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Personal and Professional Development

Table of Content

  1. Introduction


Personal and professional development is a concept in which an individual develops and implements strategies for their growth. The main objective of this means is to manage learning and to develops own skills so that an individual can perform its tasks easily (Chipchase, Johnston and Long, 2012). It is an important aspect which helps a person to enhance their capabilities to work along with future opportunities. This report is prepared in context of Travelodge Hotel which is a private company operates its business in hotels and hospitality industry in UK. The company is famous for its hospitality services and offers many holiday packages to its customers at affordable rates. It is essential for a manager of hotel to manage their self-learning in order to enhance their future development. In this project, professional development plan is considered by company to determine strength and weakness of an individual. Along with this, interpersonal and transferable skills is also demonstrated in this assignment which company need so as to achieve their goals and objectives in allotted time frame.


1.1 Evaluate approaches to self-managed learning

Self-managed learning is an approach in which an individual manage their own learning. It helps an individual to enhance their lifelong development and skills. This concept is also considered by companies which helps them to develop skills of their employees by providing training and knowledge (Pillen, Beijaard and Brok, 2013). By this, members can able to deal with every problems and circumstances. In context of Travelodge hotel, this concept of self-managed learning also helps the manager of company to achieve their goals. In this, they provide training to their staff members which helps them to learn new things and accomplish their tasks in time. It is related with goals setting and identifying purpose of learning to attain set targets. In this context, there are some key approaches to self-managed learning which are helpful to cope up with professional and environment, these are:-

  • Conferences and seminars: To attain goals and learn new things, this approach is a better option which can manage self-learning. According to this, a person can gain so much of experience and knowledge by attending conferences and seminars. By this they can resolve their issues and also helps in gaining confidence. In context of Travelodge, the manger of hotel can also develop and enhance their skills by attending conferences and seminars. This provides them opportunities to present themselves and share knowledge achieved by them.
  • Social network: Another approach by which an individual can gain and manage their self knowledge is through social networking sites (Grima-Farrell, 2015). In order to develop skills and learn new things, individual should engage themselves in social sites. They should do video conferencing and share their opinions with each other which helps them to learn a lot. The manager of Travelodge should also use social networking site to gain knowledge and resolve their issues. By this they can also accomplish their targets in assigned times.
  • Internet: This can also be an another approach which helps an individual to increase their potential at workplace. This also assist a person to assess different articles through internet and gain knowledge. In context of Travelodge, the manager should also use internet to attain required knowledge for personal and professional development. By this, they can reach out their set goals and manage entire working of company.

Thus, these are the ways or approaches by which the manager of Travelodge can manage their learning and enhance their skills to achieve goals.

1.2 Ways in which lifelong learning in personal and professional contexts could be encouraged

Lifelong learning is said to be a process of continuous learning in which an individual contributes their efforts to reach their goals. It is an ongoing process which is undertaken throughout life. The main aim of this learning is to improve knowledge, skills and competencies, personal and professional life style and enhance career growth and opportunities (Elliott, 2012). It is a broad term in education and development which is conducted after schooling. It is voluntary and self-motivated in nature and depends on person to person that is totally rely on individual. In this, a person learns new things which helps them to develop their personal and professional growth. This process is also beneficial for the manager of Travelodge as by this they can deal with all challenges and help employees in their projects. This also gives confidence to accept face problems and accept challenges. It plays a vital role in individual as well as in collective form and have many advantages that are as follows:

It helps staff members of company to gain qualification which give career advancement when they have enough knowledge and skills that helps to reach at high peak of career. On other hand it enhance employability and promotion aspects that gives them satisfaction and motivation. When an individual professionally capable enough then they have lot of pportunities to earn many things in life. Lifelong learning gives advancement to broaden their knowledge that helps in professional development and also give satisfaction in career. So continuous and life long learning is very important in today's fierce competitive world to keep oneself updated and knowledgable enough to grab potential opportunities. There are various methods which the manger of Travelodge should adopt to learn new things in day to day life to remain competitive enough in today's scenario. Methods of life long learning are as follows:

Self directed learning:

In self directed learning, an individual is responsible and take initiative to study and accept challenges without taking help of others (Hildebrand, 2018). It is the method in which a person implements new techniques or strategies to achieve their goals. This method is also advantageous for staff members of Travelodge, as by this they can expand their knowledge and improve their skills.

Continuous professional development:

CPD is another way of continuous learning for individual on an regular basis. It is also a beneficial process to enhance personal and professional growth. This assists employees of Travelodge to determine their strength, weakness and track skills. It aid them to upgrade their knowledge and ensures their growth along with future opportunities.

1.3 Evaluation of benefits of self-managed learning to individuals and organisation

Self-managed learning is a structural process through the help of which personnel takes steps towards development and accomplishment of goals that are essential in a person's life. This continuous process is largely significant for individuals as well as organisation as it is impacted by performance given by employees. The two fold benefits of self-managed learning is as follows:-

Benefits to individual in Travelodge: It is a process which helps individuals in developing certain essential skills and traits that are necessary for carrying out activities within organisational premises (Hicks and et. al., 2014). The major benefit of this self managed learning is associated with the flexibility of process as it helps individuals in becoming effective and efficient for delivering performance in Travelodge. This assists personnel in developing ways to deal with and tackle complex situations that may arise in business context. Also, this process enhances the decision making power of business persons operating in corporate world along with increasing the productivity of individuals at workplace.

Benefits for Travelodge: A significant benefit of self-managed learning process in relation to Travelodge is that it assists in reduction of cost of learning in an entity. Also, this process helps the managers in enhancing and developing effective skills and knowledge to manage the activities and functions of the company. When leaders and managers will be effective, it implies that workforce will complete all the assigned tasks in a desirable manner within due course of time (Macià and García, 2016). This reflects opportunities for company to gain a strategic edge in market by way of competitive workforce and management.


2.1 Evaluation of own current skills and competencies against professional standards and organisational objectives

Skills are the traits and competence that one needs to develop one's personal and professional abilities to perform tasks (Kumari, 2011). Skills audit is a tool used to measure and record skills of a personnel. The major purpose of conducting this in context of Travelodge is to identify the skills and knowledge required by workforce to carry out tasks within the premises of an enterprise. A skills audit is conducted by me to identify and assess my skills as per current and future needs, as follows:-

Skills and Competencies

Score (out of 10)

Communication skills


Interpersonal skills


Leadership skills


Problem solving skills


Time management skills


From the above evaluation, it has been analysed that the hotel staff and management of Travelodge need to possess certain skills that are essential for performing the roles and duties assigned to them. As per the table, I have given myself scores according to my views after drawing feedback from my peers and colleagues. It has been assessed that my communication and leadership skills are suitable to operate in a well renowned hotel and perform the tasks assigned to me. Also, it has been evaluated that my interpersonal, leadership and time-management skills are below satisfactory as per the organisational requirements and need to be enhanced with evolution of time. Overall, it can be said that this process assists in enhancement of required skills for personal and professional development.

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2.2 Identification of own development needs and the activities required to meet them

In context of any company, an Assistant Manager plays a crucial role in the management of activities within the organisational context. In Travelodge, assistant manager works in coordination with head managers and collaboratively guide and govern the operations being performed in enterprise. To be an effective assistant manager, I need to possess good leadership skills along with oral and written communication skills. Also, it is required to have a proper knowledge of the roles and duties to be performed by me as well as the staff operating under my supervision.

Thus, I have ascertained certain skills in which I need improvement so as to improve my performance as an assistant manager in Travelodge. These skills are described below:-

Leadership skills: In any entity, leaders or managers need to possess intelligence, adaptability, intellectual skills to lead individuals of the company towards the accomplishment of organisational goals and objectives (Minott, 2010). I can enhance my leadership skills by way of ascertaining my strengths and working upon utilising it more. Also, it is essential that I analyse my weaknesses in relation to communication and leading the team of Travelodge so that I can ensure that there is no discrepancy in individual as well as collective performances.

Time management skills: It is essential that manager of any department possess information about the behavioural characteristics of employees (McNiff, 2010). This helps me in delegating the responsibilities to workforce as per their background, specialisation and educational proficiency. Assigning the duties and roles to individuals on time would ensure that organisational goals and objectives are accomplished in an effective and efficient manner.

Interpersonal skills: These are essential to be effective as a manager in any organisation. I can develop my inter-personal skills by way of adopting certain practices like possessing positive and optimistic thinking as well as approach, maintaining emotional stability, collaborative working etc. Moreover, maintaining healthy relationship with employees helps in ascertaining their queries and resolving them within time so as to create a positive atmosphere at workplace.

2.3 Identification of development opportunities to meet current and future defined needs

Development is a process through which employees can be made skilful, competent and knowledgable to complete the assigned tasks and duties in timely manner. It is an effective means for developing the workforce in a desirable manner to perform the task in a manner that can provide a strategic edge to company over its competitors (Patton, Parker and Tannehill, 2015). Some of the development opportunities that helps in enhancing existing skills to meet current as well as future needs are defined below:-

Training: It is an effective tool by which employees of Travelodge can be trained optimally so that they can perform as per the rules and regulations set by organisation as well as law. This acts as a motivation as well as development approach for personnel as it assists in making the employees competent to perform the roles assigned to them within their powers. Here, colleagues, seniors and other business professionals impart knowledge so as to train individuals to perform in corporate context.

Welfare Programmes: This is yet another impactful way in which individuals can develop their skills and knowledge by learning these from line managers so as to work in accordance with the needs and requirements of organisation and deliver performance to the best of their potential. Also, it assists in making personnel carry out work in a formal and structural manner within the premises of organisation so that there are least chances of failure of task.

Workshops: This is an interactive way of developing individuals wherein they are given opportunities to develop their intellectual capabilities as well as patience to deal with complex situations that may arise within due course of time (Moon, 2013). Workshops generally focus upon practical learning and largely assists personnel in comprehending ways of increasing their productivity by observing as well performing certain tasks assigned.

Monitoring and Supervision: This is considered to be a optimum tool that inculcates professional skills and knowledge in personnel as well as supervise them while they are carrying out roles and duties within organisational premises. It is effective in developing individuals in a way that they can meet current as well as future needs. Managers and leaders of an entity can use this practice to keep a check upon employees so as to identify any discrepancy or variances between actual and desired performance objective.

Growth & development activities and tutorials: This is yet another significant tool by which individuals can enhance their existing skill set as well as knowledge to suit the requirements of enterprise and deliver performance within due course of time in a desirable manner. Also, tutorials can help personnel to gain ideas about how to deal with complex situations that may arise in current or future context. This implies that personnel will be able to meet their goals and objectives in a timely manner without much variance from desired performance.

2.4 Devise a personal and professional development plan based on identified needs

Personal and professional development plan is a strategic means used by individuals through which they can set their goals, strategies to develop skills and find variances in actual and desired proficiencies (PERSONAL OR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS,2012). It assists in evaluation of one's strengths and weaknesses. For this purpose, I have developed a personal and professional development plan so as to overcome my weaknesses, given below:-

S. No.

Learning target

Present Proficiency

Target Proficiency

Development Opportunities

Criteria for Judging Attainment

Time Scale


Leadership Skills



I can improve my skills by joining various class where interactive sessions are taken that assists in enhancing leadership skills. Also, by developing a clear vision of own strengths and weaknesses, I can become an idol for individuals.

Managers and senior executives

45 days


Interpersonal skills



I can enhance my skills by taking personality development classses wherein I will get an opportunity to be a part of various activities which will assist in improving my existing level of interpersonal skills.

Peers and colleagues

2 months


Time management skills



I can inculcate time management skills by way of attending various workshops and sessions wherein I can learn to deal with complex situations and complete the tasks in a desirable manner within timely manner.

Managers and colleagues

3 months


3.1 Process and activities required in implementing development plan.

Strategic planning process of Travelodge is not going as per plan. So, to solve this issue, I have set a development plan so that activities can be conducted within organisational premises in a formal and structural manner. This ensures that work is done with greater efficiency and skills. Some major activities that can be implemented are as follows:-

Goals and objectives

Short Term

Mid Term

Long Term

Timely achievement of goals and targets.

I need to enhance and develop my skills.

In mid term, it will help employees in developing their skills and talents by training.

In this part, timely achievement of goals and objectives has been mentioned.

Acquiring more skills and knowledge

Here, I need to enhance my knowledge so that I can achieve goals and objectives.

Knowledge can be enhanced by training sessions, seminars etc.

Training helps me in timely achievement of goals and objectives.

Learning new skills and technologies.

Learning new skills and technology improves knowledge.

Working with improved skills motivates for future development.

Herein, new advancements and skills will help an organisation in achieving their goals and objectives in efficient manner.


3 months

7 months

1 year

These are certain factors that assists in timely achievement of goals and objectives in context of Travelodge and ensuring that work is completed in a desirable manner within due course of time.

3.2 Undertaking and documenting development activities

Time Period

Action Interpreted

What is learn till now

What is required to do next

Estimated time

3 months

Democratic leadership style has been chosen by me for effective decision making.

This help in taking appropriate decision making process which is effective for an organisation

It is quite useful when employees have to go through training and development sessions.

3 months

3 months

Here managers need to adopt new technologies for delivering goods and services.

It helps in meeting quality standards.

In this part, I need to emphasize on employees and their skill development.

3-5 months

These are certain activities that are to be practised by me for timely achievement of goals and objectives and making sure that the processes and procedures are being carried out within the premises of Travelodge in a timely manner.

3.3 Reflect critically on learnings against original aims and objectives in development plan

For effective implementation of strategies and plans, it is quite important for me to continuously evaluate and assess employees and their performance. Herein, there are certain methods of learning against original aims and objectives of development plan, which are mentioned below:-

Motivation: Motivation plays a vital role in an organisation. Herein, a managers need to encourage its employees for achieving effective targets, goals and objectives of a particular organisation (Sabzian and Gilakjani, 2013). Motivation is a key factor required to motivate their employees in completing their task. Furthermore, main objective of managers is to analyse each and every individual in an organisation and encourage them for timely completion of tasks.

Superior knowledge and experiences: I, being a manager, essentially need to evaluate skills and knowledge of each and every employee in Travelodge. Also, it is required to check their past and present knowledge and tasks performed. Learning and gaining knowledge is an ongoing process that is beneficial for both employees and organisation.

The above mentioned points will help me in implementation of a development plan by critically evaluating aims and objectives specified therein so that variances can be found out between actual and desired performance and worked upon to avoid discrepancies.

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3.4 Updating development plan based on feedback and evaluation

After drawing feedback from peers and subordinates and carrying out own evaluation, it has been analysed that there are certain shortcomings for which development plan needs to be updated.The updated development plan is formulated as follows:-



Action for improvement

Required Time period

Learning advanced technology

Lack required information about latest technology, tools and techniques

Making initiatives to learn and develop new and high-tech ways of carrying out work

2 months

Enhancing leadership skills

Not able to identify behavioural characteristics and expertise of employees to delegate tasks

Substantially eliminate flexible and lenient nature of leadership and enforcing formal behaviour within organisational premises

1 month

Developing inter-personal skills

Not able to effectively deliver message and information to workforce

Giving importance to verbal over written communication so as to develop ways to effectively interact with personnel

2 months


4.1 Solutions to work-based problems

In any organisation, there can be various issues that may arise at timely intervals. These problems act as hurdles and hindrances in performance and hamper the operational activities of employees. Many such issues also arise in Travelodge and thus, managers have developed a systematic process that assists in addressing and resolving the problems. The process for developing solutions to work-based problems in Travelodge is as follows:-

Identification of problems: It is imperative that managers ascertain the issues related to work so as to address them in an effective manner. In this context, main work-based issues in Travelodge are unfavourable working situations, employee turnover and ineffective communication.

Analysis of problems: The next step in this regards is to analyse all the problems effectively. This can be done by carrying out an in-depth research about the reasons due to which such problems might have arisen (Sabzian and Gilakjani, 2013). Another step can be to take feedbacks from staff so that appropriate solutions can be developed to deal with the situations.

Potential solutions: The last step in the process is to evaluate various possible solutions to identified problems so that these can be tackled in timely manner. This ensures that these problems do not hamper the growth and development of organisation. In this regards, solutions to above identified problems are:-

  • Organising workshops as well as training and welfare programmes to inculcate necessary skills and knowledge in employees such that they they can feel motivated to perform in an effective and efficient manner towards completion of tasks.
  • Designing and developing optimum communication strategies such that workforce can interact and deliver necessary information irrespective of cultural, linguistic and national diversities.
  • Using monetary(incentives, bonus, paid holidays) and non-monetary(appraisals, recognition, award and certification) forms of motivation to encourage employees and develop a feeling of loyalty in them towards Travelodge.

4.2 Communicating in a variety of styles and appropriate manner at various levels

In any organisation, communication plays a crucial role in management of activities and procedures. Also, Travelodge hotel highly emphasizes upon enforcing a culture where necessary information is communication in a formal and systematic manner. This process is carried out within organisational premises in a variety of styles and manners:-

Ways of Communication in Travelodge

There are a number of ways in which employees and management communicate within the boundaries of rules and regulations in Travelodge, these are:-

Verbal: This is one of the most crucial and impactful type of communication prevalent in any company. In Travelodge, staff as well as management makes use of oral style to deliver necessary information or message within the premises. To become an effective speaker, leaders and managers in company stress upon making subordinates understand the importance of being an active listener (StJean, 2012). Also, here leaders tend to focus upon respecting the diversities in opinions of individuals so as to implement a policy or guideline that can take this into account and facilitate effective communication channels.

Non-Verbal: This is yet another way of effective communication wherein speakers make use of gestures, postures, body movements, voice modulations and inflexions, eye contact and hand movements so as to deliver necessary information. In Travelodge, leaders focus upon using their assertive skills so as to inculcate a culture wherein employees and management can communicate in a healthy manner to address the problems faced by staff internally and customers.

Written Communication: Here, communication is done in a descriptive as well as written manner. With reference to Travelodge, managers use Information and communications technology (ICT) to interact at various levels and departments. ICT is a communication system wherein company uses integration of telecommunications and computers to access, use, store and transmit data related to employees and management of Travelodge electronically in a digital form. This is an effective manner in which necessary information and statistics is exchanged within organisational premises in a formal and structural written way so as to avoid any chances of glitches or miscommunication (Zepeda, Parylo and Bengtson, 2014). Some other ways of written communication can be memos, bulletins, employee manuals, business reports, job description, electronic mail etc.

Interpersonal Communication: This is a type of communication which is used by managers to communicate in a small group of individuals. In Travelodge, this communication is majorly used when leaders have to take necessary decisions in relation to departmental teams. Interpersonal communication may at times make use of persuasion skills so as to gain acceptance from group with reference to any decision or procedure.

Formal and informal feedbacks: This is a type of communication involving taking information from customers and present staff regarding the satisfactory and dis-satisfactory elements in enterprise (Trede, Macklin and Bridges, 2012). This helps managers and staff of Travelodge to ascertain and analyse the grievances and issues faced by people as well as workforce so as to bring about improvements and enhancement in products and services delivered by hotel. This will ensure that quality and standard of living for guests so that they can have an excellent experience during their stay.

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Styles of Communication in Travelodge

To successfully execute the process of communication in Travelodge, managers make use of different styles depending upon the situation and behavioural characteristics of existing staff. Such styles of communication are explained below:-

Controller style: This is a direct style of communication wherein leaders are demanding and thus put across their thoughts and views in front of team in a straightforward manner (Trede, Macklin and Bridges, 2012). In Travelodge, personnel make use of controller style when a motivated and dedicated approach towards work is needed to carry out the tasks in a desirable and timely manner. This communication style involves making eye contact and often require assertive behaviour.

Supporter Style: In corporate world, it is the most liked style of communication among employees of an entity. This is well renowned form of interaction which makes use of strong inter-personal communication skills so as to effectively express one's views and opinions in relation to policies, methods and procedures being followed in Travelodge. It makes use of calm and composed manner of working to execute the tasks within due course of time.

Analyser style: This style of communication involves organized and astute way of working by paying intense attention to facts, necessary statistics and intricate details (4 Communication Styles and How They Play out in the Workplace,2018). Many a times, leaders in Travelodge are involved in gaining proper knowledge and analysing all the necessary facts and information in relation to an upcoming project so as to ensure its long term success. Here, personnel make use of observation and analytical skills to effectively communicate within organisational premises.

Promoter style: This is a communication style which involves making use of enthusiastic and people-driven approach. Staff and management in Travelodge makes use of promoter style when they intend to create a social environment for individuals wherein anyone can freely express one's views and opinions about a subject matter. Business persons using this style possess excellent inter-personal communication skills to effectively deliver the required message amongst the workforce.

4.3 Evaluation and usage of effective time-management strategies

Time management is a crucial factor in any entity which defines the extent to which tasks are being effectively handled by personnel and completed in a timely manner. In context of Travelodge, various strategies are used by managers to ensure completion of assigned tasks and achievement of organisational goals in due course of time. Such strategies are explained below:-

Prioritising workload of employees: It is imperative that the tasks assigned to leaders and managers in an organisation are effectively delegated to subordinates on the basis of their educational qualification and knowledge. Besides this, it is also essential that the tasks allotted to personnel in Travelodge are prioritised on the basis of time and importance. This assists employees in completing their activities within specified duration.

Setting objectives: Setting goals and objectives is a crucial factor for ascertaining the variances in actual and desirable performance (StJean, 2012). Also, this acts as a criterion on the basis of which individual performances in Travelodge are measured and analysed.

Making and keeping appointments: It is a key strategy which assists managers in keeping a documented and systematic record of daily operational activities so as to ascertain whether tasks assigned to employees in Travelodge are being executed in due course of time.

Reliable estimates of task time: Managers in an entity are required to ascertain on an assumption basis the time required by personnel to meet organisational goals and objectives. Also, it is essential that leaders in Travelodge make evaluation of employees' performance at regular intervals to ascertain divergence from established organisational goals.


From the above report, it has been concluded that personal and professional development is an essential process for an individual so as to develop capabilities as well as potential for current and future needs. Also, it has been analysed that this process largely assists personnel in achieving personal along wit professional objectives. It is comprehended that self-managed learning is a process by individuals can develop ways of enhancing their skill set along with knowledge and conducting activities effectively in a corporate world. Besides this, it has been evaluated that making use of various types of learning methods and techniques assists business professionals to learn ways of carrying out work in a formal and structural manner. Furthermore, it is assessed that a personal and professional development plan helps a person in analysing their current and targeted capabilities and proficiencies.


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  • Elliott, J. ed., 2012.Reconstructing teacher education(Vol. 221). Routledge.
  • Grima-Farrell, C., 2015. Mentoring pathways to enhancing the personal and professional development of pre-service teachers.International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education.4(4). pp.255-268.
  • Hicks, P. J. And et. al., 2014. Domain of competence: personal and professional development.Academic pediatrics.14(2). pp.S80-S97.
  • Hildebrand, J., 2018.Bridging the gap: A training module in personal and professional development. Routledge.
  • Kumari, N., 2011. Personal therapy as a mandatory requirement for counselling psychologists in training: A qualitative study of the impact of therapy on trainees’ personal and professional development.Counselling Psychology Quarterly.24(3). pp.211-232.
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