workers.
A thorough, logical, and complex HRM aids in the identification of a suitable candidate with the ability to perform. "A mismatch between individual and the job might limit quality standards, but a comprehensive application process can assure a good arrangement between it specific skill and the foundation's requirements." In addition, it has been discovered that picking has a favourable relationship with corporate strategy. Employee treatment - The project leaders' core idea is that employees value as a company's most valuable asset, including facilitating and developing more develop the leadership and engagement, is fundamental to effective practise in businesses. Employee engagement is thought to be favourably associated to an achievement of organizational goals, contentment, and profitability.
Dissatisfaction can be caused by a variety of circumstances, including issues with top management, poor wages, a reduced salary, disappointments in relational and family issues, etc.
When personal and corporate concerns are linked, for example. The shared interests including both parties play a role as a stimulant in this case, encouraging employee motivation. Regrettably, if the employee is depressed, massive issues can result. In this project, the Human Resources department plays a critical function. Passion can be boosted by their hobbies, improving the quality of turnover intention for their personnel. Similarly, the organizational atmosphere can improve and have a direct effect on productivity. Performance is directly related to individual performance improvement, according to the HR manager. It's how you'll be likely to identify on this component in a systematic method to help the organization achieve its objectives.
In case of Tanzanian workers and employees, it is very essential for leaders to provide them attractive incentives and benefits so that they can work hard for completing the project work. There is also conclusion for management and operational activities so that less conflicts will occur and all will collaboratively attain success. The motivational theory which can be used is Herzberg's Motivator-Hygiene (Two-Factor) Theory. This notion categorizes motivating variables into two major categories. Motivators, for example, are intrinsic to the workplace and boost employee satisfaction and motivation. The second set of characteristics, hygiene factors, are external to the workplace and have an impact on employee dissatisfaction: they influence the amount of complaints and can affect whether or not people stay in their jobs. Motivators include demanding job, meaningful employment, being given responsibility, being involved in decision-making, and so on. Salary, job stability, interpersonal interactions at work, incentives, administrative methods, and so on all serve as hygiene considerations. These factors, according to Herzberg, do not drive employees. Hygiene aspects, on the other hand, might generate considerable unhappiness if they are missing or inadequate. Consider how dissatisfied you would be if you were underpaid, on the threat of extinction the job, subjected to continual gossip, lacked effective leadership, and were surrounded by coworkers you loathed. The goal of sanitary considerations is to make an individual feel at ease, secure, and pleased. When hygienic parameters are not met, such as the appearance of personal care and chores, it is necessary to meet these needs as well.
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From the above discussion, it is concluded that cross cultural management is a big issue that creates problem in success of different important organisational projects. It is therefore essential to manage different activities and tasks associated with cross culture so that there are less conflicts and goals can be attained within time. Realizing these ethnic issues allows you to improve your communication style and avoid cross-cultural misconceptions. This skill is inextricably related to reduced interpersonal skills. You'll become even more perceptive, more adaptable to diverse cultures, and less convinced that your culture is correct in all instances.
Developing language skills like accessibility and amiability will help you gain respect as a boss and improve communication. To improve your cross-cultural language skills, ask for and expect advice. People can avoid cross-culturalism by respecting ethnic issues. It's normal for us to expect others to act in accordance with our own cultural norms. If this isn't the fact, our natural reaction is to dismiss it. Managers and leaders really shouldn't be frustrated by behaviour driven by differing cultural norms, notwithstanding how difficult this is to achieve. Opening up to cultural differences is one method to combat this. Rather than acting with prejudices, ask questions about the beliefs that guide specific behaviours. It should also assist you in resolving conflicts in a more empathetic and understanding way.
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Books and Journals
Al-Hasan, A., Khuntia, J. and Yim, D., 2021. Cross-Culture Online Knowledge Validation and the Exclusive Practice of Stem Cell Therapy. Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), 29(2), pp.194-221.
Combes-Joret, M. and Lethielleux, L., 2018. The features and management of identity threats within a nonprofit organization: the case of the French Red Cross. Society and Business Review.
Gautama So, I., Djunggara, A.A., Fahrobi, R., Simamora, B.H. and Ruangkanjanases, A., 2018. Effect of Organisational Communication and Culture on Employee Motivation and Its Impact on Employee Performance. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 26(2).
Lyan, I., 2021. âKoreans are the Israelis of the East': a postcolonial reading of cultural similarities in cross-cultural management. Culture and Organization, pp.1-19.
Marchetti, A., 2018. Glassdoor. com Data and Organizational Culture: A Methodology for Studying Acculturation Processes in Cross-Organization Interactions. Academy of Management Global Proceedings, (2018), p.309.
Nguyen, L.D., Tanner, T. and Pham, L.N., 2019. Cross-culture management: an empirical examination on task and relationship orientations of Japanese and Omani working adults. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 19(1), pp.92-103.
Nurcholis, L., 2020. How to improve internationalization strategy based on market characteristics, culture understanding, and knowledge management: the mediating effect of management behavior. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, pp.1-24.
Rangriz, H. and Sheidani, S., 2017. The Effects of Transfer Mechanisms of Knowledge on Performing the Transfer, through Cooperative Competency, in Tehran Educational Organizations. Organizational Culture Management, 15(3), pp.625-645.
Song, Z. and Ma, Y., 2021. An Asian-Centric View of Cross-Culture Leadership Research. In On the Emergence and Understanding of Asian Global Leadership (pp. 1-30). De Gruyter.