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Intercultural Business Communication

University: London University

  • Unit No: 5
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3429
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Table of Content

  1. Books and journals
Question :
  • What is the main focus of intercultural business communication?
  • Why is intercultural management important for businesses in a globalized world?
  • How can intercultural communication help businesses like CafePod expand into new markets such as India?
Answer :


Intercultural business means business relations with individuals of various other cultures that is relationships with those persons who are from different cultures. Intercultural business communication is related to the study of communication in relation with intercultural and cross-cultural business. CafePod Coffee has been taken as a base company which is founded in 2011 and a brand of coffee headquartered at UK. The main aim of this report is to shift this company in India which is a most populous country and very fast in growth and development for opening up new brands, local and international. This file covers a kind of scenario related to the intercultural business communication, analysis of this scenario by using an approach of cultural dimension and anti-essentialist perspective (Cardon, Huang and Power, 2019). This will also cover strengths and weaknesses of the two discussed approaches.

Scenario related to intercultural business communication

As nowadays, businesses and their management are very typical because of the globalisation and there might be different people from various backgrounds and cultures.
Intercultural communication provide the capability for dealings across various cultures, which is progressively very crucial, as the world gets very little (Norman, Chang and Prieto, 2017). Getting a small doesn't mean the world is becoming indistinguishable, it means to have more and more interaction with the individual who are culturally different. An intercultural Management is beneficial because all the firms nowadays are working across almost in all the countries and cultures. Few firms can work exclusively inside their own cultural relation. With the net, even small businesses can interconnect with consumers or the persons who can supply thousands of miles away. Intercultural communication between different individuals with different cultural identities is to improve and increase the understanding of that area where a business person wants to diverse its business. Intercultural communication helps the business to destroy all the communication gaps like language barriers from international business and helps the individual to grow their business in this whole world. CafePod is currently running with a competitive spirit and a single motive to spread its business to many other countries (Barnett and Carter, 2018). Now this business wants to spread itself in other countries also to spread its business to give more better relationships with clients, hiring procedure which helps in hiring diverse candidates and improvement of internal communication. CafePod also want to spread and serve itself  with most of the countries by respecting all the differences between cultures and policy of India when they develop additional item for their menu. CafePod is also doing a commodity test and various experiments by adding or eliminating food items related to the local culture or trends among customers (Martinez and Hurtado, 2018). It will start it work by giving a priority to the needs and development of an employee. As in India, some people are choosy and everyone have different taste so they will bring their product in India by checking and understanding culture, tradition and taste of people who are present in different states. For example, there are some people who want less sugar in their coffee, variety of chocolate people like according to their taste and many more. Get more assignment samples for free at instant assignment.

Culture Dimension Approach

Cultural dimensions explains the level to which  grouping of a culture are observed to be different from each other in case of psychological concept like belief, personality and attitude. Cultural sum up the level to which cultural groupings are available through empirical measurement to differ from each other in relation of scientific discipline conception such as values, beliefs (Safa, Yousefi and Ranjbar, 2018). So far as international firm is obsessed, the magnitude of cultural form a beneficial aspect. Understanding of the mode in which various advantages of a firm are represented in various cultures, can assist a manager in understanding and selling successfully across the foreign marketplace of a firm. By reading and knowing various cultures,it helps in  understanding the individual to do many things the manner they perform. When they determine with other persons, they experience with their incident. This will help in knowing and prevents misunderstandings. In accordance with this to its intrinsical economic value, societal of the essence social and economical advantages. With improved and increased learning and health, increment in the endurance, and chances to come collectively with others, culture raise the superiority of living standard and improve the whole well-being for both persons and gathering. This is very important when it is all about an international business who want to switch to the another country to spread itself (Barantsova, 2021). This will help in the manner in which different cultures can help a manager in understanding the international market successfully. Here, Hofstede's cultural dimension theory is used to understand the differences in culture around the countries and to recognize the manner business is done across different cultures. This theory is given by Geert Hofstede in 1980 to find out the dimensions in which cultures differ. Hofstede formed this culture model mainly on the foundation of fluctuation in belief and faith related to the objectives of work. Hofstede's framework is especially useful because it provides important information about differences between countries and how to manage such differences Hofstede has identified six categories that describe the culture (Almazova, Baranova and Khalyapina, 2019).

  • Power Distance Index: It is related to the level in which less powerful persons of an administrations and organisation within a country accept that power is distributed in an unequal manner. Basically it calculates how a culture see power relationships between all the individuals. In case of India, it has high level of inequality in context to power and wealth in a society. Its caste system divides the population of India into various groups with each having a high status than the one under it. These caste describe the power of an Indian people from the birth and they cannot plan to enter in other caste. So, CafePod can think about the idea of a coffee which can help people of India to remove this inequality and help them to survive together in this world.
  • Individualism: It means that there is a huge importance placed on accomplishing the individual objectives. Individualism or collectivism is all about the importance of a person versus interest of the group of persons (Boulhna, 2020). Individuals who are giving priority to those who are expected to take care of only themselves and their families. On the other hand, collectivism means the individuals who give priority to the relatives and members of a specific group. In context to India, it is a society of both individualistic and collectivism traits. People who  are following the religion of Hinduism believe in the cycle of death and rebirth which is depend on the manner an individual is living. The concentration of an individualism interconnect with the collectivism attitude of the Indian society. CafePod can also bring the idea of a meal or an individual cup of coffee which is again beneficial for the country as at a workspace , hiring and promoting are based on the relationships which is a key to everything in a collectivist society.
  • Masculinity:It shows that the society will be run by competitiveness, achievement and success that starts from a school and continue till life of an organisation. It is a content of accomplishment, confidence level and a reward for the success (Rahmani and Croucher, 2017). This is seen to the trait which emphasizes the dream, wealth and gender roles which concentrated on the success of a material. In case of India, here the concentration is on the achievement and success in a particular person's life in the workspace. Likewise, CafePod is also doing certain things which can help in increasing the values and competition which is again helpful for company as well as a customer (Yuniarto, 2019).  
  • Uncertainty Avoidance: It is related to that level in which all the people of a culture feel threatened by an unknown situations and have made beliefs and organization that try to remove these. Individuals in culture and tradition with high uncertainty avoidance put all the efforts to decrease the occurrence of the circumstances which are not known and then to process with the changes step by step by strategies and implementing rules and regulations.  In context to India, it is patient country where tolerance level is high for the unexpected things. They avoid to maintain a hard codes of an attitude and require many rules to limit the uncertainty. India is always ready to perform any task by making good business relations with anyone  (Kalugina and Tarasevich, 2018).
  • Orientation: It defines the way every society has to manage some connections with its own ancient time when handling the challenges of current and upcoming time period. In relation to India, it choose to manage time-worthy cultures and norms when there is a societal alterations with suspicion. It is very important at the same time as these are important information in management as it plays a huge factor in the inspiration.  As CafePod has started its journey for thinking about its future and competence so it is future oriented and inspire economy and an attempt in the current education as a path to make the future.
  • Indulgence: This describes the level to which an individual try to control their aspiration and instinct related to the way they were grown. It means to the society which permits kind of free satisfaction of fundamental and natural drives of a person which is connected to enjoy the life and then have fun. In case of India, by using this CafePod will bring the enjoyment and fun in the country in the variety of ways which freely satisfy the basic needs and requirements of an individual.

Anti-essentialist perspective:

This specific theory is related to each and every person or property , there are manageable words in which a person has a property and possibility in which it does not. It is argued that one cannot make semantic awareness out of bare specific anti-essentialism inside the model of the standardized semantical for normal logic. A mutually exclusive to the normal semantics is planned that can make awareness out of the bare specific explanation. The alternate will not need that the anti-essentialism philosophy will be true, but that doctrine will be corporated in a simple formal situation which is naturally compulsory on the models definable within the alternative semantics.

Anti essentialism in philosophical system is the non-belief in a substance of any given thing, content, or theoretical entity. Anti essentialist might also be defined as a change and belief that for any subject like to shift CafePod in India, there are no particular attributes or ground of being which subject of that type must have in order to be consider this subject. Anti essentialism is not limited to normal humanistic discipline opinion. It is also found in academical subject field such as sociology and science. The non-essentialism is used in these course of study differs a bit given their various data and subject matter (Kohli Bagwe and Haskollar, 2020).

This model can set the mode for the group action of an industry and discusses the suggestions of organization culture in case of authority, personality, and construction inside the  multinational or multicultural firm. This is concluded by inspiring further research, possible inside the critical management studies with qualitative methods of research, to raise the non-essentialist model of culture within organizational studies.

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The anti-essentialist cultural paradigm are adopted to research the complexness inside the procedure of both cultural-making and own socialization that may happen in an inter wining manner within a local cultural area. In case of India to bring CafePod from UK particular cultural area to look into the cultural-making procedure towards group coherence and a person grouping member's socialization procedure. A conceptualization model is recommended after synthesising both the debates between the essentialist and the anti-essentialist cultural model in the field of intercultural communication and the discussions on social control in the existing written material.

Multiculturalism has become important and it is seen from the starting as a progressive discourse when it is already seen by various academical commentators as conservative  and also a very reactionary based. In case of India and UK to bring CafePod create arguments for political mechanism of multiculturalism which are managed against the essentialist that is anti- essentialism of nationality. Multiculturalist have accented internal differentiation and a fluid nature with the description of national belonging and alterations over time. In this manner, it s possible to lay out for the migrants group into a continuation of Britishness and against those who are outsiders and threatening the national integrity.

This study of anti essentialist employs a different various types of cultural education in case of India to bring CafePod in India as it has various types of cultures available in the country. Each and every people want something different and have their own taste of eating or living which employs a difficult multicultural education in the country as it is a part of anti essentialism (Holliday and Macdonald, 2020).

To understand plan of actions discussion on ethical personal identity, there is a requirement to see how individuality course of study are improved up in a particular social or cultural relations, as the significant of course of study are difficult and dynamical, as well as basically compelled to history and culture. The corporate and individual knowledge, or societal imagined, inside the Indian gathering which plays a crucial role in forming plan of actions such as the national course of study program which is very purposeful and authorized.

In an essentialist view, recognisance will contain of an inside point, which come out at the time of childhood and unfolds during the course of living standard, but actually it remains in a similar way. So, cultural recognition is connected to belonging to a constant culture, without altering ethnicities and world views . Culture is viewed as quality, an element inside a person or grouping, and ethical attribute may be randomly bunched with each other. This essentialist aspect on individuality plays a great role inside every discourse when the motive is to identify, defend and work on the individuality and when cultural identity is represented as distinguish between grouping and individualist. The narrowing word multicultural identity is then decreased to a trade name for the another student, symbolise those who are contrary, non-integrated and majority. Another effect of an essentialist view of identity is that the multicultural person may be expelled. 

 In a non-essentialist view, a particular topic has no permanent identification. Accordingly, a cultural identity of an individual involves various characteristics, like quality, faith, communication, gender and social class, which cross, that is, variety of aspects inter-relate and  inside living standard of people and in societal relationships. In this visual aspect, the term ‘identity' is often declared to better react to its process and multiple imaginary creature. People today form their individuality in relation of multiple culture through a mix of local and global culture, via both first hand and virtual reality, which surpass the boundary line of nations and abstracted cultures. So, recognition is a procedure of alteration and not an ownership of the person, but actively designed over (though with a grade of uniformity), so that similar person can really have various identity element in different cases.

Strength and Limitations of the approaches used for Cultural dimensions.

Hofstede's Model give managers a cross- cultural relationship an instrument to assist them understanding the difference in the value sets and an attitude of main head of CafePod to shift in India and helped people in daily life to understand about different culture. Anti- essentialism can be helpful as it can help in keeping free from the false conception for anything so it can help in giving a positive factor to the surrounding.

The limitation faced by Hofstede's model is that it does not give correct information related to the whole country so it is a bit risky and can not be applied on the whole culture to find out the dimension of a culture (Bocanegra-Valle, 2017).  Anti essentialism is also a kind of disadvantage as sometimes it can be so much  subjective and unclear which will affect reader and can be very personal sometimes. This will not give better and clear result to the CafePod for shifting to India due to these limitations so the selective firm has to decide very briefly and then think about the cultural dimension.

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It is concluded form the above report is that intercultural communication in business is very important to break all the obstacles related to the culture and make awareness of cultural related standard. It is also used as an interchange procedure among the people of different cultures. It also means to the business relations with the individual from various different cultures that involves many advantages like reduction in the conflict, personal growth, healthier communities and so on.

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Books and journals

Almazova, N., Baranova, T. and Khalyapina, L., 2019, February. Development of students' polycultural and ethnocultural competences in the system of language education as a demand of globalizing world. In The International Conference Going Global through Social Sciences and Humanities (pp. 145-156). Springer, Cham.

Barnett, L. and Carter, E., 2018, May. Challenges to Leadership in Intercultural Settings: Intercultural Interactions and Knowledge Management: Research From Thailand. In ICMLG 2018 6th International Conference on Management Leadership and Governance (pp. 60-67).

Bocanegra-Valle, A., 2017. Intercultural Dialogicity in Maritime English Course Materials. EPiC Series in Language and Linguistics2, pp.92-101.

Boulhna, O., 2020. Applying Psychological Reactance Theory to Intercultural Communication in the Workplace: Dealing with Technological Change and Tolerance for Ambiguity (Doctoral dissertation, Illinois State University).

Cardon, P.W., Huang, Y. and Power, G., 2019. Leadership communication on internal digital platforms, emotional capital, and corporate performance: The case for leader-centric listening. International Journal of Business Communication, p.2329488419828808.

Holliday, A. and Macdonald, M.N., 2020. Researching the intercultural: Intersubjectivity and the problem with postpositivism. Applied Linguistics41(5), pp.621-639.

Kalugina, O.A. and Tarasevich, N.A., 2018. Smart technology integration into EFL teaching at the non-linguistic higher school.

Kohli Bagwe, T. and Haskollar, E., 2020. Variables Impacting Intercultural Competence: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research49(4), pp.346-371.

Martinez, L.A.M. and Hurtado, S.R.F., 2018. Internal communication issues in the firms: Does it affect the productivity. Rev. Eur. Stud.10, p.1.

Norman, M., Chang, P. and Prieto, L., 2017. Stimulating critical thinking in US business students through the inclusion of international students. Journal of Business Diversity17(1), pp.122-130.

Rahmani, D. and Croucher, S., 2017. Minority groups and communication apprehension. Journal of Intercultural Communication2017.

Safa, M.A., Yousefi, M. and Ranjbar, N., 2018. Face in Intercultural Communication: A Qualitative Meta-Synthesis. Journal of Modern Research in English Language Studies5(2), pp.1-18.

Yuniarto, P.R., 2019. Intercultural Gaps between Indonesia and China on the Belt and Road Initiative: Causes and Remedies. China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies5(03), pp.395-416.

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